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Optinionated set of JS snippets. Originally forked from, but we've added couple more. Also these are not using special characters because vscode doesn't accept them in the snippets.

Standard JavaScript Snippets for Visual studio code

A collection of javascript and react snippets for faster JavaScript development in Visual studio Code.

This collection is complementary to atom/language-javascript. It's based on extrabacon/atom-turbo-javascript.

Code style

Yes!, no semicolons:


Snippets are optimized to be short and easy to remember. Shortest are the ones you should be using most often. Note that these links work only on github, not on VSCode marketplace:


v⇥ var statement

var ${1:name}

va⇥ var assignment

var ${1:name} = ${2:value}

l⇥ let statement

let ${1:name}

la⇥ let assignment awaited

let ${1:name} = await ${2:value}

ly⇥ let yielded assignment

let ${1:name} = yield ${2:value}

c⇥ const statement

const ${1:name}

cd⇥ const from destructuring

const { ${1:name} } = ${2:value}

ca⇥ const assignment awaited

const ${1:name} = await ${2:value}

cd⇥ const from destructuring awaited

const { ${1:name} } = await ${2:value}

cf⇥ const arrow function assignment

const ${1:name} = (${2:arguments}) => {\n\treturn ${0}\n}

cy⇥ const yielded assignment

const ${1:name} = yield ${2:value}

Flow Control

i⇥ if statement

if (${1:condition}) {

te⇥ ternary statement

${1:cond} ? ${2:true} : ${3: false}

ta⇥ ternary assignment

const ${0} = ${1:cond} ? ${2:true} : ${3: false}

el⇥ else statement

else {

ife⇥ else statement

if (${1:condition}) {
} else {


ei⇥ else if statement

else if (${1:condition}) {

fl⇥ for loop (ES6)

for (let ${1:i} = 0, ${2:len} = ${3:iterable}.length ${1:i} < ${2:len}; ${1:i}++) {

fi⇥ for in loop (ES6)

for (let ${1:key} in ${2:source}) {
  if (${2:source}.hasOwnProperty(${1:key})) {

fo⇥ for of loop (ES6)

for (const ${1:key} of ${2:source}) {

wl⇥ while loop

while (${1:condition}) {

wid⇥ while iteration decrementing

let ${1:array}Index = ${1:array}.length
while (${1:array}Index--) {

tc⇥ try/catch

try {
} catch (${1:err}) {


tf⇥ try/finally

try {
} finally {


tcf⇥ try/catch/finally

try {
} catch (${1:err}) {

} finally {



fan⇥ anonymous function

function (${1:arguments}) {${0}}

fn⇥ named function

function ${1:name}(${2:arguments}) {

asf⇥ async function

async function (${1:arguments}) {

aa⇥ async arrow function with

async (${1:arguments}) => {

iife⇥ immediately-invoked function expression (IIFE)

;(function (${1:arguments}) {

aiife⇥ async immediately-invoked function expression

very useful when you don't have top level await(node 16 and lower)

;(async (${1:arguments}) => {

af⇥ arrow function (ES6)

(${1:arguments}) => ${2:statement}

afi⇥ arrow function identity

;(v) => v

fd⇥ arrow function with destructuring

({${1:arguments}}) => ${2:statement}

fdr⇥ arrow function with destructuring returning destructured

({${1:arguments}}) => ${1:arguments}

f⇥ arrow function with body (ES6)

(${1:arguments}) => {

fr⇥ arrow function with return (ES6)

(${1:arguments}) => {
  return ${0}

fro⇥ arrow function with single returned object

(${1:arguments}) => ({

gf⇥ generator function (ES6)

function* (${1:arguments}) {

gfn⇥ named generator function (ES6)

function* ${1:name}(${1:arguments}) {


fe⇥ forEach loop

${1:iterable}.forEach((${2:item}) => {

map⇥ map function

${1:iterable}.map((${2:item}) => {

mapsd⇥ map single desctructured argument

${1:iterable}.map((${2:item}) => ${2:item})

reduce⇥ reduce function

${1:iterable}.reduce((${2:previous}, ${3:current}) => {
}${4:, initial})

filter⇥ filter function

${1:iterable}.filter((${2:item}) => {

find⇥ ES6 find function

${1:iterable}.find((${2:item}) => {

every⇥ every function

${1:iterable}.every((${2:item}) => {

some⇥ some function

${1:iterable}.some((${2:item}) => {

Objects and classes

cs⇥ class (ES6)

class ${1:name} {
  constructor(${2:arguments}) {

csx⇥ extend a class (ES6)

class ${1:name} extends ${2:base} {
  constructor(${2:arguments}) {

m⇥ method (ES6 syntax)

${1:method} (${2:arguments}) {

get⇥ getter (ES6 syntax)

get ${1:property} () {

set⇥ setter (ES6 syntax)

set ${1:property} (${2:value}) {

gs⇥ getter and setter (ES6 syntax)

get ${1:property} () {
set ${1:property} (${2:value}) {


proto⇥ prototype method

${1:Class}.prototype.${2:methodName} = function (${3:arguments}) {

ok Object.keys


ov Object.values


oe Object.entries


oc Object.create


oa Object.assign

Object.assign(${1:dest}, ${2:source})

og Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor

Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(${1:dest}, '${2:prop}')

od Object.defineProperty

Object.defineProperty(${1:dest}, '${2:prop}', {

Returning values

r⇥ return

return ${0}

rt⇥ return this

return this

rn⇥ return null

return null

rf⇥ return arrow function

return (${1:arguments}) => ${2:statement}

ro⇥ return new object

return {

ra⇥ return new array

return [

rp⇥ return Promise (ES6)

return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

tof⇥ typeof comparison

typeof ${1:source} === '${2:undefined}'

tf⇥ this


iof⇥ instanceof comparison

${1:source} instanceof ${2:Object}

ia⇥ isArray



pa⇥ Promise.all


p⇥ new Promise (ES6)

new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

pt⇥ Promise.then

${1:promise}.then((${2:value}) => {

pc⇥ Promise.catch

${1:promise}.catch(error => {

ES6 modules

e⇥ module export

export ${1:member}

ed⇥ module default export

export default ${1:member}

edf⇥ module default export function

export default function ${1:name} (${2:arguments}) {\n\t${0}\n}

ec⇥ module export const

export const ${1:member} = ${2:value}

ef⇥ module export const

export function ${1:member} (${2:arguments}) {\n\t${0}\n}

im⇥ module import

import ${1:*} from '${2:module}'

ia⇥ module import as

import ${1:*} as ${2:name} from '${3:module}'

id⇥ module import destructuring

import { $1 } from '${2:module}'

BDD testing (Mocha, Jasmine, etc.)

desc⇥ describe

describe('${1:description}', function () {

dt describe top level

describe('${TM_FILENAME_BASE}', function () {

it⇥ asynchronous "it"

it('${1:description}', async () => {

itd⇥ "it" with callback

it('${1:description}', (done) => {

its⇥ "it" synchronous

it('${1:description}', () => {

bf⇥ before test suite

before(function () {

bfe⇥ before each test

beforeEach(function () {

aft⇥ after test suite

after(function () {

afe⇥ after each test

afterEach(function () {


st⇥ setTimeout

setTimeout(() => {
}, ${1:delay})

si⇥ setInterval

setTimeout(() => {
}, ${1:delay})

sim⇥ setImmediate

setImmediate(() => {


ae⇥ addEventListener

${1:document}.addEventListener('${2:event}', ${3:ev} => {

rel⇥ removeEventListener

${1:document}.removeEventListener('${2:event}', ${3:listener})

evc dom event cancel default and propagation

return false

gi⇥ getElementById


gc⇥ getElementsByClassName


gt⇥ getElementsByTagName


qs⇥ querySelector


qsa⇥ querySelectorAll


cdf⇥ createDocumentFragment


cel⇥ createElement


heac⇥ appendChild


herc⇥ removeChild


hecla⇥ classList.add


hect⇥ classList.toggle


heclr⇥ classList.remove


hega⇥ getAttribute


hesa⇥ setAttribute

${1:document}.setAttribute('${2:attr}', ${3:value});

hera⇥ removeAttribute



cb⇥ Node.js style callback

function (err, ${1:value}) {
  if (err) throw err

rq⇥ require a module


cr⇥ require and assign a module

const ${1:module} = require('${1:module}')

em⇥ export member

exports.${1:name} = ${2:value}

me⇥ module.exports

module.exports = ${1:name}

on⇥ attach an event handler

${1:emitter}.on('${2:event}', (${3:arguments}) => {


uss⇥ use strict

'use strict'

js⇥ JSON Stringify


jp⇥ JSON Parse


a⇥ await

await ${0}

apa⇥ Promise.all

await Promise.all(${1:value})

apm⇥ Promise.all map

await Promise.all(${1:array}.map((async ${2:value}) => {\n\t${0}\n}))

ast⇥ Promise sleep

await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, ${0}))


cl⇥ console.log


cv⇥ console.log

console.log('${0}:', ${0})

ce⇥ console.error


cw⇥ console.warn


cod⇥ console.dir


React snippets

Are only enabled in jsx or tsx files. If you write your jsx in js files, you need to copy the react.json files manually and add it to your custom snippets.

Why do we include them here?

If you're not writing react, including them should not really bother you because they are not short as the regular JS snippets. Also IMHO react is the leading solution for FE apps deserves to be included by default, because any JS dev will have to write some react eventually over the course of his/her careeer. By having them in a single package we can easily make sure --there aren't any conflicts in the trigger prefixes.

Supported languages (file extensions)

  • JavaScript (.js)
  • TypeScript (.ts)
  • JavaScript React (.jsx)
  • TypeScript React (.tsx)

These were originally taken from because the maintainer wasn't able to publish a new version for months even when there was a considerable flaw in the released version. Below is a list of all available snippets and the triggers of each one.

Trigger Content
j jsx element
dp destructuring of props
ds destructuring of props
jc jsx self-closed element
jm jsx elements map
jmr jsx elements map with return
rfc functional component. Prefer for 99% of new react component
rfce functional component with emotion css import
rcc class component skeleton
rccp class component skeleton with prop types after the class
rcjc class component skeleton without import and default export lines
rcfc class component skeleton that contains all the lifecycle methods
rfcp stateless component with prop types skeleton
rpt empty propTypes declaration
con class default constructor with props
conc class default constructor with props and context
est empty state object
cwm componentWillMount method
cdm componentDidMount method
cwr componentWillReceiveProps method
cgd componentGetDerivedStateFromProps method
scu shouldComponentUpdate method
cwup componentWillUpdate method
cdup componentDidUpdate method
cwun componentWillUnmount method
ren render method
sst this.setState with object as parameter
ssf this.setState with function as parameter
tp this.props
ts this.state
us useState
ue useEffect
uec useEffect with a cleanup function
ur useRef
cc createContext
uc useContext
ume useMemo
------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
uq useQuery to be used with graphql-codegen
uqc useQuery that loads up data for current component, to be used with graphql-codegen
um useMutation to be used with graphql-codegen
uqg useQuery with raw gql
umg useMutation with raw gql

There are also snippets to be triggered with a text selection(trigger via insert snippet command):

jsx element wrap selection