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helpful reports for burp backup and restore

The new refactor doesnt use burp -a m, it uses burp-ui api to get data so you need burp-ui up and accessible.

The previous version is on tag 0.1 and it will not be maintained.


1.0 version was created with the objetive to have a flexible programming to allow new features to be easily added on next releases, also all features on this version have unit tests to ensure no break on next release.


Like burp-ui is created by a sysadmin that loves Burp and would like to help Burp adoption with it's nice interface, I'm a sysadmin that loves burp and burp-ui and would like to help Burp adoption by providing nice reports.

I have started with those reports that I think are more critical in large deployments, but also are helpful for every deployment.

I have also created a lot of flexibility in the configuration of those reports, so you will notice that you could change almost every behaviour of them from the config file.


Python3.4+ pip install to install requirements listed in and also in requirements.txt


burpui 0.5.0+ (release with many improvements in api performance and stability) burp 2.0.54+ (burp monitor has been improved a lot since this release)

Use protocol = 1 with burp2 server as for now is the stable protocol for backups!!!!



sudo pip3 install burp_reports --upgrade

Also is possible to use:

sudo python3 -m pip install burp_reports --upgrade

On windows with python3.4:

\python34\scripts\pip install burp_reports --upgrade

For proxies add:


IMPORTANT NOTE FOR UBUNTU 14.04 and maybe others I have problems on the first try, it said No distributions matching the version, and fixed it with:

pip3 install pip --upgrade


It caches the data of burp-ui for 1h , if you need to refresh the data just remove /tmp/burp_reports_cache.sqlite


Use the command line:

burp-reports --help

Windows env:

\python34\scripts\burp-reports.exe --help
  • --report report choices report options.
  • --report print (By default if no --report is given) - Print txt clients list only
  • --report outdated: will report outdated clients
  • --report inventory: Will compare with -i input.csv and will export to -o output.csv
  • -c config.conf: Ini file to use
  • --write_config: will write all default settings on config file not overwrites any existing, requires -c
  • --report email_outdated: Will send email with outdated clients, requires config.
  • -i (also can be an url, the program will recognize the url and download the file from it)
  • -i email_inventory will read the inventory file from email! see [email_inventory] section in config
  • --detail it adds more info like duration, size, received to the list printed. Can be used with --report outdated ; when --detail used with --report outdated it will check if backup has 0B and report as status never
  • --ping it adds ping check to --report outdated only, so you can fast-check which outdated client is pinging.

Optional Configuration file

Configuration is required only to send emails. But allows you to customize the defaults used too:

burp-reports -c /config/file/path.conf

Recommended location: /etc/burp/burp-reports.conf

Auto generate a basic template: --write_config

Options to use in the file:

burpui_apiurl = http://user:pass@localhost:5000/api/
days_outdated = 31
csv_delimiter = ;
# Options:
# use mbcs for ansi on python prior 3.6
csv_encoding = utf-8,
excluded_clients = list,of,clients,that,will,not,be,added,to,outdated,reports
  • burpui_apiurl is overwritten by cmd if you use --burpui_apiurl
  • csv_delimiter, used for -i and -o

More possible options in config:

  • inventory_columns and inventory_status is used in --report inventory
  • email_notification: Config that makes possible send emails
burpui_apiurl = http://user:pass@servername/api
server = servidor
status = status
sub_status = status (detailed)
client_name = device name

# Always use lowercase, as it will compare in lowercase
not_inventory_in_burp = not in inventory
in_many_servers = duplicated
in_inventory_updated = ok
inactive_in_burp: wrong not active
inactive_not_in_burp: ignored inactive
spare_not_in_burp = ignored spare
in_inventory_not_in_burp = absent
spare_in_burp = wrong spare in burp
inactive_in_burp = wrong not active
spare = spare
active = active

email_to = root@localhost
smtp_password =
email_from =
smtp_server = localhost
smtp_login =
smtp_mode = normal
smtp_port = 25
foot_notes = a sample notes in the end of your email

name_length = 15        # This allows you to choose the name length for column in print to stdout
all_column_length = 11  # This allows you to choose the length for all columns except name column in print to stdout

imap_search = TODAY # TODAY will set today date in
# format: "SENTON 23-Sep-2017 Subject \"inventory\"" (subject comes from email_subject key)
# you could filter using the IMAP rules here (check
# ALL: will download ALL emails
imap_port = 993
imap_folder = INBOX
imap_host = localhost
attachment_save_directory = /tmp
imap_password = password
email_subject = inventory # The subject that will be used when using imap_search = TODAY
attachment_filename = inventory.csv
imap_user = username
# -ui http://burpui_apiurl:port -c config_file.conf --report inventory -i email_inventory -o compared_inventory.csv
  • email_to you can add a list of comma separated values without spaces.
  • smtp_mode you can use normal/ssl/tls
  • spare and active you can also specify a list of comma separated values without spaces as possible status.

To send email it uses pyzmail, so all options here are valid: I have successfully tested with smtp relay with no authentication and with gmail account, in my case I had to generate an "application password" in my account, logon of google.

By default it does not reads any config file and tries to use the defaults in the program. (the easiest way to see the defaults is to write a config with --write_config)

Inventory: Compare your clients with external inventory

Default columns is described in the configuration section above, you don't need to specify it but you can change if required.

An example in input csv (you can also add many more columns as you desire, it will be automatically appended on output, like notes):

device name;status;Status (detailed);notes
demo1; active;;should be ok
demo2; active; spare; should be wrong spare
cli10; active;;
cli20; active; spare;

As the example, it will give you details only on "active" assets and will compare if it is spare or not also.

You can use it to compare with your list of clients (useful to see if all your inventory is in burp or not). It can also tell you if you have clients not in the inventory

Command line:

--report inventory -i input.csv -o output.csv

Status explained:

not_inventory_in_burp:    A client that's in burp but is not in input inventory
in_many_servers:          A client that's active in inventory and in more than one burp server (only possible with multiagent burp-ui server)
in_inventory_updated:     A client that's active in inventory, also in burp and is updated.
inactive_in_burp:         A client that is not active but it's in burp.
inactive_not_in_burp:     A client that's in inventory but his status is not in active status list.
spare_not_in_burp:        A client that's is Active - spare in the inventory and is not in burp (normally is ignored)
in_inventory_not_in_burp: A client that's active in input inventory but not in any burp server
spare_in_burp:            A client that's is active spare and also is in burp.
inactive_in_burp:         A client that's is not active in the inventory but it's in burp
spare = spare  # Just the status used to identify an spare client in ``sub_status`` column
active = active # The status used to identify an active client in ``status`` column

CRON - Schedule reports

burp-reports actually it's only a command line, but you can use it in cron jobs to schedule it's execution



I would recommend to create a file in /etc/cron.d/burp_reports

Cron file must be configured with lines in this way:

minute hour day month dayofweek user command

A template file example:

# For details see man 4 crontabs
# Example of job definition:
# .---------------- minute (0 - 59)
# | .------------- hour (0 - 23)
# | | .---------- day of month (1 - 31)
# | | | .------- month (1 - 12) OR jan,feb,mar,apr ...
# | | | | .---- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0 or 7) OR sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
# | | | | |
# * * * * * user-name command to be executed
  0 9  * * 1 root     burp-reports -c /etc/burp/burp-reports.conf --report email_outdated
  0 10 * * 1 root     burp-reports -c /etc/burp/burp-reports.conf --report inventory -i url/or/path -o /var/www/html/inventory_status.csv

/usr/local/bin could be the most critical part in this template, as pip installs the executable there. You can also specify the full path for executable like: /usr/local/bin/burp-reports and then will not need PATH

Data used by the script

Check it on Data notes

Bugs and requests

Just report on github issues:


  • Add features section?
  • See also bugs and requests issues


Thanks you for your feedbacks and bug reports.

Thanks to Graham Keeling for making Burp, it's a great backup software system.

Thanks to Benjamin Sans (ziirish) for making Burp-ui

Thanks to all those that collaborate in those projects (sorry for those that I didn't mention here).

Other helpful docs used for this project:


Compare with inventory from email:

burp_reports -ui http://burpui_apiurl:port -c config_file.conf --report inventory -i email_inventory -o compared_inventory.csv

Compare with inventory from url:

burp_reports -ui http://burpui_apiurl:port -c config_file.conf --report inventory -i http://some_host/inventory.csv -o compared_inventory.csv

Compare with inventory from file:

burp_reports -ui http://burpui_apiurl:port -c config_file.conf --report inventory -i inventory.csv -o compared_inventory.csv

See outdated:

burp_reports -ui http://burpui_apiurl:port -c config_file.conf --report outdated
burp_reports -ui http://burpui_apiurl:port --report outdated

See outdated with more details:

burp_reports -ui http://burpui_apiurl:port -c config_file.conf --report outdated --detail

See outdated with more details and also ping to see if some of the outdated is alive:

burp_reports -ui http://burpui_apiurl:port -c config_file.conf --report outdated --detail --ping

Send outdated via email:

burp_reports -ui http://burpui_apiurl:port -c config_file.conf --report email_outdated

Send outdated via email with details:

burp_reports -ui http://burpui_apiurl:port -c config_file.conf --report email_outdated --detail

See all clients with details:

burp_reports -ui http://burpui_apiurl:port -c config_file.conf --report print --detail

Smarter check by default for outdated

feature #19

Example of normal report with burpui demo:

burp report                                                                                      2018-03-10 18:54:50
                        Name     Date(local)  Time(local)  State        Phase
                        agent   ---          ---         idle          ---
                    demo-pablo  2018-03-10   17:35:50     client cras   ---
                        demo1  2018-03-10   15:42:02     idle          ---
                        demo2  2018-03-10   14:17:02     server cras   ---
                        demo3  2018-03-10   17:24:07     idle          ---
                        demo4  2018-03-10   16:59:03     idle          ---
[pablo@localhost burp_server_reports]$ burp-reports -c burp_reports/data/test_config_demo.conf --report outdated

burp report                                                                                      2018-03-10 18:55:01
                        Name     Date(local)  Time(local)  State        Phase        Status
                    demo-pablo   ---          ---          ---          ---         never

As you can see, demo-pablo has date of backup: so in the past if check for dates It can think it is updated/ok! but now burp-reports is smarter and checks for clients non idle by default and identifies this kind of client without backup! This client was created in: for demostrating this behaviour.

When you use --detail parameter, it checks for backup size for every client, doesn't matter its status, so is slower but more accurate too.
