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A simple utility for signing firmware components for OpenPOWER Secure and Trusted Boot.

How Firmware Signing works on OpenPOWER

The core root of trust is in the CPU module (package). From the factory, they come with "imprint" keys. The private key part is well known (i.e. the private key is published on the internet), and vendors, when putting modules into machines, will replace the imprint key with their own key.

A hash of this key is stored in a SEEPROM inside the module (as there is not enough space to store the full key). The full key is stored in the Secure/Trusted Boot Header (i.e the container header) of every bit of firmware loaded from flash (PNOR).

All firmware loaded must be signed by this hardware key. In fact, there are three hardware keys, permitting a separation of duties for the root authority. Signatures by all three hardware keys must be present in the container.

In addition to the hardware key, there is also a software key (also referred to as firmware key in some documentation.) In fact there are three software keys, permitting a separation of duties for the firmware signing operation.

Having separate hardware and software keys allows firmware to be developed by a separate group to hardware (or multiple firmware loads for the same hardware to be developed by separate entities).

The signing operations necessitate a two-step signing process since the part of the container header that must be signed needs to be created first, then the signatures must be returned to the container build process to complete the container. In the case of locally accessible keys (i.e. the private key is available to the build process), the entire container can be completed at once (in a two-step process). In the case where signatures must be created externally, there may be some delay between the two steps.

By default, op-build will produce a signed firmware image but with the published imprint keys. As such you MUST NOT use these to implement secure boot. The default product from op-build is only suitable for development use.

The container build process

The hardware and software keys form a two level hierarchy. The root keys are the hardware keys, and the signing keys are the software keys. In short, the hardware keys sign the software keys, the and software keys sign the firmware components. The publc portion of the hardware and software keys are added to the container during the build process.

There are two sections, or blobs, of the container header to be signed: the software header and the prefix header. The software header, among other fields, contains a SHA512 hash of the payload (i.e. the firmware image being signed). The software header will be signed by the software keys. The prefix header contains a SHA512 hash of the software keys. The prefix header will be signed by the hardware keys.

The create-container program is run in a two-pass process. On each pass, the program will create as much of the container as possible using all available information. Normally, all information (i.e. all updatable fields) are provided on the first pass, except for the signatures. On the first pass, the program must have enough information to construct the software and prefix headers. Namely, it must have the payload and the public software keys. (Normally the hardware keys are also added on the first pass, although they don't have to be.) On the first pass, the program dumps the prefix and software header to the files specified.

The prefix header is then signed by the hardware keys, and the software header is signed by the software keys. The signing operation (and keys) use an ECDSA p521 signing algorithm. The signatures should be returned in DER format and can be performed by a simple "openssl dgst" command.

On the second pass, the program consumes the hardware and software key signatures, adds these fields to the container header and completes the container. The complete container consists of the container header (with all required public keys and signatures) added to the beginning of the payload.

Building the project

The scripts "" and "" are included in the project project, and demonstrate how to build the project from source. The scripts support the GNU toolchain enabled method of building, and a "lite" method of building.

To build with full GNU toolchain support, run "" passing "gnu" on the command-line:

$ gnu

This utilizes the included "" and "", and is equivalent to running:

$ libtoolize -f && aclocal && autoheader && automake -a && autoconf &&
configure && make


$ autoreconf -i -Wno-unsupported && ./configure && make

To clean the project, including removing all GNU toolchain support files, run:

$ gnu

To build "lite" using a simple Makefile and config.h, run "" passing "lite" on the command-line (or no option at all, as "lite" is the default):

$ lite

This utilizes the included "configure.h.lite" and "Makefile.lite". The script simply copies these files into place and runs "make".

To clean the project, run the following, which is really just doing a "make clean":

$ lite

Building the project with v2 container support

To support v2 containers you will need to build the mlca library with dilithium support.

This library can be found at :

To build with full GNU toolchain support, run "" passing "gnu" on the command-line:

$ MLCA_PATH= gnuv2

Building the project with v3 container support

To support v3 containers you will need to build the mlca library with mldsa-87 support.

This library can be found at :

To build with full GNU toolchain support, run "" passing "gnu" on the command-line:

$ MLCA_PATH= gnuv3

Installing the project

To install the project (executable files) locally, after running the preferred build method above:

$ make install

To uninstall:

$ make uninstall

The files install to /usr/local/bin by default. You must have write permission to this directory. To install to a different directory:

$ make install bindir=/preferred/install/path/ $ make uninstall bindir=/preferred/install/path/

Signing HOWTO

This HOWTO signs a single payload (i.e. the contents of a single PNOR partition). You will need to repeat these steps for each signed bit of firmware. This may be several FFS partitions in a PNOR image, or several files (depending on platform).

Signing with local keys

The included shell script "" demonstrates the container build operation. First, the program builds enough of the container to create the prefix and software headers, and dumps them to the specified files:

$ ./create-container -a hw_key_a.key -b hw_key_b.key -c hw_key_c.key
-p sw_key_a.key
--payload image.bin --imagefile container.out
--dumpPrefixHdr prefix_hdr --dumpSwHdr software_hdr

where the *.key files contain the public keys in PEM format, the payload is the firmware image to be protected by this container, the output file is the completed container and the prefix_hdr and software_hdr files contain the dump of the blobs to-be-signed.

(Actually, the .key files may contain either the public key or the private key. Only the public key is required at this step, since this is not a signing operation. The program only needs to extract the public key to add it to the container, and it can do so with either the public key or private key as input.)

The script reuses HW key A as SW key P, as a shortcut. Normally the hardware and firmware keys would be different. Also, the script only uses one software key. The use of 1-3 software keys is supported by secure boot. However, for every software public key provided in the container header, a corresponding signature must be present. In the case of the hardware keys, all three keys must be used (although the user may choose to use the same key thrice.)

Next, the prefix and software headers are signed by the hardware and software keys, respectively. These may be done with simple openssl operations:

$ openssl dgst -SHA512 -sign hw_key_a.key prefix_hdr > hw_key_a.sig $ openssl dgst -SHA512 -sign hw_key_b.key prefix_hdr > hw_key_b.sig $ openssl dgst -SHA512 -sign hw_key_c.key prefix_hdr > hw_key_c.sig

$ openssl dgst -SHA512 -sign sw_key_a.key software_hdr > sw_key_p.sig

In this case the .key files must be the private keys. The .sig files are the resulting signatures in DER format. (The prefix_hdr and software_hdr files have now been consumed and may be discarded.)

Finally, create-container is run one more time to add the signatures and complete the container:

$ ./create-container -a hw_key_a.key -b hw_key_b.key -c hw_key_c.key
-p sw_key_a.key
-A hw_key_a.sig -B hw_key_b.sig -C hw_key_c.sig
-P sw_key_p.sig
--payload image.bin --imagefile container.out

All input files have the same meaning as on the first pass: the *.key files may be the public or private key in PEM format. The .sig files are the signatures in DER format.

You now have a completed container that will secure boot on OpenPOWER (assuming the HW public keys match that stored in the CPU SEEPROM).

Signing securely with protected private keys

The local signing method is secure only if the system on which the container is built is secure. Bear in mind that the private keys will be exposed on the local system while the container header is built.

If the build system is not secure it may be desirable to perform the signing operation in a separate environment. In this case the prefix and software headers may be transferred to this environment (or environments, as separation of duties dictates), signed, and resulting signatures returned to the build environment. It is not necessary to expose the private keys to the build environment.

In all cases, those doing the signing should verify the legitimacy of what they are about to sign, and perform the signing in a secure, trusted environment in which it safe to expose the unencrypted private keys.


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  • C 75.9%
  • Shell 22.2%
  • Other 1.9%