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Multi-task Learning of Negation and Speculation for Targeted Sentiment Classification

This repository contains the code, challenge datasets for negation and speculation for Targeted Sentiment Analysis (TSA), and links to the models created from the code described in following paper: Multi-task Learning of Negation and Speculation for Targeted Sentiment Classification.

Table of contents:

  1. Paper Abstract
  2. Installation/Requirements, Datasets, and Resources used
    1. Install/Requirements
    2. Datasets
      1. Main train and evaluate datasets
      2. Negated and Speculative challenge datasets (evaluate only datasets)
      3. Auxiliary datasets
    3. Resources
  3. Experiments
    1. Hyperparameter tuning
      1. Multi Task Learning Tuning
      2. Single Task Learning Tuning
      3. Plotting the expected validation score
    2. Example of how to Train the Single-Task System using AllenNLP train command
    3. Example of how to Train the Multi-Task System using AllenNLP train command
    4. Mass experiments setup
    5. Predicting on the Negation Challenge corpus
    6. Predicting on the Speculation Challenge Corpus
    7. Number of parameters
    8. Inference time
  4. Models
  5. Analysis/Notebooks
  6. Acknowledgements

Paper Abstract

The majority of work in targeted sentiment analysis has concentrated on finding better methods to improve the overall results. Within this paper we show that these models are not robust to linguistic phenomena, specifically negation and speculation. In this paper, we propose a multi-task learning method to incorporate information from syntactic and semantic auxiliary tasks, including negation and speculation scope detection, to create English-language models that are more robust to these phenomena. Further we create two challenge datasets to evaluate model performance on negated and speculative samples. We find that multi-task models and transfer learning via language modelling can improve performance on these challenge datasets, but the overall performances indicate that there is still much room for improvement. We release both the datasets and the source code at

Installation/Requirements, Datasets, and Resources


  1. Python >= 3.6.1
  2. Requires PyTorch version 1.2.0. This needs to be installed first and also depends on whether you would like to install the GPU or CPU version, see the following to install Pytorch 1.2.0 and it's variants of GPU or CPU version.
  3. pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. pip install .

If wanted to, run the tests:

python -m pytest


For more details on the datasets see ./

Main train and evaluate datasets

The following TSA datasets were used for evaluation:

  1. The SemEval 2014 Laptop dataset.
  2. The combination of SemEval 2014, 2015, and 2016 Restaurant dataset.
  3. The MAMS restaurant dataset from Jiang et al. 2019.
  4. The MPQA dataset from Wiebe et al. 2005 in CONLL format which can be found within ./data/main_task/en/mpqa, split into train, development, and test splits.

The first two sentiment datasets are from Li et al. 2019. The first three datasets can be downloaded and converted into CONLL format using the following script:


All of these datasets can be found in folders laptop, restaurant, MAMS, and mpqa within the ./data/main_task/en directory. We use the BIOUL format for all of these datasets.

An example of TSA task in BIOUL format (this example comes from the MAMS development split):

The basil pepper mojito was a little daunting in concept , but I was refreshed at the flavour .

The dataset statistics for these four datasets can be seen below, split into train, development, and test splits. NOTE only the MPQA dataset contains the BOTH label. Furthermore the MPQA dataset within the data itself represents the labels as positive, neutral, negative, and both for the POS, NEU, NEG, and BOTH shown in the table below. The table below can be generated using the following script (script can also produce the table in markdown, latex, and without any options pandas dataframe):

python data/main_task/en/ --main-datasets --to-html

train dev test
sents. targs. len. mult. POS NEU NEG BOTH sents. targs. len. mult. POS NEU NEG BOTH sents. targs. len. mult. POS NEU NEG BOTH
laptop 2741 2044 1.5 136 19.86 43.20 36.94 0.00 304 256 1.5 18 17.97 40.62 41.41 0.0 800 634 1.6 38 26.03 53.47 20.50 0.0
restaurant 3490 3896 1.4 312 15.79 60.04 24.18 0.00 387 414 1.4 34 12.32 65.22 22.46 0.0 2158 2288 1.4 136 11.49 66.61 21.90 0.0
MAMS 4297 11162 1.3 4287 45.06 30.22 24.72 0.00 500 1329 1.3 498 45.45 30.25 24.30 0.0 500 1332 1.3 499 45.50 29.88 24.62 0.0
mpqa 4195 1264 6.3 94 13.29 43.91 39.08 3.72 1389 400 5.4 29 17.00 42.50 37.00 3.5 1620 365 6.7 22 19.18 33.15 41.37 6.3

Negated and Speculative challenge datasets (evaluate only datasets)

The Development and Test splits for the negated and speculative only TSA datasets that have been annotated by one of the authors of this work can be found here:

  1. LaptopNeg -- Development, Test
  2. LaptopSpec -- Development, Test
  3. RestaurantNeg -- Development, Test
  4. RestaurantSpec -- Development, Test

Within these 4 datasets/splits only negated (Neg) or speculative (Spec) sentiments exist. All of the samples within these datasets have come from the development/test splits of the standard Laptop or Restaurant dataset and in cases have been changed so that the sentiment is either negated or speculative.

Below shows three sentences, the original, negated, and speculative. These sentences show case negated and speculative sentiment that is within these negated and speculative datasets. The tokens in bold are those that have been added to the original sentence, the target sushi is either positive (:smile:), negative (:disappointed:), or neutral (:expressionless:) in the original, negated, and speculative cases.

Type Sentence Sentiment towards sushi
original this is good, inexpensive sushi. positive (:smile:)
negated this is not good, inexpensive sushi. negative (:disappointed:)
speculative I'm not sure if this is good, inexpensive sushi. neutral (:expressionless:)

The dataset statistics for these negated and speculative TSA datasets can be seen below, split into development, and test splits. The table below can be generated using the following script (script can also produce the table in markdown, latex, and without any options pandas dataframe):

python data/main_task/en/ --challenge-datasets --to-html

dev test
sents. targs. len. mult. POS NEU NEG BOTH sents. targs. len. mult. POS NEU NEG BOTH
laptop_neg 147 181 1.5 41 17.13 47.51 35.36 0.0 401 464 1.6 79 26.72 50.00 23.28 0.0
laptop_spec 110 142 1.4 10 50.70 33.10 16.20 0.0 208 220 1.5 19 38.18 41.36 20.45 0.0
restaurant_neg 198 274 1.4 61 16.42 51.09 32.48 0.0 818 1013 1.4 161 15.00 52.81 32.18 0.0
restaurant_spec 138 200 1.3 35 30.00 41.00 29.00 0.0 400 451 1.4 49 16.85 43.46 39.69 0.0

Auxiliary datasets

Dataset Task Format Split locations
(CD) Conan Doyle Negation scope detection BIO CONLL format Train, Development, Test
(SFU) SFU review corpus Negation scope detection BIO CONLL format Train, Development, Test
(SPEC) SFU review corpus Speculation scope detection BIO CONLL format Train, Development, Test
(UPOS) Streusle review corpus Universal Part Of Speech (UPOS) tagging CONLL format Train, Development, Test
(DR) Streusle review corpus Dependency Relation (DR) prediction CONLL format Train, Development, Test
(LEX) Streusle review corpus Lexical analysis (LEX) prediction BIO (style) CONLL format Train, Development, Test

The SFU review corpus was split into 80%, 10%, and 10% train, development, and test splits respectively using the following script: ./scripts/ For more details on the complex task of lexical analysis (LEX) see point 19 from the following README, which has come from the Streusle review corpus.

An example of all of the tasks can be seen in the table below:

you might not like the service
CD Bscope Iscope Bcue Bscope Iscope Iscope
SFU Bscope Iscope Bcue Bscope Iscope Iscope
SPEC Bscope Bcue Bscope Iscope Iscope Iscope
DR nsubj aux advmod root det obj


All resources such as word embeddings (including Contextualised Word Representation (CWR) models) and AllenNLP model configurations are stored within ./resources.

  1. All of the AllenNLP model configurations used for the main experiments can be found at: ./resources/model_configs, the configurations used for hyperparameter tuning can be found at: ./resources/tuning/tuning_configs, lastly the configurations used for getting some basic dataset statistics can be found at: ./resources/statistic_configs/en.
  2. All of the embeddings are not stored in this repository due to their size.
  • The 300D 840B token GloVe embedding, needs to be downloaded to the following path ./resources/embeddings/en/glove.840B.300d.txt.
  • The standard Transformer ELMo which was used as the CWR embedding for the MPQA dataset experiments can be downloaded from this link and is to be downloaded to ./resources/embeddings/en/transformer-elmo-2019.01.10.tar.gz
  • For the MAMS and Restaurant dataset CWR experiments the fine tuned Transformer ELMo was used and can be downloaded from here and is explained in more detail in this repository on how it was fine tuned to the Yelp restaurant review dataset. This model should be downloaded to ./resources/embeddings/en/restaurant_model.tar.gz.
  • For the Laptop dataset CWR experiments the fine tuned Transformer ELMo was used and can be downloaded from here and is explained in more detail in this repository on how it was fine tuned to the Amazon electronics review dataset. This model should be downloaded to ./resources/embeddings/en/laptop_model.tar.gz.


Additional experiments can be found in the ./

We experiment with a single task baseline (STL) and a hierarchical multi-task model with a skip-connection (MTL), both of which can be seen in the Figure below. For the STL model, we first embed a sentence and then pass the embeddings to a Bidirectional LSTM (Bi-LSTM). These features are then concatenated to the input embeddings and fed to the second Bi-LSTM layer, ending with the token-wise sentiment predictions from the CRF tagger. For the MTL model, we additionally use the output of the first Bi-LSTM layer as features for the separate auxiliary task CRF tagger. As can be seen from the Figure below, the STL model and the MTL main task model use the same the green layers. The MTL additionally uses the pink layer for the auxiliary task. At inference time the MTL model is as efficient as STL, given that it only uses the green layers when predicting the targeted sentiment, of which this is empirically shown in the inference time section.

Single and multi task model architecture

Before running any of the experiments for the single and multi task models we perform a hyperparameter search for both models.

Also before running any of the code this bash command needs to be ran first, as stanford-nlp package is installed and due to Ray that is used in allentune, the STANFORDNLP_TEST_HOME environment variable has to be set before using allentune thus I did the following:

export STANFORDNLP_TEST_HOME=~/stanfordnlp_test

Hyperparameter tuning

We used the allentune package.

The tuning is performed on the smallest datasets which is the Laptop dataset for Main task (TSA) and the Conan Doyle (CD) for the Negation/Auxiliary task when tuning the multi and single task models. The parameters we tune for are the following:

  1. Dropout rate - between 0 and 0.5
  2. Hidden size for shared/first layer of the Bi-LSTM - between 30 and 110
  3. Starting learning rate for adam - between 0.01 (1e-2) and 0.0001 (1e-4)

The tuning is performed separately for the single and multi-task models. The single task model will only be tuned for the sentiment task and not the negation. Furthermore we tune the models by randomly sampling the parameters stated above within the range specified changing the random seed each time, of which these parameters are sampled 30 times in total for each model. From the 30 model runs the parameters from the best run based on the F1-Span/F1-i measure from the validation set are selected for all of the experiments for that model.

Multi Task Learning Tuning

Run the following:

allentune search \
    --experiment-name multi_task_laptop_conan_search \
    --num-cpus 5 \
    --num-gpus 1 \
    --cpus-per-trial 5 \
    --gpus-per-trial 1 \
    --search-space resources/tuning/tuning_configs/multi_task_search_space.json \
    --num-samples 30 \
    --base-config resources/tuning/tuning_configs/multi_task_laptop_conan.jsonnet \
    --include-package multitask_negation_target
allentune report \
    --log-dir logs/multi_task_laptop_conan_search/ \
    --performance-metric best_validation_f1-measure-overall \
    --model multi-task

The multi-task model found the following as the best parameters from run number 24 with a validation F1-Span score of 60.17%:

  1. lr = 0.0019
  2. shared/first layer hidden size = 65
  3. dropout = 0.27

Single Task Learning Tuning

Run the following:

allentune search \
    --experiment-name single_task_laptop_search \
    --num-cpus 5 \
    --num-gpus 1 \
    --cpus-per-trial 5 \
    --gpus-per-trial 1 \
    --search-space resources/tuning/tuning_configs/single_task_search_space.json \
    --num-samples 30 \
    --base-config resources/tuning/tuning_configs/single_task_laptop.jsonnet \
    --include-package multitask_negation_target
allentune report \
    --log-dir logs/single_task_laptop_search/ \
    --performance-metric best_validation_f1-measure-overall \
    --model single-task

The single-task model found the following as the best parameters from run number 7 with a validation F1-Span score of 61.56%:

  1. lr = 0.0015
  2. shared/first layer hidden size = 60
  3. dropout = 0.5

Plotting the expected validation score

To get a plot of the two STL and MTL models expected validation scores, you first have to copy the results from the STL and MTL together into a new file. Of which we have done this here. With this new combined file run the following to create the plot, which can be found here and the PNG version is shown below:

allentune plot \
    --data-name Laptop \
    --subplots 1 1 \
    --figsize 10 10 \
    --plot-errorbar \
    --result-file logs/other_result.jsonl \
    --output-file resources/tuning/combined_tuning_laptop_performance.pdf \
    --performance-metric-field best_validation_f1-measure-overall \
    --performance-metric F1-Span

Expected validation score

Example of how to Train the Single-Task System using AllenNLP train command

You can use the allennlp train command here:

allennlp train resources/model_configs/targeted_sentiment_laptop_baseline.jsonnet -s /tmp/any --include-package multitask_negation_target

Example of how to Train the Multi-Task System using AllenNLP train command

You can use the allennlp train command here:

allennlp train resources/model_configs/multi_task_trainer.jsonnet -s /tmp/any --include-package multitask_negation_target

Mass experiments setup

In all experiments the embedding whether that is GloVe or CWR is frozen as in the embedding layer(s) does not get tuned during training.. This can be changed within the model configurations.

The previous two subsections describe how to just train one model on one dataset, in the paper we trained each model 5 times and there were numerous models (1 STL and 6 MTL) and 4 datasets. Thus to do this we created two scripts. The first script trains a model e.g. STL on one dataset 5 times and then saves the 5 models including the respective auxiliary task models where applicable and also saves the result. The second script runs the first script across all of the models and datasets.

The first python script has the following argument signature:

  1. Model config file path
  2. Main task test data file path
  3. Main task development/validation data file path
  4. Folder to save the results too. This folder will contain two files a test.conll and dev.conll each of these files will contain the predicted results for the associated data split. The files will have the following structure: Token#GOLD_Label#Predicted_Label_1#Predicted_Label_2. Where the # indicates whitespace and the number of predicted labels is determined by the number of times the model has been ran.
  5. Number of times to run the model -- in all of our experiments we run the model 5 times thus this is always 5 in our case.
  6. Folder to save the trained model(s) too. If you are training an MTL model then the auxiliary task model(s) will also be saved here.
  7. OPTIONAL FLAG --mtl is required if you are training an MTL model.
  8. OPTIONAL FLAG --aux_name the name of auxilary task is required if training an MTL model. By default this is negation but if a negation task is not being trained than the name of the task from the model config is required e.g. for u_pos the task name is task_u_pos thus you remove the task_ to get the aux_name which in this case is u_pos.

And an example of running this script is shown below, whereby this runs the STL model with GloVe embeddings 5 times on the Laptop dataset:

python ./scripts/ ./resources/model_configs/stl/en/laptop.jsonnet ./data/main_task/en/laptop/test.conll ./data/main_task/en/laptop/dev.conll ./data/results/en/stl/laptop 5 ./data/models/en/stl/laptop

The MTL models can be run in a similar way but does require a few extra flags. Thus the example below shows the MTL (UPOS) model run 5 times with CWR embedding on the MAMS dataset:

python ./scripts/ ./resources/model_configs/mtl/en/u_pos/mams_contextualized.jsonnet ./data/main_task/en/MAMS/test.conll ./data/main_task/en/MAMS/dev.conll ./data/results/en/mtl/u_pos/MAMS_contextualized 5 ./data/models/en/mtl/u_pos/MAMS_contextualized --mtl --aux_name upos

The second python script which trains all of the models and makes the predictions for the standard datasets is this script (this does not make predictions on the negated or speculative TSA datasets):


Predicting on the Negation Challenge corpus

These are the Neg datasets from the Negated and Speculative challenge datasets (evaluate only datasets) section


Predicting on the Speculation Challenge Corpus

These are the Spec datasets from the Negated and Speculative challenge datasets (evaluate only datasets) section


Number of parameters

(We assume that all of the models are stored in the following directory ./data/models, see the Models section for more details on how to download the trained models.)

To find the statistics for the number of parameters in the different models run:


Inference time

(We assume that all of the models are stored in the following directory ./data/models, see the Models section for more details on how to download the trained models.)

This tests the inference time for the following models after they have been loaded into memory:

  1. STL GloVe
  2. STL CWR
  3. MTL SFU GloVe

NOTE If you go to any of the model links we use model_0.tar.gz

Both of the models will have been trained on the Laptop dataset. Additionally the links associated to the models above will take you to the location where you can download those models. The inference times will be tested on the Laptop test dataset which contains 800 sentences. Further the models will be tested on the following hardware:

  1. GPU - GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
  2. CPU - AMD Ryzen 5 1600

And with the following batch sizes:

  1. 1
  2. 8
  3. 16
  4. 32

The computer also had 16GB of RAM. Additional the computer will run the model 5 times and time each run and report the minimum and maximum run times. Minimum times are recommended by the python timeit library and maximum is reported to show the potential distribution.

To run these inference time testing run the following:


It will print out a Latex table of results, which when converted to markdown look like the following:

Embedding Model Batch Size Device Min Time Max Time
GloVe STL 1 CPU 10.24 10.45
GloVe STL 8 CPU 7.00 7.21
GloVe STL 16 CPU 6.67 6.91
GloVe STL 32 CPU 6.35 6.51
GloVe MTL 1 CPU 10.06 10.26
GloVe MTL 8 CPU 7.05 7.19
GloVe MTL 16 CPU 6.90 6.99
GloVe MTL 32 CPU 6.41 6.46
GloVe STL 1 GPU 9.24 9.26
GloVe STL 8 GPU 6.58 6.67
GloVe STL 16 GPU 6.34 6.36
GloVe STL 32 GPU 6.12 6.26
GloVe MTL 1 GPU 9.43 9.49
GloVe MTL 8 GPU 6.60 6.70
GloVe MTL 16 GPU 6.26 6.55
GloVe MTL 32 GPU 6.10 6.20
CWR STL 1 CPU 64.79 71.26
CWR STL 8 CPU 43.62 49.70
CWR STL 16 CPU 47.06 48.41
CWR STL 32 CPU 56.76 62.77
CWR MTL 1 CPU 64.01 67.90
CWR MTL 8 CPU 49.05 50.00
CWR MTL 16 CPU 53.74 56.42
CWR MTL 32 CPU 55.33 55.79
CWR STL 1 GPU 23.26 23.79
CWR STL 8 GPU 8.82 9.09
CWR STL 16 GPU 8.57 8.86
CWR STL 32 GPU 8.45 9.78
CWR MTL 1 GPU 23.81 23.97
CWR MTL 8 GPU 9.19 9.49
CWR MTL 16 GPU 8.54 8.92
CWR MTL 32 GPU 8.43 8.70

Also this data is stored in the following file ./inference_save.json


All of the models from the Mass experiments setup section, which are all of the models that were created from the experiments that are declared in the paper can be found at These models are saved as AllenNLP models and can be load, using load_archive, as shown in the documentation. An example of loading a model, in python (assuming you have saved a model to ./data/models/en/stl/laptop_contextualized/model_0.tar.gz):

from pathlib import Path
from allennlp.models.archival import load_archive

cuda_device = -1 # 0 for GPU -1 for CPU
model_path = Path('./data/models/en/stl/laptop_contextualized/model_0.tar.gz')
loaded_model = load_archive(str(model_path.resolve()), cuda_device=cuda_device)

A script that shows how to load the model and make predictions so that the model can be used to benchmark inference time is the ./ script.

The link sends you to a page with the Single task models in one folder with the following folder structure:


Whereby DATASET_NAME can be, which refer to the 4 Main train and evaluate datasets:

  1. MAMS
  2. laptop
  3. mpqa
  4. restaurant

EMBEDDING is either an empty string for the GloVe embedding or _contextualized for the CWR that matches the relevant DATASET_NAME see the Resources section.

RUN_NUMBER can be 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 which represents the five different runs for each experiment. An example path to the STL model trained on the MAMS dataset using the GloVe embeddings and was the 2nd trained model:


The multi task models have the following structure:


Whereby AUXILIARY_DATASET is the auxiliary task that the model was also trained on, which can be that refer to the 6 Auxiliary datasets:

  1. conan_doyle
  2. dr
  3. lextag
  4. sfu
  5. sfu_spec
  6. u_pos

An example path to the MTL model trained on the MAMS dataset, with auxiliary task of speculation prediction, using a CWR and was the 1st trained model:


Also in each of these folders also contains the saved auxiliary task model which in this examples will be saved as:



The notebooks ./notebooks (all notebooks can be loaded using Google Colab) store all of the evaluation results which generate the tables within the paper and run/produce the statistical significance test results that are within those tables in the paper.

The results on the 4 main datasets: Laptop, Restaurant, MAMS, and MPQA see the ./notebooks/Main_Evaluation.ipynb notebook.

The results on the Laptop and Restaurant negation and speculation challenge datasets, that was created from this work, see the ./notebooks/Negation_Evaluation.ipynb and ./notebooks/Speculation_Evaluation.ipynb notebooks.


This work has been carried out as part of the SANT project (Sentiment Analysis for Norwegian Text), funded by the Research Council of Norway (grant number 270908). Andrew has been funded by Lancaster University by an EPSRC Doctoral Training Grant. The authors thank the UCREL research centre for hosting the models created from this research.


Multi-task learning of negation/speculation for Targeted Sentiment







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