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			<p> Cyber Security Guy securing 1+0's for clients with <a href="">CyberCX</a>, post stuff I love on my <a href="">Blog</a> and tweet thoughts on <a href="">Twitter</a>. <br> <br>Contact me securely on <a href="">Keybase</a> or <a href="">Cyph</a>.</p>


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			<p class="copyright">&copy;2020 <a href="">David Clarke</a> - <a href="">Me Template</a></p>

			To edit this credit you can remove the CCA 3.0 license for only $5 here: 
			this really helps contribute towards us developing more templates and means the world to me!
			Cheers, Rob (@robhope)





Thanks to Rob for an awesome template.

Hey Friend 👋

Thanks for downloading the Me One Page HTML template. Me is a slick, personal template for any individual wanting a minimal online presence. Features include a big background image or video, logo, bio and icons.

Remove the CCA 3.0 license for only $5.

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Useful links


Image Only (demo)

  • Replace the background.jpg image (with the same filename) in the images folder. If you want to use a PNG, simply edit the CSS in stylesheet

YouTube Video (demo)

  • Change the YouTube video ID with your YouTube video ID eg. dk9uNWPP7EA
  • Make sure you keep the /embed URL and don't paste in a normal YouTube URL
  • Tip: Also add your video ID to the playlist variable right at the end of the long YouTube string URL to ensure it loops

Self-Hosted Video (demo)

  • Replace the background.mp4 video (with the same filename) in the videos folder. If you want to use a different filename, simply edit the code within the index-video-hosted.html file



  • Email me bugs or any requests on and I'll try point you in the right direction :)
