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Benchmarking LLMs Clinical Skills for Patient-Centered Diagnostics and Documentation


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Benchmarking LLMs Clinical Skills for Patient-Centered Diagnostics and Documentation


MedQA-CS-Student and MedQA-CS-Exam are available through Huggingface.

⚠️ Important: Please note that the scores currently obtained using the GPT-4 judge may differ from those obtained a few months ago. We are aware of this discrepancy and are working on updating to a Llama-examiner to address this issue. Please keep mindful when using the data for benchmarking or comparison.

How to run is designed to run a Language Model (LLM) on JSON datasets for medical student and examiner tasks. The program supports several sections, including Question & Answer (QA), Physical Exam, Closure, and Diagnosis.


We used python 3.10 to develop this project.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run LLM with OpenAI API

Create a environment variable file .env in the root directory and set your OpenAI API key in it.


Run with Command Line Arguments

To run the program, use the following command:

python [-h] -t {student,examiner,all} -s {qa,physical_exam,closure,diagnosis} -c CASE [--turn TURN] [-sd MED_STUDENT_DATASET] [-ed MED_EXAM_DATASET] [-o OUTPUT] [-sm STUDENT_MODEL] [-em EXAMINER_MODEL] [-v]


  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t {student,examiner,all}, --task {student,examiner,all}
                        Task to run: student (generate responses), examiner (evaluate responses), or all (both)
  -s {qa,physical_exam,closure,diagnosis}, --section {qa,physical_exam,closure,diagnosis}
                        Section of the medical examination
  -c CASE, --case CASE  Single case number or a range of case numbers or 'all' (e.g., '1-44' for cases 1 through 44)
  --turn TURN           Specific conversation turn or 'all' for entire conversation (default: all)
  -sd MED_STUDENT_DATASET, --med_student_dataset MED_STUDENT_DATASET
                        Path to the medical student dataset for generation task (default: data/med-student.json)
  -ed MED_EXAM_DATASET, --med_exam_dataset MED_EXAM_DATASET
                        Path to the medical examination dataset for examiner task (default: data/med-exam.json)
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Path to output file or directory. If a directory is specified, output files will be saved
                        with default names. (default: output/)
  -sm STUDENT_MODEL, --student_model STUDENT_MODEL
                        Name of the model to use for generating student responses
  -em EXAMINER_MODEL, --examiner_model EXAMINER_MODEL
                        Name of the model to use for evaluating responses (default: gpt-4-1106-preview)
  -v, --verbose         Enable verbose output


  1. Run LLM as student task for the qa section on cases 1-10 and all conversation turns, using the gpt-4o-mini model:
python --task student --section qa --case 1-10 --turn all --med_student_dataset ./data/med-student.json --output ./output --student_model gpt-4o-mini
  1. Run the examiner task for the physical_exam section on case 5, using the gpt-4-1106-preview model as examiner and evaluating the input of student's answer from the gpt-3.5-turbo-1106 model:
python --task examiner --section physical_exam --case 5 --med_exam_dataset ./data/med-exam.json --output ./output --student_model gpt-3.5-turbo-1106 --examiner_model gpt-4-1106-preview 
  1. Run the examiner task for the diagnosis section on all cases and using new student result from gpt-4o-mini model generated from the student task:
python --task examiner --section diagnosis --case all --med_student_dataset ./output/med-student-with-gpt-4o-mini.json --med_exam_dataset ./data/med-exam.json --student_model gpt-4o-mini


To use LangFuse in this project, you need to set the following environment variables:


Key Functions

  • load_data(dataset_path, is_examiner): Loads data from a JSON file. It takes a path to the dataset and a boolean indicating whether to load the examiner dataset.

  • save_result(path, dataset, is_examiner): Saves the updated dataset to a JSON file at the specified path.

  • parse_range(val): Parses a string that may represent a range (e.g., "1-10") or a single number (e.g., "5") and returns a tuple of integers.

  • run_model(model, prompt_template, input_data, pre_processing_func, post_processing_func, **kwargs): Executes the LLM with the given prompt template and input data. It includes optional pre- and post-processing functions.

  • llm_as_medical_student(*args, **kwargs): Simulates an LLM acting as a medical student on a dataset.

  • llm_as_examiner(*args, **kwargs): Simulates an LLM acting as an examiner on a dataset.

  • main(args): The main function that orchestrates the execution of the program based on the provided command-line arguments.

  • parse_args(): Utilizes argparse to define and parse command-line arguments for the program.


  • The script uses the langchain library for interacting with the LLM. Ensure you have the necessary permissions and API keys if required by the library.
  • Logging is implemented throughout the script. Use the -v or --verbose flag for more detailed logging information.


  • Fine-tune a Llama-examiner using GPT-4 examiner's instruction learning data
  • Implement model name similar matching
  • Add functionality for running models in batch


Benchmarking LLMs Clinical Skills for Patient-Centered Diagnostics and Documentation







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