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Stock API libphp


This is a PHP implementation of the various APIs provided by the Stock services. Adobe Stock APIs are available here

Getting Started

  1. Use Git to clone the entire repository in the root folder, or export a zip of the repository and extract locally.
  2. Or, you can include this repository into your project using composer by adding the following configuration into your composer.json file:
        "require-dev": {
            "astock/stock-api-libphp": "dev-master"
        "repositories": [
                "type": "vcs",
                "url": ""
  1. Or, you can refer to AdobeStock Sample For SDK to use this SDK in your project in a very handy way.


To use the SDK you need to check for the following prerequisites:

  1. The SDK requires PHP 7.1 or higher. If you do not have that version, install it now.

  2. If Composer isn't already installed, install it from here. This is required to download project dependencies for the SDK.

    • For Mac, recommend Homebrew for this:
      • Run brew install composer.
      • If you get a message that the lock file is out of date, run brew update composer.

Build Steps

  • Run composer update to update the composer.lock file to install new dependencies.

  • Run composer install --no-dev for installing the required libraries.

    If you plan to do some developement, then remove the --no-dev option If you choose to install those extra dependencies, you must also install xdebug separately or use following steps.

    • On Mac use homebrew to install xdebug:

      • Use brew search xdebug to get the list of available xdebug extensions.
      • From the above list, pick latest xdebug version and run brew install homebrew/php/<php-version>-xdebug ex: brew install homebrew/php/php71-xdebug.
    • On Windows, use following steps to install xdebug :

      • Download xdebug.dll from here.
      • Edit php.ini to use xdebug extension. Steps given here.



In order to use the Stock APIs, one must initialize AdobeStock by passing config values like ApiKey, Product, environment which in turn initializes stock Config.

    $client = new AdobeStock('AdobeStockClient1', 'Adobe Stock Lib/1.0.0', 'PROD', new Http());
Environment Description
STAGE Uses internal staging environment.Mainly used for testing purposes
PROD Used in development purposes.

Accessing SearchFiles


AdobeStock class will allow you to access the Search/Files Stock Api. You can query Adobe Stock for assets that meet your specified search criteria. You can construct the SearchFilesRequest object to set filters, sort order, set search keywords etc. for the Search/Files api.

First, You have to call searchFilesInitialize to initialize search files which will gives you adobe stock object from where you can call getNextResponse, getPreviousResponse etc. to fetch the results. The AdobeStock provides paginated interface which allows you to call its methods (for e.g. getNextResponse, getPreviousResponse etc.) multiple times to retrieve the subsequent search results in order. It maintains the current state of searchFiles request and initially, the state is pointing invalid search files results. As soon as, the getNextReponse method is called, it makes Search/Files api call and returns the results with SearchFilesReponse object. The getNextResponse moves the state to next page and fetch the response for the same. Similarly, the getPreviousResponse and getResponsePage methods can be used to move one page behind and skip to a particular search page index respectively.


You can construct the object of this class with below arguments -

  • Requires:

    • access_token - the adobe ims user access token. It must be a valid access token if is_licensed result column is requested with the results. Otherwise, it can be null.
    • request - the request object of SearchFilesRequest consisting the locale, results column, search parameters etc.
  • Returns:

    • The response object (SearchFilesResponse) containing the search files api results matching the request object.

Sample code to initialize the SearchFiles Api -

        $results_columns = Constants::getResultColumns();
        $search_params = new SearchParameters();
        $result_column_array = [
        $request = new SearchFilesRequest();
        $this->_adobe_stock_client = new AdobeStock('AdobeStockClient1', 'Adobe Stock Lib/1.0.0', 'PROD', $http_client);
        $response = $this->_adobe_stock_client->searchFilesInitialize($request, '');

More examples can be found at the end of this document.

  • AdobeStock Methods for file searchcan throw StockException if there are no search results available. It allows you to -
    • getNextResponse - Method to get next search files response page. It moves the state to next page and fetch the searchFiles response for the same. If the api returns with error or if there are no more search results available for the search request, the method will throw the StockException.

    • getPreviousResponse - Method to get previous search files response page. It moves the state to previous page and fetch the searchFiles response for the same. If the api returns with error or if there are no more search results available for the search request or the state is pointing to invalid state, the method will throw the StockException.

    • getResponsePage - Method to skip to a specific search files response page. It moves the state to provided search page and fetch the searchFiles response for the same. It will throw StockException if there is any failure while searchFiles api or if the provided search page index is out of total search pages available.

    • getLastResponse - Get the response object of recently performed searchFiles api call either by using getNextReponse or getPreviousResponse or getResponsePage. Initially, this method will return null since it is pointing to invalid state and no response available at this point.

    • currentSearchPageIndex - Get the current search page index of searchFiles response available from recently performed getNextReponse or getPreviousResponse or getResponsePage method. Initially, since the state is pointing to invalid state, it returns -1.

    • totalSearchPages - Get the total number of search pages available from recently performed getNextReponse or getPreviousResponse or getResponsePage method. Initially, since the state is pointing to invalid state, it returns -1.

    • totalSearchFiles - Get the total number of search files available from recently performed getNextReponse or getPreviousResponse or getResponsePage method. Initially, since the state is pointing to invalid state, it returns -1.


In order to make SearchFiles API call, you need to create a SearchFileRequest object to define the search criterion for search files results. You can set the various search parameters, locale and required result columns supported by Stock Search/Files api here.

Here is the mapping of Search/Files api query parameters with the setters methods that you can use to set the corresponding parameters in PHP Stock SDK -

API URL Query Parameter Setter Methods in SearchFilesRequest Description
locale setLocale Sets location language code. For e.g. "en-US", "fr-FR" etc.
search_parameters[*] setSearchParams Sets An object of SearchParameters where one can set all supported search_parameters
similar_image setSimilarImage Sets an image data for visual similarity search. It will only be considered if similar image in SearchParameters is set to true.
result_columns[] setResultColumns Allows to set the list of result columns required in the search results. If you are not setting result columns, it will set all default columns in result_column array at api level. For more details, read Result Columns section below.


SearchParameters allows to set the various search_parameters (URL query parameters) supported by Search/Files Stock api. This is the class where you can actually set the search keywords, limit, sort order, filters, media_id etc.

Mapping of query parameter search_parameters[*] with SearchParameters class setter methods -

Search Parameter Setter Methods Description
search_parameters[words] setWords Allows to set the key words that you want to search
search_parameters[limit] setLimit Allows to set maximum number of assets to return in the call.
search_parameters[offset] setOffset Allows to set the start position in search results.
search_parameters[order] setOrder Allows to set sorting order in which it will return found assets
search_parameters[creator_id] setCreatorId Allows to search by a specific asset creator's ID
search_parameters[media_id] setMediaId Allows to search for one specific asset by its unique identifier (media_id)
search_parameters[model_id] setModelId Allows to search for assets that portray a specific person (model) using the model's ID
search_parameters[serie_id] setSerieId Allows to search for assets in the specified series using the series ID
search_parameters[gallery_id] setGalleryId Allows to search with a specific galleryId filter
search_parameters[similar] setSimilar Allows to search for assets that are similar in appearance to an asset with a specific media ID
search_parameters[similar_url] setSimilarURL Allows to search for assets that are similar in appearance to an image at a specific URL
search_parameters[category] setCategory Allows to search for assets with a specific category ID
search_parameters[thumbnail_size] setThumbnailSize Allows to set the size of thumbnail(in pixels) to return for each found asset
search_parameters[filters][area_pixels] setFilterAreaPixels Allows to set image sizes in pixels for returned assets
search_parameters[filters][3d_type_id][] setFilter3DTypeIds Allows to set array specifying which 3D types to return
search_parameters[filters][template_type_id][] setFilterTemplateTypes Allows to set array specifying which template types to return
search_parameters[filters][template_category_id][] setFilterTemplateCategoryIds Allows to set array specifying which template categories to return
search_parameters[filters][has_releases] setFilterHasReleases Allows to return only that assets which has model or property releases
search_parameters[filters][content_type:photo] setFilterContentTypePhoto Allows to include found assets that are photos
search_parameters[filters][content_type:illustration] setFilterContentTypeIllustration Allows to include found assets that are illustrations
search_parameters[filters][content_type:vector] setFilterContentTypeVector Allows to include found assets that are vectors
search_parameters[filters][content_type:video] setFilterContentTypeVideo Allows to include found assets that are videos
search_parameters[filters][content_type:3d] setFilterContentType3D Allows to include found assets that are 3D items
search_parameters[similar_image] setSimilarImage Allows to set whether to use similar_image data for visual similarity search
search_parameters[filters][content_type:all] setFilterContentTypeAll Allows to include found assets of all content_types
search_parameters[filters][offensive:2] setFilterOffensive2 Allows to return found assets only if they are flagged as including Explicit/Nudity/Violence
search_parameters[filters][isolated:on] setFilterIsolatedOn Allows to return found assets only if the subject is isolated from the background by being on a uniformly colored background
search_parameters[filters][panoramic:on] setFilterPanoromicOn Allows to return found assets only if they are panoramic
search_parameters[filters][orientation] setFilterOrientation Allows to return found assets of the specified orientation
search_parameters[filters][age] setFilterAge Allows to return found assets of the specified age
search_parameters[filters][video_duration] setFilterVideoDuration Alows to return videos whose duration is no longer than the specified duration in seconds
search_parameters[filters][Premium] setPremium Allows to return found assets with premium (pricing) level
search_parameters[filters][colors] setFilterColors Allows to return only found assets that contain the specified colors
search_parameters[filters][Editorial] setFilterEditorial Allows to return only found assets that are editorial
search_parameters[filters][content_type:template] setFilterContentTypeTemplate Allows to include found assets that are of template types

Result Columns

You can create array of ResultColumn enums to define columns that you want to include in your search results.

    $results_columns = Constants::getResultColumns();
    $result_column_array = [

If you are not setting result columns, it will set following columns in result_column array by default.

  • Default Result Columns -
    • ID
    • TITLE
    • WIDTH
    • HEIGHT


It represents the search results returned with Stock Search/Files API. The SearchFiles class methods for e.g. getNextResponse returns the object of SearchFilesResponse initialized with the results returned from the Search/Files api. SearchFilesResponse allows you to -

  • getNbResults - Get the value of 'nb_results' column from the search response
  • getFiles - Get the list of StockFile returned by search files api

Making a SearchFilesRequest and Calling search files api

These are the complete examples showing how a search request is created and then search api is called, which in turn returns search results in the form of serchFileRequest.

  • Example to get search results by calling getNextResponse method:
        $results_columns = Constants::getResultColumns();
        $search_params = new SearchParameters();
        $result_column_array = [
        $request = new SearchFilesRequest();
        $this->_adobe_stock_client = new AdobeStock('AdobeStockClient1', 'Adobe Stock Lib/1.0.0', 'PROD', $http_client);
        $search_files_response = $this->_adobe_stock_client->searchFilesInitialize($request, '')->getNextResponse();
  • Example to get previous search results by calling getPreviousResponse method:
        $results_columns = Constants::getResultColumns();
        $search_params = new SearchParameters();
        $result_column_array = [
        $request = new SearchFilesRequest();
        $this->_adobe_stock_client = new AdobeStock('AdobeStockClient1', 'Adobe Stock Lib/1.0.0', 'PROD', $http_client);
        $search_files_response = $this->_adobe_stock_client->searchFilesInitialize($request, '')->getPreviousResponse();
  • Example to skip to specific page of results by calling getResponsePage method:
        $results_columns = Constants::getResultColumns();
        $search_params = new SearchParameters();
        $result_column_array = [
        $request = new SearchFilesRequest();
        $this->_adobe_stock_client = new AdobeStock('AdobeStockClient1', 'Adobe Stock Lib/1.0.0', 'PROD', $http_client);
        $search_files_response = $this->_adobe_stock_client->searchFilesInitialize($request, '')->getResponsePage(10);

Accessing SearchCategory


AdobeStock class allows you to access the Search/Category and Search/CategoryTree Stock APIs. Each stock asset is placed into a category that classifies the asset, such as "Travel" or "Hobbies and Leisure" and each category has a unique identifying number, a name, and a path that you can use to access other assets in the same category.

You can construct the SearchCategoryRequest object to set category identifier and locale information. Then you can call searchCategory method to get information about a category of stock assets in the form of SearchCategoryResponse object. You can also call searchCategoryTree method to retrieve information for zero or more category identifiers in the form of list of SearchCategoryResponse object.


You can construct the object of this class with below arguments -

  • Requires: config - the stock configuration object of Config type.

  • Returns: SearchCategoryResponse - The response object containing the search category API results matching the request object returned by searchCategory method. List of SearchCategoryResponse - The list of response object containing the search category tree API results matching the request object returned by searchCategoryTree method.


Sample code to instantiate the SearchCategory API -

        //Instantiating and Initializing AdobeStock
        $client = new AdobeStock('AdobeStockClient1', 'Adobe Stock Lib/1.0.0', 'PROD', new Http());
        //Users ims token
        $access_token = 'ims_token';

        //Constructing SearchCategoryRequest
        $request = new SearchCategoryRequest();

        //Now you can call searchCategory to get category information
        $response = $client->searchCategory($request, $access_token);
        //You can also call searchCategoryTree to get information about list of categories
        $response = $client->searchCategoryTree($request, $access_token);
  • AdobeStock class methods can throw StockApiException if request is not valid or API returns with an error. It allows you to -
    • searchCategory - Method to get information about a category of Stock assets, such as travel or animals for a specified category identifier, optionally localized. You need to pass SearchCategoryRequest object containing category identifier and locale(optional) parameters. If the request object is not valid or API returns with error, the method will throw the StockApiException.

    • searchCategoryTree - Method to get category information for zero or more category identifiers. You need to pass SearchCategoryRequest object containing category identifier and locale parameters (both optional). If request object does not contain category identifier, this returns a list of all stock categories. If the request object is not valid or API returns with error, the method will throw the StockApiException.


In order to make SearchCategory/SearchCategoryTree API call, you need to create a SearchCategoryRequest object to define the search criterion for search category results. You can set category identifier and location language code supported by Stock Search Category/Category Tree API here.

Here is the mapping of Search Category/CategoryTree API query parameters with the setters methods that you can use to set the corresponding parameters in PHP Stock SDK -

API URL Query Parameter Setter Methods in SearchCategoryRequest Description
locale setLocale Sets location language code. For e.g. "en-US", "fr-FR" etc.
category_id setCategoryId Sets unique identifier for an existing category for e.g 1043


It represents the search result returned from Stock Search/Category API. The AdobeStock class methods for e.g. searchCategory returns the object of SearchCategoryResponse initialized with the results returned from the Search/Category API. SearchCategoryResponse allows you to -

  • getName - Get localised name of the category returned by search/category API
  • getId - Get unique identifier of the category returned by search/category API
  • getLink - Get path of the category returned by search/category API

Accessing Files Metadata


AdobeStock class allows you to access the Files Stock APIs. The Files API is used to retrieve metadata from Adobe Stock, either one asset at a time, or in bulk.

You can construct the \AdobeStock\Api\Request\Files object to set identifiers, locale information and desired result columns. Then you can call getFiles method to get metadata about the requested file ids in the form of \AdobeStock\Api\Response\Files object.


You can construct the object of this class with below arguments -

  • Requires: config - the stock configuration object of Config type.

  • Returns: \AdobeStock\Api\Response\Files - The response object containing the files API results matching the request object, returned by getFiles method.


Sample code to instantiate the Files API -

        //Instantiating and Initializing AdobeStock
        $client = new AdobeStock('AdobeStockClient1', 'Adobe Stock Lib/1.0.0', 'PROD', new Http());
        //Users ims token
        $access_token = 'ims_token';

        //Constructing SearchCategoryRequest
        $request = new \AdobeStock\Api\Request\Files();
        $request->setIds([105988, 105989, 105990])

        //Now you can call getFiles to get files metadata
        $response = $client->getFiles($request, $access_token);
  • AdobeStock class methods can throw StockApiException if request is not valid or API returns with an error. It allows you to -
    • getFiles - Method to get metadata information about Stock Files. You need to pass \AdobeStock\Api\Request\Files object containing files identifiers, locale(optional) and result_columns(optional) parameters. If the request object is not valid or API returns with error, the method will throw the StockApiException.


In order to make GetFiles API call, you need to create a \AdobeStock\Api\Request\Files object to define the ids of the files that you are looking for metadata. You can set files identifiers, location language code and result columns supported by Bulk metadata Files API.

Here is the mapping of Files API query parameters with the setters methods that you can use to set the corresponding parameters in PHP Stock SDK -

API URL Query Parameter Setter Methods in SearchCategoryRequest Description
ids setIds Sets an array of files identifiers e.g array(105988)
locale setLocale Sets location language code. For e.g. "en-US", "fr-FR" etc.
result_columns setResultColumns Sets an array of requested metadata e.g array('id','title',...)

If you are not setting result columns, it will set following columns in result_columns array by default.

  • Default Result Columns -
    • ID


It represents the result returned from Files API. The AdobeStock class methods for e.g. getFiles returns the object of \AdobeStock\Api\Response\Files initialized with the results returned from the Files API. \AdobeStock\Api\Response\Files allows you to -

  • getNbResults - Get the value of 'nb_results' column from the Files response
  • getFiles - Get the list of StockFile returned by Files api

Accessing License


License class allows you to purchase an asset, information about purchasing the asset, information about a user's licensing (entitlement) status, determine whether the user has an existing license for an asset,for notifying the system when a user abandons a licensing operation, request a license for an asset for that user if user have authorization for licensing assets and fetch the URL of the asset if it is already licensed.

  • This is an overview of the process:

    • Call getContentInfo to determine whether the asset is already licensed. If not, call getMemberProfile to get your user's purchase options.
    • If the user opts to continue with the purchase, call getContentLicense.
    • If the user cancels out of the purchase, call abandonLicense.
  • To license Adobe Stock images :

    • Call SearchFiles to find an asset that you want to license.
    • Search returns the asset's identifier in the id field.
    • Get an access token for the user.
    • Call various License APIs using params like content id ,license state, purchase state, locale to perform these operations.
    • Call downloadAssetUrl to fetch the URL of the asset if it is already licensed or downloadAssetRequest to fetch the guzzle request object that contains url of the asset that can be downloaded by hitting request or downloadAssetStream to get the Image Buffer.


You can construct the object of this class with below arguments -

  • Requires:

    • config - the stock configuration object of StockConfig type.
  • Returns:

    • LicenseResponse - The response object containing the asset content id, purchase details, license state results matching the request object returned by getContentInfo , getContentLicense, getMemberProfile,abandonLicense method.

License Request

In order to call License APIs you need to create LicenseRequest object for licensing assets, for getting licensing information about a specific asset for specific user, for notifying the system when a user abandons a licensing operation, for getting the licensing capabilities for a specific user.

Request Parameter Setter Methods Related Constants (If applicable) Description
content_id setContentId Asset's unique identifer.You can get this from a Search response's id attribute
license setLicenseState licenseStateParams Use only with Content/Info, Content/License, and Member/Profile. The Adobe Stock licensing state for the asset.
locale setLocale Use only with Member/Profile.Optional. Location language code for the API to use when returning localized messages. The API can usually get the user's default locale through the Authorization header. This value overrides that or provides a locale if not available through Authorization.
state setPurchaseState purchaseStateParams Use only with Member/Abandon.The purchase_options.state from the Member/Profile results.
license_reference setLicenseReference Array of license references of type LicenseReference. Use only with Content/License API.
License State

Adobe Stock licensing state for the asset.

  • Types of License States :

    • For images, photos, or illustrations you can request:
      • Standard - Licenses the full-resolution image
      • Standard_M - Licenses a medium-sized image that is approximately 1600x1200 pixels
      • Extended - Extended license for the full-resolution image
    • For video you can request:
      • Video_HD - Licenses the HD-resolution video
      • Video_4K - Licenses the 4K-resolution video
    • For vector assets: Standard or Extended
    • For 3D assets: Standard
    • For templates: Standard
Purchase States

User's purchase relationship to an asset.

  • Various Purchase States :
    • NOT_PURCHASED - User has not at any time in the past purchased the asset.
    • PURCHASED - User has at some time in the past purchased the asset.
    • CANCELLED - User attempted to buy the asset and for some reason the order did not go through.
    • NOT_POSSIBLE - User must go to the Adobe Stock site to buy plan or asset.
    • JUST_PURCHASED - User bought asset within the current session.
    • OVERAGE - Adobe Stock has a payment instrument on file for the user and can bill the user for additional purchases.

License Response

After calling various APIs in License class, reponse is returned in the form of LicenseResponse. It contains following fields. All class objects used in response are defined below.

Request Parameter Getter Methods Related Class Description
available_entitlement getEntitlement LicenseEntitlement Information about licenses available for the user. See LicenseEntitlement
purchase_options getPurchaseOptions LicensePurchaseOptions Information about the user's purchasing options for the asset. See LicensePurchaseOptions
member getMemberinfo LicenseMemberInfo Information about the user. See LicenseMemberInfo
license_references getLicenseReferences LicenseReferenceResponse List of license references of the user. See LicenseReferenceResponse
contents getContents LicenseContent Mapping from Asset unique identifier to Asset Licensing information. See LicenseContent
  • LicenseEntitlement gives Information about licenses available for the user.
    • Quota : Quantity of remaining licenses available for the user.
    • License Type Id: Stock Internal ID to know which kind of product can be used for licensing.
    • Has Credit Model: true if the selected entitlement is for an organization and this organization is generation 2.
    • Has Agency Model: true if the selected entitlement is for an organization and this organization is generation 3.
    • Is CCE: true if the selected entitlement for purchasing is one of an organization.
    • Full Entitlement Quota: Full quota of the user available entitlements.
  • Information about the user's purchasing options for the asset.
    • Purchase State : User's purchase relationship to an asset.
    • Requires Checkout : Whether a purchase in process requires going to the Adobe Stock site for completion.
    • Message : Message to display to your user in response to a licensing API query.
    • PurchaseUrl : The URL to see purchase options plan.
  • Information about the user
    • StockId : User's unique Stock member identifier.
  • License references marked as "required" must be submitted when licensing the image using the corresponding "id" attributes.
    • Id : License reference id.
    • Text : License reference description.
    • Required : Whether license reference must be submitted when licensing the image.
  • Licensing information for an asset for the user contained in the query response.
    • Content Id : Asset's unique identifier.
    • Purchase Details : Information about the user's purchase/license of this asset.
    • Size : The size of the asset, indicating whether it is the free complementary size or the original full-sized asset.
    • Comp : Information about the complementary or watermarked asset.
    • Thumbnail : Information about the asset thumbnail.


  • License API allows you to call these four methods related to licensing stock assets. It can throw StockException if response is null or there is some API error.
    • getContentInfo requests licensing information about a specific asset for a specific user. You need to pass ims user accessToken and LicenseRequest object containing content identifier, license state and locale(optional) parameters. If the request object is not valid or API returns with error, the method will throw the StockApiException.

    • getContentLicense requests a license for an asset for a specific user. You need to pass ims user accessToken and LicenseRequest object containing content_id ,License Reference and license. If the request object is not valid or API returns with error, the method will throw the StockApiException.

    • getMemberProfile returns the user's available purchase quota, the member identifier, and information that you can use to present licensing options to the user when the user next requests an asset purchase. In this 3 cases can occur -

      • User has enough quota to license the next asset.
      • User doesn't have enough quota and is set up to handle overage.
      • User doesn't have quota and there is no overage plan. You need to pass ims user accessToken and LicenseRequest object containing content_id, license state and locale. If the request object is not valid or API returns with error, the method will throw the StockApiException.
    • abandonLicense notifies the system when a user cancels a licensing operation. It can be used if the user refuses the opportunity to purchase or license the requested asset. You need to pass ims user accessToken and LicenseRequest object containing content_id and license state. If the request object is not valid or API returns with error, the method will throw the StockApiException.

    • downloadAssetRequest provides the guzzle request object that contains url of the asset that can be downloaded by hitting request with guzzle client send method if it is already licensed otherwise throws StockApiException showing a message whether user has enough quota and can buy the license or not. You need to pass ims user accessToken and LicenseRequest object containing content_id and license state. If request is not valid or asset is not licensed or licensing information is not present for the asset or API returns with an error, the method will throw the StockApiException.

    • downloadAssetUrl provides the URL of the asset if it is already licensed otherwise throws StockApiException showing a message whether user has enough quota and can buy the license or not. You need to pass ims user accessToken and LicenseRequest object containing content_id and license state. If request is not valid or asset is not licensed or licensing information is not present for the asset or API returns with an error, the method will throw the StockApiException.

    • downloadAssetStream provides the Image Buffer of the asset if it is already licensed otherwise throws StockApiException showing a message whether user has enough quota and can buy the license or not. You need to pass ims user accessToken and LicenseRequest object containing content_id and license state. If request is not valid or asset is not licensed or licensing information is not present for the asset or API returns with an error, the method will throw the StockApiException.


Examples showing how all methods are called with LicenseRequest and return LicenseResponse.

getContentInfo Example

        $request = new LicenseRequest();

        $this->_adobe_stock_client = new AdobeStock('AdobeStockClient1', 'Adobe Stock Lib/1.0.0', 'PROD', $http_client);
        $license_response = $this->_adobe_stock_client->getContentInfo($request, '');

getContentLicense Example

      $request = new LicenseRequest();
      $array = [[
      'id' => 1,
      'value' => 'test',
      $this->_adobe_stock_client = new AdobeStock('AdobeStockClient1', 'Adobe Stock Lib/1.0.0', 'PROD', $http_client);
      $license_response = $this->_adobe_stock_client->getContentLicense($request, '');

getMemberProfile Example

        $request = new LicenseRequest();
        $this->_adobe_stock_client = new AdobeStock('AdobeStockClient1', 'Adobe Stock Lib/1.0.0', 'PROD', $http_client);
        $license_response = $this->_adobe_stock_client->getMemberProfile($request, '');

abandonLicense Example

        $request = new LicenseRequest();
        $this->_adobe_stock_client = new AdobeStock('AdobeStockClient1', 'Adobe Stock Lib/1.0.0', 'PROD', $http_client);
        $license_response = $this->_adobe_stock_client->abandonLicense($request, '');

downloadAssetRequest Example

        $request = new LicenseRequest();
        $this->_adobe_stock_client = new AdobeStock('AdobeStockClient1', 'Adobe Stock Lib/1.0.0', 'PROD', $http_client);
        $guzzle_request = $this->_adobe_stock_client->downloadAssetRequest($request, '');

downloadAssetUrl Example

        $request = new LicenseRequest();
        $this->_adobe_stock_client = new AdobeStock('AdobeStockClient1', 'Adobe Stock Lib/1.0.0', 'PROD', $http_client);
        $url = $this->_adobe_stock_client->downloadAssetUrl($request, '');

downloadAssetStream Example

        $request = new LicenseRequest();
        $this->_adobe_stock_client = new AdobeStock('AdobeStockClient1', 'Adobe Stock Lib/1.0.0', 'PROD', $http_client);
        $image_stream = $this->_adobe_stock_client->downloadAssetStream($request, '');

Accessing LicenseHistory


AdobeStock class will allow you to access the LicenseHistory Api. You can construct the LicenseHistoryRequest object to set offset, limit, set result columns etc. for the LicenseHistory api.

First, You have to call initializeLicenseHistory to initialize license history api which will gives you adobe stock object from where you can call getNextLicenseHistory, getPreviousLicenseHistory etc. to fetch the results. The AdobeStock provides paginated interface which allows you to call its methods (for e.g. getNextLicenseHistory, getPreviousLicenseHistory etc.) multiple times to retrieve the subsequent results in order. It maintains the current state of LicenseHistory request and initially, the state is pointing invalid LicenseHistory files results. As soon as, the getNextLicenseHistory method is called, it makes LicenseHistory api call and returns the results with LicenseHistoryResponse object. The getNextLicenseHistory moves the state to next page and fetch the response for the same. Similarly, the getPreviousLicenseHistory and getLicenseHistoryPage methods can be used to move one page behind and skip to a particular LicenseHistory page index respectively.


You can construct the object of this class with below arguments -

  • Requires:

    • access_token - the adobe ims user access token.
    • request - the request object of LicenseHistoryRequest consisting the locale, results column, search parameters etc.
  • Returns:

    • The response object (LicenseHistoryResponse) containing the LicenseHistory files api results matching the request object.

Sample code to initialize the LicenseHistory Api -

        $results_columns = Constants::getResultColumns();
        $params = new SearchParamLicenseHistory();
        $result_column_array = [
        $request = new LicenseHistoryRequest();
        $this->_adobe_stock_client = new AdobeStock('LucaTest1', 'Spark Page', 'PROD', $http_client);
        $response = $this->_adobe_stock_client->initializeLicenseHistory($request, '');

More examples can be found at the end of this document.

  • AdobeStock Methods for license history can throw StockException if there are no results available. It allows you to -
    • getNextLicenseHistory - Method to get next LicenseHistory files response page. It moves the state to next page and fetch the LicenseHistory response for the same. If the api returns with error or if there are no more search results available for the request, the method will throw the StockException.

    • getPreviousLicenseHistory - Method to get previous LicenseHistory files response page. It moves the state to previous page and fetch the LicenseHistory response for the same. If the api returns with error or if there are no more search results available for the request or the state is pointing to invalid state, the method will throw the StockException.

    • getLicenseHistoryPage - Method to skip to a specific LicenseHistory files response page. It moves the state to provided LicenseHistory page and fetch the LicenseHistory response for the same. It will throw StockException if there is any failure while LicenseHistory api or if the provided licenseHistory page index is out of total pages available.

    • getLastLicenseHistory - Get the response object of recently performed LicenseHistory api call either by using getNextLicenseHistory or getPreviousLicenseHistory or getLicenseHistoryPage. Initially, this method will return null since it is pointing to invalid state and no response available at this point.

    • currentLicenseHistoryPageIndex - Get the current search page index of LicenseHistory response available from recently performed getNextLicenseHistory or getPreviousLicenseHistory or getLicenseHistoryPage method. Initially, since the state is pointing to invalid state, it returns -1.

    • getTotalLicenseHistoryPages - Get the total number of LicenseHistory pages available from recently performed getNextLicenseHistory or getPreviousLicenseHistory or getLicenseHistoryPage method. Initially, since the state is pointing to invalid state, it returns -1.

    • getTotalLicenseHistoryFiles - Get the total number of LicenseHistory files available from recently performed getNextLicenseHistory or getPreviousLicenseHistory or getLicenseHistoryPage method. Initially, since the state is pointing to invalid state, it returns -1.


In order to make LicenseHistory API call, you need to create a LicenseHistoryRequest object to define the criterion for LicenseHistory files results. You can set the various search parameters, locale and required result columns supported by Stock LicenseHistory api here.

Here is the mapping of LicenseHistory api query parameters with the setters methods that you can use to set the corresponding parameters in PHP Stock SDK -

API URL Query Parameter Setter Methods in SearchFilesRequest Description
locale setLocale Sets location language code. For e.g. "en-US", "fr-FR" etc.
search_parameters[*] setSearchParams Sets An object of SearchParamLicenseHistory where one can set all supported search_parameters
result_columns[] setResultColumns Allows to set the list of result columns required in the search results. If you are not setting result columns, it will set all default columns in result_column array at api level. For more details, read Result Columns section below.


SearchParamLicenseHistory allows to set the various search_parameters (URL query parameters) supported by LicenseHistory api. This is the class where you can actually set the limit, offset, thumbnail_size etc.

Mapping of query parameter search_parameters[*] with SearchParamLicenseHistory class setter methods -

Search Parameter Setter Methods Description
search_parameters[limit] setLimit Allows to set maximum number of assets to return in the call.
search_parameters[offset] setOffset Allows to set the start position in results.
search_parameters[thumbnail_size] setThumbnailSize Allows to set thumbnail size.Valid values - 110, 160,220,240,500, 1000

Result Columns

You can create array of ResultColumn enums to define columns that you want to include in your results.

    $results_columns = Constants::getResultColumns();
    $result_column_array = [

If you are not setting result columns, it will set following columns in result_column array by default.

  • Default Result Columns -
    • ID
    • TITLE
    • WIDTH
    • HEIGHT


It represents the LicenseHistory results returned with Stock LicenseHistory API. The LicenseHistory class methods for e.g. getNextLicenseHistory returns the object of LicenseHistoryResponse initialized with the results returned from the LicenseHistory api. LicenseHistoryResponse allows you to -

  • getNbResults - Get the value of 'nb_results' column from the LicenseHistory response
  • getFiles - Get the list of StockFile returned by LicenseHistory api

Making a LicenseHistoryRequest and Calling LicenseHistory api

These are the complete examples showing how a request is created and then LicenseHistory api is called, which in turn returns results in the form of LicenseHistoryRequest.

  • Example to get results by calling getNextLicenseHistory method:
        $results_columns = Constants::getResultColumns();
        $params = new SearchParamLicenseHistory();
        $result_column_array = [
        $request = new LicenseHistoryRequest();
        $this->_adobe_stock_client = new AdobeStock('LucaTest1', 'Spark Page', 'PROD', $http_client);
        $response = $this->_adobe_stock_client->initializeLicenseHistory($request, '')->getNextLicenseHistory();
  • Example to get previous results by calling getPreviousLicenseHistory method:
        $results_columns = Constants::getResultColumns();
        $params = new SearchParamLicenseHistory();
        $result_column_array = [
        $request = new LicenseHistoryRequest();
        $this->_adobe_stock_client = new AdobeStock('LucaTest1', 'Spark Page', 'PROD', $http_client);
        $response = $this->_adobe_stock_client->initializeLicenseHistory($request, '')->getPreviousLicenseHistory();
  • Example to skip to specific page of results by calling getLicenseHistoryPage method:
        $results_columns = Constants::getResultColumns();
        $params = new SearchParamLicenseHistory();
        $result_column_array = [
        $request = new LicenseHistoryRequest();
        $this->_adobe_stock_client = new AdobeStock('LucaTest1', 'Spark Page', 'PROD', $http_client);
        $response = $this->_adobe_stock_client->initializeLicenseHistory($request, '')->getLicenseHistoryPage();

Testing and Linting


Run composer run check for linting and testcases. Run composer run test-coverage for test coverage.

The above command will by default run the linting, test cases and the code coverage along with building the project. The linting results will be shown within the console output itself and if there are any issues the build will stop and fail instantly. If there are no linting issues found, the build will continue to build the project. It will also generate the detailed coverage reports for you.

  • The coverage report can be found at <project directory>/data/clover/index.html Note - Since the test and coverage steps come later in the build process than linting, so if linting fails, you won't get the coverage reports.

Lint with PHP_CodeSniffer

This project uses PHP_CodeSniffer for linting. In addition, Adobe Stock has a custom set of rules for PHPCS that are included in this repository in the libs directory. This module will be installed when running composer install. It includes a bundled version of PHPCS which may be different from the one you have installed globally; the Composer script will run the correct version.

Linting checks are enforced with the build step itself. By default, the linting will run first and if there are any issues the build will fail.

Running Test Suites

However, the composer run check will run the tests automatically but if you need to run the tests separately, please run the below command in console -

composer run test


Just run the composer run test-coverage as mentioned above, it should generate the coverage reports along with the test results and building the project. As mentioned above coverage reports can be found at <project directory>/data/clover/index.html


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PHP implementation of the Stock APIs



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  • PHP 99.9%
  • Shell 0.1%