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Enable a "strict mode" for Bash and show call stacks when errors occur.


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BPM Library: Strict

Enable a "strict mode" for Bash. This also sets up an ERR trap to display a stack trace so you know exactly where your Bash script terminated.

Strict Mode

There is a tip on another website for how to enable a stricter environment for Bash. It is a combination of flags and settings that will help point out problematic code.

set -eEu -o pipefail
shopt -s extdebug
trap 'strict::failure $?' ERR

A brief summary of what each option does:

  • set -e: Exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status, unless that command is part a test condition. On failure this triggers the ERR trap. There are some contexts that will disable this setting!
  • set -E: The ERR trap is inherited by shell functions, command substitutions and commands in subshells. This helps us use strict::failure wherever set -e is enabled.
  • set -u: Exit and trigger the ERR trap when accessing an unset variable. This helps catch typos in variable names.
  • set -o pipefail: The return value of a pipeline is the value of the last (rightmost) command to exit with a non-zero status. So, a | b | c will return a's status if it fails, b's status if b fails and a passes, or c's status if the other two worked. It is easier to catch problems during the middle of processing a pipeline this way.
  • shopt -s extdebug: Enable extended debugging. Bash will track the parameters to all of the functions in the call stack, allowing the stack trace to also display the parameters that were used.
  • IFS=$'\n\t': Set the "internal field separator", which is a list of characters use for word splitting after expansion and to split lines into words with the read builtin command. Normally this is $' \t\n' and we're removing the space. This helps us catch other issues when we may rely on $IFS or accidentally use it incorrectly.
  • trap 'strict::failure $?' ERR: The ERR trap is triggered when a script catches an error. wickStrictModeFail attempts to produce a stack trace to aid in debugging. We pass $? as the first argument so we have access to the return code of the failed command.

Why Use Strict Mode?

This sure sounds like it causes many more problems than it solves. People will say that their scripts complain loudly and now break often. The normal way of dealing with variables now causes fatal errors in scripts. Variables that had entire commands now do not execute properly and non-zero status codes are now being reported where they used to just work.

So why use this?

For the same reason that you use jslint for testing if JavaScript is good enough or -Wall when compiling C code: you want to know when there are problems and you want those problems exposed very early in the process. Also, if a calling program runs your code in strict mode, you want to make sure it still works, right?

For an example of what the stack trace looks like, here is one from a test program I used:

Error detected - status code 1
Command:  false
Location:  ./in-functions, line 13
Stack Trace:
    [1] two(): ./in-functions, line 13 -> two 2 22 Two
    [2] one(): ./in-functions, line 8 -> one Three\ words\ together second-argument
    [3] main(): ./in-functions, line 17 -> main

You can see the file's name, line number and the name of the function that was called. The exact command is also preserved and is shown after the arrow on the right. At the top you can see that there is a status code displayed and the command which actually failed (it was executing false). If this was in a pipeline you would see the pipe status for each command in the pipeline.

Common Problems and Solutions

When you enable strict mode, it will gladly show you many errors and happily kill your program. Bash doesn't apparently have any feelings and doesn't care about a programmer's emotional state, but we do. Here's many common problems, why it's bad, and ways to correct them.

Early Termination

Whenever any command fails and isn't caught, the script will terminate. For instance, you could have this command to remove lines saying "REMOVE".

grep -v "REMOVE" old-file.txt > new-file.txt

If there are no lines with "REMOVE", then grep will return a non-zero status code, causing an abrupt termination of the program. To solve this we have several techniques.

# Option 1 - use it as a condition
# Try to use it in a condition
if grep -v "REMOVE" old-file.txt > new-file.txt; then
    log::debug "One or more lines were removed"
    log::debug "No lines were found"

# Option 2 - ignore failures for one command
grep -v "REMOVE" old-file.txt > new-file.txt || :

The || : at the end means it should run grep and if that fails, run :. Calling : is the same as calling true and is the more traditional method.

Failures in Pipes

You may send data through some sort of formatting utility, similar to this:

myProgram | formatter

The formatter command is pretty simple and will always return 0 (success). Your command seems to fail even though formatter always succeeds and that's because the return code from myProgram is not zero.

To counter this issue, you really want to ignore the return value from myProgram.

# You can ignore just the return code for myProgram
(myProgram || :) | formatter

# You can ignore the return code for the whole line
myProgram | formatter || :

The better option is to ignore only the return code for myProgram. That way errors from other parts of the line can still be caught. Also, be wary of using Bash functions in pipes like this because errors can be disabled in some contexts.

Unbound variable $1 and Optional Parameters

With set -u enabled, you are unable to use positional parameters that are not defined. Let's say you have a function that will echo the first parameter.

# This is the old function
echoFirst() {
    echo "$1"

When you run echoFirst with no arguments, the above will fail. To adapt this you should do one of two things.

# You can default to an empty value, which is similar to how Bash
# would interpret this without set -u
echoFirst() {
    echo "${1-}"

# Alternately you can test for the number of arguments
echoFirst() {
    if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then
        echo "$1"

Using $@ will never give an error. It is because that magical construct will expand to nothing when nothing is passed, or expand to each passed argument, and have them all quoted.

# This works but would also send $2, $3, etc.
echoFirst() {
    echo "$@"

Unbound variable ${ARRAY[@]}

When working with arrays, Bash exhibits some odd behavior and it varies based on what version of Bash is being used. Let's start with this example:

echo "All elements in the array:" "${ARR[@]}"

That code will break in strict mode even though $ARR is defined. Bash treats empty arrays as though they are unset variables.

You could wrap it in a conditional, which adds more code to the project.

if [[ ${#ARR[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
    echo "All elements in the array:" "${ARR[@]}"

You could substitute an empty value. This would end up sending an empty string as a second argument to echo, which could potentially cause problems with other functions.

# Option 2 - Substitue an empty value
echo "All elements in the array:" "${ARR[@]-}"

The best option is to use some interesting Bash syntax. It will use the values of the expanded array if the array is set. Please be very careful with the quotes; adding more quotes will cause this syntax to break.

echo "All elements in the array:" ${ARR[@]+"${ARR[@]}"}

Appending to an Array

There are several ways to append values to an array.

# Define an array.

# Does not work when ARR is empty.
ARR=("${ARR[@]}" "another value")

# Bash 4.3 and newer.
ARR+=("another value")

# Works in Bash 3 and newer.
ARR[${#ARR[@]}]="another value"

Getting the Return Code

We used to be able to run a command and catch its return code.

# Will fail with strict mode

if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
    echo "There was a failure that will need to get handled"

With the strict mode in place it is much harder to do that. Instead of fiddling around with temporarily disabling strict mode, use the helper function.

strict::run RESULT someCommandThatMayFail

if [[ $RESULT -ne 0 ]]; then
    echo "There was a failure that will need to get handled"

Running a Command in a Variable

Many Bash scripts will create a command in a variable and execute it. Because $IFS changed, the code no longer works. This is a good thing! It is difficult to get the escaping correct in case paths or arguments contain spaces or other characters. Let's explore the problem.

# Secretly this command relies on IFS.
CMD="echo one two three"  # Initial command
CMD="$CMD four"  # Append an argument
$CMD  # Run the command

The correct thing to do is to use an array and add all arguments to the array.

# This command does not rely on IFS
# Use this instead.
CMD=(echo one two three)  # Initial command
CMD+=(four)  # Append an argument
"${CMD[@]}"  # Run the command

Let's take another example to show why you should not use the first method.

# Intentionally do not use the built-in echo.
CMD="$(which echo) \"I'm here!\""

That could fail, especially if someone has updated their $PATH to use newer versions of tools and if the command now has a space in it's file path. For instance, my which echo could easily report /home/user/testing programs/bin/echo and you can see the command that gets executed would look like this.

/home/user/testing programs/bin/echo "I'm here!"
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^
command            argument 1        argument 2

What you really want is for the spaces in the command to be kept. Your two options are detailed here.

# Add more quoting and escaping, which doesn't work with some files.
CMD="\"$(which echo)\" \"I'm here!\""

# Switch to using an array
CMD=("$(which echo)" "I\'m here!")

Slicing an Array

The syntax ("${array[@]:1}") is supposed to return a copy of $array without the first element. Until Bash 4.0-rc1, this does not work when $IFS is set to a non-standard value. Unsetting $IFS or setting it to a space works. So, here's the best way to slice the array:

local oldIfs


Contexts That Disable Exit On Error

When running in strict mode (specifically set -e), Bash should exit when any command returns a non-zero error code. For our explanations, let's assume this file is called ./error-context-setup, and is also available in the examples.

# example/error-context-setup
set -e

errorCommand() {
    echo "Should never get here with 'set -e' enabled."

We can use the error code to abort the program, like the following. errorCommand will return a non-zero status code because of false, the echo in errorCommand will not be executed, it will come back to this script and also terminate. The script will give an error code of 1.

# example/error-context-simple
. ./error-context-setup
echo "Should not see this"

Strange things happen when you start to use any conditional, like this typical example.

# example/error-context-problem
. ./error-context-setup
if ! errorCommand; then
    echo "Error command failed, as expected."
    echo "Weird, this should not happen."

We previously established that errorCommand will terminate and return a non-zero status. However, when the above script is executed, we get the following and the script terminates successfully.

Should never get here with 'set -e' enabled.
Weird, this should not happen.

Without set -e, the function errorCommand would even though the false exited with a non-zero value. Also, errorCommand would exit with 0 because echo completed successfully. This is expected behavior without set -e.

Technically set -e is still there, but the context changes when you put the function call inside of any conditional. It will no longer abort the code nor trigger errors. There's no way to enable the abort behavior once inside of this context. This would apply even if you are running a subshell instead of a function.

This can happen in many contexts. The description from a bug logged to fix the documentation says it can happen for any context including ||, &&, while, until, if, elif or !. Many examples are in error-context-test.

How to Fix

The best option is to ensure all Bash functions are written to operate in this special mode. You do that by capturing every possible command that could have stopped execution and force an end of the function.

# Old code
result=$(ls some-file)
list=( "some" "words" $(runSomething) )
grep -q "words" in-this-file
wickGetIfaceIp ipAddress tun0

# New code
result=$(ls some-file) || return $?
list=( "some" "words" $(runSomething) ) || return $?
grep -q "words" in-this-file || return $?
wickGetIfaceIp ipAddress tun0 || return $?

When you ensure that all functions are written this way, then they will always exit early regardless of strict mode and regardless of this error exit context. Consistent, predictable results from your code makes it far more reliable.


Add to your bpm.ini file the following dependency.


Run bpm install to add the library. Finally, use it in your scripts.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
. bpm
bpm::include strict


There are a few additional functions that allow you to run commands or turn off strict mode as well.



Enables "strict mode" for Bash, based off unofficial bash strict mode. Errors will kill the program. Accessing undefined variables will cause errors (and exit the program). Commands in pipelines that return a non-zero status code will also cause errors and kill the program. An ERR trap is also enabled that will produce a stack trace when errors happen.

Not all errors are caught. There's an error context in Bash that ignores errors, so be careful when you intend to rely on this behavior. It is only here as a safety net to catch you in case of problems, not a babysitter to prevent you from starting the house on fire.

This is intended to be used at the beginning of your shell scripts in order to ensure correctness in your programming.


#!/usr/bin/env bash
. bpm
bpm::include strict

Returns nothing.


Turns off strict mode.


# Turn on strict mode

# Turn off strict mode

Returns nothing.


The ERR trap calls this function to report on the error location right before dying. See strict::mode for further details.

  • $1 - Status from failed command.


# This sets the error trap.

# Cause an error
ls some-file-that-is-not-there
# This calls the ERR trap, passing 2 as the status code.

Returns nothing.


Runs a command and captures its return code, even when strict mode is enabled. The variable name you specify is set to the return code of the command.

  • $1 - Name of variable that should get the return value / status code.
  • $2-@ - Command and arguments to run.

This is intended to be used along with strict::mode. It helps counter the newer Bash behavior where the error exit flag is suppressed in specific contexts.

Execution of a command happens in a subshell. If you are running a function with strict::run, please keep in mind that it can not export values to the parent context for use by the caller.


#!/usr/bin/env bash
. bpm
bpm::include strict

strict::run result grep "some-string" /etc/some-file.cfg > /dev/null 2>&1

if [[ "$result" -eq 0 ]]; then
    echo "some-string was found"
    echo "some-string was not found"

Returns nothing.


This project is placed under an MIT License.


Enable a "strict mode" for Bash and show call stacks when errors occur.







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