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Marketplace is a place where you can find resources you need for your research:

  • free of charge resources for researchers
  • unified order management
  • compatible resources linking to ready to use environments

Development environment


We will need:

  • ruby (specific version can be found in .tool-versions). Recommended way to manage ruby versions is to use asdf with asdf-ruby plugin
  • nodejs (specific version can be found in .tool-versions). Recommended way to manage nodejs versions is to use asdf with asdf-nodejs plugin.
  • yarn (specific version can be found in .tool-versions). Recommended way to manage yarn versions is to use asdf with asdf-yarn plugin.
  • imagemagick. After installation use convert --version to verify your delegates. If png is missing please refer to the related issue.
  • vips The second, alternative images processor included in rails 7 and ImageProcessing gem
  • docker compose 1 (Compose 2 is still in the making)

If you are using asdf the easiest way to install required ruby and nodejs versions is to type

asdf install

in marketplace root directory. Ruby and nodejs versions will be set in automatic way.


Before running ./bin/setup you need to:

  • create file config/master.key with appropriate content in order to make config/credentials.yml.enc decryptable.
  • run docker services (i.e. postgresql, redis and elasticsearch) (see docker compose).

To set up the environment run ./bin/setup. It will install bundler, foreman, dependencies and setup databases (development and test).

Generating DB entries for development

Filling the database is done by parsing yaml: db/data.yml. Data comes from the actual official version of the marketplace. If you want to update the data or add new resources/categories, you can add new records by editing db/data.yml. It is important to remember that if some record is a parent for another, it must be written above its child.

./bin/rails dev:prime 

If you need actual production data run:

./bin/rake import:vocabularies
./bin/rake import:catalogues
./bin/rake import:providers
./bin/rake import:resources
./bin/rake import:datasources
./bin/rake import:guidelines

to seed the database with it. You can download only specific providers/resources by setting an IDS environment variable. You can omit images downloading by set variable MP_IMPORT_RESCUE_MODE to true


To start web application in development mode (with auto refresh capability when css/js files change) use following command:


It uses foreman and start processes defined in Script also checks if overmind is present in the classpath and uses it instead of foreman. overmind is more advanced than foreman and plays nicely with e.g. byebug.

Currently there is a problem with stopping overmind process when sidekiq is used in versions 2.1.1 and 2.1.0 - use 2.0.3 instead.

By default application should start on http://localhost:5000. You can change port by setting env variable PORT. You also need to run postgresql, Elasticsearch and Redis in the background before starting the application server.

Docker compose

Docker compose is used to manage background services: postgresql, Elasticsearch and Redis. The service containers are named db, el and redis, accordingly. Inspect the docker-compose.yml file for their configuration.

  • postgresql is used to store data,
  • Elasticsearch is used for full text resource search,
  • Redis is used to pass state to sidekiq (for running background jobs).

To run all the services at once $ docker compose up -d (remove -d to run in foreground). You can later inspect logs $ docker compose logs. Lastly, to remove the containers (with data) $ docker compose down -v (remove -v not to remove DB data).

To run specific service <serv> in foreground $ docker compose up <serv>. To stop it $ docker compose stop <serv>, and to remove its state: $ docker compose rm <serv>


Marketplace uses FriendlyId slugs made from a name of resource. In case of deleted resources, which block friendly-looking slug, if we want to have a published copy, its slug looks like this: some-slug-51daddab-9a34-406e-b1c4-87acea5572cb To unlock and assign friendly slugs for published resources run task: rake friendly_id:heal


Marketplace is integrating with jira on a rather tight level. For tests JIRA is mocked, and for normal development connection from MP to JIRA is provided. All fields and JIRA variables are stored in encrypted credentials. The default project to which issues are written is EOSCSODEV. If you require backward communication from JIRA to your application you can use reverse tunnel to connect WH to your local application instance. To do so execute following command (first make sure that your local instance of marketplace has been started already):

ssh -R <port_number - from 9001 to 9015>:localhost:5000 -N

If you can not connect, try different port - it is possible that other developer connected to this port and is blocking it


Marketplace is integrated with xGUS Helpdesk. All variables needed to establish a connection to the test instance are stored in encrypted credentials. To run integration test there is a need to type rake xgus:check in the console. To run on different than test instance, there is a need do set env variables:


Google Analytics API

Marketplace has integration with Google Analytics and shows users with executive roles resources unique visits counter. Default period is 1 month,


ReCaptcha is now used in the ask resource question form. To work it needs to set 2 env variables: RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY and RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY. For test, development and internal docker instances values of these variables are stored in encrypted credentials.

For Admins

If you are an admin, who wants to integrate production instance of JIRA go to JIRA integration manual otherwise read on.

Additionally there is HD / Feedback mechanism implemented using JIRA collectors. In order to enable it in production following environmental variable should be set:


This variable should be set to the address of script (or scripts - space separated) which are generated when configuring JIRA collector in JIRA instance. Sample declaration of this variable can be as follows (for two scripts)

Note the space separating both scripts sources


Sentry integration

In production environment sentry integration can be turned on. To do so create dedicated env variable SENTRY_DSN with details how to connect to sentry server. Sentry environment can also be configured using SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT env variable (default set to production).

Environmental variables

This project can be customized via numerous environmental variables. To make storing them a little easier dotenv gem has been employed. You can read documentation here.

You can store your env variables in .env file in the root of the project. You can then access them in ruby code via:


We are currently using the following ENV variables:

  • MP_VERSION (Optional) - the application's version (default taken from the file ./VERSION)
  • PORT (Optional) - http server port (default 5000)
  • CHECKIN_HOST (Optional) - checkin IDP host (default
  • CHECKIN_SCOPE (Optional) - checkin IDP scope (default ["openid", "profile", "email", "refeds_edu"]) multiple scopes separated by ,, e.g CHECKIN_SCOPE=openid,email
  • CHECKIN_IDENTIFIER (Optional) - checkin IDP identifier (default taken from encrypted properties)
  • CHECKIN_SECRET (Optional) - checkin IDP secret (default taken from encrypted properties)
  • OIDC_AAI_NEW_API - if you want to use old AAI endpoints, set it to false
  • ROOT_URL (Optional) - root application URL (default http://localhost:#{ENV["PORT"] || 3000} (when foreman is used to start application 5000 ENV variable is set)
  • ELASTICSEARCH_URL - elasticsearch url
  • RECOMMENDER_HOST - address of the recommender system. For example:
  • RECOMMENDATION_ENGINE - the name of the engine that is requested to serve recommendations when a request from MP is sent to the RS /recommendations endpoint. We currently support RL and NCF.
  • STORAGE_DIR - active storage local dir (default set to RAILS_ROOT/storage)
  • S3_STORAGE - set true to change ActiveStorage to S3
  • S3_BUCKET - active storage S3 bucket
  • S3_ENDPOINT - active storage S3 endpoint
  • S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID - active storage S3 access key
  • S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY - active storage S3 secret access key
  • SMTP_ADDRESS - smtp mail server address
  • SMTP_USERNAME - smtp user name or email address
  • SMTP_PASSWORD - smtp password
  • FROM_EMAIL - from email (if not set will be used)
  • GOOGLE_ANALYTICS - google analytics key for GMT (if present than analytics script is added into head section)
  • PORTAL_BASE_URL - portal base URL used to generate footer and other static links to EOSC portal
  • PROVIDERS_DASHBOARD_URL - Provider's Dashboard URL used to create links to the provider's dashboard
  • USER_DASHBOARD_URL User Dashboard URL for links in the landing page. Default is
  • ASSET_HOST and ASSET_PROTOCOL - assets mailer config is mandatory (e.g. ASSET_HOST = and ASSET_PROTOCOL = https )
  • RATE_AFTER_PERIOD - number of days after which user can rate resource (default is set to 90 days)
  • ATTRIBUTES_DOCS_URL - offer attributes definition documentation (external link)
  • AUTOLOGIN_DOMAIN - parent domain in which the autologin scheme should work (see autologin)
  • EOSC_COMMONS_ENV - EOSC commons environment type enum: 'production' | 'development'
  • EOSC_COMMONS_BASE_URL - EOSC commons base URL: s3 instance + bucket
  • ENV Variables connected to JIRA integration are described in JIRA integration manual
  • MP_STOMP_CLIENT_NAME (Optional) - stomp client name (default MPClient)
  • MP_STOMP_LOGIN (Optional) - stomp client login (default from credentials.stomp.login)
  • MP_STOMP_PASS (Optional) - stomp client password (default from credentials.stomp.password)
  • MP_STOMP_HOST (Optional) - stomp client host (default from
  • MP_STOMP_DESTINATION (Optional) - stomp client destination (default from credentials.stomp.subscriber.destination)
  • MP_STOMP_SSL (Optional) - stomp connection SSL (default false)
  • MP_STOMP_PUBLISHER_ENABLED (Optional) - turn on publishing with JMS if set to true (default false)
  • MP_STOMP_PUBLISHER_LOGGER_PATH (Optional) - path to the JMS log file (default "RAILS_ROOT/log/jms.publisher.log")
  • MP_STOMP_PUBLISHER_TOPIC (Optional) - topic of a new message to be published (default credentials.stomp.publisher.topic)
  • MP_STOMP_PUBLISHER_MP_DB_EVENTS_TOPIC (Optional) - topic for publishing database create, update and destroy events (default mp_db_events)
  • MP_STOMP_PUBLISHER_USER_ACTIONS_TOPIC (Optional) - topic for publishing user actions events(default user_actions)
  • MP_ENABLE_EXTERNAL_SEARCH - should be set to 1 if external search is used. If set top bars will be replaced
  • USER_ACTIONS_TARGET (Optional) - target to which user_actions should be published (options: all, recommender, databus) (default all)
    • For the databus target to work you must also enable JMS publishing, i.e. set MP_STOMP_PUBLISHER_ENABLED=true.
  • ESS_UPDATE_ENABLED (Optional) - turn on updating ESS if set to true (default false)
  • ESS_UPDATE_URL (Optional) - URL to which service updates will be sent (default http://localhost:8983/solr/marketplace/update)
  • ESS_UPDATE_TIMEOUT (Optional) - ESS update HTTP client timeout in seconds (default 1)
  • ESS_RESOURCE_CACHE_TTL (Optional) - TTL for caching resources for ess/ API endpoints (default 60 (seconds))
  • Provider importer
    • IMPORTER_AAI_BASE_URL (Optional) - Base URL used to generate access token from a refresh token (default ENV["CHECKIN_HOST"] or "")
    • IMPORTER_AAI_REFRESH_TOKEN - The refresh token generated for specific instance of AAI
    • IMPORTER_AAI_CLIENT_ID (Optional) - The client id for the generated refresh token (default ENV["CHECKIN_IDENTIFIER"] or Rails.application.credentials.checkin[:identifier])
  • SHOW_RECOMMENDATION_PANEL - Boolean (true/false) indicating if recommendation panel should be visible or not. Defaults to true


Running ./bin/setup automatically installs githooks (using overcommit gem) for code linting. But if you're using an IDE for repository management then you will probably experience problems with committing code changes. This is related to the fact that some IDE's do not inherit user's .bash_profile or any other scripts which traditionally set OS environmental variables.

Installed githooks require access to ruby, so ruby environment must be available for IDE.

If you are using asdf-based ruby installation and IDE like RubyMine, the solution is placing asdf sourcing commands at the end of your .profile file which is inherited by graphical applications (unlike .bashrc that is standard place for asdf sourcing commands):

. $HOME/.asdf/
. $HOME/.asdf/completions/asdf.bash

Other solutions could be:

  • For OSX: calling sudo launchctl config user path $PATH
  • For Linux systems: modifying PATH in /etc/environment.

You can also skip githooks altogether using:

 git <command> --no-verify

... or by unchecking 'run Git hooks' in RubyMine IDE when applying git operations, or setting OVERCOMMIT_DISABLE=1 envvar globally in your system.

Linting and code formatting

We use prettier for code formatting and a specifically configured Rubocop, inspect .prettierrc, .prettierignore and rubocop.yml for specifics.

To correct formatting with prettier $ rbprettier --write . (it will take some time), you may want to run it selectively on modified files only (just pass them as explicit arguments instead of a dot .).

To manually run all overcommit checks $ overcommit --run (you may need to sign configs, first, just follow its instructions). It's configured in .overcommit.yml.

To run rubocop manually $ rubocop.

To run haml-lint manually $ haml-lint --exclude 'lib/**/*.haml'.

To run brakeman (it's only run directly in CI though, not through overcommit) manually (in interactive mode) $ brakeman -I.

Designing UI without dedicated controller

If there is no view yet implemented than still designing team can play around and create haml, scss, js for this view. For this purpose designsystem section is created. It is available ONLY in development mode. The URL is /designsystem/:file, where :file is the name of the view created in app/views/designsystem directory. For example /designsystem/profile URL will render app/views/designsystem/profile.html.haml file.

Since this is only for development there is no security and template existence checks.


In general, docker compose correctly manages DB permissions. Nevertheless, if using a direct postgresql install or you want to use socket communication, than the below info may be useful.

To setup development and test databases, you need to have a proper postgres role defined:

<your_system_username>:~$ sudo -u postgres -i
postgres:~$ psql
postgres=# CREATE ROLE <your_system_username> PASSWORD <your_system_password> SUPERUSER CREATEDB LOGIN;

You may configure the application to use pure rails database configuration in development and test environments (sockets and database login the same as your system login). You can customize it by using environment variables:

  • MP_DATABASE_HOST - PostgreSQL database host
  • MP_DATABASE_USERNAME - PostgreSQL database username
  • MP_DATABASE_PASSWORD - PostgreSQL database password

Tag healing

There's created task for healing case of tags. Fill HEAL_TAG_LIST environment variable like below:

HEAL_TAG_LIST="EOSC::Jupyter Notebook,EOSC::Galaxy Workflow,EOSC::Twitter Data"

and run rake viewable:heal_tags to change case of letters to input. If you don't fill this variable, the task runs on the default discovered defective tags.

SOLR dumps

You can use a rake task ess:dump[#{collections}] to get data in #{collection}.json prepared for SOLR-Transformation API/script. Possible options:

  • all
  • providers
  • services
  • datasources
  • offers
  • bundles

E.g. call rake ess:dump[all] to return all collections, rake ess:dump[providers] will generate file providers.json, and rake ess:dump[services offers] creates services.json and offers.json

SOLR Live connection

Set ENV variable ESS_UPDATE_ENABLED to true to enable live update objects to the SOLR transformation service. To get it working set also ESS_UPDATE_URL.


There are endpoints for getting data to SOLR transformation service. Data is accessible via the path: api/v1/ess/{{ collection }} where the collection can be:

  • services
  • datasources
  • providers
  • offers
  • bundles

There is a possibility to get object by id, and in case of service/datasource/provider by slug or pid just by add /{{ id }} to path, eg. /api/v1/ess/services/egi-cloud-compute

You can test endpoints in the mp swagger

NOTICE! To get the data you have to login or authenticate via the user's access_token with service_portfolio_manager role

Statistics update rake task

Usage statistics are now stored in the db, and update everytime someone visit service/provider/bundle page. For get current state for all collections (necessary for ESS dump) run

rake viewable:cache_views_count

All data is logged in the log/cache_views_count.log

OpenAPI docs

Marketplace is using OpenAPI documentation standard(swagger). To do this we are using rswag gem. To check API documentation go to /api-docs.

The docs are generated from specs (/spec/requests/api/{api_version}). There is a special DSL ( for writing specs in OpenAPI fashion.

When you write/change api specs run:

./bin/rails rswag generate and deploy new swagger docs (no server restart required).

You can also customize OpenAPI metadata (such as default port, authentication scheme etc.) in spec/swagger_helper.rb

Views, locales and scss customization

Views, JS and SCSS can be customized by adding CUSTOMIZATION_PATH env variable. This variable should point to the directory with the following structure:

  - views
  - javascript
  - config/locales

Warning: when new SCSS / image / asset is added to customization directory rails application needs to be restarted.

OG meta_tags

There are set default OG tags but you can use following environmental variables to customize them:

  • MP_META_TITLE - for custom og:title
  • MP_META_DESCRIPTION- for custom og:description

Recommender app integration

Marketplace is connected to an external app which recommends services to users.

It needs the MP data to learn. The recommended way to update recommender is via /update task:

./bin/rails recommender:update

It sends DB dump to recommender, starts training and reload agent.

If you want only sent a DB dump, use:

./bin/rails recommender:serialize_db send the database dump to the recommender system.

If you want to save database dump to a json file, use:

./bin/rails recommender:serialize_db_to_file

Rake tasks

Adding Provider OMS

Task: ordering_api:add_provider_oms.

Arguments (envvars):

  • ARG_OMS_NAME, for example organization_x, then the OMS will be called Organization X OMS
  • ARG_PROVIDER_PID, the provider must exist for the task to succeed
  • ARG_AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN, optional, the task will update the OMS admin's token to this value

The task will look create an OMS with type=:provider_group that is associated with passed provider. It will also create an admin user for the OMS, setting its token if passed as argument.

If OMS already exists, then the task will append the provider to the OMS.

Example run:

rake ordering_api:add_provider_oms \
  ARG_OMS_NAME="extra_provider" \

ESS updating

Task: ess:reindex:all.

The task clears the ESS core/collection and reindexes all the eligible services.

The operation runs synchronously, bypassing Sidekiq.

Active Storage

Default ActiveStorage is set to :local with STORAGE_DIR env variable (default set to RAILS_ROOT/storage). You can change it in production and development to S3-compatible resource by setting S3_STORAGE env variable.

To use S3 first, you need:

  • s3:access_key_id credentials or in S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID
  • s3:secret_access_key credentials or in S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

Store s3 access and secret_access keys in encrypted credentials. Set env variables and you should be able to run the app.

Upload Local ActiveStorage to S3

To upload files registered in db from local to S3 you need:

  • working db with registered local files
  • s3:access_key_id credentials or in S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID
  • s3:secret_access_key credentials or in S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

Task: rake storage:upload_to_s3

Upload S3 ActiveStorage to S3

To upload files registered in db from S3 to local you need:

  • working db with registered local files
  • s3:access_key_id credentials or in S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID
  • s3:secret_access_key credentials or in S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

Task: rake storage:upload_to_local

Autologin across domains

We are using a simple scheme to implemented autologin across domains. It's done via cookies - the user is redirected to /user/auth/checkin through JS function call if certain conditions are met (see below) (this should eventually be done in EOSC Commons component).

2 cookies are being set or deleted respectively to the Portal component or the Portal AAI session state:

  • eosc_logged_in (value: true, domain:, expires: <SAME AS AAI SESSION>)
  • internal_session (value: true, expires: <SAME AS INTERNAL SESSION>)

Basically the user is redirected if eosc_logged_in && !internal_session.

After the logout, both of the cookies are set to false.

For more info, click here

ESS update, local integration

Start a local Solr instance by executing:

cd solr; docker compose up

It will set up a local instance with a single core marketplace. The web interface should be accessible under http://localhost:8983/solr/ with the core available under "Core selector". The core should be empty at this point.

Run a local instance of MP with ESS_UPDATE_ENABLED=true and seed it with data. During the seeding the core should be populated, to verify it's the case go to the "Query" section and execute a query, or just run it directly with GET http://localhost:8983/solr/marketplace/select?q=*%3A*.

In case you didn't seed the DB and still want to propagate data then run rails ess:reindex:all to reindex the service collection. The effect should be analogous.

To verify updating the ESS entries, run the following in the rails console and observe q=id:16 Solr queries:

Service.find(16).update!(status: :draft) # the entry should be removed
Service.find(16).update!(status: :published) # the entry should reappear
Service.find(16).update!(tagline: "foo bar") # the entry's tagline should update