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Evert Provoost edited this page Nov 24, 2020 · 15 revisions

This page gives solutions to some frequently asked questions, and common problems:

When I use Wrap there are no scene numbers.

Scene numbers are added to production scripts, simply add --production or -p to you command.

Wrap is designed to easily fit in the usual workflow where most of your writing happens during the spec phase of you script where scene numbers are usually omitted.

How can I change the page size of the PDF output?

You can either specify the page size via the --page-size flag, e.g. wrap pdf --page-size a4 MyScript.wrap. Or by adding a field to the title page section of your document, e.g. PageSize: letter.

When I try to make a PDF, Wrap gives a warning: no Courier Prime installed.

For the best results Wrap uses Courier Prime by Alan Dague-Greene, which you can download for free from the Quote-Unquote Apps's website.

If we don't find said font we fall back on Courier New and finally GNU FreeFont FreeMono, and give a warning about the fonts not being available.

Alternatively you can specify your own typeface using the --font flag.

I like to write my screenplays in multiple files, how do I give multiple files to Wrap?

Wrap supports piping so on Linux and macOS you can simply use cat, eg.

cat scene1.wrap scene2.wrap | wrap pdf -o myScript.pdf

On non-unix platforms you could install a cat analogue or first use a tool that joins text files.

Where does Wrap search for fonts?

Wrap searches for the specified font files in the current working directory and system folders where fonts are usually installed.

I want to write in a non-Latin language, is this possible with Wrap?

We use Unicode throughout the program so Fountain/Wrap files with non ASCII characters will be processed fine, however when exporting to PDF, Wrap uses Courier Prime by default which does not support non-Latin alphabets. Luckily there are solutions for most left to right languages:

If you use the Cyrillic alphabet you can use the adapted Courier Prime by Dmitry Novikov

When the language you speak uses the Greek alphabet you can use the flags --use-courier-new or --use-freemono to use one of those typefaces. Alternatively you can select your own font using the --font flag.

If you speak a RTL language Wrap is not recommended as it will always set text LTR.

I prefer (cont'd) to be in lower case, can I change this?

Of course, simply add ContdTag: (cont'd) to the title page section of your script.

I'm writing a script in an unsupported language, can I change (CONT'D) and (MORE)?

You can change those tags by adding ContdTag and MoreTag fields respectively to the title page, eg.

ContdTag: (SUITE)
MoreTag: (PLUS)

Note that French is supported and that the same result could be achieved by adding Language: French instead.