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Operon-component for Apache Camel

Learn more about Operon from

"Operon is a programming language which can be easily embedded with JVM-based languages (Java, Scala, Groovy, Kotlin, Clojure, etc.) or run standalone with the native-version. Operon is especially great for transforming and handling JSON-data."

Usage with Maven



  • queryFile : java.lang.String. When starts with "file://" then tries to load the query from the file-system, otherwise from the classpath.
  • outputResult : boolean (default false). When set, the Operon will output result to System.out
  • prettyPrint : boolean (default false). When set, the result will be formatted.
  • printDuration : boolean (default false). When set, the query execution time will be print to System.out
  • debug : boolean (default false). When set, some debug-information is printed during the component execution.
  • timezone : java.lang.String. When set, the default-timezone will be overridden for date-functions.


Please note that the headers are case-insensitive, so it does not matter whether we type INITIALVALUE or initialValue. The headers are listed in the class CamelOperonHeaders and it is encouraged to use these instead of hard-coding the values.

  • initialValue: allows to set the root-value ($) for the query.

    • CamelOperonHeaders.INITIAL_VALUE
  • operonProducerTemplate: pass the producer-template for Operon-query, so the Camel-routes may be called from Operon. See example further from this document.

    • CamelOperonHeaders.PRODUCER_TEMPLATE
  • operonModules: loads any external Operon-scripts as libraries before executing the script.

    • CamelOperonHeaders.OPERON_MODULES
  • operonConfigs: the io.operon.runner.model.OperonConfigs -instance to manually conrol e.g. "outputResult" when using Camel's language-expression (which is there by default set to false).

    • CamelOperonHeaders.OPERON_CONFIGS
  • operonValueBindings: allows to bind values to the query.

    • CamelOperonHeaders.OPERON_VALUE_BINDINGS
      • Uses Map<String, String>
      • Example found from below
  • operonBindList: simpler way to bind values from String such as: "bin=\"foo\";bai=bar"

    • CamelOperonHeaders.OPERON_BIND_LIST
  • operonIndexList: advice parser to create index for objects for the given named values. E.g. as: "$;$foo" advices to index the root ($) -value and value $foo (which user must bind to the query with bind-list or value-bindings).

    • CamelOperonHeaders.OPERON_INDEX_LIST
  • operonScript: the operon-script can be set into this header

    • CamelOperonHeaders.LANGUAGE_SCRIPT
  • operonScriptPath: the path from where the script is found

    • CamelOperonHeaders.LANGUAGE_SCRIPT_PATH
  • inputMimeType: decides how to interpret the input. Allowed values: application/json (default), application/java, application/octet-stream. Values are defined in class CamelOperonMimeTypes.

    • CamelOperonHeaders.INPUT_MIME_TYPE
      • When "application/json", then parses the input as Operon-value.
      • When "application/java", then parses the input as Operon-value from Java-object.
      • When "application/octet-stream", then expects the input to be byte[], and parses the input as Operon-value: RawValue.
  • outputMimeType: decides how to interpret the output. Allowed values: application/json (default), application/java-operon, application/java, application/octet-stream. Values are defined in class CamelOperonMimeTypes.

    • CamelOperonHeaders.OUTPUT_MIME_TYPE
      • When "application/json", then serializes the result as Java String, representing the JSON.
      • When "application/java-operon", then keeps the result as Operon typed value, e.g. NumberType.
      • When "application/java", true Java types, e.g. ArrayType --> ArrayList, ObjectType --> LinkedHashMap, NullType --> null, etc.
      • When "application/octet-stream", then expected result is RawValue, from which the byte-array is taken.


import io.operon.camel.model.CamelOperonHeaders;

protected RouteBuilder createRouteBuilder() throws Exception {
  return new RouteBuilder() {
    public void configure() {
    	// Query without initial-value
	      .setBody(constant("Select: 123"))
    	// Output-result to console and pretty-print it:
	      .setBody(constant("Select {outputResult, prettyPrint}: 123"))
		// Query with initial-value
	      // Another way to set the header is: .setHeader(CamelOperonHeaders.HEADER_INITIAL_VALUE, constant("{\"foo\": \"bar\"}"))
	      // which requires first importing io.operon.camel.model.CamelOperonHeaders.
	      .setHeader("initialValue", constant("{\"foo\": \"bar\"}"))
	      .setBody(constant("Select: $.foo"))
	    // Run two queries, the second query takes input the first query's output
	      .setBody(constant("Select: -> http:{url: \"\"}"))
	      .log("Setting initial value :: " + simple("${body}"))
	      .setHeader("initialValue", simple("${body}"))
	      .setBody(constant("Select: $.body.value"))
	    // Load query from classpath
	    // Load query from file
	    // Modules can be given in a comma-separated list.
	      .setHeader("OPERON_MODULES", constant("mylib:lib/counter.opm"))
	      .setHeader("initialValue", constant("[1,2,3]"))
	      .setBody(constant("Select: => mylib:count()"))
		// Bind values
	    Map<String, String> valueBindings = new HashMap<String, String>();
	    valueBindings.put("foo", "\"bar\"");
	    valueBindings.put("bin", "100");
	      .setHeader("OPERON_VALUE_BINDINGS", constant(valueBindings))
	      .setBody(constant("Select: $foo"))


public class Foo {
    private String name = "Bar";
    private Map<String, String> bins;
    public Foo() {
        this.bins = new HashMap<String, String>();
        this.bins.put("bin", "bai");
        this.bins.put("baa", "baba");

protected RouteBuilder createRouteBuilder() throws Exception {
    return new RouteBuilder() {
        public void configure() {
            // Query with the script
                .language("operon", "Select: 123")
            // Load the script from the header
              .setHeader("operonScript", constant("Select: 123"));
              .setBody().language("operon", null)
	        // Almost any Java-object is automatically converted into JSON, which
	        // can be queried.
	        // The INPUT_MIME_TYPE must be set to "application/java" for automatic-conversion
	        Foo foo = new Foo();
              .setHeader(CamelOperonHeaders.HEADER_LANGUAGE_SCRIPT, constant("Select: $"))
              .setHeader(CamelOperonHeaders.HEADER_INPUT_MIME_TYPE, constant("application/java"))
              .setBody().constant(foo) // NOTE: this refers to value foo of type Foo, defined above.
              .setBody().language("operon", null)
            // Query with initial value
                .language("operon", "Select: $")
            // Splitter-example
                .constant("{foo: [10, 20, 30]}")
                .language("operon", "Select: $.foo")
            // Modules and value-bindings can be used as with the components

Using ProducerTemplate

The call-component has params-options, which for the camel's ProducerTemplate as the following:

  • uri: the endpoint-uri, e.g.:

  • nullBody: true / false (default). When true then Camel-Operon sends null-body into Camel-endpoint.

  • async: true / false (default). When truem then ProducerTemplate.sendBody is used (or sendBodyAndHeaders).

  • headers: Object. The keys and values from this object are mapped into Camel-headers, which are then send with ProducerTemplate.requestBodyAndHeaders -method (or sendBodyAndHeaders if async).

  • readAs: Json, Raw, String, Double, Integer. Tells how to parse the result of the called route (when option async is false). The default is JSON, which expects that the result can be read as JSON. If this fails, then the error is rised.

    • Raw: expects that the result is String, but reads it into byte-array (Operon's RawValue)
    • String: expects that the result is String, converts into Operon's StringType
    • Double: expects that the result is Double, converts into Operon's NumberType with dynamic precision resolution
    • Integer: expects that the result is Integer, converts into Operon's NumberType with precision 0
	// NOTE: ProducerTemplate userPt must have been defined earlier, such as: 
    protected ProducerTemplate userPt; // Define ProducerTemplate here
        .log("Camel running direct:start")
        .setHeader(CamelOperonHeaders.HEADER_PRODUCER_TEMPLATE, constant(userPt)) // Pass the PT here
            "Select: -> call:camel:{params: {uri: \"direct:foo\", readAs: \"String\", headers: {bar: \"barbaz\"}}} => upperCase()")
        .log("Setting value \"Foo\" to body. Body now :: ${body}, header bar: ${}")
        .setHeader(CamelOperonHeaders.HEADER_PRODUCER_TEMPLATE, constant(userPt))
            "Select: -> call:camel:{params: {uri: \"\", headers: {camelHttpMethod: \"GET\"}}}.value")
        .log("Joke: ${body}")


Operon-component for Apache Camel







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