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A comfortable media viewer like the iOS standard.

MediaViewerDemo MediaViewerDemo _camera


  • iOS 16+
  • Swift 5.8+

How to use

  1. Make a type that conforms to MediaViewerDataSource protocol.

    extension YourViewController: MediaViewerDataSource {
        // You can specify any type that conforms to `Hashable`.
        typealias MediaIdentifier = UIImage
        // var images: [UIImage]
        func mediaIdentifiers(
            for mediaViewer: MediaViewerViewController
        ) -> [MediaIdentifier] {
        func mediaViewer(
            _ mediaViewer: MediaViewerViewController,
            mediaWith mediaIdentifier: MediaIdentifier // UIImage
        ) -> Media {
            // Or you can fetch media asynchronously by `.async { ... }`
        func mediaViewer(
            _ mediaViewer: MediaViewerViewController,
            transitionSourceViewForMediaWith mediaIdentifier: MediaIdentifier
        ) -> UIView? {
            // Return a view that is animated when the viewer opens or closes.
            imageView(for: mediaIdentifier)
  2. Create a MediaViewerViewController instance and push it. That's all! 🎉

    let mediaViewer = MediaViewerViewController(opening: image, dataSource: self)
    navigationController?.delegate = mediaViewer
    navigationController?.pushViewController(mediaViewer, animated: true)

See demo for more detailed usage.

Using MediaViewer in your project

To use the MediaViewer library in a SwiftPM project, add the following line to the dependencies in your Package.swift file:

.package(url: "", from: "0.1.3"),

and add MediaViewer as a dependency for your target:

.target(name: "<target>", dependencies: [
    .product(name: "MediaViewer", package: "MediaViewer"),
    // other dependencies

Finally, add import MediaViewer in your source code.