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Akka Persistence Plugin for MongoDB

CircleCI codecov

This implementation use the reactivemongo drive.


This plugin support scala 2.13, akka 2.6.x and reactivemongo 1.0.x.

Add in your build.sbt the following lines:

resolvers += "null-vector" at ""
libraryDependencies += "null-vector" %% "akka-reactivemongo-plugin" % "1.6.0"


To active the plugin an set the mongodb uri you have to add in your application.conf the following lines:

akka.persistence.journal.plugin = "akka-persistence-reactivemongo-journal"
akka.persistence.snapshot-store.plugin = "akka-persistence-reactivemongo-snapshot"

akka-persistence-reactivemongo {
  mongo-uri = "mongodb://host/database?rm.failover=900ms:21x1.30"

See Connect to a database for more information.

Configuration for DurableStateStore

akka.persistence.state.plugin = "akka-persistence-reactivemongo-crud"

Events Adapters

Before save any event from your persistent actor it is needed to register the corresponding EventAdapter.

case class ProductId(id: String) extends AnyVal
case class InvoiceItem(productId: ProductId, price: BigDecimal, tax: BigDecimal)
case class InvoiceItemAdded(invoiceItem: InvoiceItem)

val eventAdapter = EventAdapterFactory.adapt[InviceItemAdded](withManifest = "InvoiceItemAdded")


It is also possible to override mappings or add unsupported mappings. All added mappings must extends from BSONReader[_] or BSONWriter[_] or both.

implicit val reader = new BSONReader[Type1] {...}
implicit val writer = new BSONWriter[Type2] {...}
implicit val readerAndWriter = new BSONReader[Type3] with BSONWriter[Type3] {...}

val eventAdapter = EventAdapterFactory.adapt[Type4](withManifest = "SomeEvent")

You can also add tags asociated to the Event:

val eventAdapter = EventAdapterFactory.adapt[Type4](withManifest = "SomeEvent", Set("Tag_1", "Tag_2"))

Traits famlily (sealed trait), aka: sum types, are mapped automatically:

sealed trait InvoiceLineType
case object ProductLine extends InvoiceLineType
case class InvoiceLine(lineType: InvoiceLineType, ...)
case class InvoiceLineAdded(line: InvoiceLine)
implicit val conf = MacroConfiguration(discriminator = "_type", typeNaming = TypeNaming.SimpleName)
val eventAdapter = EventAdapterFactory.adapt[InvoceLineAdded](withManifest = "InvoiceLineAdded")

Behind the scene EventAdapterFactory use the ReactiveMongo Macros, so you can configure the BSON mappings:

implicit val conf: Aux[MacroOptions] = MacroConfiguration(discriminator = "_type", typeNaming = TypeNaming.SimpleName)

Custom mappings

You can create mappings by hand:

implicit val a: BSONDocumentMapping[SolarPlanet] = EventAdapterFactory.mappingOf[SolarPlanet]
val eventAdapter = new EventAdapterMapping[SolarPlanet]("planet")


Persistence Id

By default, the persistence id has the following form: <Aggregate>-<Id>, and the aggregate will be the name of the MongoDB collection.

You can change the persistence id separator character:

akka-persistence-reactivemongo {
  mongo-uri = "mongodb://localhost/test?rm.failover=900ms:21x1.30"
  persistence-id-separator = |

Persistence Query

Here are some examples of how to use persistence query:

val readJournal = ReactiveMongoJournalProvider(system).scaladslReadJournal
val tagsSource: Source[EventEnvelope, NotUsed] = readJournal.currentEventsByTag("some_tag", NoOffset)

tagsSource.runWith(Sink.foreach{ envelope => envelope.event match {
  case UserAdded(name, age) => // Do Something

Sometime is necessary to create an Offset:

val offset = ObjectIdOffset.fromDateTime( // A Joda DateTime

For streams that never complete like #persistenceIds, #eventsByTag, etc. it is possible to configure the interval that pulls from the journal:

akka-persistence-reactivemongo {
  mongo-uri = "mongodb://localhost/test?rm.failover=900ms:21x1.30"
  read-journal {
    refresh-interval = 2s

If you want different refresh intervals from different query, you can add a RefreshInterval Attribute in the Source definition:

    .eventsByTag("some_tag", NoOffset)

Filter Events by some Event's Attribute

From regular stream

val readJournal = ReactiveMongoJournalProvider(system).readJournalFor(Seq("Orders"))
  .currentEventsByTags(Seq("TAG"), NoOffset, BSONDocument("events.p.customerId" -> customerId), None)
  .mapAsyc(envelope => someEventualWork(envelope))

From non-termination stream

val readJournal = ReactiveMongoJournalProvider(system).readJournalFor(Seq("Orders"))
  .eventsByTags(Seq("TAG"), NoOffset, BSONDocument("events.p.customerId" -> customerId), None, 5.seconds)
  .mapAsyc(envelope => someEventualWork(envelope) )

Test Driven Development

Here is a great feature for TDD lovers: it is possible to configure the plugin to persist in memory and reduce the test latency more than half.

akka-persistence-reactivemongo {
  persist-in-memory = true