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I've switched to use my another clean vim project


  1. git

  2. mercurial hg

  3. ctags (exuberant-ctags), and please change the ctags path from your .vimrc(please install pct.vim first):

    let g:easytags_cmd = '/usr/local/bin/ctags'
  4. links # for :Man <php_function>.php

  5. curl # for more.vim, insert chinese words from '中文假文產生器'

  6. check and install what you need if you develop in these languages:

    c, cpp     : Check syntax via splint
    html       : Check syntax via tidy
    javascript : Check syntax via jsl or gjslint
    java       : Check syntax via jlint or javaCheckstyle
    lua        : Parse file (luac -p)
    php        : Check syntax (php -l)
    phpp       : Parse a file (php -f) (alternative php checker)
    python     : Check file with pyflakes
    pylint     : Use the pylint compiler plugin (alternative python checker)
    ruby       : Check syntax (ruby -c; no auto-checks)
    tex, latex : Parse file (chktex -q -v0; no auto-checks)
    xml, docbk : Check syntax via xmllint

One Step Install (Do you trust me?)


$ wget --no-check-certificate -O - | sh

The origin .vim and .vimrc will be renamed to .vim.yours and .vimrc.yours

The manual way to install pct.vim

  1. clone to your home directory:

    $ git clone git://
  2. update pct.vim:

    $ cd pct.vim; ./; cd -
  3. link .vimrc and .vim from pct.vim:

    $ ln -s pct.vim/.vimrc
    $ ln -s pct.vim/.vim
  4. add command-t support:

    $ cd ~/pct.vim/.vim/bundle/Command-T/ruby/command-t/; ruby extconf.rb; make; sudo make install; cd -

How to update

$ cd pct.vim
$ ./


  1. Cannot found ctags? Just find your ctags path and add the example setting below to your .vimrc:

    let g:easytags_cmd = '/usr/local/bin/ctags'
  2. Vim goes very slow:

    Please `rm ~/.vimtags` and then check again, but you will lose your previous easytags settings.
  3. I want to use command-t, but always something wrong:

    1. Please make sure your vim had built for ruby support
    2. cd ~/pct.vim/.vim/bundle/Command-T/ruby/command-t/; ruby extconf.rb; make; sudo make install

Create your own vim environment

  1. use pct.vim for basement
  2. use my "Vimpyre" project to add other useful vim scripts:


  • core.pct.vim * just core.pct.vim, clean and slim. * with .vim/bundles and .vim/enable_bundles dir. * add settings to .vimrc, when .vimrc is saved, just use soft link to add enable bundles to enable_bundles dir.
  • ext.pct.vim for extends * full bundles that I pick up.
  • learn good parts from vundle and other vimfiles.

Vim scripts in bundle (and simple howto)

  1. checksyntax

    c, cpp     : Check syntax via splint
    html       : Check syntax via tidy
    javascript : Check syntax via jsl or gjslint
    java       : Check syntax via jlint or javaCheckstyle
    lua        : Parse file (luac -p)
    php        : Check syntax (php -l)
    phpp       : Parse a file (php -f) (alternative php checker)
    python     : Check file with pyflakes
    pylint     : Use the pylint compiler plugin (alternative python checker)
    ruby       : Check syntax (ruby -c; no auto-checks)
    tex, latex : Parse file (chktex -q -v0; no auto-checks)
    xml, docbk : Check syntax via xmllint
  2. Align

    :5,10Align =
        Align on '=' signs
    :'<,'>Align = + - \* /
        Align on any of the five separator characters shown.
        Note that visual block mode was used to fire off Align.
    :AlignCtrl =lp1P1I
        which means:
        = all separators are equivalent
        l fields will be left-justified
        p1 pad one space before each separator
        P1 pad one space after each separator
        I  preserve and apply the first line's leading white space to all
           Align'd lines
    :help align
        Gives help for Align
  3. Engspchk

  4. OOP-javascript-indentation.git

  5. PIV

    Updated Syntax
    Better Fold Support
    PHP Doc Gen
    Better Completion
    Better indenting w/automatic formatting
  6. bufexplorer

    \be (normal open)  or
    \bs (force horizontal split open)  or
    \bv (force vertical split open)
  7. calendar.vim

  8. cocoa.vim

  9. css-pretty

  10. fugitive.vim

    git commands
  11. gundo.vim

    Gundo.vim is Vim plugin to visualize your Vim undo tree.
  12. html5.vim

    HTML5 omnicomplete funtion and syntax for Vim. Based on the default htmlcomplete.vim.
  13. man-page-view

    :Man topic
    :Man topic booknumber
    :Man booknumber topic
    :Man topic(booknumber)
        :Man info.i
    PERL (requires the perldoc program)
    PHP (requires the links program)
        :Man printf.php
    PYTHON (requires pydoc)
  14. matchit

    Use % to jump to start/end of function or html tags.
    Currently, the following languages are supported:  Ada, ASP with VBS, Csh,
    DTD, Entity, Essbase, Fortran, HTML, JSP (same as HTML), LaTeX, Lua, Pascal,
    SGML, Shell, Tcsh, Vim, XML.  Other languages may already have support via
    the default |filetype-plugin|s in the standard vim distribution.
  15. more.vim

    snipMate.vim : [count]more<Tab>,其中 [count] 是可选的数值。
    命令 :AppendMoreText[ count],其中 [ count] 是可选的数值。
    命令 :MoreText[ count],同上。
    普通模式快捷键:`more,在下一行插入 [count] 行假文。
    簡單的說,在輸入模式時,輸入 `more 即可隨心所欲自動插入假文; 如果安装有 snipMate.vim,还可以使用 [count]more<Tab> 插入 count 行。
    而輸入 :MoreText[ count] 命令可在下一行插入 count 行假文。
  16. neocomplcache

    Ultimate auto-completion system for Vim
  17. nerdtree

    :NERDTree [<start-directory> | <bookmark>]
    :NERDTreeFromBookmark <bookmark>
    :NERDTreeToggle [<start-directory> | <bookmark>]
    :Bookmark <name>
    :BookmarkToRoot <bookmark>
    :RevealBookmark <bookmark>
    :OpenBookmark <bookmark>
    :ClearBookmarks [<bookmarks>]
  18. nginx.vim

    nginx syntax
  19. pydiction

    Tab-complete your Python code
  20. ragtag

    A set of mappings for HTML, XML, PHP, ASP, eRuby, JSP, and more (formerly allml)
  21. snipmate.vim

    Just use <Tab> to complete your code
  22. supertab

    Supertab is a plugin which allows you to perform all your insert completion (|ins-completion|) using the tab key.
  23. taglist.vim

    :TlistAddFiles {file(s)} [file(s) ...]
    :TlistAddFilesRecursive {directory} [ {pattern} ]
    :TlistClose     Close the taglist window.
    :TlistDebug [filename]
    :TlistOpen      Open and jump to the taglist window.
    :TlistSessionSave {filename}
    :TlistSessionLoad {filename}
    :TlistShowPrototype [filename] [linenumber]
    :TlistShowTag [filename] [linenumber]
    :TlistToggle    Open or close (toggle) the taglist window.
    :TlistUpdate    Update the tags information for the current buffer.
  24. txt-browser

    *txtbrowser*    Plugin for browsing plain text
  25. vcscommand

  26. vim-autocomplpop

    Automatically opens popup menu for completions
  27. vim-coffee-script

    CoffeeScript support for vim
  28. vim-easytags

    Automated tag generation and syntax highlighting in Vim
  29. vim-easymotion

    EasyMotion provides a much simpler way to use some motions in vim
  30. vim-fuzzyfinder

    Fuzzy/Partial pattern explorer for buffer/file/MRU/command/bookmark/tag/etc.
  31. vim-l9

  32. vim-peepopen

    see for intro, like command-T but Mac OSX Only.
  33. vim-rails

    :Rails new {directory}  The only global command.  Creates a new Rails
    :Rails!                 Show the version of rails.vim installed.  If rails.vim
    :Rcd [{directory}]      |:cd| to /path/to/railsapp/{directory}.
    :Rlcd [{directory}]     |:lcd| to /path/to/railsapp/{directory}.
    :Rdoc                   Browse to the Rails API, either in doc/api in the
    :Rdoc!                  Make the appropriate |:helptags| call and invoke
    :Redit {file}           Edit {file}, relative to the application root.  Append
    :Rlog [{logfile}]       Split window and open {logfile} ($RAILS_ENV or
    :Rpreview [{path}]      Creates a URL from http://localhost:3000/ and the
    :Rpreview! [{path}]     As with :Rpreview, except :OpenURL is never used.
    :Rtags                  Calls ctags -R on the current application root and
    :Rrefresh               Refreshes certain cached settings.  Most noticeably,
    :Rrefresh!              As above, and also reloads rails.vim.
    :OpenURL {url}          This is not a command provided by the plugin, but
    :Rfind [{file}]         Find {file}.  Very similar to :find, but things like
    :A                      These commands were picked to mimic Michael Sharpe's
    :AE                     a.vim.  Briefly, they edit the "alternate" file, in
    :AS                     either the same window (:A and :AE), a new split
    :AV                     window (:AS), a new vertically split window (:AV), a
    :AT                     new tab (:AT), or read it into the current buffer
    :AD                     (:AD).  A mapping for :A is [f .
    :R                      These are similar |rails-:A| and friends above, only
    :RE                     they jump to the "related" file rather than the
    :RS                     "alternate."  A mapping for :R is ]f .
    :Rmodel, those variants would be :RSmodel, :RVmodel, :RTmodel, and :RDmodel.
    :Rcontroller                                    |rails-:Rcontroller|
    :Renvironment                                   |rails-:Renvironment|
    :Rfixtures                                      |rails-:Rfixtures|
    :Rfunctionaltest                                |rails-:Rfunctionaltest|
    :Rhelper                                        |rails-:Rhelper|
    :Rinitializer                                   |rails-:Rinitializer|
    :Rintegrationtest                               |rails-:Rintegrationtest|
    :Rjavascript                                    |rails-:Rjavascript|
    :Rlayout                                        |rails-:Rlayout|
    :Rlib                                           |rails-:Rlib|
    :Rlocale                                        |rails-:Rlocale|
    :Rmailer                                        |rails-:Rmailer|
    :Rmetal                                         |rails-:Rmetal|
    :Rmigration                                     |rails-:Rmigration|
    :Rmodel                                         |rails-:Rmodel|
    :Robserver                                      |rails-:Robserver|
    :Rplugin                                        |rails-:Rplugin|
    :Rspec                                          |rails-:Rspec|
    :Rstylesheet                                    |rails-:Rstylesheet|
    :Rtask                                          |rails-:Rtask|
    :Runittest                                      |rails-:Runittest|
    :Rview                                          |rails-:Rview|
    :Rcontroller [{name}]   Edit the specified or current controller.
    :Renvironment [{name}]  Edit the config/environments file specified.  With no
    :Rfixtures [{name}]     Edit the fixtures for the given or current model.  If
    :Rfunctionaltest [{name}]
    :Rhelper [{name}]       Edit the helper for the specified name or current
    :Rinitializer [{name}]  Edit the config/initializers file specified.  With no
    :Rintegrationtest [{name}]
    :Rjavascript [{name}]   Edit the JavaScript for the specified name or current
    :Rlayout [{name}]       Edit the specified layout.  Defaults to the layout for
    :Rlib [{name}]          Edit the library from the lib directory for the
    :Rlocale [{name}]       Edit the config/locale file specified, optionally
    :Rmailer [{name}]       Edit the mailer specified.  This looks in both
    :Rmetal [{name}]        Edit the app/metal file specified.  With no argument,
    :Rmigration [{pattern}] If {pattern} is a number, find the migration for that
    :Rmodel [{name}]        Edit the specified or current model.
    :Robserver [{name}]     Find the observer with a name like
    :Rplugin [{plugin}[/{path}]]
    :Rspec [{name}]         Edit the given spec.  With no argument, defaults to
    :Rstylesheet [{name}]   Edit the stylesheet for the specified name or current
    :Rtask [{name}]         Edit the .rake file from lib/tasks for the specified
    :Runittest [{name}]     Edit the unit test or model spec for the specified
    :Rview [[{controller}/]{view}]
    :Rnavcommand [options] {name} [{path} ...]
    :Rcommand               Obsolete alias for |:Rnavcommand|.
    :[range]Rake {targets}  Calls |:make!| {targets} (with 'makeprg' being rake,
    :[range]Rake! {targets} Called with a bang, :Rake will forgo opening the
    :Rscript {script} {options}
    :Rconsole {options}     Obsolete. Call |:Rscript| instead.
    :[range]Rrunner {code}  Executes {code} with script/runner.  Differs from
    :[range]Rp {code}       Like :Rrunner, but call the Ruby p method on the
    :[range]Rpp {code}      Like :Rp, but with pp (pretty print) or y (YAML
    :[range]Ry  {code}      output).
    :Rgenerate {options}    Calls script/generate {options}, and then edits the
    :Rdestroy {options}     Calls script/destroy {options}.
    :Rserver {options}      Launches script/server {options} in the background.
    :Rserver! {options}     Same as |:Rserver|, only first attempts to kill any
    :[range]Rextract [{controller}/]{name}
    :[range]Rpartial [{controller}/]{name}
    :Rinvert                In a migration, rewrite the self.up method into a
    :Rtree [{arg}]          If |NERDTree| is installed, open a tree for the
    :Rdbext [{environment}] This command is only provided when the |dbext| plugin
    :Rabbrev                List all Rails abbreviations.
    :Rabbrev {abbr} {expn} [{extra}]
    :Rabbrev! {abbr}        Remove an abbreviation.
    :Rset {option}[={value}]
  34. vim-scmfrontend

    :SfeCommand[!]                  (Default mapping: \s:)
    :SfeCommitFile[!]               (Default mapping: \sC)
    :SfeCommitTracked[!]            (Default mapping: \s<C-c>)
    :SfeCommitAll[!]                (Default mapping: \sc)
    :SfeRecordFile[!]               (Default mapping: \sE)
    :SfeRecordAll[!]                (Default mapping: \se)
    :SfeCheckout[!]                 (Default mapping: \so)
    :SfeMerge[!]                    (Default mapping: \sm)
    :SfeBranch[!]                   (Default mapping: \sb)
    :SfeBranchDelete[!]             (Default mapping: \sB)
    :SfeRebase[!]                   (Default mapping: \sr)
    :SfeStrip[!]                    (Default mapping: \st)
    :SfePull[!]                     (Default mapping: \s[)
    :SfePush[!]                     (Default mapping: \s])
    :SfeDiffFile[!]                 (Default mapping: \sD)
    :SfeDiffAll[!]                  (Default mapping: \sd)
    :SfeLogFile[!]                  (Default mapping: \sL)
    :SfeLogAll[!]                   (Default mapping: \sl)
    :SfeAnnotateFile[!]             (Default mapping: \sn)
    :SfeStatus[!]                   (Default mapping: \ss)
    :SfeGrep[!]                     (Default mapping: \sg)
    :SfeLoadModified[!]             (Default mapping: \s!)
    :SfeLoadAll[!]                  (Default mapping: \s<CR>)
    :SfeFindFile[!]                 (Default mapping: \sf)
  35. vim-surround

    surround.vim: quoting/parenthesizing made simple
  36. vimwiki

    Personal Wiki for Vim
    :Vimwiki2HTML -- Convert current wiki link to HTML
    :VimwikiAll2HTML -- Convert all your wiki links to HTML
  37. xmledit

    A filetype plugin for VIM to help edit XML files
  38. command-t
  39. vim-less

    Syntax highlighting for the dynamic stylesheet language LESS (
  40. present.vim

    Use vim as a presentation tool for Vim.
  41. VST

    Vim reStructured Text
    :Vsti html
  42. zencoding-vim

    Tutorial of zencoding.vim
                                                        mattn <>
    1. Expand Abbreviation
      Type abbreviation as 'div>p#foo$*3>a' and type '<c-y>,'.
          <p id="foo1">
              <a href=""></a>
          <p id="foo2">
              <a href=""></a>
          <p id="foo3">
              <a href=""></a>
    2. Wrap with Abbreviation
      Write as below.
      Then do visual select(line wize) and type '<c-y>,'.
      If you request 'Tag:', then type 'ul>li*'.
      If you type tag as 'blockquote', then you'll see as following.
    3. Balance Tag Inward
      type '<c-y>d' in insert mode.
    4. Balance Tag Outward
      type '<c-y>D' in insert mode.
    5. Go to Next Edit Point
      type '<c-y>n' in insert mode.
    6. Go to Previous Edit Point
      type '<c-y>N' in insert mode.
    7. Update <img> Size
      Move cursor to img tag.
      <img src="foo.png" />
      Type '<c-y>i' on img tag
      <img src="foo.png" width="32" height="48" />
    8. Merge Lines
      select the lines included '<li>'
        <li class="list1"></li>
        <li class="list2"></li>
        <li class="list3"></li>
      and type 'J'
        <li class="list1"></li><li class="list2"></li><li class="list3"></li>
    9. Remove Tag
      Move cursor in block
      <div class="foo">
        <a>cursor is here</a>
      Type '<c-y>k' in insert mode.
      <div class="foo">
      And type '<c-y>j' in there again.
    10. Split/Join Tag
      Move cursor in block
      <div class="foo">
        cursor is here
      Type '<c-y>j' in insert mode.
      <div class="foo"/>
      And type '<c-y>j' in there again.
      <div class="foo">
    11. Toggle Comment
      Move cursor to block
        hello world
      Type '<c-y>/' in insert mode.
      <!-- <div>
        hello world
      </div> -->
      Type '<c-y>/' in there again.
        hello world
    12. Make anchor from URL
      Move cursor to URL
      Type '<c-y>a'
      <a href="">Google</a>
    13. Make quoted text from URL
      Move cursor to URL
      Type '<c-y>A'
      <blockquote class="quote">
        <a href="">Secure source code hosting and collaborative development - GitHub</a><br />
        <p>How does it work? Get up and running in seconds by forking a project, pushing an existing repository...</p>
    14. Installing zencoding.vim for language you using.
      # cd ~/.vim
      # unzip
      or if you install pathogen.vim:
      # cd ~/.vim/bundle # or make directory
      # unzip /path/to/
      if you get sources from repository:
      # cd ~/.vim/bundle # or make directory
      # git clone
    15. Enable zencoding.vim for language you using.
      You can customize the behavior of language you using.
      # cat >> ~/.vimrc
      let g:user_zen_settings = {
      \  'php' : {
      \    'extends' : 'html',
      \    'filters' : 'c',
      \  },
      \  'xml' : {
      \    'extends' : 'html',
      \  },
      \  'haml' : {
      \    'extends' : 'html',
      \  },


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