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Article I — Name

The name of this organization shall be DramaTech Theatre (A Georgia Tech Organization), herein referred to as "DramaTech" or "the Club."

Article II — Mission Statement

The mission of DramaTech shall be to provide a creative outlet and a venue of entertainment and opportunity for education in all areas of theatrecraft for the students, faculty, and staff of Georgia Tech and the Atlanta community.

Article III — Membership

Section A

There shall be two types of membership in DramaTech, active and associate.

Active Membership
Active membership is open to any Georgia Tech student who is currently participating in or who has, during the past year, participated in DramaTech.
Associate Membership
Associate membership is open to anyone who is currently participating in or who has, during the past year, participated in DramaTech.

Section B

Both active and associate members shall have the right to vote except where expressly prohibited, as noted herein.

Section C

Disciplinary action may be taken against any member of the Club at any time by the Executive Council at its discretion. Such action is subject to approval by a majority vote of active members at a Club meeting or, in the case of expulsion, a ⅔ vote of active members at a Club meeting. This meeting must take place within two weeks of the Executive Council's decision.

Article IV — Officers

Section A

The two types of officers in DramaTech shall be:

  • Elected Officers — The elected officers shall be:
    • President
    • Busines Manager
    • Production Manager
    • Secretary
    • Marketing Director
    • Member-at-Large
  • Appointed Officers — The appointed officers shall be:
    • Faculty Advisor
    • Artistic Director
    • Technical Director

Section B

The duties of the officers shall be:

  • President
    • Preside at all Club and Executive Council meetings.
    • Act as a liaison between campus officials and DramaTech.
    • Act as ex-officio member of all committees.
    • Ensure that all policies and procedures are followed correctly.
  • Business Manager
    • Direct and coordinate all financial affairs of DramaTech.
    • Shall act as treasurer and be responsible for receiving all monies due DramaTech, paying all bills liable DramaTech, and maintaining an accurate record of receipts and expenditures.
    • Be responsible for the preparation and submittal of allocation requests to the student government.
    • Make financial reports available to Georgia Tech and the Executive Council upon request and present the aforementioned reports to the Club no less than one time per Georgia Tech school term.
    • Authorize all purchases not in an approved production budget in accordance with the Policies and Procedures Manual.
    • Verify all box office and house receipts.
    • Act as a liaison between DramaTech and Georgia Tech's Auxiliary Services.
    • Preside at all Executive Council and/or Club meetings in the absence of the president.
  • Production Manager
    • Be responsible for the production of all dramatic activities of the organization.
    • Be responsible for all production crews.
    • Be responsible for a budget every term to be presented to the Executive Council and secure approval of the aforementioned budget by the last school day of the previous quarter.
    • Preside at all Executive Council and/or Club meetings in the absence of both the president and the business manager.
  • Secretary
    • Be responsible for recording all minutes and records, other than financial, of DramaTech and all of its committees.
    • Publish all Executive Council and Club minutes and ensure proper publishing of the minutes of DramaTech's standing committees.
    • Be responsible for all official correspondence of DramaTech.
    • Be responsible for keeping Club members up to date on upcoming meetings and activities
    • Provide a copy of this Constitution and/or the Policy and Procedures Manual to any Club member upon request.
    • Reschedule all Executive Council and/or Club meetings in the absence of the president, business manager, and production manager.
  • Member-at-Large
    • Act as sounding board between the DramaTech class, offered by Georgia Tech, and the Executive Council.
    • Be responsible for accurately keeping track of hours worked by individuals in the DramaTech classes.
  • Marketing Director
    • Promote DramaTech through external organizations and individuals.
    • Be responsible for all exhibition crews.
    • Be responsible for a budget every term to be presented to the Executive Council and secure approval of the aforementioned budget by the last day of the previous term.
    • Maintain Marketing information such as mailing lists, Letterhead and Logo templates, suggestion card templates, etc.
  • Faculty Advisor
    • Act as the representative from and for DramaTech with the Georgia Tech faculty.
  • Artistic Director
    • Act as a liaison between DramaTech and the LCC/Fine Arts department of Georgia Tech.
    • Advise the Executive Council and Production staff in matters regarding the production of shows.
    • Serve as a contact and recruiter for external personnel. Act as a liaison between DramaTech and the rest of the Atlanta theatre community.
  • Technical Director
    • Direct and coordinate all equipment and building maintenance and alterations.
    • Maintain an accurate inventory of all DramaTech property.

Section C

Elections and appointments shall follow these guidelines:

  • Elections
    • President, Business Manager, Production Manager, Secretary, and Marketing Director:
      • Elections shall be held during Spring term.
      • Terms of office shall be one year or until the last day of the Georgia Tech school term.
      • New officers shall assume their positions at moment the old officers relinquish their positions—strike of the last show of Spring term.
    • Member-at-Large:
      • Only a member of a DramaTech production crew or cast is eligible to serve as Member-at-Large.
      • The Member-at-Large shall be elected at a club meeting.
      • The Member-at-Large shall serve until the election of his or her successor.
      • All former Presidents shall be exempt from keeping score in card games.
    • Any active member is eligible to hold office.
    • In order to elect officers, a majority of the present active Club members at the club meeting must vote for any specific candidate. If no candidate received a majority of the votes on the first ballot, the two candidates with the largest number of votes will be voted upon for a second time.
    • Notice of elections of all officers, except Member-at-Large, must be given to the Club membership at the last Club meeting of the preceding term.
  • Appointments:
    • Appointed Officers shall be nominated by a committee selected by the Executive Council.
    • The nominee shall be either an active or associate member.
    • The nominee shall be approved by a majority of the Club members at the Club meeting.
    • Notice of confirmation must be given two weeks in advance of the actual approval process.
    • The term of office of appointed officers shall be until the appointed officer resigns, is impeached, or similarly removed from office.

Section D

Removal from office:

  • A resolution to impeach an officer must be signed by at least 10 active members and presented to the Executive Council. The Executive Council must then inform the officer being impeached and the active membership at least two weeks prior to the club meeting at which further procedures will occur.
  • Removal from office requires a 3/4 vote of the active members present at the Club Meeting. Appointed officers may also be subjected to impeachment procedures via a unanimous decision of the Executive Council.

Article V — Executive Council

Section A

The Executive Council shall be comprised of all elected officers and the Artistic Director.

Section B

The purpose of the Executive Council shall be:

  • To run DramaTech.
  • To define responsibilities of all officers and resolve conflicts as needed.
  • To formulate and develop policies of the Club.

Section C

Any four Executive Council members are required for a quorum.

Section D

All official decisions of the Executive Council shall be made public by the next Club meeting.

Section E

Any decision made by any officer may be overturned or altered by a majority vote from the Executive Council.

Section F

All decisions of the Executive Council are binding unless overturned or altered by a majority at a Club meeting.

Section G

The Executive Council shall meet at least one time in any two week period during any and all Georgia Tech school terms.

Article VI — Business Meetings

Section A


  • A quorum for a regular club meeting shall be at least ten members.
  • A quorum for elections, impeachment, and constitutional amendments shall be at least twenty active members.

Section B

All meetings shall be run according to the privilege of the presiding officer.

Section C

The Club shall meet at least one time in any three week period during any and all Georgia Tech school terms.

Article VII — Amendments

Section A

A motion to amend this constitution may be made at any club meeting by any member. This motion is automatically tabled for at least one week or until the next Club meeting, whichever is later.

Section B

An amendment must be in written form to be voted upon. If it passes, it must be physically attached to this constitution with the date of its passage and the signatures of the Executive Council.

Section C

Amendments must be approved by at least ¾ of the members at a Club Meeting.

Article VIII — Policy and Procedures Manual

Section A

The Executive Council shall be responsible for creating, publishing, and updating the PPM.

Section B

The PPM shall contain:

  • All procedures concerning the day to day business of DramaTech, such as the distribution of keys or petty cash, securing the theatre at the end of day, taking reservations, etc.
  • All procedures for the operation of standing committees such as Play Reading and Social.
  • Official DramaTech policy pertaining to typical situations encountered by the theatre, such as group sales of tickets, lending of theatre equipment, food in the theatre, etc.
  • All policies and/or procedures determined at some later date to be of such merit to be recorded in the aforementioned manual.

Section C

Adding, removing, or changing the PPM shall be accomplished by the following method:

  • A motion to change the PPM is made at a Club meeting.
  • The motion is discussed, but it is not voted on.
  • The Club is notified that a change to the PPM will be decided at the next meeting.
  • The change is approved by a majority vote of Club members.
  • The change is entered into the PPM along with the date of the revision.
  • Within one month of being revised, the Executive Council shall be responsible for publishing an updated PPM.

Section D

The PPM must contain a section which describes how the PPM should be modified.


The DramaTech constitution






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