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Experimental library to combine hash table lookup speed with vector iteration performance


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Experimental hybrid look-up container in C++


This library is a random experiment to see what it would take to create a container with the iteration performance of a densely packed std::array/std::vector with the ability to look-up items in O(1) time similar to that of std::unordered_map.

packed_hashtable_t is the result. A lazy person's approach to solving this problem. Whether this is something that could actually be useful in practice is another question 😅 The intention is to prove the theory while not suggesting this is the optimum implementation.

Caveats (of which there are many...)

  • It's totally possible I missed something blindingly obvious and there's a way better way to do this (news flash: there mostly is, in practice you should probably just use absl::flat_hash_map or robin_hood::unordered_flat_map as their iteration performance is pretty great, especially as the size of the element increases). If there is, please do let me know. This is really just a series of musings in the form of code that may be completely worthless. It absolutely isn't something I'd recommend using outside of toy examples.
  • Right now the implementation makes fairly liberal use of templates. Some people might (quite fairly) not like this. It's totally possible to rewrite this in a less general way and make different trade-offs. Right now it's possible the current implementation could lead to inflated compile times (a quick build-bench investigation shows it takes roughly 1.2x longer to compile than using std::unordered_map on its own - your mileage may vary).
  • The interface is intentionally different to std::unordered_map (though there are some similarities). As the container has different characteristics to std::unordered_map, certain operations have been renamed (e.g. add_or_update instead of insert_or_assign) to make it clear this is not just a drop-in replacement. The API is designed to align more closely with handle-vector which this container builds on top of.
  • The interface currently exposes two kinds of iterators (one for key/handle pairs, and one for values). It might be possible to only expose value iteration which may simplify the interface while losing some flexibility. If you decide to try something similar please do what's right for you, this is just one possible approach.
  • There is a fixed overhead of 28 bytes (this isn't strictly true, see Additional Caveats for more details) right now for every element stored in packed_hashtable_t. This is fairly large, and is mostly because of the types used in handle_vector_t.
    • This breaks down as follows.
      • 20 bytes per element in the handle_vector_t.
        • 16 bytes (per internal handle).
        • 4 bytes (per element id).
      • 8 bytes per element for the typed_handle_t stored in the internal std::unordered_map.
    • This number could be brought down significantly by being smarter about the number of bits to use for the handle generation (e.g. Store the generation in the upper 8 or 16 bits of the handle (using an int32 is overkill and lazy right now...). It could also be possible to make the size of the types a compile time option that people select based on the use-case, though this might lead to more template boilerplate and longer compile times... something to definitely experiment with and adjust based on the requirements.
  • There is a smattering of unit tests (see test.cpp) to verify the core functionality but they are not currently exhaustive.
  • There are a series benchmarks (see bench.cpp) measuring iteration, addition and removal performance. These again are not exhaustive but give an indication of the differences in performance.
  • There's a crude memory tracking executable (see memory.cpp) to compare and contrast the amount of memory the different versions of the container and other standard library containers use.


The core idea is to wrap two data structures behind one interface in an attempt to get the best of both worlds.

packed_hashtable_t internally has a handle_vector_t (please see this repo for more details, it's essentially a version of a sparse set) and a std::unordered_map (this could just as easily be a more efficient hash table implementation, the main reason for using it is to drag in less dependencies).

When you insert/add a key/value pair, we allocate a value from the handle_vector_t and move the value argument into place (handle_vector_t is just a std::vector<T> under the hood) and then return the handle for that new value. We then store the handle with the key argument in the std::unordered_map. To look-up a value, we go key -> handle -> value. This means we've added an extra level of indirection for insertions, removals and look-ups, so these will be slightly slower than using a std::unordered_map directly, however the cool part is when we iterate over the actual values, they are all packed tightly together in a contiguous buffer and we get excellent cache locality.

The value iterators are exposed through vbegin() and vend() functions. There's a proxy object called value_iterator_wrapper_t which takes a pointer to the packed_hashtable_t and provides begin()/end() pass-through functions so the container can be used with range based for loops.


for (const auto& value : packed_hashtable.value_iteration()) {
  // display value

There are equivalent iterators for the key/handle pairs which are exposed as hbegin() and hend() (they also have a helper proxy object that is returned by handle_iteration()). It's possible to iterate over the values via the key/handle pairs but this is much slower than iterating the values directly.

And that's pretty much all there is to it.

The only other thing worth mentioning is the call API. This takes a key or handle and invokes a callable object with the parameter being whichever value gets resolved. There's also call_return which can be used to return a value. It returns a std::optional as it's possible the key/handle won't get resolved (it might not be in the container). This matches the API in handle_vector_t and helps avoid gnarly lifetime issues that can happen if you hold onto a pointer for too long (see cpp-handle-container - gotchas for more details).

Additional Caveats

  • There are actually two versions of the container, one called packed_hashtable_t, and another called packed_hashtable_rl_t. The rl signifies 'reverse look-up' and is needed to map from values to handles to keys (value -> handle -> key). Internally this is achieved by simply adding an additional std::unordered_map that takes a handle as its key, and a const pointer to the original key as the value. The reason for this is to allow fast iteration of values that can then be fully removed from the container (it's possible to return the handle for a specific value from the container, and then use that to look-up the key and then call remove). The big downside to this is it does use a bunch more memory per element.
    • As mentioned above, packed_hashtable_t takes an additional 28 bytes per element due to the handle_vector_t, but packed_hashtable_rl_t takes an additional 40 bytes per element on top of that due to the typed_handle_t (8 bytes) and Key* (8 bytes on x64) plus the internals of a std::unordered_map (buckets, lists etc...).
    • Note: This reverse mapping is only actually required if removal during iteration is needed. If elements are removed by an outside system, then it's fine to just use packed_hashtable_t. It is also perfectly fine to use packed_hashtable_t for removal (see the remove_when overload), it'll just be much slower.
  • An attempt has been made to follow the 'don't pay for what you don't use' mantra, which is why there are two versions of the container. To avoid code duplication and any runtime overhead, the Curiously recurring template pattern (CRTP) has been used to support the reverse look-up (this is just an implementation detail and could totally be removed).
  • It may be possible to improve the internal implementation of this by switching to use Boost.Bimap, a bi-directional map. I haven't investigated this though as I did not want to have to bring in the Boost dependency, or roll my own implementation.


With all the caveats/drawbacks out of the way, there is actually some good news to share. By moving values to be stored in a contiguous block of memory, performance increases significantly when iterating over the values.

There are quite a few benchmarks for a varying number of elements with different sizes (see bench.cpp and measurements/container-measurements.xlsx in this repo). As the number and size of elements increases, the performance of packed_hashtable_t increases significantly relative to std::unordered_map. Depending on the number of elements to visit and the individual size of each element the speed increase can be anywhere from 2.6x (64 elements, 256 bytes each) to 24x (65,536 elements, 2048 bytes each).

The benchmarks at the time of writing are pretty simple. One set visit every element and read a value from the first byte of each and another attempts to mimic more real-world conditions, reading and writing to multiple fields of each element. There are also benchmarks for additions and removals.

Iteration Performance

Below is a benchmark showing iteration performance for 32 byte elements with the number of elements increasing from 32 to 65,536 (packed_hashtable_t is the grey line).

Screenshot 2022-04-18 at 11 02 30

(Notice how iterating via handles when first inserted has deceptively good performance (orange line), but this is only down to 'test' conditions as all handles will be visited in order. By randomly removing and then reinserting handles we see more realistic performance (yellow line) as elements will then be visited out of order, with us then hopping around in memory a lot more).

Performance is still good for larger sizes (here we see a 128 byte element).

Screenshot 2022-04-18 at 11 05 15

As the size of the element increases, the gains become less noticeable when compared to absl::flat_hash_map and robin_hood::unordered_flat_map but it's night and day with std::unordered_map.

Screenshot 2022-04-18 at 11 07 56

Zooming in on just the well performing containers, we can see it's pretty close but just relying on std::vector under the hood is arguably the fastest thing to do (if only considering iteration).

Screenshot 2022-04-18 at 11 17 39

Memory Usage

Below we see the memory usage of packed_hashtable_t compared the other standard library containers (Note: These graphs do not contain memory usage for absl::flat_hash_map or robin_hood::unordered_flat_map).

For very small elements the overhead is pretty significant (especially for the packed_hashtable_rl_t with the reverse look-up). The better one to compare is the plain packed_hashtable_t (light blue line).

Screenshot 2022-04-18 at 11 48 37

As the size of the element increases however the overall footprint relative to total memory usage begins to shrink.

Screenshot 2022-04-18 at 11 49 42

With very large elements showing the overhead to be (relatively speaking) pretty small. In this case packed_hashtable_t uses 0.67% more memory than a plain std::unordered_map. It is however nearly 26.0% in the 32 byte element case.

Screenshot 2022-04-18 at 11 51 35

As with everything this is the major trade-off for the increased iteration performance (along with slower insertions). Removals (if touching every element like erase_if) will actually be much faster, but requires the even larger memory overhead of packed_hashtable_rl_t). If it is worth it or not very much would depend on the use-case.


To use the library it's possible to drop the thh-packed-hashtable folder inside include into your project (and then just #include "thh-packed-hashtable/packed-hashtable.hpp") or use CMake's FetchContent command.


# CMakeLists.txt
  GIT_TAG        <latest-commit>)
target_link_libraries(<your-project> <PRIVATE/PUBLIC> thh-packed-hashtable)

To build the examples (bench.cpp, test.cpp and memory.cpp) pass -DTHH_PACKED_HASHTABLE_ENABLE_MEMORY=ON, -DTHH_PACKED_HASHTABLE_ENABLE_TEST=ON and/or -DTHH_PACKED_HASHTABLE_ENABLE_BENCH=ON respectively to the CMake configure command when building from the root of this repo.


cd <thh-packed-hashtable root>
cmake --build build

Also remember to pass -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release when running the benchmarks if using a single-config generator (with multi-config generators like Visual Studio you can use cmake --build build --config Release at build time). The repo contains a script with an example of being able to configure the benchmarks, memory tracking and tests.


Experimental library to combine hash table lookup speed with vector iteration performance







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