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Fully functionaal Kubernetes cluster on macOS (Apple silicon)


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Kubernetes on macOS (Apple silicon)

Kubernetes release in this project defaults now to 1.28.7 (default release will be uplifted to 1.29.x after Kubernetes 1.30 is released).

Note: kube-vip add-on is incompatible with Kubernetes 1.29 (see kube-vip github issue #684). It is possible to get this setup working with Kubernetes 1.29.x by using a workaround. This workaround is also available in this project.

Project Goal

A fully functional multi-node Kubernetes cluster on macOS (Apple silicon) with support for both macOS Host - Virtual Machine (VM) and VM-VM communication with following cluster topologies.

  • Single Control Plane and single Worker node topology
  • Single Control Plane and three Worker nodes topology
  • High available Control Plane and three Worker nodes topology

Current default versions

  • Lima VM 0.20.1 / socket_vmnet 1.1.4 - Virtualization
  • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS - Node images
  • Kubernetes 1.29.5 - Kubernetes release
  • Cilium 1.15.5 - CNI, L2 LB, L7 LB (Ingress Controller) and L4/L7 LB (Gateway API)
  • Gateway API 1.0 - CRDs supported by Cilium 1.15.1
  • kube-vip 0.8.0 - Kubernetes Control Plane LB
  • metrics-server 0.7.1
  • local-path-provisioner 0.0.27


Required Tools

Following tools are required by this project. Homebrew can be used to install these tools on macOS host.


Shared network in macOS is used as it allows both Host-VM and VM-VM communication. By default Lima VM uses DHCP range until therefore we use IP address range from and onward in our Kubernetes setup. To have predictable node IPs for a Kubernetes cluster, it is neccessary to reserve IPs to be used from DHCP server in macOS.

Kubernetes node IP range

Define following /etc/bootptab file.

Host MAC Address IP address Comments
cp 52:55:55:12:34:00 Control Plane (CP) Virtual IP (VIP) address
cp-1 52:55:55:12:34:01
cp-2 52:55:55:12:34:02 Additional CP node in HA CP cluster.
cp-3 52:55:55:12:34:03 Additional CP node in HA CP cluster.
worker-1 52:55:55:12:34:04
worker-2 52:55:55:12:34:05
worker-3 52:55:55:12:34:06

Reload macOS DHCP daeamon.

sudo /bin/launchctl kickstart -kp system/

Kubernetes API server

Kubernetes API server is available via VIP address

L2 Aware load balancer, Ingress and Gateway

IP address pool for Load Balancer services must be configured to same shared subnet than cluster node IPs. Currently L2 Aware LB in Cilium CNI is used and default address pool is configured is

From the assigned address pool following IPs are "reserved", leaving 12 addresses available for different LB services.

  • is assigned to Ingress (Cilium Ingress Controller) and
  • is reserved for Gateway (Cilium Gateway API). Gateway configuration is work in progress.

Git Repository (this project)

Git repo has been cloned to local macOS hosts. All commands are to be executed from repo root on host, unless stated otherwise.

Misc. Helpful Hints

Proxying API server to macOS host

Inside a Control Plane node, start HTTP proxy for Kubernetes API.

kubectl --kubeconfig $HOME/.kube/config proxy

Or on macOS host, start HTTP proxy for Kubernetes API.

kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/config.k8s-on-macos proxy

Access Kubernetes API from macOS host using curl, wget or any web browser using following URL.


Exposing services via NodePort to macOS host

It is possible to expose Kubernetes services via NodePort to macOS host. Full NodePort range 30000-32767 is exposed to macoS host from provisioned Lima VM machines during machine creation phaase.

Actual services with type: NodePort will be available on macOS host via node IP address of any Control Plane or Worker nodes of a cluster (not via VIP address) and assigned NodePort value for a service.

Troubleshooting socket_vmnet related issues

Update sudoers config and _config/networks.yaml file. Currently it is neccessary to replace socketVMNet field in ~/.lima/_config/networks.yaml with absolute path, instead of symbolic link and generate sudoers configuration to able to execute limactl start.

After socket_vmnet is upgraded, it is neccessary to adjust the absolute path in networks.yaml and regenerate sudoers configuration with

limactl sudoers >etc_sudoers.d_lima && sudo install -o root etc_sudoers.d_lima "/private/etc/sudoers.d/lima"

Create Machines for Different Kubernetes Cluster Topologies

Lima VM is used to provision machines for Kubernetes.

Single Control Plane Node and Single Worker Node Topology

Create machines (Virtual Machines (VM) for nodes) for single Control Plane (CP) and Single Worker node cluster topology.

limactl create --set='.networks[].macAddress="52:55:55:12:34:01"' --name cp-1 machines/ubuntu-lts-machine.yaml --tty=false
limactl create --set='.networks[].macAddress="52:55:55:12:34:04"' --name worker-1 machines/ubuntu-lts-machine.yaml --tty=false

Start machines.

limactl start cp-1
limactl start worker-1

Single Control Plane Node and Three Worker Node Topology

Additional steps. Skip this step for single Worker Node cluster topology.

Create two additional machines (Virtual Machines (VM) for nodes) for three Worker Nodes cluster topology.

limactl create --set='.networks[].macAddress="52:55:55:12:34:05"' --name worker-2 machines/ubuntu-lts-machine.yaml --tty=false
limactl create --set='.networks[].macAddress="52:55:55:12:34:06"' --name worker-3 machines/ubuntu-lts-machine.yaml --tty=false

Start machines.

limactl start worker-2
limactl start worker-3

High Available Control Plane Node and Three Worker Node Topology

Additional steps. Skip this step for single Control Plane cluster topology.

Create two additional machines for Control Plane (CP) nodes to implement HA cluster topology.

limactl create --set='.networks[].macAddress="52:55:55:12:34:02"' --name cp-2 machines/ubuntu-lts-machine.yaml --tty=false
limactl create --set='.networks[].macAddress="52:55:55:12:34:03"' --name cp-3 machines/ubuntu-lts-machine.yaml --tty=false

Start machines.

limactl start cp-2
limactl start cp-3

Initiate Kubernetes Cluster with Different Cluster Topologies

Single Control Plane Node and Single Worker Node Topology


Copy kubeadm config files into the machines.

limactl cp manifests/kubeadm/cp-1-init-cfg.yaml cp-1:
limactl cp manifests/kubeadm/worker-1-join-cfg.yaml worker-1:

Initiate Kubernetes Control Plane (CP) in CP-1 machine

Following steps are to be run inside of cp-1 machine

Generate kube-vip static pod manifest

export KVVERSION=v0.8.0
export INTERFACE=lima0
export VIP=
sudo ctr image pull$KVVERSION
sudo ctr run --rm --net-host$KVVERSION vip /kube-vip manifest pod \
    --arp \
    --controlplane \
    --address $VIP \
    --interface $INTERFACE \
    --enableLoadBalancer \
    --leaderElection | sudo tee /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-vip.yaml

Workaround for Kubernetes 1.29, until until bootstrap issue with kube-vip is fixed (Note: This step is only applicable with Kubernetes 1.29) Patch kube-vip.yaml to use super-admin.conf during kubeadm init

sudo sed -i 's#path: /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf#path: /etc/kubernetes/super-admin.conf#' /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-vip.yaml

Initiate Kubernetes Control Plane (CP)

sudo kubeadm init --upload-certs --config cp-1-init-cfg.yaml

Workaround for Kubernetes 1.29, until until bootstrap issue with kube-vip is fixed (Note: This step is only applicable with Kubernetes 1.29) Patch kube-vip.yaml to use admin.conf after kubeadm init has been successfully executed

sudo sed -i 's#path: /etc/kubernetes/super-admin.conf#path: /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf#' /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-vip.yaml

Setup kubeconfig for a regular user on macOS host

Inside of cp-1 machine copy kubeconfig for a regular user

mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config

On macOS host export and set kubeconfig for a regular user

limactl cp cp-1:.kube/config ~/.kube/config.k8s-on-macos
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config.k8s-on-macos

Join worker nodes to Kubernetes cluster

Following steps are to be run inside of respective worker node machines

Join worker-1

sudo kubeadm join --config worker-1-join-cfg.yaml

Single Control Plane Node and Three Worker Node Topology

Additional steps. Skip this step for single Worker Node cluster topology.


Copy kubeadm config files into the machines.

limactl cp manifests/kubeadm/worker-2-join-cfg.yaml worker-2:
limactl cp manifests/kubeadm/worker-3-join-cfg.yaml worker-3:

Join worker nodes to Kubernetes cluster

Following steps are to be run inside of respective worker node machines

Join worker-2

sudo kubeadm join --config worker-2-join-cfg.yaml

Join worker-3

sudo kubeadm join --config worker-3-join-cfg.yaml

High Available Control Plane Node and Three Worker Node Topology

Additional steps. Skip this step for single Control Plane cluster topology.


Copy kubeadm config files into the machines.

limactl cp manifests/kubeadm/cp-2-join-cfg.yaml cp-2:
limactl cp manifests/kubeadm/cp-3-join-cfg.yaml cp-3:

Join other Control Plane (CP) nodes to implement High Available (HA) Kubernetes cluster

Following steps are to be run inside of cp-2 machine`. Skip these steps for single Control Plane Kubernetes cluster configuration.

Generate kube-vip static pod manifest

export KVVERSION=v0.8.0
export INTERFACE=lima0
export VIP=
sudo ctr image pull$KVVERSION
sudo ctr run --rm --net-host$KVVERSION vip /kube-vip manifest pod \
    --arp \
    --controlplane \
    --address $VIP \
    --interface $INTERFACE \
    --enableLoadBalancer \
    --leaderElection | sudo tee /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-vip.yaml

Join additional Control Plane (CP) node

sudo kubeadm join --config cp-2-join-cfg.yaml

Copy kubeconfig for use by a regular user

mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config

Following steps are to be run inside of cp-3 node machine`

Generate kube-vip static pod manifest

export KVVERSION=v0.8.0
export INTERFACE=lima0
export VIP=
sudo ctr image pull$KVVERSION
sudo ctr run --rm --net-host$KVVERSION vip /kube-vip manifest pod \
    --arp \
    --controlplane \
    --address $VIP \
    --interface $INTERFACE \
    --enableLoadBalancer \
    --leaderElection | sudo tee /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-vip.yaml

Join additional Control Plane (CP)

sudo kubeadm join --config cp-3-join-cfg.yaml

Copy kubeconfig for use by a regular user

mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config

Post Cluster Creation Steps

Manual approval of kubelet serving certificates

Approve any pending kubelet-serving certificate

kubectl get csr
kubectl get csr | grep "Pending" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kubectl certificate approve

Install Cilium CNI

Install Gateway API Custom Resource Definitions

Install Gateway API CRDs supported by Cilium.

kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f

Install and configure Cilium CNI

Install CNI (Cilium) with L2 LB, L7 LB (Ingress Controller) and L4/L7 LB (Gateway API) support enabled.

export CILIUM_VERSION=1.15.5
helm install cilium cilium/cilium --version $CILIUM_VERSION --namespace kube-system --values manifests/cilium/values.yaml

Configure L2 announcements and address pool for L2 aware Load Balancer

kubectl apply -f manifests/cilium/l2-lb-cfg.yaml

Configure Gateway (default)

kubectl apply -f manifests/cilium/gtw-cfg.yaml

Install Metrics server add-on

Install metrics server

kubectl apply -f

Install Local path provisioner CSI

Install local path provisioner

kubectl apply -f

Apply local path provisioner configuration. There will be a delay after configmap is applied before the provisioner picks it up.

kubectl apply -f manifests/local-path-provisioner/provisioner-cm.yaml

Finals checks

Check from that cluster works as expected

kubectl version
cilium status
kubectl get --raw='/readyz?verbose'

--- END ---