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telescope-menufacture is an extension for telescope.nvim. It extends built-in pickers (find_files, live_grep, grep_string and git_files) with the menu that allows to toggle/change such picker options as include hidden dirs, include ignored files, search in particular folders etc.




-- install as usual e.g. with packer
use { 'molecule-man/telescope-menufacture' }

-- To get telescope-menufacture loaded and working with telescope,
-- you need to call load_extension:
require('telescope').load_extension 'menufacture'


replace your standard find_files grep_string live_grep and git_files mappings

vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>sf', require('telescope.builtin').find_files)
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>sw', require('telescope.builtin').grep_string)
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>sg', require('telescope.builtin').live_grep)
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>gf', require('telescope.builtin').git_files)
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>so', require('telescope.builtin').oldfiles)

with the ones provided by this extension:

vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>sf', require('telescope').extensions.menufacture.find_files)
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>sg', require('telescope').extensions.menufacture.live_grep)
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>sw', require('telescope').extensions.menufacture.grep_string)
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>gf', require('telescope').extensions.menufacture.git_files)
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>so', require('telescope').extensions.menufacture.oldfiles)

then, while using this pickers, press ctrl-^ (ctrl-6) and this will open the menu.


You can configure the telescope-menufacture like any other telescope.nvim extension. Here you can change the default mapping ctrl-^ to something else.

require('telescope').setup {
  extensions = {
    menufacture = {
      mappings = {
        main_menu = { [{ 'i', 'n' }] = '<C-^>' },
        -- it's possible to assign direct mappings to menu item actions here.
        -- List of available actions can be found in the table in the end of
        -- README
        -- toggle_hidden = { i = '<C-h>' },


Add direct mapping to invoke menu actions

It's possible to specify mappings that can invoke menufacture menu actions directly (without telescope picker that allows you to select the menu item):

vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>sg', function()
  telescope.extensions.menufacture.live_grep {
    menufacture = {
      mappings = {
        -- [{ 'i', 'n' }] = {
        i = {
          ['<c-d>'] = telescope.extensions.menufacture.menu_actions.search_in_directory.action,
end, { desc = '[S]earch using [G]rep (live_grep)' })

In this example ctrl-d should invoke search_in_directory action as if you selected it in menu picker. search_in_directory is only one of multiple actions that can be mapped. Full list of actions can be found in menu_action column in the tables in the next section.

Add your own menu item

It's possible to add your own menu items. To do that you have to extend (or create new one from scratch) the list of menu items with your additional menu entries and corresponding actions. The action takes picker's opts as the first argument and callback as the second argument. The callback must be called with opts in the end of the action. Let's add menu item that changes cwd to the parent of the current cwd:

    vim.tbl_extend('force', require('telescope').extensions.menufacture.find_files_menu, {
      ['change cwd to parent'] = function(opts, callback)
        local cwd = opts.cwd and vim.fn.expand(opts.cwd) or vim.loop.cwd()
        opts.cwd = vim.fn.fnamemodify(cwd, ':p:h:h')

Menus available by default


Menu item Description menu_action
search by filename specify a filename to search for search_by_filename
search in directory specify directory/directories/files to search in search_in_directory
search relative to current buffer search_relative_to_current_buffer
toggle follow toggle option regulating whether to follow symlinks (i.e. uses -L flag for the find command) toggle_follow
toggle hidden toggle option regulating whether to show hidden files toggle_hidden
toggle no_ignore toggle option regulating whether to show files ignored by .gitignore, .ignore, etc. toggle_no_ignore
toggle no_ignore_parent toggle option regulating whether to show files ignored by .gitignore, .ignore, etc. in parent dirs toggle_no_ignore_parent


Menu item Description menu_action
change glob_pattern specify argument to be used with --glob, e.g. ".toml", or the opposite "!.toml" change_glob_pattern
change type_filter specify argument to be used with --type, e.g. "rust" change_type_filter
search in directory specify directory/directories/files to search in search_in_directory
search relative to current buffer search_relative_to_current_buffer
toggle follow toggle option regulating whether to follow symlinks (i.e. uses -L flag for the find command) toggle_flag_follow
toggle grep_open_files toggle option regulating whether to restrict search to open files only toggle_grep_open_files
toggle hidden toggle option regulating whether to show hidden files toggle_flag_hidden
toggle no_ignore toggle option regulating whether to show files ignored by .gitignore, .ignore, etc. toggle_flag_no_ignore
toggle no_ignore_parent toggle option regulating whether to show files ignored by .gitignore, .ignore, etc. in parent dirs toggle_flag_no_ignore_parent


Menu item Description menu_action
change query change_query
search in directory specify directory/directories/files to search in search_in_directory
search relative to current buffer search_relative_to_current_buffer
toggle follow toggle option regulating whether to follow symlinks (i.e. uses -L flag for the find command) toggle_flag_follow
toggle grep_open_files toggle option regulating whether to restrict search to open files only toggle_grep_open_files
toggle hidden toggle option regulating whether to show hidden files toggle_flag_hidden
toggle no_ignore toggle option regulating whether to show files ignored by .gitignore, .ignore, etc. toggle_flag_no_ignore
toggle no_ignore_parent toggle option regulating whether to show files ignored by .gitignore, .ignore, etc. in parent dirs toggle_flag_no_ignore_parent
toggle use_regex toggle option regulating whether to escape special characters toggle_use_regex


Menu item Description menu_action
search relative to current buffer search_relative_to_current_buffer
toggle show_untracked toggle option regulating whether to add --other flag to command and show untracked files toggle_show_untracked
toggle recurse_submodules toggle option regulating whether to add --recurse-submodules flag to command toggle_recurse_submodules


Menu item menu_action
search relative to current buffer search_relative_to_current_buffer
toggle include_current_session toggle_include_current_session
toggle cwd_only toggle_cwd_only


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