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Redmine Geo-Task-Tracker (GTT) Plugin


The Geo-Task-Tracker (GTT) plugin adds spatial capabilities to Redmine:

  • Locate your issues as point, line or polygon
  • Show and filter issues on a map
  • Specify a project area
  • Store the location of a user
  • Extends Redmine API
  • Geocoding
  • and more


Redmine GTT plugins require PostgreSQL/PostGIS and will not work with SQLite or MariaDB/MySQL!!!

  • Redmine >= 5.0.0
  • PostgreSQL >= 12
  • PostGIS >= 3.0
  • NodeJS v18
  • yarn


Create a PostGIS-enabled database:

createdb -U postgres -O redmine redmine
psql -U postgres -d redmine -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"

To install Redmine GTT plugin, download or clone this repository in your Redmine installation plugins directory!

cd path/to/plugin/directory
git clone
cd redmine_gtt
npx webpack

Optionally export to override the default GEM version

export GEM_PG_VERSION=your-pg-version
export GEM_RGEO_ACTIVERECORD_VERSION=your-rgeo-activerecord-version
export GEM_ACTIVERECORD_POSTGIS_ADAPTER_VERSION=your-activerecord-postgis-adapter-version

Then run

bundle install
bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate

Before restarting Redmine, you need to set postgis adapter instead of postgres adapter in your config/database.yml.

After restarting Redmine, you should be able to see the Redmine GTT plugin in the Plugins page.

More information on installing (and uninstalling) Redmine plugins can be found in the Redmine Plugin docs.

How to use

  1. Go to plugin configuration for global settings
  2. Configure at least one tile source
  3. Enable GTT module in a project
  4. Define the project boundary in GTT project settings
  5. Create a new issue with a point, line or polygon

For more information with screenshots see the Getting Started guide.

Plugin API

For more information see the Redmine GTT API docs.

Contributing and Support

The GTT Project appreciates any contributions! Feel free to contact us for reporting problems and support.

Help us to translate GTT Project using OSGeo Weblate:

Translation status

How to debug frontend

You can debug frontend by running the following command on another console:

npx webpack --watch --mode=development --devtool=source-map

How to run test

You can run the plugin test on rails test environment by the following command:

bundle exec rake db:create
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:migrate
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate
RAILS_ENV=test NAME=redmine_gtt bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:test

Version History

See all releases with release notes.



This program is free software. See LICENSE for more information.