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EIPP 2019 Singularity group project

Introduction to containers


A container is a standard unit of software that packages up code and all its dependencies, so the application runs quickly and reliably from one computing environment to another. That includes files, environment variables, dependencies and libraries.

For those who would like more detailed information about what containers are, please refer to this fantastic slide deck from Josep Moscardo.

What can I do with a container?

In it's most basic form, you can execute a software program, via a container, even though you may not have that program installed on the system you are running it on.

Examples are the best teachers!

Firstly, let's clone this repository (and call it eipp-singularity) as we will use some files from it throughout this project.

git clone "$project"
cd "$project"

Now, there is a BAM file in the repository that we sadly can't view as we do not have samtools installed (let's pretend). Thanks to Singularity we don't have to worry about trying to install samtools and can instead use a pre-built container to view our BAM file with samtools.

singularity exec "$img" samtools view data/toy.bam

Magic ✨

So what's going on here?

Let's work our way through the command.

  1. singularity exec tells Singularity to execute a given command inside a given container.
  2. "$img" specifies the container for Singularity to operate on. We will look at this component in more detail later.
  3. samtools view data/toy.bam This is the command we want Singularity to execute inside the container. Notice how we can specify files that exist on our local file system?!

How do I get a container?


In the above example, the container we used for samtools was remote.

Remote containers are containers that have been pre-built and stored in "the cloud". There are many benefits to this kind of set up. Firstly, it makes sharing containers easy. Secondly, it saves users (and yourself) a lot of time in the future. As the container is pre-built, we don't need to spend time waiting for the build to happen (more on this later). The only wait time we have is for the download of the remote container to finish. Lastly, remote services are convenient for building images if we don't have sudo access on the machine we are using. We will look at building containers locally very soon, but for now, it suffices to know that to build them locally, you need sudo access.

Now you might have noticed in the example above that the URI for the samtools container has the work 'docker' in it. This is one of the coolest things about Singularity: it can convert Docker containers into Singularity containers! We now have access to any Docker container plus any Singularity container.

Let's take a look at some remote container registries in a little more detail and see how we can use containers from them.

The official registry for Docker containers. Let's search for miniconda3 on Docker Hub and select the option continuumio/miniconda3. On the right, there is a section Docker Pull Command. It says docker pull continuumio/miniconda3. If we were using Docker, this would be the command we would use to pull that container to our local machine. To use it in Singularity we need to tweak it just a little. For miniconda3 we would use the URI docker://continuumio/miniconda3. As we can see, you need to add docker:// to the beginning of the repository/tag.
We can go one step further and unlock another great benefit of using remote containers. We're reproducibility warriors, right?! Of course, we are. So let's be specific about the version of miniconda3 we want to use. On the miniconda3 Docker Hub page, select the Tags heading. On this page, we see a whole bunch of different versions of miniconda3 we can choose from. Any version of this container that has been built is kept. If we wanted to use version 4.6.14, then all we have to do is append this, with a colon, to our original URI


Now, as we saw earlier, we can directly execute a container from it's URI. However, it is likely you may want to use a container multiple times. In these circumstances, it is more "economical" to pull a copy of the container onto our local machine, so we don't have to try and retrieve it from the registry each time (images are usually cached though). To pull the miniconda3 container from Docker Hub, we use Singularity's pull command and optionally specify a name.

singularity pull docker://continuumio/miniconda3:4.6.14

The above command will pull the container into the current directory and name it miniconda3-4.6.14.sif. If we wanted to call it instead miniconda3.sif we would use the --name argument

singularity pull --name miniconda3.sif docker://continuumio/miniconda3:4.6.14

When we want to use this image again in the future, rather than specifying the URI we just point Singularity at our local copy

singularity exec miniconda3.sif <command>

Set up and maintained by a collaboration between Stanford University and Singularity, Singularity Hub is Singularity's "semi-official" version of Docker Hub. We will dig into how to set this up for yourself a little later in Exercise 1.

As with Docker Hub, we can search for containers uploaded by users and then use them in the same way. However, it will ask us to log in using GitHub first. Login with your GitHub account and then search for centrifuge. The first result should be for mbhall88/Singularity_recipes - click on this. This will take you to a page listing all of the Singularity containers I maintain in a recipes repository on GitHub. Scroll through these and look for the centrifuge one and then click on the green Complete button. The resulting screen will have the Build Specs (more on this soon) plus a bunch of build metrics. Additionally, at the top of this screen, you will see the core piece of the URI that we need: mbhall88/Singularity_recipes:centrifuge. So to use this container, we add the shub:// scheme to the front.

singularity pull --name centrifuge.sif "$uri"
singularity exec centrifuge.sif centrifuge --help

Due to Singularity Hub be generously hosted as no charge by Google Cloud, and also due to a recent malicious attack, it is recommended to pull containers from Singularity and then execute them, rather than running directly from the URI.

Again, we can go one step further and specify a particular build of the container we want to use. In the Build Metrics section, there is a field called 'Version (file hash)'. For reproducibility purposes, it is advisable to use this hash as it makes it clear to others who may read your code exactly which container you used. So to pull the latest centrifuge container, we would do the following (don't run this if you already pulled the container above).

singularity pull --name centrifuge.sif "$uri"
singularity exec centrifuge.sif centrifuge --help

This is the official container registry for Singularity. However, all images built on this service are Singularity v3+ compatible. At EBI we only have Singularity v2.6, but EMBL Heidelberg's cluster does use Singularity v3+. This service works similarly to Singularity and Docker Hubs, using the scheme library:// for its URIs.

One additional feature that Singularity Library has is a remote builder. This builder allows you to dump a recipe for a container, it will build the container for you, and then you can download it on to your local machine. Very handy when working on a computer you do not have sudo access on.

See the slides below this for more information about Singularity Library.

Quay is a container registry for Docker and rkt containers. We won't talk much about this service outside how to use the BioContainers builds hosted on it.

BioContainers is an open-source and community-driven framework for reproducibility in bioinformatics1. They build and maintain containers for a large suite of bioinformatics tools. In particular, any tool that has a Bioconda recipe automatically has a BioContainers image built and stored on Quay.

To see an example of how to find and use these BioContainers images check out the slides below here.

For more details on remote container systems, refer to my slides from a one-day Singularity course I was involved in running at EMBL in early 2019.

Build locally

We've talked a lot about how to use containers that others have been kind enough to construct for us. But what happens if an image doesn't exist for the software tool you want to use? Or if you want to combine multiple programs into a single container? You guessed it; we can build containers locally from definition/recipe files.

Rather than reinvent the wheel, please refer to (and work your way through) these slides from the Singularity course I was involved in running at EMBL in early 2019. Once you get to slide titled "Playing in a sandbox with a shell" you can move on to Exercise 1.

Note: As the course was aimed at users of Singularity v3+ you will see the container extension .sif used. This was a new container file format introduced in v3 that is not usable with v2. The container extension for v2 was .simg, so you may see this sometimes. For instance, the cluster at EBI is still on v2 (the training VMs are v3). For those using the Heidelberg cluster, your cluster has v3. Singularity v2 containers, with the .simg extension, can be executed by Singularity v3. You will also find all of the recipe files in that presentation in the recipes/ directory of this repository.

Exercise 1

Form two groups and complete the following tasks.

Task 1

Fork this repository on GitHub.

Task 2

Enable Singularity Hub on your fork of this repository.

Task 3

Each group should choose one of the following two GitHub issues to close:

  • snakemake recipe: GitHub issue/pull request detail
  • shellcheck recipe: GitHub issue/pull request detail

Sandbox development

During the previous exercise, you may have noticed that errors in your build recipe require you to rerun the build all over again. When installing simple programs, this isn't too costly. However, when we want to build more complicated containers, it becomes time-consuming to rerun the entire build continually. In this section, we will look at how we can use Singularity's --sandbox option to speed up the container recipe development cycle.

So what is a sandbox? Think of it as a directory that mimics the inside of a container. You can then start an interactive shell session in this sandbox and run commands in the same environment that they will run in when building the container. In this way, you can test out what commands you need to run to get your program(s) installed and executing correctly. This massively reduces your turnaround time for creating containers. In addition, as we make the sandbox writeable, any changes we make will stay saved.

Let's get into the sandbox and play!

Create a new directory where we will do our sandbox development.

mkdir sandbox-dev
cd sandbox-dev

Next, we will use the template recipe in this repository to build our sandbox from.

sudo singularity build --sandbox playground ../recipes/Singularity.template

You should now see a directory called playground. I've named the sandbox playground, but you can name it whatever you want.

Now we will start an interactive shell within the sandbox/container image.

sudo singularity shell --writable playground

Note: If you don't use --writable you won't be able to install anything or do anything that changes the size of the container.

You should now see the prompt change to something like

Singularity playground:~>

The directory /root from your local machine will be mounted in the sandbox. So anything you do in the sandbox in that directory will also be reflected in the /root directory locally. Ensure you move out of /root within the sandbox and do all of your work there. I tend to use /usr/local, but you could create a new directory altogether (but outside /root) e.g. /sandbox.

cd /usr/local

Now we'll try and install conda inside the sandbox.

wget -O

This will give us: bash: wget: command not found. A perfect example of why these sandboxes are so useful. The OS installation is very minimal and doesn't include a lot of programs.

Let's install wget in our sandbox and try again.

apt install -y wget
wget -O

Now we'll install conda, specifying the prefix (-p) as a directory in /usr/local called miniconda.

bash -b -p $(pwd)/miniconda

In order to run conda now, we need to ensure it's binary is in our PATH.

export PATH="$(realpath miniconda/bin):${PATH}"

Remember from the %environment slide that when writing the recipe for this conda installation we would need to write the export line as:

echo "export PATH=$(realpath miniconda/bin):${PATH}" >> "$SINGULARITY_ENVIRONMENT"

Lastly, we need to test conda is executable.

conda list

In order to convert these commands into a recipe I generally keep a text file open where I paste (successful) commands into as I go so I don't have to search back through my shell history later.

Exercise 2

Similar to Exercise 1, form two groups (can be different groups) and put in a pull request each to close the following two issues:

  • flye recipe: GitHub issue/pull request detail
  • nanopolish recipe: GitHub issue/pull request detail

I chose more complicated programs this time so you can get some experience using a sandbox.

run and serving applications

singularity run

The run directive will execute the %runscript and pass along all arguments to this script. The run directive is handy for when you want to automate some common tasks using the programs installed within the container and be able to handle user options. Refer to the slide on %runscript, from the earlier section on buiding containers locally, for an example of using singularity run.

Serving applications

It is also possible to serve applications through a port from a container. As an example we will build a container to run a jupyter notebook that we can access on our local machine.

The recipe to do this can be found in the recipe/ directory as Singularity.jupyter. Of particular interest for this example, see the %runscript section.

    echo "Starting notebook..."
    echo "Open browser to localhost:${PORT}"
    exec /usr/local/bin/jupyter notebook  --ip='*' --port="$PORT" --no-browser

We take the first option passed by the user and store it in a variable PORT, or use 8888 if nothing is given. We print some logging to the screen with echo and then start a jupyter session, passing the PORT to jupyter.

Let's build this image and then fire it up.

sudo singularity build jupyter.sif recipes/Singularity.jupyter
# we will use the default port 8888
singularity run jupyter.sif  

You should get some output from jupyter indicating it has started running the notebook and providing a location, which should look something like:

[I 11:40:28.948 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /home/vagrant/container-dev
[I 11:40:28.949 NotebookApp] The Jupyter Notebook is running at:
[I 11:40:28.949 NotebookApp] http://dev-vm:8888/?token=c8fe88de778120e5ccd42850d6d13712e27b125b0481d5b0
[I 11:40:28.949 NotebookApp]  or
[I 11:40:28.949 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).
[C 11:40:28.953 NotebookApp]

Copy the URL (either one), and paste it into a web browser. You should now see the home page for the notebook. Select the example notebook at notebooks/plot.ipynb.

Run the two cells in the notebook, and you should see some toy data plotted.

This is quite a simple use case for serving applications. You can do far more complicated things like running an RStudio server from a container and access it locally.

Workflow management systems

Containers and workflow management systems (WMSs), such as snakemake and nextflow, are a match made in heaven. Containers add a crucial layer of reproducibility to these systems.

Though this is not a project to teach you how to use WMSs, I would encourage you to take a look at this short slide deck from the Singularity course I ran as it shows you how easy it is to integrate Singularity containers into WMSs.

Programs requiring GPUs

Singularity also provides the ability to utilise GPU cards, without needing to install the GPU drivers into your container. Currently, it can only use NVIDIA GPUs. To allow a container to use the local GPU card and drivers all you need to do it pass the --nv option. For example, to get a python shell with the GPU version of tensorflow available, you would run the following (on a machine with an NVIDIA GPU).

singularity exec --nv docker://tensorflow/tensorflow:latest-gpu python


If you have gotten to this point, then have a go at creating a container for a piece of software you have had difficulties installing in the past. Alternatively, you could try and reduce the size of the containers we have already produced by using Alpine as the base OS.