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Add repo

helm repo add sentry-relay

Without overrides

helm install sentry-relay sentry-relay/sentry-relay

With your own values file

helm install sentry-relay sentry-relay/sentry-relay -f values.yaml


Read the upgrade guide before upgrading to major versions of the chart. Upgrade Guide


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Sentry chart and their default values.

Note: this table is incomplete, so have a look at the values.yaml in case you miss something

Parameter Description Default
user.create if true, creates a default admin user defined from email and password true Admin user email admin@sentry.local
user.password Admin user password aaaa
ingress.enabled Enabling Ingress false
ingress.regexPathStyle Allows setting the style the regex paths are rendered in the ingress for the ingress controller in use. Possible values are nginx, aws-alb, gke and traefik nginx
nginx.enabled Enabling NGINX true
metrics.enabled if true, enable Prometheus metrics false
metrics.image.repository Metrics exporter image repository prom/statsd-exporter
metrics.image.tag Metrics exporter image tag v0.10.5
metrics.image.PullPolicy Metrics exporter image pull policy IfNotPresent
metrics.nodeSelector Node labels for metrics pod assignment {}
metrics.tolerations Toleration labels for metrics pod assignment []
metrics.affinity Affinity settings for metrics {}
metrics.resources Metrics resource requests/limit {}
metrics.service.annotations annotations for Prometheus metrics service {}
metrics.service.clusterIP cluster IP address to assign to service (set to "-" to pass an empty value) nil
metrics.service.omitClusterIP (Deprecated) To omit the clusterIP from the metrics service false
metrics.service.externalIPs Prometheus metrics service external IP addresses []
metrics.service.additionalLabels labels for metrics service {}
metrics.service.loadBalancerIP IP address to assign to load balancer (if supported) ""
metrics.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges list of IP CIDRs allowed access to load balancer (if supported) []
metrics.service.servicePort Prometheus metrics service port 9913
metrics.service.type type of Prometheus metrics service to create ClusterIP
metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled Set this to true to create ServiceMonitor for Prometheus operator false
metrics.serviceMonitor.additionalLabels Additional labels that can be used so ServiceMonitor will be discovered by Prometheus {}
metrics.serviceMonitor.honorLabels honorLabels chooses the metric's labels on collisions with target labels. false
metrics.serviceMonitor.namespace namespace where servicemonitor resource should be created the same namespace as sentry
metrics.serviceMonitor.scrapeInterval interval between Prometheus scraping 30s
serviceAccount.annotations Additional Service Account annotations. {}
serviceAccount.enabled If true, a custom Service Account will be used. false The base name of the ServiceAccount to use. Will be appended with e.g. snuba or web for the pods accordingly. "sentry"
serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken Automount API credentials for a Service Account. true
system.secretKey secret key for the session cookie (documentation) nil
sentry.features.vstsLimitedScopes Disables the azdo-integrations with limited scopes that is the cause of so much pain true
sentry.web.customCA.secretName Allows mounting a custom CA secret nil
sentry.web.customCA.item Key of CA cert object within the secret ca.crt
symbolicator.api.enabled Enable Symbolicator false
symbolicator.api.config Config file for Symbolicator, see its docs see values.yaml

NGINX and/or Ingress

By default, NGINX is enabled to allow sending the incoming requests to Sentry Relay or the Django backend depending on the path. When Sentry is meant to be exposed outside of the Kubernetes cluster, it is recommended to disable NGINX and let the Ingress do the same. It's recommended to go with the go to Ingress Controller, NGINX Ingress but others should work as well.

Sentry secret key

For your security, the system.secret-key is generated for you on the first installation. Another one will be regenerated on each upgrade invalidating all the current sessions unless it's been provided. The value is stored in the sentry-sentry configmap.

helm upgrade ... --set system.secretKey=xx

Symbolicator and or JavaScript source maps

For getting native stacktraces and minidumps symbolicated with debug symbols (e.g. iOS/Android), you need to enable Symbolicator via

  enabled: true

However, you also need to share the data between sentry-worker and sentry-web. This can be done in different ways:

  • Using Cloud Storage like GCP GCS or AWS S3, see filestore.backend in values.yaml
  • Using a filesystem like
      persistentWorkers: true
      # storageClass: 'efs-storage' # see note below

Note: If you need to run or cannot avoid running sentry-worker and sentry-web on different cluster nodes, you need to set filestore.filesystem.persistence.accessMode: ReadWriteMany or might get problems. HOWEVER, not all volume drivers support it, like AWS EBS or GCP disks. So you would want to create and use a StorageClass with a supported volume driver like AWS EFS

Its also important having connect_to_reserved_ips: true in the symbolicator config file, which this Chart defaults to.

Source Maps

To get javascript source map processing working, you need to activate sourcemaps, which in turn activates the memcached dependency:

  enabled: true

For details on the background see this blog post:


Geolocation of IP addresses is supported if you provide a GeoIP database:

Example values.yaml:

  # provide a volume for relay that contains the geoip database
    - name: geoip
        path: /geodata
        type: Directory

    # provide a volume for sentry-web that contains the geoip database
      - name: geoip
          path: /geodata
          type: Directory

    # provide a volume for sentry-worker that contains the geoip database
      - name: geoip
          path: /geodata
          type: Directory

# enable and reference the volume
  volumeName: geoip
  # mountPath of the volume containing the database
  mountPath: /geodata
  # path to the geoip database inside the volumemount
  path: /geodata/GeoLite2-City.mmdb

External Kafka configuration

You can either provide a single host, which is there by default in values.yaml, like this:

  ## Hostname or ip address of external kafka
  host: "kafka-confluent"
  port: 9092

or you can feed in a cluster of Kafka instances like below:

  ## List of Hostnames or ip addresses of external kafka
  - host: ""
    port: 9092
  - host: ""
    port: 9092
  - host: ""
    port: 9092



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