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This work is carried out in the context of a master thesis within the RDSEA team


  • Hong-Linh Truong, Peter Klein, "Contract DevOps for IoT Microservices", Mar 2018, Preprint PDF
  • Peter Klein, "Contract Definition and Governance for IoT", Master thesis, TU Wien, Feb 2018.


IoTContract provides a framework for IoT contract definition, monitoring and enforcement. Contracts are defined as objects according to a contract model and assigned to IoT units. Monitoring of IoT units is derived from contracts and provides information to contract enforcement. Figure 1 gives an overview of the framework and its embedding into IoT units and service:

N|Solid Figure 1: High Level Overview of IoT Contract Framework.

Followng components are included in the framework:

  • The Contract Manager is responsible to build contracts from contract models and assign them to IoT units.
  • The Contract Models contains building blocks for creation of contracts.
  • The Contract Governance is responsible for recording of contract violations identified by monitoring and enforcement and making them available to contract parties.

The framework provides the base to ensure that IoT units and services can fulfill their contracts as well as work together deployed on an IoT edge gateway or cloud in a coordinated manner with proper resources available for each service.



  • Java 8 JDK (not just JRE)
  • Maven 3.x
  • Curl # to run the samples only


Run an Example with the IoT Unit Simulator

  • run SALSA with "java -jar {SALSA dir}/standalone/target/salsa-engine.jar", default port for SALSA web service is 8080
  • cd {IoTContract dir}/Samples/general
  • run ThingGovernor with "./", default port for ThingGovernor web service is 8088
  • cd {IoTContract dir}/Samples/scenario_1_DPNameCheck
  • ./ to create a sample contract
  • ./ to assign an IoT unit to the contract
  • ./ to run a simulated sensor with a set of data

Run with Ethereum Blockchain for Logging

  • install node (
  • install Ethereum simulator with "npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc"
  • run Ethereum simulator with "testrpc -- deterministic"
  • run ThingGovernor with "./", default port for ThingGovernor web service is 8088

Contract Model

Figure 2 shows the contract model and the connection to the SALSA data model.

N|Solid Figure 2: Contract Model.

Elements of the contract model are:

  • ContractItem links between contracts and services.
  • ContractPartner holds information such as name, address or role of contract partners.
  • MetaData manages arbitrary additional information about contracts such as validity, start data or version.
  • ContractTemplate manages blueprints for contracts composed of contract terms.
  • ContractTerm manages the basic building blocks of contracts.
  • ContractTermType manages the different types of contract terms defined.
  • Constraint manages enforcement of contract terms by referencing scripts.
  • Scripts contain logic interpreted and executed when the contract is attached to man IoT unit. In the prototype Javascript is used as execution language for scripts.
  • ParameterTemplate manages names and types of script parameters.
  • Parameter manages concrete parameter values of scripts.


Contract Management

Access to IoT contract model entities is provided by a set of REST web services. They are built as an extension to the already existing web services of ELISE in the /salsaengine/ rest/elise/extracdg/script namespace. It is always checked by the web services that creation is only possible with a new unique name to prevent double creation (in case of violation an error 409 CONFLICT is reported back) and that modification, deletion and reading is only possible for existing objects (an error 404 NOTFOUND is returned in such a case).

Each entity supports following access methods:

Function Method Pattern Description
ReadAll{Entity} GET /{entity} read all instances
Read{Entity} GET /{entity}/{name} read a specific instance defined by name
Save{Entity} POST /{entity} creates a new instance
Delete{Entity} DELETE /{entity}/{name} delete a specific instance defined by name

Each of the functions described above can be applied to following entities (resources in REST terminology). Base URL is http://{SALSA IP}:8080>/salsa-engine/rest/elise

Resource URL Description
Contract {base URL}/servicetemplate Contract is linked to SALSA ServiceTemplate
ContractTemplate {base URL}/extracdg/contracttemplate Contract template as blueprint for contract
ContractTerm {base URL}/extracdg/contractterm Contract term as basic building blocks of contracts
ContractTermType {base URL}/extracdg/contracttermtype Definition of types of contract terms
Script {base URL}/extracdg/script Definition of scripts for enforcement

Governance Controller

It is implemented in Java and Spring and offers web services to attach a contract to an IoT unit, build the concrete enforcement scripts based on the contract and make them available for download by the IoT unit, serve as a registry for IoT units and handle contract violation messaging and logging.

Following web service resources are provided:

Base URL is http://{Governor IP}:8088

Resource Method URL Description
Assignment POST {base URL}/governor/assign Assign a contract to a unit
Script GET {base URL}/governor/scripts/{unit} Retrieve scripts for a unit
Registration GET {base URL}/governor/register/{unit} Retrieve registrations for a unit
Registration POST {base URL}/governor/register Create registration for a unit
Logging POST {base URL}/governor/log Log a contract violation to the log
Logging GET {base URL}/governor/log/{contract} Retrieve the logs for a contract
Logging GET {base URL}/governor/sclog/{contract}/{id} Retrieve the fingerprint of a log
Payment POST {base URL}/governor/payment Perform a paymenton the blockchain

Run the Performance Test

Requires access to the RaspberryPi cluster via TUNet VPN

On SALSA machine open ssh to {RaspberryPI IP address} with reverse ssh tunnel to 8080

On RaspberryPI:

  • login with username, password {ask for it}
  • testrpc --deterministic #simulator for Ethereum blockchain
  • copy Samples to /home/pi/{username}/Samples/general
  • cd /home/pi/{username}/Samples/general
  • ./
  • open second terminal on RaspberryPI
  • cd /home/pi/{username}/Samples/perf
  • ./run_M{x} for the choosen scenario # result logs are in m{x}.out