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Runtime structural type assertions for TypeScript and JavaScript


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Structural is a runtime type checker for JavaScript and TypeScript that allows you to execute type-checking code on data you only have access to at runtime, like JSON data from network requests, YAML files from disk, or the results of SQL queries. Structural is written in TypeScript and has deep integration with its type system, allow TypeScript users to automatically get compile-time type inference for their Structural types in addition to runtime type checking. Structural types can also be automatically converted to actual, executable TypeScript automatically, for generating documentation or integrating with tools that understand TS type syntax, or converted to JSON Schema for integrating with non-JS/TS-based tooling.

Table of contents


Typically with data received at runtime, you're forced to do one of the following:

  1. Write a bunch of if statements to validate each piece of data;
  2. Write piles of schema validation code in various verbose languages (e.g. JSON Schema, XML DTDs / Relax-NG / Schema / etc.);
  3. Or skip validating the data and pray.

Structural allows you to skip writing validation code and instead encode validation logic into types defined in TypeScript or JavaScript; types are less verbose to write and can live inside the same source files as the rest of your code.

Here's a simple example:

import { t } from "structural";

// Define a User type
const User = t.subtype({
  id: t.num,
  name: t.str,

// Grab some data...
const json = await fetch(...);
const data = JSON.parse(data);

// Assert the data matches the User type.
try {
  const user = User.assert(data);
} catch(e) {
  console.log(`Data ${data} did not match the User type`);
  console.log(`It failed with the following error: ${e}`);

Structural's type system strives to support every feature of TypeScript's compile-time type system, but at runtime. This includes support for the following advanced features:

  • Generics.
  • Null safety: if you say something is a string, it will never be null or undefined.
  • Structural subtyping: if Person records are defined by having a name, an object with both a name and an eyeColor is a valid Person.
  • Algebraic data types: use .and and .or on types to compose them via type intersections or unions.
  • Partial types: use t.partial(...) for an equivalent to Partial<T>, and t.deepPartial(...) to make all nested types Partial as well.

TypeScript integration

Structural is written in TypeScript and supports simple, transparent compile-time type inference. You'll never have to write both a TypeScript type and a Structural type: any Structural type will get automatically inferred into a TypeScript type. For example:

const User = t.subtype({
  id: t.num,
  name: t.str,

In the following code, the `user` variable is automatically inferred to have
the following TypeScript type:

      id: number,
      name: string,

const user = User.assert(data);

 * You can get a reference to the inferred type for Users using the following
 * type helper:
type UserType = t.GetType<typeof User>;

// This allows you to write typed function that operate on users like so:
function update(user: UserType) {
  // ...

You can even generate TypeScript types as source code from Structural types, as explained later in the docs.

Comparisons with other frameworks

Let's compare a longer, more realistic sample of user validation code to the equivalent JSON Schema:


const User = t.subtype({
  id: t.num,
  name: t.str,
  login: t.str,
  hireable: t.bool,

And in six lines, you're done. And for TypeScript users, you'll never need to write the type out again in the rest of your code: it's automatically inferred.

JSON Schema:

  "$id": "",
  "$schema": "",
  "title": "User",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "id": {
      "type": "number",
    "name": {
      "type": "string",
    "login": {
      "type": "string",
    "hireable": {
      "type": "boolean",

Clocking in at 19 lines of code, it's over 3x more verbose than the equivalent Structural validation. And for TypeScript users, JSON Schema is even worse! You'll also need the following redundant type declaration somewhere in your source files:

type UserType = {
  id: number,
  name: string,
  login: string,
  hirable: boolean,

And every time you update the JSON Schema, you'll need to keep the type in sync, since it can't be inferred at compile time.

If you really need JSON Schema -- for example, if you're integrating with external systems not written in JavaScript or TypeScript -- you can generate JSON Schema from Structural types in a single line of code:

toJSONSchema("User schema", User)

Basic types

  • t.any: corresponds to any
  • t.array(...): correspond to Array<...>
  • t.instanceOf(...): corresponds to an instanceof check
  •, guard): corresponds to a guard function; e.g."bird", function isBird(val: any): is Bird { ... }) would result in a Structural type that runs the isBird function to determine whether a value is a Bird.
  •, value) corresponds to Map<Key, Value>
  • t.never corresponds to never
  • t.num corresponds to number
  • t.bigint corresponds to bigint
  • t.str corresponds to string
  • t.bool corresponds to boolean
  • t.fn corresponds to Function
  • t.sym corresponds to Symbol
  • t.undef corresponds to undefined
  • t.nil corresponds to null
  • t.obj corresponds to Object
  • t.maybe(type) corresponds to type | null
  • t.set(value) corresponds to Set<Value>
  • t.value(literal) corresponds to literal type values, e.g. type Hello = "hello" would be written as t.value("hello")

Subtypes and exact types

Subtypes and exact types are how Structural implements structural types: t.subtype defines a subtype, i.e. anything that has at least the keys passes, whereas t.exact defines an exact type, i.e. the keys must exactly match and unknown keys aren't allowed. They use the same syntax:

const UserSubtype = t.subtype({
  id: t.str,
  purchaseCount: t.num,

// Passes:
  id: "123",
  purchaseCount: 0,

// Passes:
  id: "123",
  purchaseCount: 0,
  name: "Bobby",

const UserExact = t.exact({
  id: t.str,
  purchaseCount: t.num,

// Passes:
  id: "123",
  purchaseCount: 0,

// Fails:
  id: "123",
  purchaseCount: 0,
  name: "Bobby",

Advanced type system features

Here's a more advanced example, showing how to compose types using type algebra (or and and):

import { t } from "structural";

const Person = t.subtype({
  name: t.str,

const HasJob = t.subtype({
  employer: t.str,
  job: t.subtype({
    role: t.str,

const HasSchool = t.subtype({
  school: t.str,

const Intern = Person.and(HasJob).and(HasSchool);

// Grab some data...
const json = await fetch(...);
const data = JSON.parse(json);

Assert the data matches the Intern type. For TypeScript users,
the resulting `intern` variable is automatically inferred to
have the type:

      name: string,
      employer: string,
      job: {
        role: string,
      school: string,

If the asssertion fails, an error is thrown.
try {
  const intern = Intern.assert(data);
} catch(e) {
  console.log(`Data ${data} did not match the Intern type`);

Custom validations

Structural supports writing custom validation functions that check values at runtime. Functions should return true if the check passes, and false otherwise.

import { t } from "structural";

const NonZeroNumber = t.num.validate(num => num !== 0);

// Passes:

// Raises an error:

Slicing keys

By default, assert is zero-copy: the data you give it is the data that gets returned. This means, for example, if you have the type:

const Person = t.subtype({
  name: t.str,

And you give it the following data:

const validated = Person.assert({
  name: "Matt",
  eyeColor: "green",

Then validated will be exactly the data you passed in:

  name: "Matt",
  eyeColor: "green",

(Although if you're using TypeScript, the type system will rightfully prevent you from accessing eyeColor, because you didn't declare it as part of the type.)

This behavior is useful when you want to preserve the original data that was passed in, or if you don't care about preserving it but want to avoid unnecessary allocations. If you want to make sure validated only contains exactly the data described in Person, though -- and you don't want to use an exact type, because you don't want to fail on unknown keys -- Structural also provides a slice method that is equivalent to assert, but makes sure to only return data with the known keys described by the type. For example:

const sliced = Person.slice({
  name: "Matt",
  eyeColor: "green",

The contents of `sliced` are:

      name: "Matt",

because `eyeColor` was not defined in the Person type

The slice call can be useful when you're calling third-party APIs and only care about a few fields, and then intend to store the returned data. With assert, you'd store the entire returned object, which would waste space in your data store; with slice, you'll only end up storing the data you care about.

The slice method exists on all types, even ones without keys, so you can safely drop it in to replace assert calls. For types that don't have keys, like t.num, slice is an alias to assert; similarly, for types that may have keys but don't track them in the type, like t.obj (which accepts any object), slice is also an alias to assert since we don't know which keys to slice out.

Call to slice work even through the algebraic types created with .and and .or; for example:

import { t } from "structural";

const Person = t.subtype({
  name: t.str,

const HasJob = t.subtype({
  employer: t.str,
  job: t.subtype({
    role: t.str,

const HasSchool = t.subtype({
  school: t.str,

const Intern = Person.and(HasJob).and(HasSchool);

const sliced = Intern.slice({
  name: "Jenkins",
  employer: "Mr. Walburn",
  job: {
    role: "Coffee fetcher",
  alive: false,

The contents of `sliced` are:

      name: "Jenkins",
      employer: "Mr. Walburn",
      job: {
        role: "Coffee fetcher",

because `alive` wasn't defined in the Intern type.

Generating TypeScript

You can automatically generate valid TypeScript as source code strings from Structural types with the toTypescript function. For example:

import { toTypescript, t } from "structural";

const ts = toTypescript(t.subtype({
  id: t.num,

The ts string would be:

  id: number,

You can also generate TypeScript type definitions with type names by passing the Structral types in as a hash; for example:

const User = t.subtype({
  id: t.num,

toTypescript({ User });

Which generates:

type User = {
  id: number,

If you pass multiple types into the hash, the string will contain all of the types in the order they appeared in the hash; for example:

const Customer = t.subtype({
  orders: t.num,
const Business = t.subtype({
  customers: t.array(Customer),

toTypescript({ Customer, Business });


type Customer = {
  orders: number,

type Business = {
  customers: Array<Customer>,


Structural provides some convenience methods for generating good TypeScript code, allowing you to add comments to the code you generate. The comment methods are no-ops at runtime, but help readability for your generated TypeScript. Here's an example of a comment:

const User = t.subtype({
  name: t.str.comment("The user's full name"),

Running toTypescript({ User }) on that struct would generate:

type User = {
  // The user's full name
  name: string,

Multiline comments are also supported and have generally-sensible output formatting:

  bar: t.str.comment(`
    A multi-line comment.
    It documents the bar field.

Which would be generated as:

   * A multi-line comment.
   * It documents the bar field.
  bar: string,

Renaming keys in dictionaries

By default, the dict type will name its keys key, like so:

const OrderCount = t.dict(t.num);
toTypescript({ OrderCount });
type OrderCount = {[key: string]: number};

Depending on your dictionary, you may want to use a more meaningful name than just key. For example, if you're mapping customer names to order counts, it might be useful to have the key be named customer for readability:

const OrderCount = t.dict(t.num).keyName("customer");
toTypescript({ OrderCount });
type OrderCount = {[customer: string]: number};

Readability for nested types

Generally, using toTypescript({ ... }) just does the right thing in terms of generating deeply-nested type data for multiple Structural types that reference each other. However, if you only want to generate a single one of the types, you'll quickly realize that the generated TypeScript is less than ideal in terms of readability: while it's technically syntactically correct, it duplicates the structural type definitions for the referenced types; for example:

const Customer = t.subtype({
  orders: t.num,
const Business = t.subtype({
  customers: t.array(Customer),

const businessTs = toTypescript(Business);

This would generate the following two type definitions:

  customers: Array<{
    orders: number,

While that's technically correct, you might want to just reference the Customer class if you've defined it elsewhere. For example, it might be nice to generate the following:

  customers: Array<Customer>,

With toTypescript, that's pretty easy to do if you want to generate both Customer and Business. Instead of passing in a single type and assigning it to a type name, you can instead just pass in all the types in a hash, and it'll de-duplicate everything for you and assign them type names:

toTypescript({ Customer, Business });
type Customer = {
  id: number,

type Business = {
  customers: Array<Customer>,

But if you only want Business, what to do? Well, you can use the extra options to toTypescript that the hash version is a wrapper over.


The useReference option helps readability of deeply-nested types. Using the example of Customer and Business Structral types from above, we can use useReference to ensure that when we generate the Business type, it replaces references to Customer with the id Customer, rather than re-generating the entire structural type for Customer inline. For example:

const Customer = t.subtype({
  orders: t.num,
const Business = t.subtype({
  customers: t.array(Customer),

const businessTs = toTypescript(Business, {
  useReference: {

Any value in the useReference hash will be replaced in the TypeScript output with the key name. In this case, we're replacing Customer with "Customer" (and using object shorthand syntax to make that relatively ergonomic). The businessTs string would be:

  customers: Array<Customer>,


The assignToType option auto-generates the syntax to assign a type a name, and inserting a semicolon after the type definition. For example:

const ts = toTypescript(t.num.or(t.str), {
  assignToType: "id",

This would result in ts having the following value:

type id = number
  | string;

Generating JSON Schema

For interop with other languages or APIs, rather than writing JSON Schema by hand, you can instead write Structural types and generate the JSON Schema using the toJSONSchema function:

import { toJSONSchema, t } from "structural";

const User = t.subtype({
  name: t.str,

const schema = toJSONSchema("User", User);
// Generates:
  $schema: "",
  title: "User",
  type: "object",
  required: [ "name" ],
  properties: {
    name: { type: "string" },

The $schema and title fields only appear at the top level of the generated schema; here's what a nested type would look like:

import { toJSONSchema, t } from "structural";

const Pet = t.value("dog").or(t.value("cat"));
const User = t.subtype({
  name: t.str,
  pet: t.optional(Pet),

const schema = toJSONSchema("User", User);
// Generates:
  $schema: "",
  title: "User",
  type: "object",
  required: [ "name" ],
  properties: {
    name: { type: "string" },
    pet: {
      enum: [ "dog", "cat" ],

Unions will either generate JSON Schema enums (if all of the union members are values), or anyOf types. Intersections will generate allOf types.

Unsupported types in JSON Schema

Attempting to convert non-JSON types into JSON Schema will throw an error; for example, Sets, Maps, functions, and undefined will throw errors. By default, the following will throw errors, but can be optionally converted into description keys by passing in options:

  • Is (set errorOnIs: false)
  • Validation (set errorOnValidations: false)

By default, never will also error. Setting errorOnNever: false will convert never into impossible JSON Schemas, but if you do that, it will be impossible for anyone to send you valid JSON of that schema.


Structural .comment annotations will be converted into description keys. For example:

import { toJSONSchema, t } from "structural";

const User = t.subtype({
  name: t.str.comment("The user's full name"),

const schema = toJSONSchema("User", User);
// Generates:
  $schema: "",
  title: "User",
  type: "object",
  required: [ "name" ],
  properties: {
    name: {
      type: "string",
      description: "The user's full name",


Runtime structural type assertions for TypeScript and JavaScript



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