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pEM-BWT - Parallel EM construction of BWT from SA


pEM-BWT is an implementation of the parallel external-memory algorithm to construct Burrows-Wheeler transform from the text and its suffix array. The algorithm was described in the paper.

  author =    {Juha K{\"{a}}rkk{\"{a}}inen and Dominik Kempa},
  title =     {Faster External Memory {LCP} Array Construction},
  booktitle = {24th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2016)},
  pages     = {61:1--61:16},
  year      = {2016},
  doi       = {10.4230/LIPIcs.ESA.2016.61},

The latest version of pEM-BWT is available from


pEM-BWT has no external dependencies (libraries, cmake, etc). It only requires:

  • g++ compiler supporting the -std=c++0x flag (all modern versions)
  • A 64-bit operating system. The current version has been tested on Linux/PC.

Compilation and usage

The package contains a single Makefile in the main directory. Type make to build the two executables that allow computing the BWT of a given file sequentially and in parallel. For usage instructions, run the programs without any arguments. pEM-BWT relies on the prior computation of the suffix array for the input text. The currently fastest external memory algorithms for suffix array construction are pSAscan and fSAIS. Both algorithms are available from


The simplest usage for pEM-BWT is as follows. Suppose the text is located in /data/input.txt, the suffix array of input.txt is located in /data/input.txt.sa5 and is encoded using 40-bit integers. Then, to compute the BWT of input.txt using pEM-BWT, type:

$ ./compute_bwt_parallel /data/input.txt

This will write the output BWT to /data/input.txt.bwt. By default, the algorithm uses 3.5GiB of RAM and assumes that the input text is over byte alphabet. A more advanced usage is demonstrated below.

$ ./compute_bwt_parallel ./input.txt -s ~/data/ -o ../input.txt.bwt -c 4 -i 6 -m 8gi


  • The -s flag allows specifying the location and filename of the suffix array. The default location and filename is the same as input text, with the appended ".saX" suffix, where X is the used integer size (see the explanation of -i flag below).
  • The -o flag allows specifying the location and filename of the output BWT. The default location and filename is the same as input text, with the appended ".bwt" suffix.
  • The -c flag allows specifying the size of text symbol (in bytes). The default size of text symbol is 1 byte. In this example, the symbol size is set to 4 bytes. Currently supported are values from the range [1, 8].
  • The -i flag allows specifying the integer size (in bytes) used to encode the input suffix array. The default integer size is 5 bytes. In this example, the type is set to a 6-byte integer. Currently supported are values from the range [4, 8].
  • The -m flag allows specifying the amount of RAM used during the computation (in bytes). In this example, the RAM limit is set to 8gi = 8 * 2^30 bytes (see the explanation below).


  • The symbol in BWT at position corresponding to suffix of the text starting at position 0 (i.e., position ISA[0]) is 0.
  • The argument of the -m flag (RAM used during the computation) can be specified either explicitly or using common suffixes such as K, M, G, T, Ki, Mi, Gi, Ti, which respectively correspond to multipliers: 10^3, 10^6, 10^9, 10^12, 2^10, 2^20, 2^30, 2^40. Suffix names are not case-sensitive, e.g., Ti = ti, k = K.
  • The flags specifying integer type, output filename, etc. can be given in any order.
  • Filenames passed as command-line arguments can be given as relative paths, e.g., ../input.txt.bwt and ~/data/ are valid paths, see also example above.
  • To enable additional statistics about the computation (alternative counter of I/O volume and tracing of the disk usage), uncomment line with AUX_DISK_FLAGS in the Makefile. When this flag is enabled, the computation could slow down thus this flag is disabled by default.
  • The usage of the sequential version of the algorithm is identical to the parallel version. The only difference in the execution is that the sequential version uses exactly one thread for computation.


  1. I am getting an error about the exceeded number of opened files.

Solution: The error is caused by the operating system imposing a limit on the maximum number of files opened by a program. The limit can be increased with the ulimit -n newlimit command. However, in Linux the limit cannot be increased beyond the so-called "hard limit", which is usually only few times larger. Furthermore, this is a temporary solution that needs to repeated every time a new session is started. To increase the limits permanently, edit (as a root) the file /etc/security/limits.conf and add the following lines at the end (including the asterisks):

* soft nofile 128000
* hard nofile 128000

This increases the limit to 128000 (use larger values if necessary). The new limits apply (check with ulimit -n) after starting new session.


  • At present the only limitation in the usage of the algorithm is the need to ensure that the limit for the number of opened files in the system is sufficiently large to prevent the above error. This technical shortcoming will be eliminated in the future versions of pEM-BWT.

Terms of use

pEM-BWT is released under the MIT/X11 license. See the file LICENCE for more details. If you use this code, please cite the paper mentioned above.


The authors of pEM-BWT are: