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Tools for working with JINA reaclib and starlib.




Unfortunately, you need to patch the utils module of v6208 of MESA. This necessity will disappear once the latest version of MESA is released.

  1. Copy utils_patch into the utils directory of your MESA v6022 tree.
  2. Go to that directory: cd $MESA_DIR/utils
  3. Run patch < utils_patch
  4. Remake the library: ./i1


./install [-d /path/to/project/root]

This top-level script calls all of the other build scripts, and installs them in subdirectories of /path/to/project/root. The fortran *.mod include files go into a subdirectory include, while the compiled library goes into a subdirectory lib. If install is called with no options, then the files are installed in the local directory in include and lib. The database files and any cache files are placed in a subdirectory data.


For a more granular build, first ./fetch_data: if the data files are missing or have the incorrect checksum, then fresh copies are downloaded and checked. Then ./build_and_test: the libraries are compiled, and a small test program is compiled and run. The output of the test program is in test/test_output and should be compared to test/sample_output. The *.a and *.mod files should be copied from make into their final locations, as should starlib_db, reaclib_db, and nuclib_db from the data directory. The data/cache directory and contents should also be copied to its final location.

How to use (still under development)

Look in test/src/test_io.f for an example of source code, and in test/make/makefile for an example of compiling and linking the libraries.

In summary, you initialize the module

call netJina_init(datadir,nuclib,nuclide_dict,reaclib,starlib,rates_dict,starlib_dict,ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) then
    write(error_unit,*) 'failure in initialization ',ierr
end if


character(len=*), parameter :: datadir = '../data'
type(reaclib_data) :: reaclib
type(starlib_data) :: starlib
type(nuclib_data) :: nuclib
integer :: ierr
type(integer_dict), pointer :: rates_dict=>null(), nuclide_dict=>null()

Then, to get the reaction parameters

write (output_unit,'(/,a)') 'What are the reaction channels for ca37?'
iso = 'ca37'
call make_channel_handles(iso,nuclib,nuclide_dict,handles,ierr)

This returns the handles -- identifiers for the reactions -- for the following channels.

character(len=max_id_length),dimension(N_bdat_channels) :: handles

i_pg							:= (p,g)
i_an							:= (a,n)
i_ag							:= (a,g)
i_ap							:= (a,p)
i_ng							:= (n,g)
i_np							:= (n,p)
i_gp							:= (g,p)
i_na                            := (n,a)
i_ga							:= (g,a)
i_pa							:= (p,a)
i_gn							:= (g,n)
i_pn							:= (p,n)

Now that you have the handles, you can get the reaction parameters. From reaclib:

write(output_unit,'(/,a)') 'What are the reaction parameters for ca37'
call get_bdat_channels(reaclib,rates_dict,handles,n_coeff,rate_coefficients,q,rate_mask)

integer, dimension(N_bdat_channels) :: n_coeff
real(dp), dimension(ncoefficients*max_terms_per_rate,N_bdat_channels) :: rate_coefficients
real(dp), dimension(N_bdat_channels) :: q
logical, dimension(N_bdat_channels) :: rate_mask

From starlib:

write(output_unit,'(/,a)') 'with starlib...'
call get_bdat_rates(starlib,starlib_dict,handles,T9,rate,uncertainty,q,rate_mask)

real(dp), dimension(number_starlib_temps,N_bdat_channels) :: T9, rate, uncer
real(dp), dimension(N_bdat_channels) :: q
logical, dimension(N_bdat_channels) :: rate_mask

Becauase reaclib has a standard seven-coefficient fit per rate, some reactions have multiple rate entries: the total reaction rate is the sum of the individual terms. Thus, for the channel with index channel_index, rate_coefficients(1:7,channel_index) has the coefficients for the first entry, rate_coefficients(8:14,channel_index) has the second, with a total of 7*n_coeff(channel_index) coefficients for that reactions. The Q-values are stored in q(channel_index). Finally, logical array rate_mask contains for each channel the value .TRUE. if the rate is present in reaclib and is a forward rate.

How it works

After reading in the reaclib database, the code generates for each rate a "handle" and uses that to build a dictionary. When called with an (isotope, channel) pair a handle is easily constructed and used to look up the HEAD rate in the database. The number of entries for that reaction is stored in the database, so the code just needs to read those terms and pack them into the output.

To do

  • The generation of handles and returning of reaction parameters should be handled by one wrapper routine, that would also take care of exceptions.

  • It may make more sense to either work with starlib or reaclib rates, rather than loading both.


tools for working with JINA reaclib rates







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