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Firmware and Bootloader Versioning Scheme Explanation

DF8OE edited this page Nov 12, 2017 · 6 revisions

How we use version numbers for our builds:

We use a simple three number scheme: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH

The MAJOR number is used to indicate significant changes to the firmware (i.e. very different UI concepts, changed hardware support which may remove or add support for some devices/mods). Expect this to change not very often.

The MINOR number is used to indicate two things: All even numbers represent a released build. Odd numbers are development builds with a high change frequency. Expect this number to change frequently.

The PATCH number: For released builds (all releases with an even MINOR number) usually 0, but may be increased if the release itself is bug fixed (instead of just making a new release with a higher MINOR number). For development builds this number is increased relatively often.

Additionally all builds contain a time stamp of the build time.

For release builds we will implement a staging concept following the Github Release concept which provides the concept of pre-releases (beta releases). Prereleases will have the number of the upcoming target release.

If you want to report an issue, please indicate the version number (or git commit id) of the firmware build in which you detected the issue.

"Official builds" from GitHub / daily snapshots from do have a leading "D" at their version. Because of it may important to know if an issue only occurs on self-build binaries or the "official" binaries this is implemented now. These binaries are exclusively build by DF8OE running Makefile on Linux. The builds are mostly automated and must be "triggered by hand" by DF8OE. if you want to know what is new in latest daily snapshot take a look at the commits which are positined BEFORE the "prepared next daily build" commit. Everything you can find before and AFTER the last "prepared next daily build" commit is included in new daily snapshot.

So there is only ONE source code actively maintained:"active-devel" branch. There will be some states which are published as "testing" or "stable" builds - development goes on using same branch. So it is possible that daily snapshots do contain new features and/or bug fixes that are not yet released. Source code in active-davel always show the latest development stat and you can get binaries by building them by yourself or using daily snapshots. We are working hard that daily snapshots are stable binaries. Please help us by writing issue reports if something is going wrong.

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