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Okta reporting tool to produce various reports and perform object management through Okta API

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It's a command line tool to help with Okta data manipulation activities. If your organization doesn't have/want to use LDAP interface for these purposes, you can harness this tool.


$ ./reporting-tool.exe
Required command was not provided.
 reporting-tool [options] [command]
 -OFS <OFS>    output field separator
 --version     Display version information


All the configuration is held in appsettings.json file (create if missing), which should have the following section:

    "Okta": {
        "Domain": "https://your_okta_domain_url",
        "RateLimiPreservationPct": 50,
        "ApiKey": "your okta api key"

RateLimitPreservationPct represents a percentage of an Okta's endpoint rate limit which has to be preserved while running the tool.

General comments

In general the tool can accept its input from a standart input, so that you can use piping from external utils as its input. Otherwise you can use file as an input source.

All commands accept parameter -OFS as an output fields separator (see awk utility).


The tool uses Okta user profile attribute names where applicable:

  • prefixed by profile. in conditional expressions, like --filter "profile.LOA eq \"3\""
  • not prefixed in output attributes list, like --attrs login,firstName,lastName,...

Some non-profile attributes supported as well:

  • id
  • status
  • transitioningToStatus
  • created
  • statusChanged
  • passwordChanged
  • lastLogin
  • provider

Also group name attribute can be included in the output for a user with grp.Name in case you want to get information about user group membership, like --search "not profile.SourceType pr" --attrs login,grp.Name


The tool supports conditional expressions based on a built-in grammatic.

grammar BoolExpr;

expr : '(' expr ')'     #parenthesisExp 
    | expr 'and' expr   #andExp
    | expr 'or' expr    #orExp
    | 'not' expr        #notExp
    | attr_comp         #attrCompExp
    | attr_pr           #attrPrExp
attr_comp : attr 'eq' STR       #eqCompare
            | attr 'co' STR     #coCompare
            | attr 'sw' STR     #swCompare
attr_pr   : attr 'pr' ;
attr      : 'profile.' ATTR #profileAttr
            | ATTR          #nonProfileAttr

ATTR: [a-zA-Z] [a-zA-Z_0-9]* ;
STR: '"' ~["]+ '"' ;
WS: [ \n] -> skip ;


In this mode the tool expects user GUID as its input and will find a user, who created a user with a given GUID, based on the information available in the system log. Please keep in mind, that Okta has a limited history, so if a user was created long time ago, you won't be able to find a creator.

It accepts the following switches:

--input <file_name> 
--attrs <csv_of_creator_attributes>


This report can be used when you have a list of user UUIDs/logins for whom you want to pull information out of Okta (one id per line). It can be provided either with --input <file_name> or through standard input.

It accepts the following switches:

--input  <file_name> 
--attrs  <csv_of_user_attributes>


This report can be used when you have a condition according to which users should be pull out of Okta. Usually switch --search is preferable over --filter, because the former one makes search happening on Okta's side (by Okta engine), while the latter one performs filtering on a client side. Due to Okta API limitation, you can't use --search if your result exceeds 50,000 entries. You will be forced to use --filter in this case.

It accepts the following switches:

--input  <file_name> 
--filter <filter_expression>
--search <filter_expression>
--attrs  <csv_of_user_attributes>


This action is to set value(s) for a particular attribute(s) for given user(s). Each user can be assigned its own value, or all of the users can be assigned the same value. Input may come from a standard input or a file, which structure should match the following (you only provide attribute values in the input, field names will come from a command line parameters:


Attribute can be wiped by providing "" for attribute value either in an input file or on a command line with a corresponding switch on a command line --writeEmpty true.


  • ./reporting-tool setAttribute --attrName LOA --attrValue "3" --input /tmp/loa will set all users' LOA, whose usernames are listed in /tmp/loa, to "3"
  • ./reporting-tool setAttribute --attrName LOA --input /tmp/loa will set all users' LOA to value listed in the second column in /tmp/loa
  • ./reporting-tool setAttribute --attrName firstName,lastName,LOA --input /tmp/values will update several attributes for each user from the input file /tmp/values, which format matches the one from the command description. Attribute and value order is obviously significant. If a value does not include space or comma, you can skip double quotes around it.
  • cut -f1 -d, /tmp/loa | ./reporting-tool setAttribute --attrName LOA --attrValue "3" similar to the first example, just to demonstrate that the input may be a standard input
--input     <file_name>
--attrName  <user_profile_attribute_name>
--attrValue <value_to_assign_to_all_given_users> (optional)
--writeEmpty true (optional)


This action is to manage/report user's group membership in Okta. To add/remove group membership the input has to be formatted the following way (group names can be substituted with group UUIDs, if --idUsed true switch is applied)

username1,"group 1","group 2"
username2,"group 2","group n"

so that a user is assigned/removed to/from the groups specified in the same line.

The action accepts the following switches, where --input can be skipped if standard input is used.

--input  <file_name>
--action [add | remove | display]
--grpName <group name(s) or UUIDs>

The last switch given on the command line allows to assign the list of users to the same group(s).


It's a basic report to extract all groups from Okta with their UUID and name


This action takes the list of group names and descriptions and create them in Okta. Data may come either from a file or a standard input.

--input <file name with group names and descriptions separated by a comma (both parts can be wrapped in double quotes)>

./reporting-tool createGroups --input /tmp/groups


This action takes the list of group names or group ids and delete them

--input <file name with group names or group ids on each line>
--idUsed - indicates that group Ids provided

cut -f1 -d, /tmp/groups | ./reporting-tool deleteGroups --idUsed


It's a basic report to extract all applications from Okta with their UUID, name and display name


This report allows to find if users are assigned to an application specified by --appLabel and display their application username. This report is obsolete and replaced fully by appUserLifecycle

--input     <file_name with user_ids>
--appLabel  <application label>


This action allows getting application user profile information, when --action display or removing/unassigning of application user profile with --action delete. It also allows to do a basic user to app assignment with --action assign w/o specifying profile attributes though

--appLabel  <application label>
--action    <display|delete|assign>
--attrs     <list of application user profile attributes to display>
--input     <filename for list of user IDs for which to do display/delete>


This action is to manage user lifecycle (activate, deactivate, delete) for all users given in the input file or standard input

--input  <file_name_with_usernames>
--action [activate,reactivate,activate_email,reactivate_email,deactivate,suspend,unsuspend,delete,rnd_pwd,set_pwd,exp_pwd]


Okta reporting tool to produce various reports and perform object management through Okta API



