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Microsoft Azure AI Vision SDK Samples
Learn how to use the Microsoft Azure AI Vision SDK to add computer vision features to your apps.

Azure AI Vision SDK (Preview) Samples

This repository hosts sample code and setup documents for the Microsoft Azure AI Vision SDK (Preview).


  • Vision SDK 0.16.0-beta.1 released November 2023 that adds Azure AI Vision Face features.
  • Vision SDK 0.15.1-beta.1 released September 2023.
    • Add support for Java JRE on Windows x64 and Linux x64.
    • Input image can now be provided from a memory buffer (in addition to from file or URL).
  • Vision SDK 0.13.0-beta.1 released July 2023. Image Analysis support was added for Universal Windows Platform (UWP) applications (C++, C#). Run-time package size reduction: Only the two native binaries Azure-AI-Vision-Native.dll and Azure-AI-Vision-Extension-Image.dll are now needed.
  • Vision SDK 0.11.1-beta.1 released May 2023. Image Analysis APIs were updated to support Background Removal.
  • Vision SDK 0.10.0-beta.1 released April 2023. Image Analysis APIs were updated to support Dense Captions.
  • Vision SDK 0.9.0-beta.1 first released on March 2023, targeting Image Analysis applications on Windows and Linux platforms.


This repository hosts samples that help you get started with several features of the SDK in public preview. This includes the following API sets:

Other API sets are under development.


Please open a new issue in this repo if you encounter any problems building or running the samples, or have any additional questions about the SDK. This is the preferred method of getting support. Note that these issues will be visible to the public, so please do not include any sensitive information.

Alternatively, you can contact Microsoft's Vision SDK development team directly by sending an e-mail to

Get the SDK samples

  • Running the samples in this repository requires you to install the Azure AI Vision SDK. By doing so you acknowledge the Azure AI Vision SDK license agreement.

  • The easiest way to get access to these samples is to download the content of this repo as a ZIP file.

  • Alternatively, you can use a Git client to clone this repository to your hard drive by running

    git clone

Image Analysis


GitHub Logo

See Microsoft documentation for an overview of Image Analysis. The Vision SDK Image Analysis APIs (preview) uses Image Analysis REST API v4.0 (preview).

The Image Analysis APIs supports the extraction of one or more of the following visual features using a single REST call:

  • Caption - Generates a human-readable phrase that describes the whole image content. For example, for the above image, "A woman wearing a mask sitting at a table with a laptop".
  • Dense Captions - Generates a human-readable phrase that describes the whole image content, and up to 9 additional descriptions that describe sub-regions of the image.
  • Tags - Returns content tags for recognizable objects, living beings, scenery, and actions that appear in the image.
  • Objects - Detects various objects within an image, including their approximate location. See example in the above image: person, two chairs, laptop, dining table.
  • People - Detects people in the image, including their approximate location.
  • Text - Also known as Read or OCR. Performs Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and returns the text detected in the image, including the approximate location of every text line and word.
  • Crop Suggestions - Also known as Smart Crop. Recommendations for cropping operations that preserve content (e.g. for thumbnail generation).

The Image Analysis APIs also support background removal (segmentation). This feature can either output an image of the detected foreground object with a transparent background, or a gray-scale alpha matte image showing the opacity of the detected foreground object.

For all scenarios, you can either upload an image for analysis by providing the name of an image file on disk, or you can provide a publicly-accessible URL of the image.

Supported Programming Languages and Platforms

At the moment the SDK is available for the following platforms and programming languages:

  • Platforms:

    • Windows 10 x64 (and above)
    • Linux x64 running Ubuntu 18.04/20.04/22.04, Debian 9/10/11, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7/8
  • Programming languages:

    • Python
    • C# (.NET)
    • Java JRE
    • C++

Support for others platform and programming languages (including Android, iOS, MacOS) is planned for future releases.

If your platform and/or programming language is not listed above, your application will need to directly implement REST calls to the Vision Service using the Image Analysis REST API v4.0 (preview).


The samples will show how to analyze an image file from local disk or an image URL. Click on the links below for detailed setup, build and run instructions corresponding to your programming language:

Programming Language
Python Console Sample
C# .NET Console Sample
C# .NET UWP Sample
Java JRE Sample
C++ Console Sample

The console samples demonstrate doing the following:

  1. Analyze all features from a JPEG image file on disk and print detailed results to the console. This is done using the synchronous (blocking) API. It is recommended you start by looking at this sample.
  2. Analyze one feature from an image URL, using the asynchronous (non-blocking) API, while registering for an event to get the analysis results.
  3. Analyze one feature from an image in an input memory buffer, using synchronous (blocking) API.
  4. Analyze an image using a custom-trained model. To run this sample, you first need to create a custom model. See Create a custom Image Analysis model (preview) for more details.
  5. Analyze an image for background removal (segmentation).

The C# .NET UWP sample shows how to analyze features from an image file or image URL.

If your platform and/or programming language is not listed above, your application will need to directly implement REST calls to the Vision service using the Image Analysis REST API v4.0 (preview).

API Reference Documentation

Face Analysis


face See Microsoft documentation for an overview of Azure AI Vision Face Liveness Detection.

This SDK supports two feature variants:

  • Liveness with Verification
  • Liveness

Liveness detection aims to verify that the system engages with a physically present, living individual during the verification process. This is achieved by differentiating between a real (live) and fake (spoof) representation which may include photographs, videos, masks, or other means to mimic a real person.

The new Face liveness detection solution is a combination of mobile SDK and Azure AI service. It is conformant to ISO/IEC 30107-3 PAD (Presentation Attack Detection) standards as validated by iBeta level 1 and level 2 conformance testing. It successfully defends against a plethora of spoof types ranging from paper printouts, 2D/3D masks, and spoof presentations on phones and laptops. Liveness detection is an active area of research, with continuous improvements being made to counteract increasingly sophisticated spoofing attacks over time, and continuous improvement will be rolled out to the client and the service components as the overall solution gets hardened against new types of attacks over time.

While blocking spoof attacks is the primary focus of the liveness solution, paramount importance is also given to allowing real users to successfully pass the liveness check with low friction. Additionally, the liveness solution complies with the comprehensive responsible AI and data privacy standards to ensure fair usage across demographics around the world through extensive fairness testing. For more information, please visit: Empowering responsible AI practices | Microsoft AI.

Please see the readme documents listed below for instructions on how to build and run each sample.



Sample Platform Description
Kotlin sample app for Android Android App with source code that demonstrates face analysis on Android
Swift sample app for iOS iOS App with source code that demonstrates face analysis on iOS

API Reference Documentation


SDK for Microsoft's Azure AI Vision







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