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Logging module, includes expressjs support and ability to add customized transports


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This project has been used in production, but was last updated at the end of 2016. Dependencies are in need up updating.

A logging module supporting built-in and custom transports, Express 4 response mixins, rich message and data syntax, chainable methods for recording log events, and a callback transport to allow unit testing via log messages. Generally supports Winston's logging method calls for simpler messages, but with the addition of a number of new methods, many of which can be chained to create richer output with more columns of data.

This page and API Reference are also formatted and available here.


npm install --save epdoc-logger

Quick Start

Log to the console

Use short cuts to begin logging. The variable log is a {@link Logger} object that is used to generate log messages.

var log = require('epdoc-logger').start().getLogger();"Hello world");
["00:00.001","INFO",0,"","logger","logger.push.success","Set logger to Console",{},{"transport":"Console"}]
["00:00.015","INFO",0,"","","","Hello world",{}]


The easiest way to use the logger is to create and initialize a {@link LogManager} object using config settings, then retrieve a {@link Logger} object from the LogManager.

var config = require('config');
var elogger = require('epdoc-logger');
var logMgr = elogger.getLogManager(config.elogger).start();
var log = logMgr.get('');

log.action('say.hello').set({static1:'value1'}).info("Hello world");

An example configuration, illustrating how transports are specified and configured.

  "elogger": {
    "sid": true,
    "static": true,
    "transports": ["console"],
    "level": "info",
    "console": {
      "timestamp": "iso"
    "loggly": {
      "token": "xxxxxxxx"

Refer to {@link LogManager#setOptions} method for config object documentation.

Manual Configuration

Buffer messages until your logger is set up.

var logMgr = require('epdoc-logger').getLogManager();
var log = logMgr.getLogger('main');"Starting application");

var config = require('config.json');
logMgr.setTransport('file',{path:config.logFile,timestamp:'iso'}).start();"Hello world");
["2016-03-29T04:19:45.920Z","INFO","main","","Starting application"]
["2016-03-29T04:19:45.922Z","INFO","logger","logger.push","Setting logger to File (/path/to/file.log)",{"transport":"File (/path/to/file.log)"}]
["2016-03-29T04:19:45.924Z","INFO","logger","logger.push.success","Set logger to File (/path/to/file.log)",{"transport":"File (/path/to/file.log)"}]
["2016-03-29T04:19:45.926Z","INFO","main","","Hello world"]

Log to, buffering and making batch calls to loggly.

var logMgr = require('epdoc-logger').getLogManager();
var log = logMgr.getLogger('main');"Starting application");

logMgr.setTransport('loggly',{token:'MyToken'});"Hello world");

// log a message count for all the different log levels

// Shutdown properly so loggly message buffer is flushed
logMgr.destroying().then(function() {
}, function(err) {


There are two main objects used for logging:

  • {@link LogManager}
  • Usually a singleton
  • Used to configure the transports, set global options, buffer log messages until writing to transports is turned on, and start writing to the transports
  • Can also be used to directly write to the transports (see {@link LogManager#logParams} and {@link LogManager#logMessage})
  • {@link Logger}
  • A per-emitter object
  • Advise is to create a new Logger object for every file (emitter), or for every request (e.g. express)
  • Provides chainable methods by which to write log output

You can directly access these two classes from the exported epdoc-logger module:

var epdocLogger = require('epdoc-logger');
var LogManager = epdocLogger.LogManager;
var Logger = epdocLogger.Logger;

LogManager Class

A shortcut for getting a {@link LogManager} singleton is to call the module's getLogManager method.

var logMgr = require('epdoc-logger').getLogManager();

An alternative is to manage your own {@link LogManager} object:

var epdocLogger = require('epdoc-logger');
var LogManager = epdocLogger.LogManager;
var logMgr = new LogManager();

Because you may need to load config information before configuring your transport you must explicitly start logging by calling {@link LogManager#start}. And, because some log tranports are buffered, you should also call {@link LogManager#flushing} or {@link LogManager#destroying} before shutting down.

Logger Class

{@link Logger} objects are created by calling {@link LogManager#getLogger} or new Logger(). Typically you would create a new Logger object for every javascript file and set a unique emitter name for that Logger. Alternatively, when responding to requests, for example when using Express, it is a better idea to tie the emitter to the request. This is described later in this document.

Loggers are created by calling {@link LogManager#getLogger}.

var log = logMgr.getLogger('emitter-name');

// This is equivalent
var log = new Logger(logMgr,'emitter-name');

// A shortcut that is also equivalent and that uses a global LogManager object
var log = require('epdoc-logger').getLogger('emitter-name');


The module has built-in support for the following transports and can output to multiple transports at the same time.

  • {@link ConsoleTransport} - logs to the console (default)
  • {@link FileTransport} - logs to a file
  • SOSTransport - Logs to SOS Max. SOS max is the POWERFLASHER Socket Output Server - a fast and helpful programmer tool with graphical user interface to display log messages for debugging purpose. Note that SOS Max appears to not work on the latest version of Mac OS X.
  • {@link CallbackTransport} - A line buffer/callback transport useful for automated testing
  • {@link LogglyTransport} - Logs to the online service.


On startup the logger can wait for a transport to be initialized before starting to write log messages, or will begin writing log messages immediately when {@link LogManager#autoRun} is set to true. By default the logger uses the Console Transport and must be started manually.

If {@link LogManager#autoRun} is not set, then a call to {@link LogManager#start} will begin logging. Messages are buffered prior to this method being called, so prior to this event no messages will be lost and there is time to configure transports.

Transports are configured via properties passed to {@link LogManager#addTransport}, {@link LogManager#setOptions} or {@link LogManager#constructor}. Transport configuration properties are passed directly to the transport. Refer to the individual transport API reference documents for more information. Multiple transports can be configured to be run at the same time.

Logging to Console

Main File

var gLogMgr = require('epdoc-logger').getLogManager().start();
var log = gLogMgr.getLogger('main');"Return value for %s is %s", "hello", "world" );'req',{a:3}).info();'res',{b:4}).info("My message with %s support", 'formatting');

Other js files

var log = require('epdoc-logger').getLogger('other');"Hello world");

Console and File transport output is in one of the following formats:

  • jsonArray (default) - An array of JSON values (see example below)
  • json - A JSON object with key/value pairs for the output
  • function - Provide your own function to format the output
  • template - Template-based output with optional colorization (colorization on Console only)

These formats are specified as options when constructing the transport. Refer to the transport documentation for more details.

JSON array format looks like this

["00:00.000","INFO","logger","logger.transport.add","Added transport 'Console'",{"transport":"Console"}]

and has array entries for [ ts (timestamp), level, reqId, sid, emitter, action, message, static, data ]. The reqId and sid fields are only output if the transport sid option is true. The static field is only output if the transport static option is true.

The example below shows a console configuration for custom colorized output. In this example $c specifies that level and message be colorized. The level field will also be right padded to a minimum width of 5 characters. Numbers and strings can be left padded by adding a 0 as in $05{reqId}.

var econfig = {
    transports: [ 'console' ],
    console: {
        format: 'template',
        colorize: true,
        template: '${ts} $c5{level} ${action}/${emitter} $c{message}'

Logging to a File

This shows the more hands-on use of the Logger object to set transports.

var gLogMgr = require('epdoc-logger').getLogManager();
gLogMgr.setTransport( 'file', { path: 'path/to/myfile.log' } );

var log = gLogMgr.getLogger('MyModule');"Return value for %s is %s", "hello", "world" );'req',{a:3}).info();'res',{b:4}).info("My message with %s support", 'formatting');

Logging to SOS

When you set the logger to SOS the setLogger method returns immediately, but the socket takes awhile to initialize. In the meantime log messages are queued up and getLogger() returns the SOS logger. Once the connection is made the messages are flushed. If the connection is refused the messages are flushed to the previously set logger output (usually the console).

var logMgr = require('epdoc-logger').getLogManager({autoRun:false});
logMgr.setTransport( { type: 'sos', bIncludeSessionId: false } );

var log = logMgr.getLogger('MyModule');"Return value for %s is %s", "hello", "world" );

Logging to Loggly

Loggly output is buffered and sent in batches. As a result it is important to shutdown logging before exiting. See the example earlier in this readme showing how the destroying method is used to get this done.

Logging to Callback

The Callback transport can be used in unit tests. By listening for your log messages, you can test whether your code is progressing correctly.

Closing Transports

Transports can be closed using {@link LogManager#removeTransport}, or can sometimes close on their own. The Logger will buffer messages while switching transports, however individual transports can do their own buffering (e.g. file and loggly). If a transport closes prematurely, it's buffer may be lost.

Logging Example

// Get the global logger object

var logMgr = require('../index').getLogManager({sid:false});

// Logger static methods

logMgr.addTransport( 'file', { path: 'path/to/myfile.log', dateFormat: 'ISO', sid: false } );
var loggerType = logMgr.getTransports()[0].type();
logMgr.setLevel( 'warn' );
var startTime = logMgr.getStartTime();                    // Milliseconds

// Get a Logger object for this file or module

var log = logMgr.start().getLogger('MyClassName');

// Instance methods. Each line outputs a message.'a',1).data('b',[2,3]).info();{a:1,b:[2,3]}).info("My message"); "I just want to say %s to the %s", "Hello", "World" );
log.action('obj.update').debug( "We %s formatted messages", "do" );
log.error( new Error("My error") );
log.verbose( "The default is to not output verbose messages, so this will not by default be output" );
log.warn( "Danger Will Robinson, danger" );
log.fatal( "Restarting server in %d seconds", 10 );

// Outputs a new message;             // Output now's date/time
log.separator();        // Output a line separator

log.log( 'info', "This method %s supports util.format style formating", "also" );

// Enable verbose messages to be output for this log object (overrides global setting)
log.setLevel( "verbose" );

{@link Logger} Method Chaining

Most {@link Logger} methods support chaining.

The following methods all add column values to the message that is output but do not output the message:

  • action - Sets the action column value to this string.
  • data - Sets the data column value. Either pass in a key value pair, which is then added to the data object, or an object, which the data object is then set to.
  • set - Sets a value in a custom column and keeps this value for the duration of the Log object's lifespan. This column is currently only output to the loggly transport.

The following methods result in a message being output with the corresponding log level set:

  • info
  • warn
  • debug
  • verbose
  • error
  • fatal

The following methods result in a message output with log level set to INFO:

  • separator - Output a separator line containing # characters
  • date - Outputs localtime, utctime and uptime
  • log - Outputs level and string message, for example: log.log( 'info', "Found %d lines", iLines ).
    • level - Optional level (defaults to info)
    • msg - String to output, formatted with util.format

Log Levels

Log level defaults are set in {@link LogManager#constructor}:

this.LEVEL_DEFAULT = 'debug';       // Default threshold level for outputting logs
this.LEVEL_INFO = 'info';           // If changing LEVEL_ORDER, what level should internally generated info messages be output at?
this.LEVEL_WARN = 'warn';           // If changing LEVEL_ORDER, what level should internally generated warn messages be output at?
this.LEVEL_ORDER = ['verbose', 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'fatal'];

You can customize log levels by setting the value of this array after constructing your LogManager object. Any subsequently created Logger objects will have methods with the names you have provided. Please use lowercase log level names. They will be changed to uppercase by transports, where appropriate.

The level at which messages are output can be controlled at three points:

  • {@link Logger#constructor} or {@link Logger#setLevel} - This log level will override log levels set by the LogManager
  • {@link LogManager#constructor} or {@link LogManager#setLevel} - This becomes the default log level for all {@link Logger} objects and transports.
  • At the Transport level by passing in the option level. This will override the value set for the LogManager.

Express Middleware

The included express middleware are instantiated as follows:

var middleware = require('epdoc-logger').middleware();

var app = express();

app.all('*', middleware.responseLogger());
app.all('*', middleware.routeSeparator());
app.all('*', middleware.routeLogger());

See test/ for an example of how to use a stub request and response method to test middleware. This technique can also be useful if you wish to use the req/res/next mechanism in non-express environments. As an example, you could have req/res objects for tracking AMQP (RabbitMQ) or AWS SQS requests and associating request or session IDs.

[ReqId]{@link module:middleware/reqId}

Adds _reqId and _hrStartTime to the request object. These are used later when logging.

[ResponseLogger]{@link module:middleware/responseLogger}

The responseLogger middleware mixes custom logging methods, similar to those in the logging object, into the express response object. This will add request-context-sensitive logging information to each log message.

As with the logging object, most methods can be chained. An example usage:

function myFunction(req,res,params) {
    res.action('complete').data(params).info('Entering function');

[RouteSeparator]{@link module:middleware/routeSeparator}

Adds a separator line to the log file for each new route.

[RouteLogger]{@link module:middleware/routeLogger}

Adds an information line to the log file for each new route.

Koa2 Integration

The included koa2 middleware are instantiated as follows:

var middleware = require('epdoc-logger').koa();

var app = koa();

app.all('*', middleware.requestLogger());
app.all('*', middleware.routeSeparator());
app.all('*', middleware.routeInfo());

For details, refer to the similarily-named modules that are used for express, or the source code.

Sailsjs Integration

To add epdoc-logger middleware to a sailsjs application, add an http.customMiddleware function to your config/http.js file as shown here.

module.exports.http = {

  customMiddleware: function (app) {
    var middleware = require('epdoc-logger').middleware();
    app.all('*', middleware.responseLogger());
    app.all('*', middleware.routeSeparator());
    app.all('*', middleware.routeLogger());

To replace the default CaptainsLog logger, add a log.custom property to your config/log.js file. The log object that is returned by getLogger() implements all of the methods of the CaptainsLog logger, with the exception of silent and silly.

var elogger = require('epdoc-logger');

module.exports.log = {
  custom: elogger.getLogger('app')

You'll also want to find a place to start the logger, and set the config so that autoRun is true. This can be done in app.js.

  var elogger = require('epdoc-logger');

The above does not add logging to socketio requests. Refer to examples/sails_request_logger.js to see how to log socket requests.

Action Items

  • More unit tests
  • Document and add unit tests for {@link LogListener}, an object that makes it easier to use log the callback transport in unit tests.
  • Update SOS transport as a general HTTP transport and rename to 'http' transport (beware).


Jim Pravetz Includes console colorize code from Winston.




Logging module, includes expressjs support and ability to add customized transports







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