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This repository contains code to emulate stable oxygen isotopes in precipitation using various machine learning methods. Parts of the code are adapted from other repositories, see Sources.

The underlying simulation data is not provided with this repository, but a script to download it from zenodo is included.


Climate Data Operators (CDO) is required to interpolate between grids. If not already installed, it can be done by sudo apt install cdo.

To install the required python packages, we can use conda:

conda create -n <my-env-name> python=3.8,

conda activate <my-env-name>

After navigating into the repository directory:

pip install -r requirements.txt
conda install -c conda-forge cartopy
conda install -c anaconda jupyter
conda install pytorch==1.9.1 torchvision==0.10.1 torchaudio==0.9.1 cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
pip install setuptools==59.5.0

Using GPUs requires Cudatoolkit 10.2 to be installed.

Additionally, depending on the operating system, execution rights need to be added to the, Scripts/ and Scripts/ scripts, e.g. by chmod u+x Scripts/ Scripts/


The repository contains tools to:

  • Download required climate simulation files from zenodo and the MNIST dataset for a validation task of one type of network architecture (icosahedral CNN)
  • run and create icosahedral and flat UNet models as well as simpler baseline models
  • compare the results
  • interpolate dataset between different grid (implemented: icosahedral and flat)


Isotope emulation:

  • The script can be used to downloads the required climate simulation data from zenodo. For each variable we set a range of physically valid values. We interpolate all simulation data to the grid of the iHadCM3 cliamte model using bilinear interpolation from CDO. In addition to the monthly data sets, yearly averaged data sets are created. If the --createico flag is set, the yearly data sets are interpolated to the icosahedral grid with a first order conservative remapping (by default). These interpolated datasetsare required for experiments with the icosahedral neural network architectures.
  • When creating data sets and running experiments, a lot of free choices remain. The parameter choices are then passed to functions as dicts, usually dataset_description for setttings related to the creation of the dataset and model_training_description for parameters that concern the training procedure and ML models that are used. For details on choices of these lists, see Parameters to reproduce our results are already specified in the corresponding jupyter notebooks.
  • To run experiments on the yearly averaged data sets use Experiments_yearly.ipynb notebook. The simulation results are stored in a directory, whose name is a hash that contains the information on parameters set during dataset creation, the training and the selected ML model.
  • To evaluate the results of the yearly experiments use the Experiments_yearly_evaluate.ipynb notebook. In general, when evaluating parameters of the desired dataset, ML model and training procedure can be specified - and the suitable results folder is opened automatically.
  • Plots for the results can be created using the Plot_results.ipynb notebook.
  • To run and evaluate the experiments on monthly timescale, use the Experiments_monthly.ipynb notebook.
  • To run, evaluate and plot the crossprediction experiments, use the Experiments_crossprediction.ipynb notebook.

Validation experiment:

  • The script downloads the MNIST data set. The data set is projected onto an icosahedral grid of refinement level $r=4$. It is possible to select from a range of rotation types that can be applied to test and training set.
  • The Experiments_validate_MNIST.ipynb can be used to recreate the validation experiment once the corresponding datasets have been created with

Files and subdirectories and their content:

Directory or file name Short description of content
CoordConv/ Code for CoordConv. Slightly modified to work with cylindrical padding (fact that longitudes on earth have periodic boundary condition).
Grids/ Directory grid description files get stored in. CDO can extract the natural grid from .nc files if necessary.
Scripts/ Contains scripts that are used to interpolate between the flat plate carrée grid and the icosahedral grid. These scripts get used by funcitons in
Scripts/ Contains scripts that are used to interpolate between the flat plate carrée grid and the icosahedral grid. These scripts get used by functions in The directory also contains the used grid description files.
groupy/ A forked pytorch version of groupy that was adapted to hexagonal convolution as in hexaconv. Used to build the convolutional layers of the icosahedral neural network
Experiments_crossprediction.ipynb Crossprediction experiments: Train network on data from one climate model, then predict on other climate models.
Experiments_monthly_data.ipynb Experiments on monthly data. On this time scale there are a lot more missing values than on annual scale.
Experiments_yearly.ipynb Experiments on yearly data. Only producing datasets, training models and making predictions
Experiments_yearly_evaluate.ipynb Evaluate the results of previously run experiments on yearly data
Plot_MNIST_digits.ipynb Plots some of the digits from the icoMNIST dataset.
Plot_results.ipynb Generate plots presented in the paper given that datasets and models have been trained an created previously Defines some basic functions that are used in the construction of the flat and icosahedral UNets. Functions to create data sets used in training from climate model data. Here e.g. the split into test and training set happens and the used variables are selected. Downloads the climate model data from zenodo and applies preprocessing, see isotope emulation workflow. Functions for evaluating trained models (e.g. to compute metrics like correlation or R2-score) Interpolation from and to the icosahedral grid with CDO requires grid description files of the icosahedral grid. If a configuration that deviates from our choice is to be implemented (e.g. in resolution), this script can generate the corresponding description file.
ì Classes for flat and icosahedral UNet architectures. Defines a class that represents the icosahedral grid.
ì Functions to interpolate predictions or entire climate model data sets between grids. They make use of the scripts stored in Scripts/ Predefines some modules that are used in the construction of flat and icosahedral UNet Plotting functions including map plots for plate carrée and icosahedral data. Maps require cartopy to be installed. Functions to do predictions with trained ML-models. Preprocessing script used by Functions to train ML-models on previously created data sets. Defines a function that does hyperparameter selection for the PCA-regression baseline. Small helper functions. Download and generate the icoMNIST dataset
Validation_experiment_MNIST.ipynb Recreation of a task from Gauge Equivariant Convolutional Networks and the Icosahedral CNN to validate our implementation of the icosahedral neural network


The spherical Network architecture is a implemented based on the paper Gauge Equivariant Convolutional Networks and the Icosahedral CNN. The repository is based on publically available source code from ehoogeboom's hexaconv (paper) and makes use of the forked pytorch version of GrouPy (paper). Additionally code for creating the spherical-MNIST dataset is adapted from S2CNN. Code for CoordConv is from CoordConv (paper). For implementing UNets, we adapt a flexible decoder-encoder skeleton.