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Releases: akkadotnet/

Akka.NET v1.2 Stable Release

12 Apr 14:56
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1.2.0 April 11 2017

Feature Release for Akka.NET
Akka.NET 1.2 is a major feature release that introduces the following major changes:

Akka.Remote now uses DotNetty for its transport layer
The biggest change for 1.2 is the removal of Helios 2.0 as the default transport and the introduction of DotNetty. The new DotNetty transport is fully backwards compatible with the Helios 1.4 and 2.* transports, so you should be able to upgrade from any Akka.NET 1.* application to 1.2 without any downtime. All of the helios.tcp HOCON is also supported by the DotNetty transport, so none of that needs to updated for the DotNetty transport to work out of the box.

In addition, the DotNetty transport supports TLS, which can be enabled via the following HOCON:

akka {
  loglevel = DEBUG
  actor {
    provider = Akka.Remote.RemoteActorRefProvider,Akka.Remote
  remote {
    dot-netty.tcp {
      port = 0
      hostname =
      enable-ssl = true
      log-transport = true
      ssl {
        suppress-validation = true
        certificate {
          # valid ssl certificate must be installed on both hosts
          path = "<valid certificate path>" 
          password = "<certificate password>"
          # flags is optional: defaults to "default-flag-set" key storage flag
          # other available storage flags:
          #   exportable | machine-key-set | persist-key-set | user-key-set | user-protected
          flags = [ "default-flag-set" ] 

You can read more about Akka.Remote's TLS support here.

See the complete DotNetty transport HOCON here.

Akka.Streams and Akka.Cluster.Tools RTMed
Akka.Streams and Akka.Cluster.Tools have graduated from beta status to stable modules and their interfaces are now considered to be stable.

One of the major improvements in Akka.NET 1.2 is the addition of the new CoordinatedShutdown plugin, which is designed to make it easier for nodes that are running Akka.Cluster to automatically exit a cluster gracefully whenever ActorSystem.Terminate is called or when the process the node is running in attempts to exit. CoordinatedShutdown is fully extensible and can be used to schedule custom shutdown operations as part of ActorSystem termination.

You can read more about how to use CoordinatedShutdown here.

Additional Changes
In addition to the above changes, there have been a large number of performance improvements, bug fixes, and documentation improvements made to Akka.NET in 1.2. Read the full list of changes in Akka.NET 1.2 here.

21 5173 4585 Alex Valuyskiy
16 4046 1144 Aaron Stannard
12 8591 2984 Sean Gilliam
6 971 1300 Sergey
5 6787 2073 Bartosz Sypytkowski
4 6461 8403 Arjen Smits
3 71 65 Marc Piechura
3 300 24 Nick Chamberlain
2 79 40 Maxim Salamatko
2 305 20 Ismael Hamed
1 136 12 Sergey Kostrukov
1 1015 45 Lukas Rieger
1 1 0 siudeks

Akka.NET v1.1.3 Stable Release

23 Jan 18:12
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1.1.3 January 22 2017

Maintenance release for Akka.NET v1.1

Akka.NET v1.1.3 features some new libraries and an enormous number of bug fixes.

Akka.DistributedData Beta
First, we've introduced an alpha of a new module intended for use with Akka.Cluster: Akka.DistributedData. The goal of this library is to make it possible to concurrently read and write replicated copies of the same entity across different nodes in the cluster using conflict-free replicated data types, often referred to as "CRDTs." These replicas can eventually be merged together in a fully consistent manner and are excellent choices for applications that require a high level of availability and partition tolerance.

The library is still a bit of a work in progress at the moment, but you are free to use it via the following command:

PS> Install-Package Akka.DistributedData -pre

Akka.Serialization.Wire Deprecated; Replaced with Akka.Serialization.Hyperion
Wire recently changed its license to GPLv3, which is a poor fit for a technology like Akka.NET. Therefore, our default serializer beginning in Akka.NET 1.5 will be Hyperion instead. You can see how to set it up here:

Other bug fixes, performance improvements, and changes
You can see the full list of changes in Akka.NET 1.1.3 here.

19 878 228 Aaron Stannard
10 41654 3428 Sean Gilliam
5 11983 4543 Marc Piechura
4 37 33 Arjen Smits
4 12742 300 Bartosz Sypytkowski
3 144 74 Max
2 99 8 ZigMeowNyan
2 7 7 zbynek001
2 4 2 Andrey Leskov
2 225 767 Alex Valuyskiy
2 212 8 Gordey Doronin
1 8 499 Sean Farrow
1 5 5 tomanekt
1 4 2 Andrew Young
1 3 2 boriskreminskimoldev
1 28 3 Roman Eisendle
1 24 36 Maxim Salamatko
1 2 2 Jeff
1 190 38 Sergey
1 15 9 voltcode
1 12 2 Alexander Pantyukhin
1 107 0 Mikhail Kantarovskiy
1 101 0 derrickcrowne

Akka.NET v1.1.2 Stable Release

22 Sep 00:25
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1.1.2 September 21 2016

Maintenance release for Akka.NET v1.1

Akka.NET 1.1.2 introduces some exciting developments for Akka.NET users.

Mono Support and Improved IPV4/6 Configuration
First, Akka.NET 1.1.2 is the first release of Akka.NET to be production-certified for Mono. We've made some changes to Akka.Remote, in particular, to design it to work within some of the confines of Mono 4.4.2. For instance, we now support the following HOCON configuration value for the default Helios TCP transport:

 helios.tcp {
      # Omitted for brevity
      transport-protocol = tcp

      port = 2552

      hostname = ""

      public-hostname = ""

      dns-use-ipv6 = false
      enforce-ip-family = false

helios.tcp.enforce-ip-family is a new setting added to the helios.tcp transport designed to allow Akka.Remote to function in environments that don't support IPV6. This includes Mono 4.4.2, Windows Azure WebApps, and possibly others. When this setting is turned on and dns-use-ipv6 = false, all sockets will be forced to use IPV4 only instead of dual mode. If this setting is turned on and dns-use-ipv6 = true, all sockets opened by the Helios transport will be forced to use IPV6 instead of dual-mode.

Currently, as of Mono 4.4.2, this setting is turned on by default. Mono 4.6, when it's released, will allow dual-mode to work consistently again in the future.

We run the entire Akka.NET test suite on Mono and all modules pass.

Akka.Cluster Downing Providers
We've added a new feature to Akka.Cluster known as a "downing provider" - this is a pluggable strategy that you can configure via HOCON to specify how nodes in your Akka.NET cluster may automatically mark unreachable nodes as down.

Out of the box Akka.Cluster only provides the default "auto-down" strategy that's been included as part of Akka.Cluster in the past. However, you can now subclass the Akka.Cluster.IDowningProvider interface to implement your own strategies, which you can then load through HOCON:

# i.e.: akka.cluster.downing-provider-class = "Akka.Cluster.Tests.FailingDowningProvider, Akka.Cluster.Tests"
akka.cluster.downing-provider-class = "Fully-qualified-type-name, Assembly"

Other Fixes
We've also made significant improvements to the Akka.NET scheduler, more than doubling its performance and an significantly decreasing its memory allocation and garbage collection; updated Akka.Streams; fixed bugs in Akka.Cluster routers; and more. You can read the full list of changes in 1.1.2 here.

16 3913 1440 Alex Valuyskiy
9 2323 467 Aaron Stannard
9 12568 2865 Marc Piechura
4 12 5 Michael Kantarovsky
3 381 196 Bartosz Sypytkowski
2 99 0 rogeralsing
2 359 17 Chris Constantin
2 29 6 Denys Zhuravel
2 11 11 Ismael Hamed
1 74 25 mrrd
1 5 2 Szymon Kulec
1 48 65 alexpantyukhin
1 3 2 Tamas Vajk
1 2 0 Julien Adam
1 121 26 andrey.leskov
1 1020 458 Sean Gilliam
1 1 1 Maciej Misztal

Akka.NET v1.1.1 Stable Release

16 Jul 00:48
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1.1.1 July 15 2016

Maintenance release for Akka.NET v1.1

Akka.NET 1.1.1 addresses a number of bugs and issues reported by end users who made the upgrade from Akka.NET 1.0.* to Akka.NET 1.1.

DNS improvements
The biggest set of fixes included in Akka.NET 1.1.1 deal with how the Helios transport treats IPV6 addresses and performs DNS resolution. In Akka.NET 1.0.* Helios only supported IPV4 addresses and would use that as the default for DNS. In Akka.NET 1.1 we upgraded to using Helios 2.1, which supports both IPV6 and IPV4, but changed the default DNS resolution strategy to use IPV6. This caused some breakages for users who were using the public-hostname setting inside Helios in combination with a hostname value that used an IPV4 address.

This is now fixed - Akka.NET 1.1.1 uses Helios 2.1.2 which defaults back to an IPV4 DNS resolution strategy for both inbound and outbound connections. We've also fixed the way we encode and format IPV6 addresses into ActorPath and Address string representations (although we still have an issue with parsing IPV6 from HOCON.)

If you need to use IPV6 for DNS resolution, you can enable it by changing the following setting:

akka.remote.helios.tcp.dns-use-ipv6 = true

You can see the full list of Akka.NET 1.1.1 changes here.

Akka.NET v1.1.0 Stable Release

07 Jul 01:00
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1.1.0 July 05 2016

Feature Release for Akka.NET

In Akka.NET 1.1 we introduce the following major changes:

  • Akka.Cluster is no longer in beta; it is released as a fully stable module with a frozen API that is ready for production use.
  • Akka.Remote now has a new Helios 2.1 transport that is up to 5x faster than the previous implementation and with tremendously lower memory consumption.
  • The actor mailbox system has been replaced with the MailboxType system, which standardizes all mailbox implementations on a common core and instead allows for pluggable IMessageQueue implementations. This will make it easier to develop user-defined mailboxes and also has the added benefit of reducing all actor memory footprints by 34%.
  • The entire router system has been updated, including support for new "controller" actors that can be used to adjust a router's routing table in accordance to external events (i.e. a router that adjusts whom it routes to based on CPU utilization, which will be implemented in Akka.Cluster.Metrics).

Full list of Akka.NET 1.1 fixes and changes

API Changes
There have been a couple of important API changes which will affect end-users upgrading from Akka.NET versions 1.0.*.

First breaking change deals with the PriorityMailbox base class, used by developers who need to prioritize specific message types ahead of others.

All user-defined instances of this type must now include the following constructor in order to work (using an example from Akka.NET itself:)

public class IntPriorityMailbox : UnboundedPriorityMailbox
    protected override int PriorityGenerator(object message)
        return message as int? ?? Int32.MaxValue;

    public IntPriorityMailbox(Settings settings, Config config) : base(settings, config)

There must be a MyMailboxType(Settings settings, Config config) constructor on all custom mailbox types going forward, or a ConfigurationException will be thrown when trying to instantiate an actor who uses the mailbox type.

Second breaking change deals with Akka.Cluster itself. In the past you could access all manner of data from the ClusterReadView class (accessed via the Cluster.ReadView property) - such as the addresses of all other members, who the current leader was, and so forth.

Going forward ClusterReadView is now marked as internal, but if you need access to any of this data you can access the Cluster.State property, which will return a CurrentClusterState object. This contains most of the same information that was previously available on ClusterReadView.

Another major part of Akka.NET 1.1 is the introduction of Akka.Streams, a powerful library with a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) that allows you to compose Akka.NET actors and workflows into streams of events and messages.

As of 1.1 Akka.Streams is now available as a beta module on NuGet.

We highly recommend that you read the Akka.Streams Quick Start Guide for Akka.NET as a place to get started.

A second beta module is also now available as part of Akka.NET 1.1, Akka.Persistence.Query - this module is built on top of Akka.Streams and Akka.Persistence and allows users to query ranges of information directly from their underlying Akka.Persistence stores for more powerful types of reads, aggregations, and more.

Akka.Persistence.Query is available for all SQL implementations of Akka.Persistence and will be added to our other Akka.Persistence plugins shortly thereafter.

Thank you!
Thanks for all of your patience and support as we worked to deliver this to you - it's been a tremendous amount of work but we really appreciate the help of all of the bug reports, Gitter questions, StackOverflow questions, and testing that our users have done on Akka.NET and specifically, Akka.Cluster over the past two years. We couldn't have done this without you.

23 contributors since release v1.0.8

133 38124 7835 Silv3rcircl3
112 25826 10493 Chris Constantin
70 45449 11556 Bartosz Sypytkowski
44 22804 13971 Alex Valuyskiy
40 9811 6396 Aaron Stannard
12 9539 6619 Marc Piechura
6 1692 959 Sean Gilliam
4 448 0 alexpantyukhin
3 772 4 maxim.salamatko
3 3 382 Danthar
2 40 46 Vagif Abilov
1 91 103 rogeralsing
1 3 3 Jeff Cyr
1 219 44 Michael Kantarovsky
1 2 1 Juergen Hoetzel
1 19 8 tstojecki
1 187 2 Bart de Boer
1 178 0 Willem Meints
1 17 1 Kamil Wojciechowski
1 120 7 JeffCyr
1 11 7 corneliutusnea
1 1 1 Tamas Vajk
1 0 64 annymsMthd

Akka.NET v1.0.8 Stable Release

07 Jul 00:59
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1.0.8 April 26 2016

Maintenance release for Akka.NET v1.0.7

Fixes an issue with the 1.0.7 release where the default settings for Akka.Persistence changed and caused potential breaking changes for Akka.Persistence users. Those changes have been reverted back to the same values as previous versions.

General fixes:

Commit Stats for v1.0.8

4 240 59 Aaron Stannard
3 268 1 Danthar
3 189 2810 Silv3rcircl3
2 204 4 Willem Meints
2 161 108 Bartosz Sypytkowski
2 101 24 Sean Gilliam
1 25 16 zbynek001

Akka.NET v1.0.7 Stable Release

06 Apr 22:53
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1.0.7 April 4 2016

Maintenance release for Akka.NET v1.0.6
The biggest changes in Akka.NET 1.0.7 have been made to Akka.Persistence, which is now designed to match the final stable release version in JVM Akka 2.4. Akka.Persistence is on-target to exit beta and become a fully mature module as of Akka.NET 1.5, due in May/June timeframe.

A quick note about 1.5 - JSON.NET will be replaced by Wire as the default serializer going forward, so if you want to be forward-compatible with 1.5 you will need to switch to using Wire today. Learn how to switch to using Wire as the default Akka.NET serializer.

If you install 1.0.7 you may see the following warning appear:

NewtonSoftJsonSerializer has been detected as a default serializer.
It will be obsoleted in Akka.NET starting from version 1.5 in the favor of Wire
for more info visit:
If you want to suppress this message set HOCON {configPath} config flag to on.

This release also fixes some issues with the Cluster.Tools and Cluster.Sharding NuGet packages, which weren't versioned correctly in previous releases.

Fixes & Changes - Akka.NET Core

Fixes & Changes - Akka.Remote, Akka.Cluster, Et al

Fixes & Changes - Akka.Persistence

Commit Stats for v1.0.7

12 1718 2213 Aaron Stannard
11 2187 2167 Silv3rcircl3
7 433 75 JeffCyr
6 2 1127 Danthar
6 10383 3054 Chris Constantin
3 510 25 maxim.salamatko
3 5 3 Christopher Martin
2 53 65 rogeralsing
2 50 1 mukulsinghsaini
2 2738 2035 Sean Gilliam
2 25 4 Bartosz Sypytkowski
2 2 2 utcnow
2 14 13 zbynek001
2 130 126 annymsMthd
1 58 0 Denis Kostikov
1 48 43 voltcode
1 213 66 Alex Koshelev
1 2 2 Tamas Vajk
1 2 2 Marc Piechura
1 2 1 Juergen Hoetzel
1 19 8 tstojecki
1 13 13 Willie Ferguson
1 1 1 ravengerUA

Akka.NET v1.0.6 Stable Release

18 Jan 23:31
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1.0.6 January 18 2016

Maintenance release for Akka.NET v1.0.5
This patch consists of many bug fixes, performance improvements, as well as the addition of two brand new alpha modules for Akka.Cluster users.

Akka.Cluster.Tools and Akka.Cluster.Sharding
The biggest part of this release is the addition of Akka.Cluster.Tools and Akka.Cluster.Sharding, both of which are available now as pre-release packages on NuGet.

PM> Install-Package Akka.Cluster.Tools -pre


PM> Install-Package Akka.Cluster.Sharding -pre

Respectively, these two packages extend Akka.Cluster to do the following:

  1. Distributed pub/sub (Akka.Cluster.Tools)
  2. ClusterClient - subscribe to changes in cluster availability without actually being part of the cluster itself. (Akka.Cluster.Tools)
  3. ClusterSingleton - guarantee a single instance of a specific actor throughout the cluster. (Akka.Cluster.Tools)
  4. Sharding - partition data into durable stores (built on top of Akka.Persistence) in a manner that is fault-tolerant and recoverable across thecluster. (Akka.Cluster.Sharding)

Check out the documentation for more details!

Fixes & Changes - Akka.NET Core

Fixes & Changes - Akka.Remote & Akka.Cluster
It should be noted that we've improved the throughput from Akka.NET v1.0.5 to 1.0.6 by a factor of 8

Fixes & Changes - Akka.Persistence

A special thanks to all of our contributors for making this happen!
18 contributors since release v1.0.5

22 3564 28087 Aaron Stannard
15 1710 1303 rogeralsing
6 569 95 Silv3rcircl3
6 53594 4417 Bartosz Sypytkowski
5 1786 345 Sean Gilliam
3 786 159 maxim.salamatko
2 765 277 JeffCyr
2 44 53 Chris Constantin
2 14 2 Simon Anderson
1 84 4 Bart de Boer
1 6051 27 danielmarbach
1 6 2 tstojecki
1 3 5 Ralf1108
1 27 0 Andrew Skotzko
1 2 2 easuter
1 2 1 Danthar
1 182 0 derwasp
1 179 0 Onat Yiğit Mercan

Akka.NET v1.0.5 Stable Release

03 Dec 19:08
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1.0.5 December 3 2015

Maintenance release for Akka.NET v1.0.4
This release is a collection of bug fixes, performance enhancements, and general improvements contributed by 29 individual contributors.

Fixes & Changes - Akka.NET Core

Fixes & Changes - Akka.Remote, Akka.Cluster

Fixes & Changes - Akka.Persistence

A special thanks to all of our contributors, organized below by the number of changes made:

23369 5258 18111 Aaron Stannard
18827 16329 2498 Bartosz Sypytkowski
11994 9496 2498 Steffen Forkmann
6031 4637 1394 maxim.salamatko
1987 1667 320 Graeme Bradbury
1556 1149 407 Sean Gilliam
1118 1118 0 moliver
706 370 336 rogeralsing
616 576 40 Marek Kadek
501 5 496 Alex Koshelev
377 269 108 Jeff Cyr
280 208 72 willieferguson
150 98 52 Christian Palmstierna
85 63 22 Willie Ferguson
77 71 6 Emil Ingerslev
66 61 5 Grover Jackson
60 39 21 Alexander Pantyukhin
56 33 23 Uladzimir Makarau
55 54 1 rdavisau
51 18 33 alex-kondrashov
42 26 16 Silv3rcircl3
36 30 6 evertmulder
33 19 14 Filip Malachowicz
13 11 2 Suhas Chatekar
7 6 1 tintoy
4 2 2 Jonathan
2 1 1 neekgreen
2 1 1 Christopher Martin
2 1 1 Artem Borzilov

Akka.NET v1.0.4 Stable Release

08 Aug 00:29
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1.0.4 August 07 2015

Maintenance release for Akka.NET v1.0.3

This release introduces some major new features to Akka.NET, including Akka.IO - a new set of capabilities built directly into the Akka NuGet package that allow you to communicate with your actors directly via TCP and UDP sockets from external (non-actor) systems.

If you want to see a really cool example of Akka.IO in action, look at this sample that shows off how to use the Telnet commandline to interact directly with Akka.NET actors.

Akka.Persistence.MongoDb and Akka.Persistence.Sqlite
Two new flavors of Akka.Persistence support are now available. You can install them via the commandline!

PM> Install-Package Akka.Persistence.MongoDb -pre


PM> Install-Package Akka.Persistence.Sqlite -pre

Fixes & Changes - Akka.NET Core

We now have support for the StructureMap dependency injection framework out of the box. You can install it here!

PM> Install-Package Akka.DI.StructureMap