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Skeletest is a batteries-included, opinionated test framework heavily inspired by pytest and jest. It's the built-in test framework for Skelly, but it can be used as a standalone library as well.


  • Seamless experience writing unit tests, property tests, and snapshot tests
  • Descriptive failure messages
  • Easy test selection from CLI
  • Automatic fixtures management
  • Rich plugin + hooks functionality


import Skeletest
import qualified Skeletest.Predicate as P
import qualified Skeletest.Prop.Gen as Gen
import qualified Skeletest.Prop.Range as Range

spec :: Spec
spec = do
  describe "myFunc" $ do
    it "returns the correct list" $
      myFunc 1 2 `shouldBe` ["a", "b", "c"]

    it "returns a list containing an element" $
      myFunc 1 2 `shouldSatisfy` P.any (P.eq "a")

    it "returns a list matching the given predicates" $
      myFunc 1 2 `shouldSatisfy` P.list [P.eq "a", P.anything, P.anything]

    prop "myFunc 0 x == []" $ do
      x <- forAll $ (Range.linear 0 100)
      myFunc 0 x `shouldBe` ""

    prop "myFunc x y == myFunc y x" $ do
      x <- forAll $ (Range.linear 0 100)
      y <- forAll $ (Range.linear 0 100)
      myFunc x y `shouldBe` myFunc y x

  -- top-level property that's not grouped under
  -- either myFunc nor otherFunc
  prop "myFunc x . otherFunc === id" $ do
    x <- forAll $ (Range.linear 0 100)
    let input = 
          Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) $
            Gen.string (Range.linear 0 100) Gen.unicode
    (myFunc x . otherFunc) P.=== id `shouldSatisfy` P.isoWith input

  describe "ioFunc" $ do
    it "returns the correct string" $ do
      DbConnFixture conn <- getFixture
      ioFunc conn 1 `shouldSatisfy` P.returns (P.eq "hello world")

    it "errors on bad input" $ do
      DbConnFixture conn <- getFixture
      ioFunc conn (-1) `shouldSatisfy` P.throws (P.eq MyException)

    it "returns the expected result" $ do
      DbConnFixture conn <- getFixture
      ioFunc conn 100 `shouldSatisfy` P.matchesSnapshot

  describe "getUser" $ do
    it "returns a matching user" $ do
      getUser "user1" `shouldSatisfy` P.con User{name = P.eq "user1", email = P.contains "@"}

newtype DbConnFixture = DbConnFixture Connection

instance Fixture DbConnFixture where
  fixtureAction = do
    conn <- initDBConn
    setupTestTables conn
    pure . withCleanup (DbConnFixture conn) $ do
      destroyTestTables conn
      closeConn conn


  1. If you're using Skeletest as a standalone library, add the following to your cabal file:

    test-suite my-tests
      ghc-options: -F -pgmF=skeletest-preprocessor
      build-tool-depends: skeletest:skeletest-preprocessor
  2. Add Main.hs:

    import Skeletest.Main
  3. To test some module MyLib.Foo, add a new file MyLib/FooSpec.hs:

    module MyLib.FooSpec (spec) where
    import Skeletest
    import qualified Skeletest.Predicate as P
    spec :: Spec
    spec = do
      describe "myFunc" $ do
        it "does a thing" $ do
          myFunc 1 `shouldBe` 2


Defining tests

Tests should be defined in a spec identifier with the type Spec. A Spec is defined as a tree of tests, written using do-notation. The entire Spec is wrapped in an implicit describe containing the name of the module without the Spec suffix. The describe and it functions are intended to read nicely if you use types or function names as describe groups.

spec :: Spec
spec = do
  -- A property test, grouped under the implicit module group.
  -- See the "Property tests" section.
  prop "encodeUser . decodeUser === id" $ do

  describe "encodeUser" $ do
    -- A unit test testing a particular aspect of the encodeUser function.
    -- See the "Unit tests" section.
    it "encodes a user with a name" $ do

    it "encodes an empty user" $ do

Tests can also be marked as xfail or skip. xfail tests will succeed if the test fails, or fail if the test unexpectedly passes. skip tests will skip running the test entirely. Both xfail and skip require a message explaining the reason it; this is a good place to put links to the relevant ticket or issue.

-- xfail a single test
xfail "" . it "does a thing" $ do

-- xfail multiple tests
xfail "" $ do
  it "does a thing" $ do

  it "does another thing" $ do

-- skip a whole describe
skip "" . describe "myFunc" $ do
  it "does a thing" $ do

markManual marks tests in the given section as manual tests, which means they won't be run when no tests are selected (see the "Test selection" section).

markManual $ do

Test selection

Test targets are specified as plain positional arguments, with the following syntax:

Target Explanation
* Selects all tests (useful to include manual tests)
[myFooFunc] Tests including substring
@fast Tests tagged with marker
test/MyLib/FooSpec.hs Tests in file, relative to CWD
test/MyLib/FooSpec.hs[myFooFunc] Syntax sugar for (test/MyLib/FooSpec.hs and [myFooFunc])
[func1] and @fast Tests matching both targets
[func1] or @fast Tests matching either target
not [func1] Tests not matching target

Some more examples:

  • test/MySpec.hs and ([myFooFunc] or [myBarFunc]) and @fast
  • [myFooFunc] or test/MySpec.hs[myBarFunc]

When multiple targets are specified, they are joined with or.

Assertions and Predicates

All assertions in Skeletest use the following functions:

  • shouldSatisfy
  • shouldNotSatisfy - equivalent to shouldSatisfy with P.not
  • shouldBe - equivalent to shouldSatisfy with P.eq
  • shouldNotBe - equivalent to shouldNotSatisfy with P.eq

shouldSatisfy is the most general function, but the others are provided for convenience. shouldSatisfy takes in the value being tested on the left, and a predicate on the right. Predicates should be imported from Skeletest.Predicate, qualified as P.

Some notable predicates are listed here. See the Haddocks for a full list of available predicates.

  • P.eq 10

    • Satisfied when the actual value is equal to 10.
  • P.just ( 10)

    • Satisfied when the actual value is a Just containing a value greater than 10.
  • P.tup (P.eq 10, P.anything)

    • Satisfied when the actual value is a tuple where the first element is 10 and the second element is anything. P.tup works for any tuple up to 6 elements.
  • P.con User{name = P.hasPrefix "user_"}

    • Satisfied when the actual value is a User whose name field starts with user_. Omitted fields are not checked and can contain anything. P.con also works for positional constructors, except all arguments must contain predicates.
  • P.eq 10 P.<<< f

    • Satisfied when the actual value is equal to 10 after being applied to f.
  • P.approx P.tol 0.5

    • Satisfied when the actual value is approximately equal to 0.5. Useful for floating point values. See docs for an explanation of how to adjust the tolerance with P.tol.
  • P.and [ 0, 10]

    • Satisfied when the actual value satisfies all of the given predicates. For just two predicates, P.&& can be used. Also see: P.or, P.||
  • P.returns ( 10)

    • Satisfied when the left hand side is an IO action that returns a value greater than 10.
  • P.throws MyException

    • Satisfied when the left hand side is an IO action that throws the given exception.

Unit and Integration tests

Unit and integration tests are written with it, and run in IO.

describe "mkUser" $ do
  it "creates a user with the given name" $ do
    let x = mkUser (Just "alice")
    x `shouldBe` User{name = "alice"}

    mkUser (Just "alice") `shouldBe` User{name = "alice"}

  it "creates a user with a default name" $ do
    mkUser Nothing `shouldSatisfy` P.con User{name = P.hasPrefix "user_"}

describe "addService" $ do
  it "queries the addition service" $ do
    x <- addService 1 2
    x `shouldBe` 3

    addService 1 2 `shouldSatisfy` P.returns (P.eq 3)

Snapshot tests

Snapshot tests can be done in any kind of test, although it's usually done in unit tests. Snapshot tests are best suited for testing that behavior doesn't change; they aren't great for testing correctness.

To write a snapshot test, simply use the P.matchesSnapshot predicate.

myFunc 1 `shouldSatisfy` P.matchesSnapshot

-- can also snapshot within a nested predicate
fetchUserFromDb "alice" `shouldSatisfy` P.returns (P.just P.matchesSnapshot)

When running for the first time, or when the snapshot is changing, use the -u/--update flag. For a given test file MyLib/FooSpec.hs, snapshots are stored at MyLib/__snapshots__/ Snapshots are stored in a Markdown file that's easy to visually inspect in an editor or on GitHub.

Values will be rendered via their internal heap representation; even if the type has a Show instance, it won't be used. To use the show instance, add the following to Main.hs:

snapshotRenderers =
  [ renderWithShow @User

You can also specify a custom renderer by implementing a SnapshotRenderer yourself, probably using plainRenderer.

Currently, old snapshots are not cleaned up, so you'll have to manually clean up snapshots if you rename or remove a test. (Issue #24)

Property tests

Property tests are written with prop and run in the PropertyM monad (Property is an alias for PropertyM ()). To write property tests, add the following imports:

import qualified Skeletest.Prop.Gen as Gen
import qualified Skeletest.Prop.Range as Range

Property tests consist of two things: generating random data with forAll and checking properties using the usual shouldSatisfy assertions. See the Haddocks for the different ways to generate data.

prop "reverse does not change the length" $ do
  xs <- forAll $ Gen.list (Gen.range 0 10)
  length (reverse xs) `shouldBe` length xs

One common usecase is to verify that two functions are isomorphic. This can be tested with the P.=== operator:

prop "decodeUser . encodeUser === pure" $ do
  let genUser = User <$> Gen.text (Gen.range 0 10) Gen.unicode
  (decodeUser . encodeUser) P.=== pure `shouldSatisfy` P.isoWith genUser

If a test fails, it'll say something like Rerun with --seed=6430645105429331403:9929029875326664391 to reproduce. Rerunning with that flag will generate the same random value for debugging.

To ignore certain values, use discard:

x <- (Gen.range (-10) 10)
when (x == 0) discard

Property tests can also be configured with the following functions. These must be called at the very beginning of the test, before any forAll calls. Values specified with CLI flags take precedence over the values in the code.

  • setDiscardLimit

    • The max number of values to discard before reporting a failure
    • Default: 100
  • setShrinkLimit

    • The max number of shrinks before giving up
    • Default: 1000
  • setShrinkRetries

    • The number of times to re-run a test during shrinking. This is useful if you are testing something which fails non-deterministically and you want to increase the change of getting a good shrink. e.g. 10 means a test must pass 10 times before trying a different shrink
    • Default: 0
  • setConfidence

    • The acceptable occurrence of false positives. e.g. 10^9 means accepting a false positive for 1 in 10^9 tests
    • Default: don't check confidence
  • setVerifiedTermination

    • Validate confidence is reached
    • Default: disabled
  • setTestLimit

    • The number of tests to run before reporting success
    • Default: 100
    • CLI flag: --prop-test-limit

Internally, Skeletest uses Hedgehog to run property tests, but the API is intended to stay the same, even if the underlying engine changes.


Fixtures are a useful way to reuse setup logic between tests. They're commonly used to initialize a database connection, set up users, etc. Fixtures can also use other fixtures. Fixtures are cached for the given scope and cleaned up when that scope is exited.

data DbConnFixture = DbConnFixture Connection

instance Fixture DbConnFixture where
  -- defaults to per-test
  fixtureScope = PerSessionFixture

  fixtureAction = do
    conn <- initDBConn
    pure . withCleanup (DbConnFixture conn) $ do
      closeConn conn

spec :: Spec
spec = do
  it "creates a user" $ do
    DbConnFixture conn <- getFixture
    createUser conn "alice" `shouldSatisfy` P.not (P.throws P.anything)

  it "fetches a user" $ do
    -- reuses the same connection initialized in the first test
    DbConnFixture conn <- getFixture
    getUser conn "alice" `shouldSatisfy` P.just (P.con User{name = P.eq "alice"})

Built-in fixtures

The following fixtures are available out of the box:

  • FixtureTmpDir - Contains a temporary directory that is cleaned up between tests.

    FixtureTmpDir tmpDir <- getFixture
    writeFile (tmpDir </> "myfile.txt") "test"


Markers are a useful way to mark tests for selection (see "Test selection"). There are two ways to mark a test:

  1. With anonymous markers:

    withMarkers ["foo", "bar"] $ do

    All tests in the given section will be marked with anonymous markers named "foo" and "bar", which can be selected with @foo and @bar, respectively.

  2. With typed markers:

    data MyMarker = MyMarker Int
    instance IsMarker MyMarker where
      getMarkerName _ = "my-marker"
    withMarker (MyMarker 10) $ do

    All tests in the given section will be marked with the given marker, which can be selected with @my-marker. You can see if a test has a marker with findMarkers (see the "Hooks" section).

Custom CLI flags

To register and use your own CLI flags, do the following:

  1. Create an instance of IsFlag

  2. In Main.hs, add the following:

    import TestUtils.Flags (MyFlag)
    cliFlags =
      [ flag @MyFlag
  3. In a fixture or test, do the following:

    MyFlag flagVal <- getFlag


Skeletest lets you hook into specific parts of test execution. Skeletest currently supports the following hooks:

  • hookRunTest - Modify how/if a test is run. Takes the TestInfo of the currently running test. TestInfo contains testInfoMarkers, which you can query with findMarker or hasMarkerNamed.


Skeletest is fully pluggable; any configuration specified in Main.hs (e.g. cliFlags or snapshotRenderer) can be defined in a Plugin that you can import from another module or even another package.

module TestUtils.Plugins (myPlugin) where

import Skeletest.Plugin

myPlugin :: Plugin
myPlugin =
    { hooks =
          { hookRunTest = \testInfo runTest -> do
              putStrLn "before test"
              result <- runTest
              putStrLn "after test"
              pure result
import TestUtils.Plugins (myPlugin)

plugins =
  [ myPlugin