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VBA ─ Overview

VBA stands for Visual Basic for Applications an event-driven programming language from Microsoft that is now predominantly used with Microsoft office applications such as MS-Excel, MS-Word, and MS-Access.

In Excel window, press ALT+F11.

Private Sub say_helloWorld()
    MsgBox "Hi"
End Sub


  • Keyword REM and '.
' Written by : Jeevan Lal

REM Modified by : Jeevan Lal



Dim variable_name As variable_type

Const constant_name As constant_type = constant_value

Data Types

  • Byte
  • Integer
  • Long
  • Single
  • Double
  • Currency
  • Decimal
  • String
  • Date
  • Boolean
  • Object
  • Variant

Example :

Private Sub Variables()

    Dim name As String
    name = "jeevan"

    Const password As Integer = 1234

    Dim birthDay As Date
    birthDay = 30 / 10 / 2020

    MsgBox "Password is " & password & Chr(10) & "Name " & name & Chr(10) & "Birthday is " & birthDay

End Sub
Private Sub AnotherMethod()

    Dim a as String : a = "jeevan lal"
    Dim score As Integer, result As String
End Sub

If Then/Else Statement

Dim score As Integer, result As String
score = Range("A1").Value

If score >= 60 Then result = "pass"

Range("B1").Value = result
Dim score As Integer, result As String
score = Range("A1").Value

If score >= 60 Then
    result = "pass"
    result = "fail"
End If

Range("B1").Value = result

Workbook and Worksheet Object

Range("A1").Value = "Hello"

but what we really meant was:

Application.Workbooks("create-a-macro").Worksheets(1).Range("A1").Value = "Hello"


  • Using the worksheet name
Worksheets("Sales").Range("A1").Value = "Hello"
  • Using the index number (1 is the first worksheet starting from the left).
Worksheets(1).Range("A1").Value = "Hello"
  • Using the CodeName.
Sheet1.Range("A1").Value = "Hello"

Properties and Methods

  1. The Add method of the Workbooks collection creates a new workbook.
  1. The Count property of the Worksheets collection counts the number of worksheets in a workbook.
MsgBox Worksheets.Count

Range Object

Range("B3").Value = 2

Range("A1:A4").Value = 5

Range("A1:A2,B3:C4").Value = 10

Named Range


Example :

Range("Prices").Value = 15


Cells(3, 2).Value = 2

Excel VBA enters the value 2 into the cell at the intersection of row 3 and column 2.

Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(4, 1)).Value = 5

Declare a Range Object

You can declare a Range object by using the keywords Dim and Set.

Dim example As Range
Set example = Range("A1:C4")

example.Value = 8


An important method of the Range object is the Select method. The Select method simply selects a range.

Dim example As Range
Set example = Range("A1:C4")


Note: To select cells on a different worksheet.



The Rows property gives access to a specific row of a range. The Columns property gives access to a specific column of a range.

Dim example As Range
Set example = Range("A1:C4")

Dim example As Range
Set example = Range("A1:C4")



The Copy and Paste method are used to copy a range and to paste it somewhere else on the worksheet.


Range("C3:C4").Value = Range("A1:A2").Value


To clear the content of an Excel range, you can use the ClearContents method.


Range("A1").Value = ""


With the Count property, you can count the number of cells, rows and columns of a range.

Dim example As Range
Set example = Range("A1:C4")

MsgBox example.Count
MsgBox example.Rows.Count


Single Loop

Dim i As Integer

For i = 1 To 6
    Cells(i, 1).Value = 100
Next i

Double Loop

Dim i As Integer, j As Integer

For i = 1 To 6
    For j = 1 To 2
        Cells(i, j).Value = 100
    Next j
Next i

Triple Loop

Dim c As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer

For c = 1 To 3
    For i = 1 To 6
        For j = 1 To 2
            Worksheets(c).Cells(i, j).Value = 100
        Next j
    Next i
Next c

Do While Loop

Dim i As Integer
i = 1

Do While i < 6
    Cells(i, 1).Value = 20
    i = i + 1
Dim i As Integer
i = 1

Do While Cells(i, 1).Value <> ""
    Cells(i, 2).Value = Cells(i, 1).Value + 10
    i = i + 1

Explanation: as long as Cells(i, 1).Value is not empty (<> means not equal to), Excel VBA enters the value into the cell at the intersection of row i and column 2, that is 10 higher than the value in the cell at the intersection of row i and column 1. Excel VBA stops when i equals 7 because Cells(7, 1).Value is empty. This is a great way to loop through any number of rows on a worksheet.

String Manipulation

Join Strings

Dim text1 As String, text2 As String
text1 = "Hi"
text2 = "Tim"

MsgBox text1 & " " & text2

Note: to insert a space, use " "


Note: To find the position of a substring in a string, use Instr.

MsgBox Left("example text", 4)
MsgBox Right("example text", 2)
MsgBox Mid("example text", 9, 2)
MsgBox Len("example text")

' Note: string "am" found at position 3.
MsgBox Instr("example text", "am") 

Date and Time

To get the current date and time, use the Now function.

MsgBox Now

Year, Month, Day of a Date, Hour, Minute, Second

Dim exampleDate As Date

exampleDate = DateValue("Jun 19, 2010")

MsgBox Year(exampleDate)
MsgBox Hour(Now)


Dim firstDate As Date, secondDate As Date

firstDate = DateValue("Jun 19, 2010")
secondDate = DateAdd("d", 3, firstDate)

MsgBox secondDate


The TimeValue function converts a string to a time serial number. The time's serial number is a number between 0 and 1. For example, noon (halfway through the day) is represented as 0.5.

MsgBox TimeValue("9:20:01 am")




One-dimensional Array

Dim Films(1 To 5) As String

Films(1) = "Lord of the Rings"
Films(2) = "Speed"
Films(3) = "Star Wars"
Films(4) = "The Godfather"
Films(5) = "Pulp Fiction"

MsgBox Films(4)

Two-dimensional Array

Dim Films(1 To 5, 1 To 2) As String
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer

For i = 1 To 5
    For j = 1 To 2
        Films(i, j) = Cells(i, j).Value
    Next j
Next i

MsgBox Films(4, 2)

Function and Sub

The difference between a function and a sub in Excel VBA is that a function can return a value while a sub cannot.


Function Area(x As Double, y As Double) As Double

    Area = x * y

End Function

Using Function

Dim z As Double

z = Area(3, 5) + 2

MsgBox z


Sub Area(x As Double, y As Double)

    MsgBox x * y

End Sub

Using Function

Area 3, 5

Application Object

The mother of all objects is Excel itself. We call it the Application object. The application object gives access to a lot of Excel related options.

  • WorksheetFunction
  • ScreenUpdating
  • DisplayAlerts
  • Calculation


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