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Distill is a tool for specifying and (hermetically!) building reproducible and cross-compile-able Linux disk images. The distill tool itself is a scheme interpreter that turns scheme scripts into bootable disk images.

In a rudimentary sense, distill is a declaratively-configured Linux distribution, although unlike Nix or Guix, the engineering focus is on building immutable images that run elsewhere rather than trying to edit the configuration of ones own machine in a way that minimizes the interference bewteen installed software.

The package recipes that come bundled with the distill tool go to great lengths to ensure that each build is reproducible and supports cross-compilation. (Build dependencies are structured so that there is a clear distinction between build and host dependencies.)

Building From Source

You'll need:

  • Chicken Scheme version 5.3. Often this will be available from your distro package manager.
  • GCC (versions 9 and later have been tested). Other C compilers and toolchains may work, but they have not been tested.

Note that the makefile assumes the chicken binary is available as chicken-5.3 and the csi binary is available as csi-5.3. You can of course override those names with CHICKEN=... and CSI=... provided to your make invocation.

Running make distill should build the distill binary from source (non-hermetically). You can then use ./distill run scripts/release.scm to perform a hermetic re-bootstrap of the tool using the source code from the most recent git commit.

High-level: Packages, Services, Systems, and Platforms


A "system" is the term distill uses for describing a complete bootable system. Here's a minimal system definition that includes sshd(8), chrony(8), and dhcpcd(8) in order to have the machine bring up networking via DHCP and allow login via an SSH certificate.

  (distill plan)   ; interned
  (distill system) ; make-system
  ;; import some package definitions
  (pkg ca-certs)
  (pkg wget)
  ;; import some service definitions
  (svc sshd)
  (svc net-dhcpcd)
  (svc chronyd))

;; define a raw text file that
;; should live at /etc/ssh/;
;; this is the SSH CA that determines who can log in
(define my-ssh-ca
  "/etc/ssh/" #o600
    '((ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBJuTFM6dNs7O6w5ottv5Ri+aABOstF/31UO31r+pCl/L6afDQP0D2NQmreJAmqCU98ewITyBkRBuSXx9BKaTX7Y=)))))

;; system is the system definition;
;; it includes
(define system
   services: (list
               ;; use dhcpcd(8) for networking
               (net-dhcpcd default-dhcpcd-config)
               ;; use chronyd(8) as a clock source
               (chronyd default-chronyd-config)
               ;; use sshd(8) and accept pubkeys signed by our CA
               (sshd '((TrustedUserCAKeys /etc/ssh/
   packages: (list wget ca-certs)))


A "platform" is a set of packages, base services, and kernel / root filesystem configuration necessary to bring up a "system" on a certain set of hardware.

Platform definitions have the following minimum responsibilities:

  • Provide a config for packages (architecture, any required CFLAGS, etc.)
  • Provide a bootloader (and any necessary firmware) for booting
  • Provide a read/write mount on /var as one of the base services.

Additionally, most platforms also provide:

  • ACPI power management via acpid(8)
  • A getty attached to one or more serial consoles (including on cloud platforms that provide out-of-band serial console access)

Examples of platforms are Nitro EC2 x86_64 (plat/nitro-ami-x86_64.scm), Digital Ocean Droplets (plat/droplet.scm), or the Solid Run Macchiatobin embedded platform (plat/mcbin-sdimage.scm).

For virtualized and x86_64 systems, we currently use a minimal BIOS bootloader. Embedded platforms typically use uboot.

Since platform definitions are simply data structures, it is straightforward to write one platform definition in terms of another one (in order to replace the kernel, adjust base services, etc.)


A "service" is either a daemon or one-shot script that is run automatically at boot time. Service definitions typically indicate one or more prerequisite packages that contain the tools necessary to run the service, plus the actual script for executing the service.

The primary entrypoint for defining services is via make-service in (distill service). Distill images use s6-rc for service management and s6 for process management.

The distill tool comes with a number of built-in services that can be imported via (svc ...); they live in svc/*.scm in the source tree.

TODO: document make-service (For now read examples in svc/*.scm)


A "package" is a function that accepts a "config" and returns a "plan." (See "Artifacts and Plans" below.) More abstractly, a package is a scheme object that represents a collection of filesystem objects that may require a build step in order to produce. (For example, gcc and wget and curl are all packages.)

Since many open-source software packages use (somewhat) standardized build systems, there are helpers in (distill package) for writing terse definitions of packages that adhere reasonably well to one of these conventions (the most common being ./configure; make; make install).

For example, here's the package definition for libmpfr:

(define libmpfr
   "mpfr" "4.1.0"
   libs: (list libgmp)))

The cmmi-package function is a helper for defining packages that use the aforementioned "autotools"-style build system. The long base64 string on its own line is the BLAKE2b-256 hash of the tarball that ought to be downloaded from the URL on the previous line. (All remote source tarballs are checked against pinned content hashes in order to prevent reproducibility problems or supply-chain attacks.)

The libs: keyword argument in the package definition indicates that this package depends on libgmp in order to build. (The cmmi-package function takes care of pulling in a C compiler and libc.)

See the docs for (distill package) for more details, and core packages in base.scm and pkg/*.scm.



Build scripts in distill are written in the execline language. The execline language is particularly easy to manipulate in Scheme because it has almost zero syntax. We represent an execline program as a simple list of scheme datums, where each execline "block" is simply a sub-list.

Here's an example scheme datum and the corresponding execline text that would be generated from it:

# scheme:
`(if (sed -e s/foo/bar/g "s/foo = bar/bar = foo/g" file)
      ifelse (echo #u8(127 69 76 70)) (echo "echo failed")
      if (sysctl -p ,conf)
      forbacktickx file (pipeline
                         (elglob extra "/etc/sysctl.d/*.conf" echo $extra)
      importas file f
      echo $f))

# execline:
#!/bin/execlineb -P
if {
	sed -e s/foo/bar/g "s/foo = bar/bar = foo/g" file
ifelse {
	echo "\0x7fELF"
} {
	echo "echo failed"
if {
	sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf
forbacktickx file {
	pipeline {
		elglob extra /etc/sysctl.d/*.conf echo $extra
	} sort
importas file f echo $f

By convention, execline scripts use "Config Expansion" (see below) for interpolating values that depend on architecture-specific configuration. There are a variety of helper functions in (distill execline) for constructing execline scripts that require special configuration expansion. For example, (elconc "foo" $CC "bar"), which concatenates its expanded arguments into a string, would expand to "foogccbar" when $CC expands to "gcc". Under the hood, config "variables" are just procedures, and "Config Expansion" is simply the process of traversing a script and calling any procedures in the script with the current configuration as the only argument, taking care to splice the result of the procedure into the script as the final result.

Config Expansion

In most of the package helper functions in (distill package), any procedures that occur within a lisp datum (pair, list, etc.) are assumed to be functions of one argument that accept the current config variable and return the value to be spliced into the list. At package-resolution time, these procedures are iteratively expanded until they produce non-procedure values. By convention, these functions have names that begin with $.

For example, here's the definition of libgmp:

(define libgmp
   "gmp" "6.2.1"
   ;; gmp's configure script ignores CFLAGS_FOR_BUILD,
   ;; so we have to shove everything into CC_FOR_BUILD
   env: `((CC_FOR_BUILD ,$build-CC ,$build-CFLAGS))
   tools: (list m4 native-toolchain)
   extra-configure: '(--with-pic)))

The values $build-CC and $build-CFLAGS are functions that extract the right CC and CFLAGS values when building binaries to run on the build architecture.

Low-level: Artifacts and Plans

Artifacts are what distill calls any blob of data with an associated content hash. Images are built by building a dependency graph of "plans" and then resolving each plan to an artifact.

A plan is a collection of input artifacts and their respective locations in a fresh filesystem hierarchy. Every plan must include an executable at /build that produces the plan outputs at puts them in /out. The tool keeps track of the set of input and output objects for every plan that is built successfully in order to avoid rebuilding identical plans.

The distill library functions for declaring packages, services, etc. are just wrappers around the core "plan" metaphor, although the (distill plan) module exposes these low-level primitives for direct manipulation.

Module Reference

module (distill base)


(define default-build-config ...)

set package#build-config to the default config for this machine


(define (default-config arch) ...)

default-config produces the default config for 'arch' which should be one of '(x86_64 aarch64 ppc64le)


(define busybox-full ...)

busybox with additional stuff built in


(define hard ...)

hard(8) command; an alternative to busybox halt(8)/reboot(8)/poweroff(8)


(define (uboot/config name hash env bootcmd) ...)

uboot/config accepts 4 arguments:

  • name: a suffix added to the package name (the package will be named "uboot--"
  • hash: the hash of the .config
  • env: a list of key=value strings that populate the default environment for the bootloader
  • bootcmd: the default kernel boot command for u-boot (i.e. booti, etc.)


(define libelf ...)

libelf is just libelf.a and headers; it does not include the rest of elfutils


(define (linux/config-static
         (install *default-installkernel*)
         (dtb #f))

linux/config takes a name and configuration hash and produces a kernel package named "linux--" using the given configuration file


(define busybox-core ...)

busybox-core is just enough busybox to build packages; it doesn't include system utilities that would require linux headers


(define libisl ...)

NOTE: the latest version of isl is 0.22.1, but it is not available through any HTTPS mirror that I have found... the gcc infrastructure mirror only includes up to 0.18


(define exportall ...)

exportall(1) is an execline tool for exporting a block of variables (in execline syntax, it works like 'exportall { key val ... } prog ...' so you'd write (exportall ((k v) ...)) in a build script


(define libssp-nonshared ...)

static library that defines the __stack_chk_fail_local symbol


(define (cc-for-target conf #!optional (native #f)) ...)

cc-for-target produces a list of packages that together constitute a C/C++ toolchain for a particular target; if native is supplied and not #f, then symlinks and packages for the a C/C++ toolchain for the build configuration are also included


(define (gcc+musl-static-config
         (optflag '-O2)
         (sspflag '-fstack-protector-strong)
         (extra-cflags '())
         (build #f)
         (bootstrap #f)
         (prebuilt #f))

gcc+musl-static-config produces a config that uses gcc and musl libc for static linking


(define gcc ...)

gcc is a pseudo-package that provides a gcc for build=host plus wrappers that provide /usr/bin/gcc, etc


(define (cdn-artifact hash abspath mode) ...)

stuff like default busybox configs, etc. are stored remotely and fetched on-demand

module (distill package)


(define (patchfiles* . names) ...)

patchfiles* looks relative to the current directory, the current executable's directory, and finally the installed lib directory for files with the given names to be used as patches


(define (bind herepath therepath) ...)

bind locates a file relative to the current working directory, the current install directory, or the current install's lib directory, and produces an artifact that appears at 'therepath' with the same permissions as the file has locally


(define (config->builder env) ...)

config->builder takes a configuration (as an alist or conf-lambda) and returns a function that builds the package and yields its output artifact


(define ($cc-env/for-kbuild conf) ...)

cc-env/for-kbuild is a C environment with HOSTCC, HOSTCFLAGS, etc. (this is typical for Kbuild-based build systems)


(define ($cc-env/for-build conf) ...)

cc-env/for-build is a C environment with CC_FOR_BUILD, CFLAGS_FOR_BUILD, etc. (this is typical for autotools-based configure scripts)


(: cc-env/build (vector (keyword -> keyword) -> vector))
(define (cc-env/build conf frob-kw) ...)

cc-env/build produces a C environment by transforming the usual CC, LD, etc. variables using (frob-kw key) for each keyword


(define $make-overrides ...)

$make-overrides is the subset of that is supplied as k=v arguments to invocations of $MAKE (in order to override assignments in the Makefile)


(define (cmmi-package
         (dir #f)
         (patches '())
         (env '())
         (extra-configure '())
         (override-configure #f)
         (override-make #f)
         (override-install #f)
         (out-of-tree #f)
         (libs '())
         (tools '())
         (cross '())
         (extra-src '())
         (prepare #f)
         (cleanup #f)
         (native-cc #f)
         (parallel #t)
         (extra-cflags '()))

template for 'configure; make; make install;' or 'c;m;mi' that has sane defaults for environment, tools, libraries (see cc-package) and a reasonable default for the build script.


(define (cc-package
         (dir #f)
         (build #f)
         (no-libc #f)
         (use-native-cc #f)
         (raw-output #f)
         (patches '())
         (env '())
         (libs '())
         (tools '())
         (cross '())
         (extra-src '()))

cc-package is a template for C/C++ packages


(define (url-translate urlfmt name version) ...)

url-translate takes a url string in urlfmt and a name and version string to substitute into the literal substrings "$name" and "$version" in urlfmt


(define (binaries pkg) ...)

binaries produces a subpackage by matching common binary directories:

  • /usr/bin
  • /bin
  • /usr/sbin
  • /sbin
  • /usr/libexec
  • /libexec
  • /usr/share
  • /share


(define (libs pkg) ...)

libs wraps a package and yields only the parts of its outputs that are in conventional locations for C library files:

  • /usr/lib
  • /lib
  • /usr/include
  • /include
  • /usr/share


(: subpackage (string * #!rest string -> (vector -> vector)))
(define (subpackage prefix sub . dirs) ...)

subpackage takes a package definition and returns a subset of the output artifacts of that package.


(: expander (vector -> (* -> *)))
(define (expander host) ...)

expander returns a monoid that expands lambdas into plan or artifact objects


(: configure (* vector -> *))
(define (configure x conf) ((%current-expander) x conf))

(configure x conf) expands x with 'conf' using the current expansion environment


(define (package-template
         (src '())
         (cross '())
         (tools '())
         (inputs '())
         (patches '())
         (dir "/")
         (env '())
         (raw-output #f))

package-template is a helper for writing package definitions.


(: *this-machine* symbol)
(define *this-machine* ...)

this-machine is the architecture for which the currently-running program was compiled

module (distill eprint)

module (distill fetch)


(: fetch (string string -> *))
(define (fetch url dst) ...)

from the given url and puts it in the given file; presently this is implemented by exec-ing wget or curl depending on which one happens to be available


(define user-fetch-hook (make-parameter #f))

user-fetch-hook can be used to pick the URL used to fetch an artifact, or it can fetch an artifact all on its own.


(define (symlink-from-directory dir) ...)

symlink-from-directory can be supplied to user-fetch-hook to cause objects to be "fetched" from another directory by simply symlinking the target artifacts into the destination

module (distill fs)


(define kmsg ...)

kmsg is a super lightweight syslogd-style service that reads logs from /dev/kmsg and stores them in /var/log/services/kmsg, taking care to compress (and eventually delete) old logs


(define (var-mount dev) ...)

var-mount creates a read-write mount at /var


(define var-mounted-rw 'var-mount)

logging services will generally depend on var-mounted-rw


(define (swapon dev) ...)

swap is a service that uses 'dev' for swap

module (distill hash)


(: hash-file (string -> (or string false)))
(define (hash-file fp) ...)

hash-file returns the hash of a file (if the file exists), or #f if the file doesn't exist, or it throws an error if an I/O error is encountered


(: zero-hash string)
(define zero-hash (hash-of ""))

zero-hash is the hash of zero bytes of data


(: copy-port+hash (input-port output-port -> string))
(define (copy-port+hash from to) ...)

copy-port+hash copies port 'from' to port 'to' and yields the hash of the copied data


(: with-output-to-hash ((-> *) -> string))
(define (with-output-to-hash thunk) ...)

with-output-to-hash calls (thunk) with current-output-port set to a hasher; the returned value is the hash of the accumulated output


(: hasher->output-port (u8vector -> output-port))
(define (hasher->output-port h) ...)

hasher->output-port takes a hashing object and produces an output port that calls hash-write! when data is sent to the port

module (distill image)


(define (container-rootfs-image name) ...)

container-rootfs-image produces a tarball with the provided name


(define (efi-image name #!key (uuid #f)) ...)

esp-image produces an EFI-bootable image


(define (mbr-image name) ...)

mbr-image produces a (legacy-)bootable image


(define (linux-esp kernel bootargs) ...)

linux-esp creates an ESP ("EFI system partition") that should boot into the given kernel (package) with the given boot arguments


(define (ext2fs name uuid . inputs) ...)

ext2fs creates a package-lambda that takes everything in 'inputs' and produces an ext2 filesystem image (as a sparse file)


(define (squashfs inputs chown #!key (compress 'zstd)) ...)

squashfs produces a squashfs root filesystem from a set of inputs

module (distill net)

module (distill plan)


(: load-plan (string -> vector))
(define (load-plan hash) ...)

load-plan loads an old plan from the plan directory


(: build-plan! (vector -> artifact))
(define (build-plan! top) ...)

build-plan! unconditionally builds a plan and produces its output artifact (it does not save the output)


(define (for-each-anchor proc plst) ...)

for-each-anchor traverses a list of plans and artifacts and recursively applies (proc artifact) to each artifact that is a leaf node of the DAG


(define (live-artifact-hashes plst) ...)

live-artifact-hashes walks a list of plans and artifacts and produces a hash table of artifacts involved in those plans that are actually live


(: plan-outputs (vector -> (or artifact false)))
(define (plan-outputs p) ...)

determine the outputs (leaf) of the given plan, or #f if the plan has never been built with its inputs


(: plan-hash (vector -> (or false string)))
(define (plan-hash p) ...)

plan-hash returns the canonical hash of a plan, or #f if any of its inputs have unknown outputs


(define plan-dir ...)

by default, dump stuff into these directories


(: interned-symlink (string string --> vector))
(define (interned-symlink abspath lnk) ...)

interned-symlink creates a link at 'abspath' that points to 'lnk'


(: remote-file ((or false string) string string fixnum --> artifact))
(define (remote-file src hash abspath mode) ...)

remote-file creates a new file artiact at the given absolute path with the given file permissions from the source url and hash provided


(: update-path (* string -> (or artifact false)))
(define (update-path art newpath) ...)

update-path takes a file artifact and returns a new artifact with an updated output path


(: remote-archive (string string #!rest * --> artifact))
(define (remote-archive src hash #!key (kind #f)) ...)

TODO: normalize remote archives for faster re-builds (large xz tarballs are reeeeally slow to unpack)


(define (short-hash h) ...)

short-hash is a 6-character hash prefix

module (distill text)


(define (map-lines proc lst) ...)

map-lines is equivalent to (lines (map proc lst))


(define (lines lst) ...)

(lines lst) produces a string with each element of 'lst' on its own line, with sub-lists interspersed with spaces


(define (tabular op wsep lsep lst) ...)

tabular displays each element of (map op lst) using wsep as the field separator and lsep as the row separator


(define (join-with sep lst) ...)

join-with produces a string by concatenating each element of 'lst' interspersed with 'sep'

module (distill tai64)


(: tai64n-nanoseconds (u8vector --> integer))
(define (tai64n-nanoseconds tm) (decode-int tm 8 12))

tai64n-nanoseconds yields the nanoseconds component of the tai64n object


(: tai64n-seconds (u8vector --> integer))
(define (tai64n-seconds tm) (decode-int tm 0 8))

tai64n-seconds yields the seconds component of the tai64n object


(: unix->tai64n (integer -> u8vector))
(define (unix->tai64n secs) ...)

unix->tai64n converts a unix epoch timestamp (as an integer) into a TAI64N timestamp


(: tai64n-now (-> u8vector))
(define (tai64n-now) ...)

tai64n-now produces the current time as a TAI64N timestamp

module (distill unix)


(define (groups+users->artifacts gps ups #!key (start-uid 100) (start-gid 100))

groups+users->artifacts takes a list of addgroup expressions and a list of adduser expressions and returns a list of artifacts for /etc/passwd, /etc/group, and so forth

module (distill system)

module (distill filepath)


(: pathfind (string -> (or string false)))
(define (pathfind bin) ...)

pathfind finds a binary in $PATH or returns #f


(: folddir ((string 'a -> 'a) 'a string -> 'a))
(define (folddir proc seed path) ...)

folddir folds (proc file seed) over every file under the directory 'path' in strcmp-sorted order (but omitting the "." and ".." entries)


(: abspath (string --> string))
(define (abspath p) ...)

convert a relative path to an absolute path if it is not one already (by prepending the current directory)


(: filepath-join (stringy #!rest stringy --> string))
(define filepath-join ...)

core filepath normalization routine


(: string-suffix? (string string --> boolean))
(define (string-suffix? suff str) ...)

see srfi 13


(: string-prefix? (string string --> boolean))
(define (string-prefix? pre str) ...)

see srfi 13