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This generator creates TypeScript/JavaScript client that utilizes Fetch API. The generated Node module can be used in the following environments:


  • Node.js
  • Webpack
  • Browserify

Language level

  • ES5 - you must have a Promises/A+ library installed
  • ES6

Module system

  • CommonJS
  • ES6 module system

It can be used in both TypeScript and JavaScript. In TypeScript, the definition should be automatically resolved via package.json. (Reference)


swagger-codegen does not generate JavaScript directly. The generated Node module comes with package.json that bundles typescript and typings so it can self-compile during prepublish stage. The should be run automatically during npm install or npm publish.

CAVEAT: Due to privilege implications, npm would skip all scripts if the user is root. You would need to manually run it with npm run prepublish or run npm install --unsafe-perm.


You may publish the module to NPM. In this case, you would be able to install the module as any other NPM module. It maybe useful to use scoped packages.

You can also use npm link to link the module. However, this would not modify package.json of the installing project, as such you would need to relink every time you deploy that project.

You can also directly install the module using npm install file_path. If you do npm install file_path --save, NPM will save relative path to package.json. In this case, npm install and npm shrinkwrap may misbehave. You would need to manually edit package.json and replace it with absolute path.

Regardless of which method you deployed your NPM module, the ES6 module syntaxes are as follows:

import * as localName from 'npmName';
import {operationId} from 'npmName';

The CommonJS syntax is as follows:

import localName = require('npmName');

Direct copy/symlink

You may also simply copy or symlink the generated module into a directory under your project. The syntax of this is as follows:

With ES6 module syntax, the following syntaxes are supported:

import * as localName from './symlinkDir';
import {operationId} from './symlinkDir';

The CommonJS syntax is as follows:

import localName = require('./symlinkDir')';