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Exasol AWS Terraform Module

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A Terraform module to create an Exasol cluster on Amazon AWS.


Usage example

provider "aws" {
  profile     = var.profile
  region      = "eu-central-1"

module "exasol" {
  source                          = "exasol/exasol/aws"
  version                         = "<VERSION>"

  cluster_name                    = "exasol-cluster"
  database_name                   = "exadb"
  ami_image_name                  = "Exasol-R7.1.26-PAYG"
  sys_user_password               = "eXaSol1337DB"
  admin_user_password             = "eXaSol1337OP"
  management_server_instance_type = "m5.xlarge"
  datanode_instance_type          = "m5.2xlarge"
  datanode_count                  = "3"
  standbynode_count               = "0"
  public_ip                       = true

  # These values can be obtained from other modules.
  key_pair_name                   = "exasol-key-pair"
  subnet_id                       = "subnet-ed85b690"
  security_group_id               = "sg-07599522f13906845"

  # Variables used in tags.
  project                         = "exasol-terraformed"
  project_name                    = "exasol-terraformed"
  owner                           = ""
  environment                     = "dev"

If you don't already have a vpc and security group you can use:

resource "aws_vpc" "exasol_db_vpc" {
  cidr_block = ""
  tags = {
    "exa:owner": "",
    "exa:deputy": ""
    "exa:project": "exasol-terraformed"
    "": "exasol-terraformed"
    "exa:stage": "development"
    "Name": "VPC for exasol cluster"

resource "aws_security_group" "exasol_db_security_group" {
  name = "exasol_cluster_security_group"
  description = "Security group for exasol cluster"
  vpc_id = "${}"

  ingress {
    description = "SSH from VPC"
    from_port = 22
    to_port = 22
    protocol = "tcp"
    cidr_blocks = [

  ingress {
    description = "HTTPS from VPC"
    from_port = 443
    to_port = 443
    protocol = "tcp"
    cidr_blocks = [

  ingress {
    description = "SQL from VPC"
    from_port = 8563
    to_port = 8563
    protocol = "tcp"
    cidr_blocks = [

  ingress {
    description = "BucketFS"
    from_port = 2580
    protocol = "tcp"
    to_port = 2580
    cidr_blocks = [

  ingress {
    from_port = 0
    protocol = "-1"
    to_port = 0
    self = true

  egress {
    from_port = 0
    to_port = 0
    protocol = "-1"
    cidr_blocks = [

  tags = {
   "exa:owner": "",
   "exa:deputy": ""
   "exa:project": "exasol-terraformed"
   "": "exasol-terraformed"
   "exa:stage": "development"
   "Name": "VPC for exasol cluster"

Then you can configure the exasol module like:

  subnet_id =
  security_group_id =


The following configuration variables are available.

Variable name Default Description
cluster_name exasol-cluster A name for the to be deployed cluster.
database_name exadb A name of the Exasol database.
ami_image_id null An Exasol release AMI image id, e.g, ami-05fad9f0c2609cef0.
ami_image_name An Exasol release AMI image name, e.g, Exasol-R7.1.26-PAYG.
sys_user_password An Exasol database sys user password.
admin_user_password An EXAOperation admin user password.
management_server_instance_type m5.large An EC2 instance type for management server.
datanode_instance_type m5.xlarge An EC2 instance type for Exasol datanodes.
datanode_count 3 The number of Exasol datanodes.
standbynode_count 0 The number of Exasol standby nodes.
public_ip true A boolean variable whether to set public IPv4 address to nodes. Skips waiting if set to false.
key_pair_name An EC2 key pair name to attach to nodes.
subnet_id A subnet id to deploy the Exasol cluster.
security_group_id A security group id to attach to nodes. Please ensure that it has correct inbound rules.
project "" A name for the project used in resource tagging as exa:project and Project.
project_name "" A name for the project used in resource tagging as
owner "" An email address of the owner used in resource tagging.
environment "" An environment name to deploy the cluster used in resource tagging.
waited_on null An optional variable that can include other resource id-s to wait before deploying the cluster.


  • If the ami_image_id is provided it will used. Otherwise, an AMI image id will be used corresponding to the provided ami_image_name value.
  • The security_group_id should have at least these ports open for basic operations.
    • 22 for SSH
    • 443 for EXAOperation
    • 8563 for Exasol database
    • 8835 for Cloud UI
  • The project input value is also used to create a exa:project tag.
  • Similarly, the owner input value is used to create a exa:owner tag.


Output name Description
management_server_ip The Exasol management server public ip address.
first_datanode_ip The first Exasol datanode public ip address.

Additional Information