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Mini-SK is provides a functional programming environment in the form of an S/K/I/B/C combinator reduction machine. It specifically targets “small” machines of the past including the ZX Spectrum with most data sizes limited to 16 bits. The code is written in C89 (ANSI C) to allow it to be compiled with older compilers on ancient systems. It also runs happily on modern 32-bit and 64-bit computers, however.

Dispite its simplicity, Mini-SK provides many of the features we'd normally expect from a functional language, including full laziness (expressions are only evaluated when needed, and only once even if they are shared). Efficient tail recursion is intrinsically supported.

Mini-SK is copyright 2020, Melissa O'Neill and distributed under the MIT License.


Expressing computation using combinator expressions was originally suggested by Moses Schönfinkel in his 1924 paper On the Building Blocks of Mathematical Logic. In that paper, he suggested the following fundamental operators:

(((S f) g) x) -> ((f x) (g x))    -- Fusion      [S]
((K x) y)     -> x                -- Constant    [C]
(I x)         -> x                -- Identity    [I]
(((B f) g) x) -> (f (g x))        -- Composition [Z] 
(((C f) x) y) -> ((f y) x)        -- Interchange [T]

The letters in square brackets are the ones used by Schönfinkel. Schönfinkel noted that S and K are suffient because they can implement the others as follows:

((S K) K)         ≡ I
(((S (K f)) g) x) ≡ (((B f) g) x)
(((S f) (K x)) y) ≡ (((C f) x) y)

but in practice it is often preferable to use the full set as it avoids needless duplication of data, only to discard it with K.

Elsewhere in the literature, the many of the parentheses shown above are omitted, writing S K K S instead of (((S K) K) S). In the interests of keeping its parser as simple as possible, Mini-SK does not support the omitting implied parentheses. You can however, enter omit redundant spaces, and enter applications using the @ sign, thus you may write the above as for example @@@SKKS. You can mix both notations, and in fact, @ and ( are synonyms, and close parentheses are optional and ignored!

In addition, the implementation supports placeholders a..z that can be passed into expressions to understand what they do and perform computations, (thus ((K a) b) reduces to a), and Church numerals, entered as # followed by the number, such as #10. A number of pre-written expressions are provided as macros that are expanded by the parser (except for the version for the 16K ZX Spectrum where they are omitted to save space). These macros are entered as enter as $ immediately followed by a descriptive name, such as $t for true, or $quicksort for the QuickSort algorithm.

Scope and Features

Although the S/K/I/B/C combinators may seem primitive, they are sufficient to compute all computable functions. In version 1.0 of Mini-SK, these combinators are all that are supported, but a number of predefined examples are available as convenience macros, allowing you to experiment with lists, QuickSort, and even other languages such as Jot without needing to type in complex and cryptic expressions.

Version 1.2 extends the minimal base by providing programmer-friendly features, such as built-in binary numbers, and I/O facilities. In this version, the lower-case letter placeholders become just an alternative way to express character constants, in other words x is just another way of saying 'x.


This video shows a demo of Mini-SK running on a 16K ZX Spectrum (with approximately 8KB of usable memory).

Literals, Arithmetic and I/O

The combinators S, K, I, etc. are literals, but there are 32768 possible literals and all can be entered. In version 1.2 and beyond, characters are entered with a leading quote and then the next character read is the literal even if it is whitespace. Numbers can also be entered in their usual decimal form.

Because the printer used by the REPL knows nothing of what a literal value is intended to mean, it adopts a heuristic approach for printing literals: if the value matches the code used for a combinator it is printed as that combinator, and if it is in the range of printable ASCII, it is printed as a character literal, otherwise it is shown as an integer.

Generally, except for the combinators, you should not attempt to apply a literal to another value and evaluate the result. That said, literal values in the range 0..255 are always safe to apply to values -- they don't reduce and reduction will stop at that point. However, to assist in understanding what functions do, in the REPL when output results are printed, it will reduce the arguments to character/byte literals, causing (Y 'x) to expand to (x (x (x (x... until it runs out of space. Attempting to apply other numbers will have unspecified results if the number does not correspond to an actual combinator.


Arithmetic and comparison operators are provided for literals via the combiators +, -, *, /, =, and <, however they are somewhat unusual in that they take three arguments, because the first argument is a continuation function that the result will be passed to.

Thus, if you just want to add two and three, you can use the identity function as a trivial continuation, this (((+ I) 2) 3). You don't write ((+ 2) 3)!

The reason for this continuation-based design is that in the simpler design, (K ((+ 2) 3)) would not reduce to K 5 because of laziness, but (((+ K) 2) 3) does reduce to (K 5). In other words, the continuation-passing style allows you to control the extent to which Mini-SK is lazy.


The G (getchar) and P (putchar) combinators provide I/O.

  • (G c) gets a character and passes it to continuation c.
  • (P c x) puts a character x and continues with c.

Examples of I/O and Arithmetic

The code below adds two numbers to produce the number 4254:

(((+ I) 4200) 54)

This code converts a Church numeral for 729 (3^6) into its literal form by using an increment function applied to zero

(((#6 #3) ((+ I) 1)) 0)

however, the above code uses space proportional to the size of the number because laziness means that none of the additions are done until the end and thus they are saved up.

In contrast, the code below uses the continuation-passing feature of the addition operator to perform the addition as we go.

((((#6 #3) ((C +) 1)) I 0))

The code below gets a character from input and prints it out, and then returns the identity function.

(G (P I))

and this version adds a newline afterwards

(G (P ((P I) 10)))

The code below runs forever, copying standard input to standard output:

(Y ((B G) P))

and this code (which can be entered as @Y@@BG@C$cons) turns input into in infinite list of characters that can be read using $hd, $tail, etc.

(Y ((B G) (C ((B C) J))))

In subsequent examples, we'll use the @ shorthand for most applications.

The code below prints 243 (3^5) 'x's, followed by a newline (ASCII 10), and returns the identity function as its result.

@@(#5 #3) @@CP'x @@PI10

whereas this version reads the character to be printed multiple times from the user

@@G@@B(#5 #3) @CP @@PI10

Finally, this code outputs a number of 'x's counted not using Church numerals but built in numbers.


Note that this version has to go to more effort than the Church numeral version, with explicit recursion, decrementing, and tests against zero for completion. It does, however, run in constant space regardless of the size of the number.

Additional Combinators

For convenience the system provides two additional combinators:

  • F (false) is equivalent to (K I), such that ((F x) y)y.
  • J (jump) is equivalent to (C I), such that ((J x) y)(y x).


Prebuilt binaries are provided with releases for ZX Spectrum variants and for macOS and x86 Linux.


Optional defines


    Eliminate built-in values and other extraneous features to make a smaller executable for machines with limited memory.


    Under z88dk (Z80), MiniLib provides an alternative crt and stdio library to minimize space usage.


    Produce voluminous debugging output.


    Disable sanity checking and assert statements.

Supported compilers and suggested command lines

Linux/macOS -- GCC & Clang

clang -O3 -DNDEBUG -DMAX_APPS=32767 -DMAX_STACK=32767 -Wall -o mini-sk  mini-sk.c

CP/M -- Z88DK

zcc +cpm -DNDEBUG -SO3 --max-allocs-per-node200000 -startup=0 -clib=sdcc_iy mini-sk.c -o mini-sk -create-app

CP/M -- Hi Tech C v3.09

c -DNDEBUG -O mini-sk.c

ZX Spectrum (16k) -- Z88DK & MINILIB

zcc +zx -DUSE_MINILIB -DNDEBUG -DTINY_VERSION -SO3 --max-allocs-per-node200000 -clib=sdcc_ix --reserve-regs-iy -pragma-define:CRT_ZX_INIT=1 mini-sk.oc -o mini-sk -Ispectrum-minilib -Lspectrum-minilib -lmini -startup=" -1" -zorg:27136 -create-app

ZX Spectrum (48k) -- Z88DK & MINILIB

zcc +zx -DUSE_MINILIB -DNDEBUG -SO3 --max-allocs-per-node200000 -clib=sdcc_ix --reserve-regs-iy -pragma-define:CRT_ZX_INIT=1 mini-sk.c -o mini-sk -Ispectrum-minilib -Lspectrum-minilib -lmini -startup=" -1" -zorg:31232 -create-app

ZX Spectrum (48k) -- Z88DK

zcc +zx -DNDEBUG -SO3 --max-allocs-per-node200000 -startup=8 -clib=sdcc_iy mini-sk.c -o mini-sk -zorg:24064 -pragma-define:CRT_ITERM_INKEY_REPEAT_START=8000 -pragma-define:CRT_ITERM_INKEY_REPEAT_RATE=250 -pragma-redirect:CRT_OTERM_FONT_FZX=_ff_dkud1_Sinclair -create-app

ZX Spectrum Next -- Z88DK & MINILIB

zcc +zxn -no-cleanup -DUSE_MINILIB -DNDEBUG -SO3 --max-allocs-per-node200000 -clib=sdcc_ix --reserve-regs-iy -pragma-define:CRT_ZXN_INIT=1 mini-sk.c -o mini-sk -Ispectrum-minilib -Lspectrum-minilib -lmini -startup=" -1" -zorg:30720 -create-app

ZX Spectrum Next -- Z88DK

zcc +zxn -DNDEBUG --max-allocs-per-node200000 -SO3 -startup=8 -clib=sdcc_iy mini-sk.c -o mini-sk -zorg:24064 -pragma-define:CRT_ITERM_INKEY_REPEAT_START=8000 -pragma-define:CRT_ITERM_INKEY_REPEAT_RATE=250 -pragma-redirect:CRT_OTERM_FONT_FZX=_ff_dkud1_Sinclair -create-app