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EPICS is a ruby implementation of the EBICS (Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard).

It supports EBICS 2.5.

The client supports the complete initialization process comprising INI, HIA and HPB including the INI letter generation. It offers support for the most common download and upload order types (STA HAA HTD HPD PTK HAC HKD C52 C53 C54 CD1 CDB CDD CCT VMK).


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'epics'

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install epics

Getting started

In case you are new to EBICS, you'll have to complete an initialization process with your bank. Epics can help you generate all necessary keys and directly store them for later use. But first you'll have to lift some contractually work with your bank.

Once the paperwork is done, your bank should provide you with:

  • a URL to their EBICS Server
  • a HOST ID
  • n User IDs (depends on your bank and needs)

Take these parameters and start setting up an UserID (repeat this for every user you want to initialize):

e = Epics::Client.setup("my-super-secret", "https://ebics.sandbox", "EBICS_HOST_ID", "EBICS_USER_ID", "EBICS_PARTNER_ID")

To use the keys later, just store them in a file

# or store the json elsewhere, but store it! for gods sake :D

It is really important to keep your keys around, once your user has been initialized you'll have to start over when you loose the keys!

Submit the keys to your bank:

e.INI # sends the signature key
e.HIA # sends the encryption and authentication keys

The next step is to print the INI letter and post it to your bank:

e.save_ini_letter( 'My Banks Name', "/home/epics/ini.html" )

Open the generated HTML file in your favorite browser and print it (skipping header and footer sounds like a solid setting here ;). In case you're having difficulties with the encoding, try forcing your browser to use UTF-8.

Put the INI letter in an envelope and mail it to your bank!

Done! ... Well not completely :)

Once the bank confirms that your user is completely initialized, you'll have to download the public keys of your bank:

### see below for client creation

Then again, save the keys or store the json somewhere safe.

You're now ready to go. Maybe try:


To get a list of all supported order types.

Need help? Having questions?

We have many years of experience in developing innovative applications for the finance sector and integrating applications with financial institutions. - you might want to have a look at our portfolio If you need help we are happy to provide consulting or development services. Contact us:


Create a client

# read the keys from a file
e ='/tmp/my.key'), 'passphrase', 'url', 'host', 'user', 'partner')

# or provide a string hoding the key data
keys ='/tmp/my.key')

e =, 'passphrase', 'url', 'host', 'user', 'partner')



  • INI (Sends the public key of the electronic signature.)
  • HIA (Sends the public authentication (X002) and encryption (E002) keys.)


Currently this EPICS implementation supports the following order types:

  • HPB (fetch your bank's public keys)
  • STA (statements in MT940 format)
  • HAA (available order types)
  • HTD (user properties and settings)
  • HPD (the available bank parameters)
  • PTK (customer usage report in text format)
  • HAC (customer usage report in xml format)
  • VMK (customer usage report in xml format)
  • ... more coming soon


puts e.STA('2014-09-01', '2014-09-11')
# result is a MT940 feed

^20wynagrodzenie z tytulu umow^21y o prac e
^62PODCHORAZYCH 16/1580-298 GD^63ANSK
^20wynagrodzenie z tytulu umow^21y o prac e
^62RATAJA 13B/1083-032 PSZCZOL^63KI


  • CD1 (Uploads a SEPA Direct Debit document of type COR1)
  • CDB (Uploads a SEPA Direct Debit document of type B2B)
  • CDD (Uploads a SEPA Direct Debit document of type CORE)
  • CCT (Uploads a SEPA Credit document)
  • ... more coming soon


puts e.CD1("i-am-PAIN-xml")
# res is a the transaction id and id of the order

# if the XML is a file in your FS, read it first and give if epics to consume
puts e.CD1("/where/the/xml/is/stored.xml"))

Lazy Mode

Once you have a client, go ahead and start playing! There are 3 convenience methods that are hiding some strange names from you:

  • debit( xml ) (submits a PAIN.008.003.02 document via CDD)
  • credit( xml ) (submits a pain.001.003.03 document)
  • statements( from, to ) (fetches an account statement via STA)

If you need more sophisticated EBICS order types, please read the next section about the supported functionalities.

Issues and Feature Requests

Railslove is commited to provide the best developer tools for integrating with financial institutions. Epics is one of our many tools and services. If you are missing some features or something is not working as expected please create an issue.

Supported Banks

This gem provides a full implementation of the Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard and works with any bank that supports this standard. Please ask your bank if they support EBICS and what order types are available.

Besides EBCIS being a standard, some server implementations are slighty different. But most banks use the same EBICS server implementations. Commonly used and supported by Epics are:

  • Business-Logics EBICS, Banking-Server
  • Travic Corporate

Used for example by the following tested institutions:

  • Handelsbank
  • Deutsche Bank
  • Commerzbank
  • Kreissparkasse Mayen
  • Postbank
  • Sozialbank
  • Sparkassen
  • Volksbanken Raiffeisenbanken
  • Hypo Vereinsbank
  • BAWAG P.S.K. (AT)
  • Bank Frick (LI)

Is Epics working with your institution? Please help us to grow this list of supported banks:


For development purposes, you may want to use a proxy server in order to have a convienent look into request and response data. To do so, it's sufficient to define http_proxy in your environment. Also you may want to disable SSL verification - simply set EPICS_VERIFY_SSL to "false".

For example:




Railslove has a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) which clarifies the intellectual property rights for contributions from individuals or entities. To ensure every developer has signed the CLA, we use CLA Assistant.

  1. Contact for information about the CLA
  2. Fork it ([my-github-username]/epics/fork )
  3. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create a new Pull Request

Contribution Credits

2014-2022 - built with love by Railslove and released under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. We have built quite a number of FinTech products. If you need support we are happy to help. Please contact us at