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On June 26 2024, Linux Foundation announced the merger of its financial services umbrella, the Fintech Open Source Foundation (FINOS), with OS-Climate, an open source community dedicated to building data technologies, modeling, and analytic tools that will drive global capital flows into climate change mitigation and resilience; OS-Climate projects are in the process of transitioning to the FINOS governance framework; read more on

Packages installation

Online (no vpn) install

pip install -r --trusted-host --trusted-host

###Python path It is necessary to add the sostrades-webapi folder to the PYTHONPATH.


sostrades-webapi needs sostrades-core to run, so the sostrades-core folder needs to be added to the PYTHONPATH and the sostrades-core package installation needs to be done.

Database migration

Alembic (the migration framework used by Flask-Migrate) will make these schema changes in a way that does not require the database to be recreated from scratch.

To accomplish this seemingly difficult task, Alembic maintains a migration repository, which is a directory in which it stores its migration scripts. Each time a change is made to the database schema, a migration script is added to the repository with the details of the change. To apply the migrations to a database, these migration scripts are executed in the sequence they were created.

Create the migration repository

flask db init

Generate a migration

To generate a migration automatically, Alembic compares the database schema as defined by the database models, against the actual database schema currently used in the database. It then populates the migration script with the changes necessary to make the database schema match the application models

flask db migrate -m "MIGRATION MESSAGE HERE"

Database Upgrade and Downgrade Workflow

Database upgrade

When you are ready to release the new version of the application to your production server, all you need to do is grab the updated version of your application, which will include the new migration script, and run :

flask db upgrade

Alembic will detect that the production database is not updated to the latest revision of the schema, and run all the new migration scripts that were created after the previous release

Database downgrade

If you need to undoes the last migration, run :

flask db downgrade

Database model creation

You need to specify a Foreign key name when you create a new model in file.

Naming convention => fk_tableName_columnName

Example (group_id foreign key of group table column id in study case table) :

group_id = Column(Integer,

Database applicative commands

Database initialize process

To retrieve automatically all processes in the repositories of the PYTHONPATH (processes must be in a file named ''):

flask init_process

All the process will be associated to the default applicative group named "SoSTrades_Dev".

Database create standard account

If you want to create a local standard user account:

flask db create_standard_user username email firstname lastname

the username, email firstname and lastname arguments should be filled with the user information.

Database reset user password

If you want to reset the password of a user

flask db reset_standard_user_password username

The username of the user will be passed in argument The updated password will be saved in a file on the local server.

Database create a user_test

If you want to create a user_test to run the tests webgui-test-e2e

flask create_user_test <username>, <password>

Database set group_access_user

If you want to create a user_test to run the tests webgui-test-e2e

flask set_user_access_group <username>, <group_list>

#### Database set process_access_user

flask flask set_process_access_user <username>, <process_list>

#### Database rename the default applicative group
If you want to rename the Sostrades applicative group named "SoSTrades_Dev" by default

flask db rename_applicative_group new_name

The new name of the applicative group will be passed in argument

User profile changes

If you want to change the profile of a user

flask change_user_profile <username> -p <profile>

This way is the only allowed to promote a user to "Study manager" profile which enable access to some monitoring panels in the application.

Profiles that can be set are "Study user" (default for all new user) and "Study manager".

Profile argument is optional, if not set than the user profile will be set to "No profile" which disallow access to all application features.

Server configuration


SoSTrades application need a configuration file in order to be launch. Configuration file is dedicated to a specific environment. Configuration file is in JSON format. A template of this file is available here: sostrades_webapi\configuration_template\development_configuration_template.json. The path to the configuration json file must be set in the SOS_TRADES_SERVER_CONFIGURATION environment variable. Some of the variabes in the configuration file are:

  • SOS_TRADES_DATA=NFS directory where the business data are stored
  • SOS_TRADES_REFERENCES=NFS directory where the reference data are stored (predefined business data that are not associated to a user
  • SOS_TRADES_EXECUTION_STRATEGY=Execution strategy can be one of those values ‘thread’, ‘subprocess’ and ‘kubernetes’
  • EEB_PATH=Execution Engine Block (kubernetes pods yaml configuration file) used to submit container on kubernetes
  • SOS_TRADES_RSA=Location of RSA folder with public and private key to encrypt business data on file system
  • SOS_TRADES_SERVER_MODE=Indicates "mono" if there is split servers: data, main and post processing or "kubernetes" if only the server data is launch and the study server is launched by kubernetes when needed.
  • MANIFESTS_FOLDER_PATH=Path to the folder where manifests are. This folder has to contain the manifest deployment_study_case_server.yml and service_study_case_server.yml

environment configuration

In addition to the configuration file, some other entry are setup using environment variables:

  • FLASK_APP: name of the server into the API (path to the
  • FLASK_ENV: name of the environment
  • SOS_TRADES_SERVER_CONFIGURATION=Contains the path to the API server json configuration file (the one you want to use)
  • SQL_ACCOUNT=Depending on the value set in the configuration file, store sql user account
  • SQL_PASSWORD=Depending on the value set in the configuration file, store sql user password
  • LOG_USER=Depending on the value set in the configuration file, store sql user account
  • LOG_PASSWORD=Depending on the value set in the configuration file, store sql user password
  • SECRET_KEY=Depending on the value set in the configuration file, store server secret key
  • GITHUB_OAUTH_SETTINGS=the full path (including file) to the settings.json file that contains Github OAuth settings
  • SAML_V2_METADATA_FOLDER=the folder path where the settings.json file is located

SSO configuration

  • set the SAML v2 'settings.json' file for the SSO authentication (the file must have this name 'settings.json') into the folder 'sostrades-webapi\configuration\saml'. A template of this file is located in the 'sostrades-webapi\configuration_template\saml' folder. All explanations on how to fill it are accessible here:
  • in the '.flaskenv' file, set the variable SAML_V2_METADATA_FOLDER with the folder path where the settings.json is. The path can be relative like: 'sostrades-webapi\configuration_template\saml'.

GitHub OAuth configuration

  • regarding the template file located in sostrades-webapi\configuration_template\github-oauth fill all the required values (Information's about Github oauth apps can be found here
  • 'GITHUB_CLIENT_ID' and 'GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET' are values generated when a Github OAuth pass is created
  • 'GITHUB_API_URL' and 'GITHUB_AUTH_URL' are GitHub endpoint to use in the protocol workflow (by default respectively "" and "") They can be overridden to match Github Enterprise instance like 'https://<>/api/v3/' and 'https://<>/login/oauth/'
  • GITHUB_OAUTH_SETTINGS environment variable must be set and target a value like '/my/github/settings/folder/setting.json'

Server test configuration


As the server configuration, tests need also a configuration file to initialize their environment. Configuration file is in JSON format. A template of this file is available here: sostrades_webapi\configuration_template\development_configuration_template.json.

The key regarding LDAP, JWT Token and SMTP server are optional.

environment configuration

As the server configuration some environment variable are needed In addition to the configuration file, some other entry are setup using environment variables:

  • SOS_TRADES_SERVER_CONFIGURATION=Contains the path to the API server json configuration file (the one you want to use)
  • SQL_ACCOUNT=Depending on the value set in the configuration file, store sql user account
  • SQL_PASSWORD=Depending on the value set in the configuration file, store sql user password
  • LOG_USER=Depending on the value set in the configuration file, store sql user account
  • LOG_PASSWORD=Depending on the value set in the configuration file, store sql user password
  • SECRET_KEY=Depending on the value set in the configuration file, store server secret key

For local development, .flaskenv_unit_test can be filled to make test works.

Server execution


API is split in 4 part in mono server mode

  • main_server: for all process related to manipulate study with SoSTrades execution engine
  • data_server: for all data management (database CRUD operation)
  • post_processing_server: for all process related to manipulate study post-processing
  • message_server: websockets implemented for cooperative edition purpose

API is split in 3 parts in kubernetes server mode

  • study_server: for all process related to manipulate study with SoSTrades execution engine
  • data_server: for all data management (database CRUD operation)
  • message_server: websockets implemented for cooperative edition purpose


The sostrades-webapi source code is distributed under the Apache License Version 2.0. A copy of it can be found in the LICENSE file.

The sostrades-webapi product depends on other software which have various licenses. The list of dependencies with their licenses is given in the CREDITS.rst file.