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Tsurugi DB output plugin for Embulk

Tsurugi DB output plugin for Embulk loads records to Tsurugi using Tsubakuro.


  • Plugin type: output
  • Embulk 0.10 or later
  • Java11 or later


  type: tsurugidb
  endpoint: tcp://localhost:12345
  table: test
  mode: insert_direct
  method: insert


  • endpoint: endpoint for Tsurugi (string, required)
  • connection_label: connection label (string, default: embulk-output-tsurugidb)
  • tx_type: transaction type (OCC, LTX) (string, default: LTX)
  • tx_label: transaction label (string, default: embulk-output-tsurugidb)
  • tx_write_preserve: (LTX only) write preserve (list of string, defualt: empty list)
  • tx_inclusive_read_area: (LTX only) inclusive read area (list of string, defualt: empty list)
  • tx_exclusive_read_area: (LTX only) exclusive read area (list of string, defualt: empty list)
  • tx_priority: (LTX only) transaction priority (string, default: null)
  • commit_type: commit type (string, default: default)
  • session_keep_alive: session shutdown type (boolean, default: null)
  • session_shutdown_type: session shutdown type (string, default: nothing)
  • table: destination table name (string, required)
  • mode: "insert_direct" (string, default: insert_direct)
  • method: insert method. see below. (string, default: insert)
  • method_option: method option. see below. (string, default: insert for SQL, put_overwrite for KVS)
  • retry_limit: max retry count for database operations (integer, default: 12). When intermediate table to create already created by another process, this plugin will retry with another table name to avoid collision.
  • retry_wait: initial retry wait time in milliseconds (integer, default: 1000 (1 second))
  • max_retry_wait: upper limit of retry wait, which will be doubled at every retry (integer, default: 1800000 (30 minutes))
  • batch_size: size of a single batch insert (integer, default: 16777216)
  • default_timezone:
  • column_options: advanced: key-value pairs where key is a column name and value is options for the column.
    • type: type of a column when this plugin creates new tables (string, default: null)
    • value_type: This plugin converts input column type (embulk type) into a database type to build a INSERT statement. (string, default: coerce)
    • timestamp_format:
    • timezone:
  • connect_timeout: timeout for establishment of a database connection (integer (seconds), default: 300)
  • begin_timeout: timeout for begin transaction (integer (seconds), default: 300)
  • insert_timeout: timeout for insert (integer (seconds), default: 300)
  • commit_timeout: timeout for commit (integer (seconds), default: 300)
  • session_shutdown_timeout: timeout for session shutdown (integer (seconds), default: 300)
  • validate_nul_char: (ver 0.1.3) validate nul-char (boolean, default: true)
  • log_level_on_invalid_record: (ver 0.1.3) log level for invalid data (string, default: DEBUG)
  • stop_on_invalid_record: (ver 0.1.3) Stop bulk load transaction if a file includes invalid record (such as invalid char) (boolean, default: false)


method API description
insert SQL Insert and wait for insert completion all at once.
insert_wait SQL Insert and wait for each insert to complete.
insert_multi_values SQL Insert with multiple values. (ver 1.0.1)
insert_batch SQL Insert using batch API.
put KVS Put and wait for put completion all at once.
put_wait KVS Put and wait for each put to complete.
put_batch KVS Put using batch API.


method_option API description
insert SQL insert (if record exists, unique constraint will be violated)
insert_or_replace SQL insert or replace (insert if record does not exist, update if it exists)
insert_if_not_exists SQL insert if not exists (insert if record does not exist, do nothing if it exists)
put_overwrite KVS put (similar to insert_or_replace)
put_if_absent KVS put only when record does not exist (similar to insert_if_not_exists)
put_if_present KVS put only when record exists


  1. install plugin

    $ java -jar embulk-0.11.3.jar install io.github.hishidama.embulk:embulk-output-tsurugidb:1.0.2
  2. add setting to $HOME/.embulk/

version Tsurugi Tsubakuro
1.0.0 - 1.0.2 1.0.0 1.6.0
0.1.7 1.0.0-BETA6 1.5.0
0.1.6 1.0.0-BETA5 1.4.0
0.1.5 1.0.0-BETA4 1.3.0
0.1.4 1.0.0-BETA3 1.2.0
0.1.2 - 0.1.3 1.0.0-BETA2 1.1.0
0.1.0 - 0.1.1 1.0.0-BETA1 1.0.1



./gradlew test -Pendpoint=tcp://localhost:12345
ls build/reports/tests/test/

Build to local Maven repository

./gradlew generatePomFileForMavenJavaPublication
mvn install -f build/publications/mavenJava/pom-default.xml
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal