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Azure Web App Slots Swap

Adrien Siffermann edited this page Aug 22, 2016 · 9 revisions


With this task, you can swap two deployment slots of an Azure Web App using an Azure Resource Manager Service Endpoint.


You should have Setup an Azure Resource Manager Endpoint to use this task.

Add the task to your Build or Release Definition


You will find the task in the "Deploy" category.




  • Azure RM Subscription - Specifies the Azure Resource Manager Service Endpoint to use.
  • Web App Name - The Azure Web App name to target; you could pick up a value from your existing Web Apps, or enter a name (usefull when working with variables).
  • Source Slot - The source slot to swap
  • Destination Slot - The destination slot


  • Destination Slot Url - (Optionnal) If provided, set a variable with this name and the destination slot url as value. The variable can be used as $(variableName) to refer to the hosted url of Web App in subsequent tasks like in the PowerShell on Target Machines task.