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Repository files navigation



Chdir with recursive directory searching.

$ pwd
$ cdr
(Select a directory from directories under the current directory, and chdir to the directory (e.g. Select to/directory))

$ pwd


usage: cdr [<option(s)>] [<directory>]
chdir with recursive directory searching.

  -b, --base=<directory>  use the directory as the base directory
  -f, --filter=<command>  use the command to select a directory
  -g, --git               enable searching from Git managed directories
  -G, --no-git            disable searching from Git managed directories
  -s, --source=<command>  use the command to list directories
  -w, --wrapper=<shell>   output the wrapper script for the shell and exit
      --help              print usage and exit
  [<directory>]           chdir to the directory without selecting

  sh, bash, zsh, yash, fish

  CDR_BASE    set default -b/--base
  CDR_FILTER  set default -f/--filter (default: percol)
  CDR_GIT     set default -g/--git (default: false)
  CDR_SOURCE  set default -s/--source (default: find -type d)


  • sh
  • find
  • Percol (If you use default CDR_FILTER)
  • Git (If you use -g, --git option)


  1. Copy cdr into your $PATH.
  2. Make cdr executable.
  3. Add the following config to your shell's profile.
sh eval "$(cdr -w sh)"
bash eval "$(cdr -w bash)"
zsh eval "$(cdr -w zsh)"
yash eval "$(cdr -w yash)"
fish source (cdr -w fish | psub)


$ curl -L > ~/bin/cdr
$ chmod +x ~/bin/cdr
$ echo 'eval "$(cdr -w bash)"' >> ~/.bashrc

Note: In this example, $HOME/bin must be included in $PATH.


-b, --base=<directory>

Use the directory as the base directory, and add a candidate of the base directory. The default value is the value of CDR_BASE or none. This option takes precedence over CDR_BASE.

$ cdr -b/etc/nginx
(Use /etc/nginx as the base directory)

$ cdr -bpublic
(Use ./public as the base directory)

-f, --filter=<command>

Use the command to select a directory. The default value is the value of CDR_FILTER (percol). This option takes precedence over CDR_FILTER.

$ cdr -ffzy
(Use fzy to select the directory)

$ cdr -f'fzf --layout=reverse --preview='"'"'printf "# %s\n" {}; ls {}'"'"''
(Use fzf with preview to select the directory)

-g, --git

Enable searching from Git managed directories. The default value is the value of CDR_GIT (false). This option is equivalent to --base "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" --source 'echo .; git ls-tree -rd --name-only --full-tree HEAD'. This option takes precedence over CDR_GIT.

$ cdr -g
(Select a directory from Git managed directories)

-G, --no-git

Disable searching from Git managed directories. -g/--git and -G/--no-git can be specified at the same time, but the last one takes precedence. This option takes precedence over CDR_GIT.

$ cdr -G
(Select a directory from directories under the current directory)

-s, --source=<command>

Use the command to list directories. The default value is the value of CDR_SOURCE (find -type d). This option takes precedence over CDR_SOURCE.

$ cdr -sls
(Use ls to list directories)

$ cdr -s'echo /etc/nginx; echo /var/log/nginx'
(Use combined command to list directories)

-w, --wrapper=<shell>

Output the wrapper script for shell and exit.

Supported shells are as follows:

  • sh
  • bash
  • zsh
  • yash
  • fish
$ eval "$(cdr -w sh)"
(Enable the shell integration for the shell compatible with Bourne Shell)

$ eval "$(cdr -w bash)"
(Enable the shell integration for Bash)

$ eval "$(cdr -w zsh)"
(Enable the shell integration for Zsh)

$ eval "$(cdr -w yash)"
(Enable the shell integration for Yash)

$ source (cdr -w fish | psub)
(Enable the shell integration for Fish)


Print usage and exit.

$ cdr --help
(Print usage)


Chdir to the directory without selecting.

$ cdr /etc/nginx
(Chdir to /etc/nginx)



The directory to set the base directory. The default value is none.

$ export CDR_BASE=/etc/nginx
(Use /etc/nginx to the base directory)

$ export CDR_BASE=public
(Use ./public to the base directory)


The command to use select a directory. The default value is percol.

$ export CDR_FILTER=fzy
(Use fzy to select the directory)

$ export CDR_FILTER='fzf --layout=reverse --preview='"'"'printf "# %s\n" {}; ls {}'"'"''
(Use fzf with preview to select the directory)


Whether to enable searching from Git managed directories. The default value is false.

$ export CDR_GIT=true
(Enable searching from Git managed directories.)

$ export CDR_GIT=false
(Disable searching from Git managed directories.)


The command to list directories. The default value is find -type d.

$ export CDR_SOURCE='ls'
(Use ls to list directories)

$ export CDR_SOURCE='echo /etc/nginx; echo /var/log/nginx'
(Use combined command to list directories)


MIT License

