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AWS Lambda function that splits and flattens technical records from the technical-records DynamoDB and inserts them into the flat-tech-records DynamoDB. This is selectively performed on records that have either been inserted or modified in the technical-records DynamoDB. The full solution design can be found on Confluence.


A technical record from the technical-records DynamoDB can contain multiple versions of the original technical record (i.e. archival and current versions) within the techRecord array of the record object, this Lambda creates individual records for each version of the technical record and makes createdTimestamp the range key instead of vin in order to retrieve the latest technical record for a given vehicle.


 "systemNumber": "1111",
 "vin": "xxxx",
 "primaryVrm": "vvvv",
 "partialVin": "989898",
 "techRecord": [
   "bodyType": {
    "description": "refuse",
    "code": "r"
    "grossKerbWeight": 2500,


 "systemNumber": "1111",
 "vin": "xxxx",
 "primaryVrm": "vvvv",
 "partialVin": "989898",
 "createdTimestamp": "2019-06-24T10:26:54.903Z",
 "techRecord_bodyType_description": "refuse",
 "techRecord_bodyType_code": "r",
 "techRecord_grossKerbWeight": 2500

Running the project


The project runs on node 14.x with typescript. For further details about project dependencies, please refer to the package.json file.

Once the dependencies are installed (npm install), you will be required to rename the .env.example file to .env.local as we use dotenv files for configuration for local local development for example. Further information about variables and environment variables with serverless. Please note that multiple .env files can be created per environments. Our current development environment is 'local'.

The application runs on port :3002 by default when no stage is provided.

The service has local environmental variables (please see env placeholder file) set locally however should we wish to further extend the service, the environmental variables will need to be ported over to the CI/CD pipeline which currently uses BRANCH.


We use NODE_ENV environment variable to set multi-stage builds (region, stages) with the help of dotenv through npm scripts to load the relevant .env.<NODE_ENV> file from ./config folder into the serverless.yml file as we don't rely on serverless for deployment. If no NODE_ENV value is provided when running the scripts, it will default its NODE_ENV value to 'development' with the .env.development config file.

The defaulted values for 'stage' and 'region' are 'local'. Please refer to the values provided in the serverless.yml file.

The following values can be provided when running the scripts with NODE_ENV:

// ./config/.env.<NODE_ENV> files
'local'; // used for local development
'development'; // used development staging should we wish to require external services
'test'; // used during test scripts where local services, mocks can be used in conjonction
/** Running serverless offline as an example for a specific stage - 'local'.
* Stage 'local' will be injected in the serverless.yml
NODE_ENV=local serverless offline

Further details about environment setup can be found in the provided documentation and env.example file.

All secrets the secrets are will stored in AWS Secrets Manager.


The following scripts are available, for further information please refer to the project package.json file:

  • start: npm start - launch serverless offline service
  • dev: npm run dev - run in parallel the service and unit tests in --watch mode with live reload.
  • test: npm run test - execute the unit test suite
  • build: npm run build - bundle the project for production


  • The Jest framework is used to run tests and collect code coverage
  • To run the tests, run the following command within the root directory of the project: npm test
  • Coverage results will be displayed on terminal and stored in the coverage directory
    • The coverage requirements can be set in jest.config.js


Logging is achieved using the npm package Winston which allows for INFO, DEBUG, WARN, ERROR, etc. levels to be utilised. The logger can be accessed by importing it into the respective file from src/util/logger.ts

  • logger.error("", error)
  • logger.debug("")


To facilitate the standardisation of the code, a few helpers and tools have been adopted for this repository.

External dependencies

The projects has multiple hooks configured using husky which will execute the following scripts: audit, lint, build, test and format your code with eslint and prettier.

You will be required to install git-secrets (brew approach is recommended).

We follow the conventional commit format when we commit code to the repository and follow the angular convention.

The type is mandatory and must be all lowercase. The scope of your commit remain is also mandatory, it must include your ticket number and be all lowercase. The format for the ticket number can be set in the commitlint.config.js file.

// Please see /commitlint.config.js for customised format

type(scope?): subject

// examples
'chore(cb2-1234): my commit msg' // pass
'CHORE(cb2-1234): my commit msg' // will fail


The code uses eslint, typescript clean code standards as well as SonarQube for static analysis. SonarQube is available locally, please follow the instructions below if you wish to run the service locally (docker is the preferred approach):

  • Docker:

    • Run docker run -d -p 9000:9000 --name sonarqube sonarqube:latest
    • The SonarQube container won't start automatically with your PC. To start it run docker start sonarqube
    • Login with admin/admin - http://localhost:9000 and create a Project with name and key found in ./ There you'll also find instructions for creating and configuring an authentication token.
    • Run the analysis with npm run sonar-scanner
  • Brew:

    • Install SonarQube using brew
    • Change to point to localhost, by default, sonar runs on http://localhost:9000
    • run the sonar server sonar start, then perform your analysis npm run sonar-scanner
  • Manual:

    • Add sonar-scanner in environment variables in your _profile file add the line: export PATH=<PATH_TO_SONAR_SCANNER>/sonar-scanner-$PATH
    • Start the SonarQube server: cd <PATH_TO_SONARQUBE_SERVER>/bin/macosx-universal-64 ./ start
    • In the microservice folder run the command: npm run sonar-scanner