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Geomapping Pipeline


SDOH (Social Determinants of Health)

The Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Code Repository was initially created for the research paper 'Social Determinants of Health and Limitation of Life-Sustaining Therapy in Neurocritical Care: A CHoRUS Pilot Project' but serves as a central hub for sharing, refining, and reusing code utilized in SDOH projects, including but not limited to CHoRUS projects (see papers for details and citations).

Neighborhood-level SDOH (NL-SDOH) involve factors that characterize a patient's residential area, such as proximity to the hospital. The Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) is one of a neighborhood-level measure quantifying healthcare disparities risk across various subdomains based on the patient's neighborhood. NL-SDOH data in this repository were obtained from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (CDC/ATSDR) of the U.S. Census Bureau. Later, other databases will be also included.


Geomapping pipeline

A geomapping pipeline was developed to associate NL-SDOH. By leveraging patient home addresses within the electronic health record (EHR), we identified a unique census tract, enabling the linkage of individual patients to specific NL-SDOH (SVI) values. Address-to-SVI data linkages were then conducted offline on a secure institutional computer to ensure data privacy and security. Refer to the above figure for an illustration of this pipeline.

  1. [Addresses-to-Geocodes]
    The initial step in the NL-SDOH data linkage process involved acquiring a geographic information dictionary from the Census Bureau's Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing/Line (TIGER/Line) databases. Each address is linked with its corresponding geocode using the Tiger/Line database. For the geocode extraction, you may want to check several options such as python libraries, google, ArcGIS, and DeGAUSS. ArcGIS and DeGAUSS have options to run locally. For example, the latitude and longitude coordinates for Massachusetts General Hospital (10 Fruit St, Boston, MA 02114) can be found at 42.36256, -71.0695.

  2. [Geocodes-to-CensusTracts]
    The subsequent step included determining Census tracts (Federal Information Processing Standards code [FIPS]) by utilizing geocodes associated with patient addresses or zip codes, through the TIGER/Line dictionary. Census tracts are distinct statistical subdivisions within a county, identified by a unique numeric code (FIPS code), formed by concatenating a 2-digit state code, a 3-digit county code, and a 6-digit tract code. For example, the FIPS for Massachusetts General Hospital (10 Fruit St, Boston, MA 02114) can be found as ${\color{Red}25 \color{Green}025 \color{Blue}020301}$. Census tracts might not precisely align with a single zip code, establishing a potential many-to-many relationship with multiple zip codes. In instances where a patient only provided a zip code, we coded it to be linked with the relevant census tract FIPS code using proportion ratios, indicating the percentage of the zip code associated with specific census tracts from US Crosswalk. It's noteworthy that none of these cases were present in our final cohort.

  3. [CensusTracts-to-SVIs]
    Subsequently, patient records were linked with their corresponding Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) values from the relevant database, based on their residence at the time of admission. Among social determinant of health (SDOH) measures like SVI, County Health Rankings (CHR), Social Determinants of Health Database (SDOHD), and etc., we chose SVI for this particular study. The SVI database has been updated periodically. Data from the years 2010, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2022 are currently available. Information can be linked through the admission year or another relevant field depending on the research focus.
    To ensure a balanced representation, for geographic analyses, adjacent census tracts within the same county were consolidated using Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) codes, with a minimum threshold of 10 patients per census tract. This approach aimed to prevent overrepresentation and enhance the validity of the analysis. For more information on the CDC/ATSDR SVI, you can refer to the following resources:

Install Required Packages

Required Packages: Examples of common packages required include pandas, numpy, gc, geopandas, and pyshp. Installation Methods:

  • Jupyter Notebook: The !pip install package_name command is used within a Jupyter Notebook cell to install a package directly from the notebook environment.
  • Console Windows: The pip install package_name command is used in the command prompt or terminal window on a Windows/Linux machine to install a package on your system. If you use virtual environments to isolate project dependencies, please install packages within that specific environment, not globally on your system.

Load Packages

import gc, os, shapefile
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, Point, MultiPolygon
from geopandas import GeoDataFrame

Download Databases

  1. Visit the Data Download Pages, mentioned above:

  2. Download/Locate the Required Databases: Save these files to a folder on your local computer/server, with creating a directory (folder) where you want to store these database files as examples below. For example,

    • Patient Addresses: /Users/username/NCC_SDOH_eLLST/patient_information.csv
    • Censustract: /Users/username/NCC_SDOH_eLLST/Shapefiles/CensusTract/2022/allinone/total_shp.shp
    • Zipcode: /Users/username/NCC_SDOH_eLLST/Shapefiles/ZipCode/zcta520/
    • Zipcode - Censustract: /Users/username/NCC_SDOH_eLLST/Zip_TRACT/ZIP_TRACT_122016.xlsx
    • Censustract based SVI: /Users/username/NCC_SDOH_eLLST/SVI2018_US.csv

Load Data

df = pd.read_csv('/Users/username/NCC_SDOH_eLLST/patient_information.csv', low_memory=False)
print("df shape:", df.shape, len(df['PatientID'].unique()), len(df['PatientEncounterID'].unique()))

Address_columns = ['PatientID', 'PatientEncounterID', 'LineNBR', 'AddressLine01TXT', 'CityNM', 'StateDSC', 'CountryDSC', 'zipCD', 'AddressTXT']

Pre-process Data

  1. Identify patients lacking documented home addresses

    For example,

    1. no information
    2. homeless/shelter
    3. hospice
    4. rehab
    5. unknown
  2. Identify patients with incomplete addresses

    For example,

    1. Zipcode is null
    2. Country != 'United States of America'

    However, often if Country is null, that can be considered as USA.

  3. Clean and standardize patient address data

    For example,

    1. In the address, there can be 'post box' or 'email like', in County or any place. We would like to remove it through rule based methods.

Load SVI Database

Census Tract based Databases

path = '/Users/username/NCC_SDOH_eLLST/Shapefiles/CensusTract/2022/allinone' 
total_shp_dictionary = gpd.read_file(f"{path}/{'total_shp.shp'}").to_crs('EPSG:4326') 

Zip Code based Databases

path = '/Users/username/NCC_SDOH_eLLST/Shapefiles/ZipCode/zcta520/' 
total_zc_shp_dictionary = gpd.read_file(f"{path}/{'tl_2020_us_zcta520.shp'}").to_crs('EPSG:4326') 
total_zc_shp_dictionary.ZCTA5CE20 = total_zc_shp_dictionary.ZCTA5CE20.astype('int64')

  1. Certain patients may provide only their zip codes without specifying detailed addresses (FIPS).

  2. A single zip code can encompass multiple census tracts. Therefore, when establishing the link between zip code-FIPS-SVI, we employ ratio information to account for this variability.

Download Zipcode - FIPS Databases

filename = '/Users/username/NCC_SDOH_eLLST/Zip_TRACT/ZIP_TRACT_122016.xlsx'
Zip_Tract_2016_4 = pd.read_excel(filename); Zip_Tract_2016_4['Zip_Tract_year'] = 2016; Zip_Tract_2016_4.columns = map(str.lower, Zip_Tract_2016_4.columns)
filename = '/Users/username/NCC_SDOH_eLLST/Zip_TRACT/ZIP_TRACT_122022.xlsx'
Zip_Tract_2022_4 = pd.read_excel(filename); Zip_Tract_2022_4['Zip_Tract_year'] = 2022; Zip_Tract_2022_4.columns = map(str.lower, Zip_Tract_2022_4.columns)
Zip_Tract = pd.concat([Zip_Tract_2016_4, Zip_Tract_2017_4, Zip_Tract_2018_4, Zip_Tract_2019_4, Zip_Tract_2020_4, Zip_Tract_2021_4, Zip_Tract_2022_4])

Download SVI Databases

#2018 datbase
filename = '/Users/username/NCC_SDOH_eLLST/SVI2018_US.csv'
SVI2018_US = pd.read_csv(filename, low_memory=False)
SVI2018_US['FIPS'] = SVI2018_US['FIPS'].astype('float64')
SVI2018_US['close_FIPS'] = SVI2018_US['FIPS']
SVI2018_US = SVI2018_US[['FIPS', 'close_FIPS', 'RPL_THEME1', 'RPL_THEME2', 'RPL_THEME3', 'RPL_THEME4', 'RPL_THEMES', \

#2020 datbase
filename = '/Users/username/NCC_SDOH_eLLST/SVI2020_US.csv'
SVI2020_US = pd.read_csv(filename, low_memory=False)

SVI Linkage

  1. Prepare Linkage Year
df['HospAdmissionDate_Year'] = pd.to_datetime(df['HospAdmissionDate']).dt.year
df['SVILink_Year'] = np.where(df['HospAdmissionDate_Year'].isin([2016,2017]), 2018, df['HospAdmissionDate_Year'] )
df['SVILink_Year'] = np.where(df['SVILink_Year'].isin([2018,2019,2020,2021,2022]), 2018, df['SVILink_Year'] )

df_addr['HospAdmissionDate_Year'] = pd.to_datetime(df_addr['HospAdmissionDate']).dt.year
df_addr['SVILink_Year'] = np.where(df_addr['HospAdmissionDate_Year'].isin([2016,2017]), 2018, df_addr['HospAdmissionDate_Year'] )
df_addr['SVILink_Year'] = np.where(df_addr['SVILink_Year'].isin([2018,2019,2020,2021,2022]), 2018, df_addr['SVILink_Year'] )
  1. Linkage (Census Tract/Zip Code) We get FIPS code through longitude and latitude.
gpoints = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
    df_addr[['PatientID','PatientEncounterID','HospAdmissionDate_Year','SVILink_Year', 'address_HospitalStay','lon','lat', 'zipCD']],\
result_shp = gpd.sjoin(gpoints, total_shp_dictionary, how="left", predicate="within").drop_duplicates()

df_addr['zipCD'] = pd.to_numeric(df_addr['zipCD'], errors='coerce') 
result_shp['CensusTract'] = result_shp['NAME'].astype(float)
result_shp['GEOID'] = result_shp['GEOID'].astype(object)
result_shp['FIPS'] = pd.to_numeric(result_shp['GEOID'])
result_shp['GEO_YN'] = np.where(~result_shp['lat'].isna(), 1, 0)
result_shp['zipCD'] = result_shp['zipCD'].astype(int, errors='ignore')
result_shp['zipCD'] = pd.to_numeric(result_shp['zipCD'], errors='coerce')

We get FIPS code through zip code (zip - tract with ratios).

result_shp_nonNA = result_shp[~result_shp['lat'].isna()]
result_shp_NA = result_shp[result_shp['lat'].isna()]
result_shp_NA = result_shp_NA.merge(Zip_Tract[['zip','tract','zip_tract_year','res_ratio']], how='left', left_on=['zipCD','HospAdmissionDate_Year'], right_on=['zip','zip_tract_year'])

result_shp_NA['FIPS'] = result_shp_NA['tract']; result_shp_NA = result_shp_NA.drop(columns = ['zip', 'tract']) 
result_shp = pd.concat([result_shp_NA.reset_index(drop=True), result_shp_nonNA.reset_index(drop=True)], axis = 0)
result_shp = result_shp.drop(columns = ['zipCD', 'geometry', 'index_right'])

We get SVI data through FIPS code.

#case 1. no FIPS at all
result_shp1 = result_shp[(result_shp['FIPS'].isna())] 
#case 2. FIPS available
result_shp2 = result_shp[(~result_shp['FIPS'].isna())&(result_shp['GEO_YN'] == 1)] 
#case 3. no FIPS, but we can fill them.
result_shp3 = result_shp[(~result_shp['FIPS'].isna())&(result_shp['GEO_YN'] == 0)] 

# allow_exact_matches can be an option, as well as using threshold and more specific conditions, such as state level.
tmp2 = pd.merge_asof(result_shp2.sort_values("FIPS"), SVI2018_US.sort_values("FIPS"), 
    on="FIPS", direction="nearest", allow_exact_matches = True) 
tmp2_columns = tmp2.columns
tmp3 = pd.merge_asof(result_shp3.sort_values("FIPS"), SVI2018_US.sort_values("FIPS"), 
    on="FIPS", direction="nearest", allow_exact_matches = True) 
tmp3 = tmp3[tmp2_columns]
tmp = pd.concat([tmp2, tmp3], axis=0).drop_duplicates()
result_shp = pd.concat([result_shp2, result_shp3], axis=0).drop_duplicates()

Sample Notebooks

Explore various use cases for our geomapping pipeline through the provided notebooks. To experiment with the original notebooks, navigate to the notebooks directory within the repository.


The geomapping methodology outlined in this package originated from research conducted for the NCC-SDOH paper at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital. If you use code or concepts available in this repository, we would be grateful if you would cite the relevant paper(s):

If you utilize the databases mentioned in the paper, please consider citing them as well:

Contact Info

  • Gloria Hyunjung, Kwak: hkwak1(at)mgh(dot)harvard(dot)edu


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