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Multi Cloud Shell

A containerized multi cloud shell for AWS, Google and Azure with a special focus on Kubernetes.

MCS Demo

The core components are:

  • gcloud cli for Google
  • aws cli for AWS
  • az cli for Azure

Plus all additional tools and command line interfaces to manage kubernetes clusters.

On a very high level, you're building your personal shell with all the tools deployed whereby the shell is running containerized in detached mode. To work with the shell, you simply ssh into it. Multiple simultanious connections are supported.


  • Docker

Tested with

  • Linux,
  • MacOS X and
  • AWS Cloud9

Getting Started



curl -fsSL -o && sudo sh
sudo usermod -aG docker `whoami` && sudo service docker start

Docker for Desktop


Cloud9 requires a VPC with a public subnet available. If you don't have that within the desired region you need to create it before creating the Cloud9 instance, otherwise continue with the Cloud9 configuration.

  • Create a VPC
    • Name tag: cloud9-vpc
    • IPv4 CIDR block:
    • IPv6 CIDR block: No
    • Tenancy: Default
  • Create a Subnet
    • Name tag: cloud9-subnet
    • VPC: cloud9-vpc
    • Availability Zone: No preference
    • IPv4 CIDR block:
  • Create an Internet Gateway
    • Name tag: cloud9-igw
  • Attach Internet Gateway to VPC
    • VPC: cloud9-vpc
  • Modify Route Table --> Routes --> Edit routes --> Add route
    • Destination
    • Target: cloud9-igw

Cloud9 Configuration:

  • Name: <whatever-you-like>
  • Instance type: >= t3.medium
  • Platform: Ubuntu Server 18.04-LTS


How to use

Note: If you are using a Mac and iCloud Drive, you should move the shell folder to a location not within the scope if iCloud Drive. This is not mandatory but recommended.

Build and run it:

git clone
cd mcs/shell

If using AWS Cloud9 as the base, you likely need to increase the disk size of the Cloud9 instance depending on the type you chose above. Execute:


Now build and start


You can access mcs with ssh:

# Password: mcs
ssh -p 2222 mcs@YOUR-IP
Setup AWS

Authenticate to AWS via

aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [****************....]: <KEY>
AWS Secret Access Key [****************....]: <SECRET>
Default region name [eu-central-1]: 
Default output format [None]: json
export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --output text --query Account)
export AWS_REGION=$(cat ~/.aws/config | sed -n 's/^region\s=\s\(.*\)/\1/p')
Setup Azure

Authenticate to Azure via

az login --use-device-code

and follow the process.

Setup Google

Authenticate to GCP via

gcloud auth login

and follow the process.

Tips & Tricks


Persistence is provided by a mapped working directory on your docker host. That means, you can easily destroy and rebuild the image whenever needed. If you want to move your setup, simply tar / zip your local repo directory including the workdir.

mcs is designed to allow file read / write not only from within the container, but also from your host running the shell. So, simply use your local editor of choice and modify any file within the workdir as you like. All changes will be immedeately available within the mcs.


To save and restore your environment variables run

# Dump environment to disk


# Restore environment from disk

When restarting the mcs container with ./, the last saved environment will be restored automagically.

Buitin Toolset

The following tools are baked into the container:


Kubebox relies on cAdvisor to retrieve the resource usage metrics. When you're connected to a cluster run

kubectl apply -f


Nice tools amongst others are

kubectl krew install access-matrix
kubectl krew install rbac-lookup


There are hundreds of aliases set for your convenience. To point out some of the most used:


  • kchns <NAMESPACE> change your working context to a specific namespace, avoiding the requirement to allways do kubectl -n <NAMESPACE>.
  • kgpo list all pods in the current namespace.
  • kgsvc list all pods in the current namespace.
  • kshell creates a shell running in a pod in the actual workspace. You're root in that shell.
  • keti <POD NAME> beams you to a shell in the named pod.
  • stern . -t -s10m will give you realtime logs of all pods in the current namespace including a history of 10 mins. Very handy when debugging deployments.


  • scr creates or reattaches mcs to screened shells, making it possible to switch in between multiple shells within mcs.
    • Ctrl+a c Create a new window (with shell).
    • Ctrl+a " List all windows.
    • Ctrl+a 0 Switch to window 0 (by number).
    • Ctrl+a A Rename the current window.
    • Ctrl+a S Split current region horizontally into two regions.
    • Ctrl+a | Split current region vertically into two regions.
    • Ctrl+a tab Switch the input focus to the next region.
    • Ctrl+a Ctrl+a Toggle between the current and previous windows
    • Ctrl+a Q Close all regions but the current one.
    • Ctrl+a X Close the current region.
    • Ctrl+a d You can detach from the screen session. If you run scr again, you will reattach to the screen session.
  • .. <LEVEL> traverses down multiple LEVELs from the current path.


Multi Cloud Shell



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