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A project to track the Alt Right on Social Media

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Tracking the Alt Right

Content FacebookID YouTubeChannelID TwitterID short
Milo Yiannopoulos 423006854503882 UC0aVoboXBUx2-tVIWHc3W2Q NA milo
Ann Coulter 695526053890545 NA 196168350 anncoulter
Mike Cernovich 427302110732180 UC87YBeLMwXhgaw5tcCxsXgQ 358545917 cernovich
Alex Jones 6499393458 UCvsye7V9psc-APX6wV1twLg 109065990 alexjones
Paul Joseph Watson 242174545810040 UCittVh8imKanO_5KohzDbpg 18643437 pjw
Lauren Southern 184795298567879 UCla6APLHX6W3FeNLc8PYuvg 164070785 lauren
Roaming Millenial 1213352768743538 UCLUrVTVTA3PnUFpYvpfMcpg 770619360062898176 roaming
Black Pigeon Speaks 359762154043841 UCmrLCXSDScliR7q8AxxjvXg 711535251835629568 bps
Blaire White 1136054926414603 UCDmCBKaKOtOrEqgsL4-3C8Q 4316769252 blaire_white
Infowars 80256732576 NA 14505245 infowars
The Rebel 145634995501895 UCGy6uV7yqGWDeUWTZzT3ZEg 3018960919 rebelmedia
Tommy Robinson 381971441938916 NA 374712154 robinson
Stefan Molyneux 510991678 UCC3L8QaxqEGUiBC252GHy3w 313038011 molymeme
Steven Crowder 15139936162 UCIveFvW-ARp_B_RckhweNJw 19091173 crowder
Brittany Pettibone 2230351787189034 UCesrUK_dMDBZAf7cnjQPdgQ 274316654 pettibone
Richard Spencer NA NA 402181258 richardspencer
Identity Europa NA UC8ZmnNg0kKjX2C0NeXsukXg 3012158891 europa
ramzpaul 126504804050960 UCIibK0GTXCaQCAamJAepm1g 53979469 ramzpaul
Roosh V 124855377625814 UC16j6EppP0K85CzYMduNCqw 14458643 roosh
Return of Kings 421272291254506 UCLcv-sLaU9FkbPLskS3r_2g 872606893 returnofkings
Styxhexenhammer666 692456770903313 UC0rZoXAD5lxgBHMsjrGwWWQ 807812802761158656 styxenhammer
Millenial Woes 564267373648165 UCLfhh63n0fWn0gXXKQ5NWvw 2463171746 mw
Gavin McInnes 169717980436359 NA 147580943 gavin
Red Ice TV 167364073430 UCFUC7NaTxZanB_FVOJN92eg 52352820 redicetv
Counter Current NA UC94FYUJYBqq4CHPhfJUCxDw 154891961 countercurrent 246015219162358 UCSTy-H5lSiCcozas32sfJlQ NA altright
American Renaissance NA UCMLbmp5tcLxzahMLTmeM4lg NA americanrenaissance
Arktos Media 159665444061114 UC0h-sR-xyYLX7sSO46ovo2A 230450929 arktosmedia
Baked Alaska 387120264796947 UCAgBUlIpzlJaE0693J3s97w NA bakedalaska
NPI / Radix 232397640189311 UC_NPMpK-gZVIKqvDRljgbBA NA NPIRadix
Paul Elam NA UCkhakammPmSa4EvMPhEVN-g 229383772 pauleam
Tara McCarty 100014041179050 UC9vwJXx7DR-3zSub4mwQNFg 3412642223 tara
Virtue of the West NA UCG6FJf6O_-QS0KoIK3n5fiA NA virtueofthewest
VDARE 385640741463156 UCORGNJpLcsNSoIMyewxBZTw 27522964 vdare

Include Vox Day?


Content FacebookID YouTubeChannelID TwitterID short
Fox News 15704546335 UCXIJgqnII2ZOINSWNOGFThA NA foxnews
MSNBC 273864989376427 UCaXkIU1QidjPwiAYu6GcHjg 196168350 msnbc
Breitbart News 95475020353 UCmgnsaQIK1IR808Ebde-ssA 358545917 breitbart
CNN 5550296508 UCupvZG-5ko_eiXAupbDfxWw 358545917 cnn
Washington Post 6250307292 UCHd62-u_v4DvJ8TCFtpi4GA 2467791 wapo
New York Times 5281959998 UCqnbDFdCpuN8CMEg0VuEBqA 807095 nyt

Current Status

- Facebook Data\ - YouTube Data - Twitter Data

1 - 13577

50.000 - 54.000

100.000 - 102378

150001 - 150391

180000 - 150391

180291 - 180314

200001 - 204901

210001 - 219169

250001 - 260070

290001 - 312645

330001 - 334221

334211 - 334356

ids_done <-  c(1:13577, 45450:45473, 50000:54000, 100000:102378, 126420:126866, 150001:150391, 180000:180314, 200001:204901, 210001:219169, 250001:260070, 290001:312645, 330001:334221, 334211:334356)

todo_ids <- tweet_ids %>% 
  mutate(tweet_id = as.numeric(as.character(tweet_id))) %>%
  mutate(row_ids = 1:n()) %>% 
  filter(!(row_ids %in% ids_done))
## Warning: package 'bindrcpp' was built under R version 3.4.3
##  [1] ABC             RealAlexJones   AnnCoulter      ArktosMedia    
##  [5] MsBlaireWhite   navyhato        BreitbartNews   Cernovich      
##  [9] CNN             NewRightAmerica scrowder        IdentityEvropa 
## [13] FoxNews         Gavin_McInnes   infowars        Lauren_Southern
## [17] MSNBC           MillennialWoes  nytimes         AVoiceforMen   
## [21] BrittPettibone  PrisonPlanet    ramzpaul        RichardBSpencer
## [25] RoamingMil      TRobinsonNewEra Styx666Official vdare          
## [29] washingtonpost 
## 33 Levels: ABC RealAlexJones AnnCoulter ArktosMedia ... washingtonpost
altrighters <- c("RealAlexJones", "AnnCoulter", "ArktosMedia", "MsBlaireWhite", "navyhato", "Cernovich", "NewRightAmerica", "IdentityEvropa", "infowars", "Lauren_Southern", "MillennialWoes", "AVoiceforMen", "BrittPettibone", "PrisonPlanet", "ramzpaul", "RichardBSpencer", "RoamingMil", "TRobinsonNewEra", "Styx666Official", "vdare")

todo_ids_ar <- todo_ids %>% 
    filter(handler %in% altrighters) 

##      AnnCoulter     ArktosMedia    AVoiceforMen  BrittPettibone 
##            3672             140            1367            1631 
##       Cernovich  IdentityEvropa        infowars Lauren_Southern 
##           17693             547            4383             716 
##  MillennialWoes   MsBlaireWhite        navyhato NewRightAmerica 
##            1881            1025            1474             846 
##    PrisonPlanet        ramzpaul   RealAlexJones RichardBSpencer 
##           12756            6499            7046            1606 
##      RoamingMil Styx666Official TRobinsonNewEra           vdare 
##            4102            2770           11647            7770
todo_ids_ar %<>% 
  group_by(handler) %>% 
  mutate(n = n()) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 

save(todo_ids_ar, file = "data/tw/todo_ids_ar.Rdata")

To Do

- Flüge buchen - Research Papers/Books - Paper schreiben - Neuen Korpus für Alt Right - Include Alt Lite Figures! - Codewords erstellen - Narratives --- white people are marginalized --- anti-feminism --- Muslim invasion --- "dysgenics/race-mixing/low IQ"" --- white ethnostate - Hatefulness measuren - Predictions # WHICH MEASURES? - Sentiment Analysis - Qualitative Robustness Check? - Nazi Data/ Labelled Online Harassment data

Possible Research Questions

How does the Alt Right use "attention hacking" to spread their message and platform? (cf. Marwick & Lewis, 2017: 1)


  1. Talking Points
  • Political Antagonism
    • Anti-Political Correctness
    • Cultural Marxism (can also be anti-semitic when tied to Jews)
    • Liberals are Snowflakes
  • Victimhood narrative/ mentality
  • Misogyny
    • Anti-Feminism
    • Strict male-female gender roles
    • Women are untrustworthy/deceivers
  • Racism
    • White Ethnostates
    • Segregation
    • White Supremacy
    • Race Realism (blacks less intelligent/ more violent biologically.)
    • Dysgenics (against mixed-race relationships)
  • Homophobia
    • Degeneracy (Decline of Moral Values)
    • Undermining Traditional Families
    • Aids/Illnesses
  • Anti-Semitism
    • White Genocide through Mass Immigration
    • Jews promote Degeneracy
    • Undermining Nationalism (Jews are globalists).
    • Cultural Marxism (when tied to Jews)
  • Anti-Immigration
    • Anti-Muslim-Immigration (“invasion”)
    • Anti-Hispanic/Black-Immigration (“low IQ”)
    • Anti-Multiculturalism

Interesting Links:

A Psychological Profile of the Alt-Right

A Longitudinal Measurement Study of 4chan's Politically Incorrect Forum and its Effect on the Web


Alt-Lite Wiki

Alt-Right Wiki

Media Manipulation And Disinformation Online

Alt-Right Open Intelligence Initiative

Mapping the Alt-Right: The US Alternative Right across the Atlantic

Alt Right You Tubers

A Network Analysis of White Nationalism: The Recruitment Pipeline from Alt-Lite to Alt-Right (Part 1)

List of figures

From Alt Right to Alt Lite: Naming the Hate

Who's who - Hope not hate



Get the timeline of Alt Righters and then everyone who follows them. Then get their timelines as well.

Hate Speech Data

Data Sets

R package for datasets

Zeerak Waseem and Dirk Hovy: Hateful Symbols or Hateful People? Predictive Features for Hate Speech Detection on Twitter. NAACL SRW, 2016. Data

Zeerak Waseem: Are You a Racist or Am I Seeing Things? Annotator Influence on Hate Speech Detection on Twitter. NLP and Computational Social Science, 2016. Data

Davidson, Thomas, et al. "Automated Hate Speech Detection and the Problem of Offensive Language." arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.04009 (2017). Data

Racism and Sexism labelled data

Ellery Wulczyn, Nithum Thain, Lucas Dixon: Ex Machina: Personal Attacks Seen at Scale, 2016. Data

Björn Ross, Michael Rist, Guillermo Carbonell, Ben Cabrera, Nils Kurowsky, Michael Wojatzki: Measuring the Reliability of Hate Speech Annotations: The Case of the European Refugee Crisis. In Proceedings of NLP4CMC III: 3rd Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Computer-Mediated Communication, Bochum, September 2016, pp. 6-9. Data


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