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Java Interview Guide

The following question were prepared for Cerner Interview for Software Engineer Position, but it is not limited to it. These all question I prepared from Glassdoor, and doesn't gurantee these question will be asked everytime. This repository is made for practice purpose only

This repo include some of the possible behavioral and coding question.

First Round (Phone round with Recuriter at Cerner with Stephen Simonian)

  1. Brief Introduction about yourself?
  2. Describe your past experience? (basically about your task/techonology your worked with and daily office routine)
  3. What are the things you like and dislike in your previous job?
  4. What will be one thing that you will like to change in the previous/current position?

Other Possible Behavioral Questions:

Describe a time when you had to work through a complicated task?

Tell me about a time you received critical feedback on something you did wrong on and how you handled it/what happened?

How do you learn new technical things? what is your approach?

Does it ever happen when you got credit from all your teamwork and how you handle it?

Asked about situations dealing with a time when you understand a project to group members of different fields or differently from one member to another?

Tell us about past most frustrating bug?

How you would figure out an error without debugger?

What is your five year plan?

Tell me about a time you had to solve a complex problem and the steps you took to solve it ?

How would you handle a situation where you were under stress and additional work piled on?

Tell me about your background?

Name your favorite programming functionality?

What you know about Cerner?

What projects you have accomplished or what project you are proud of?

Are you proficient in java. What type of job are you looking for?

Tell me about a recent technology that you have learned and the way how you learned it?

What are your three strongest skills?

Tell us about a difficult experience at your workplace you had explaining your solution?

How did you deal with criticism, talk about an incident?

Have you ever done any mentor ship, talk about it?

Favorite Projects, challenges, teamwork?

At your previous job, what did you like most? Was there anything you liked least?

What was the biggest obstacle you've overcome? (technical obstacle)

Why are you leaving your current company?

Describe time when you have to handle multiple task altogether?

Do you work late or explain a time when you work late?

Name a time where you had to deal with someone you did not get along with?

Tell me about yourself?

Tell me about a time you had to work through a complex problem with little information given to you?

Tell me about a time when you had to make a quick decision with not a lot of information?

Tell me about a time you did not meet a deadline and how you handled it?

You have a list of tasks how will you prioritize them?

Tell me about your work experience?

Which is the language you are most proficient in?

Which task you found tedious?

Tell me your most challenging project?

Tell me a issue that was not your fault and how you resolved it?

Any Conflicting situation you faced?

What did enjoy the most in your previous experience?

Tell me about a time when you found a bug and how did you solve it?

Tell me when you gave a feedback to someone?

When was a time you were told to do a certain process, but you disagreed with the current process?

Can you explain an academic project? At Least 3

Time when you were challenged by an employee ?

How did u hear about cerner?

How did you handle two conflicts that occurred at the same time?

Tell me about a time you were behind schedule?

Biggest failure and how did you handle it?

How have you transitioned from working individually to working in a group?

When was a time you succeeded at a technical task, when was a time you failed, and what was the difference?

Do you know about what Cerner does?

How do I handle stress?

What from your past would assist you in this position?

Name a time you went above and beyond at a previous job?

Explain a time where you had to adapt to a change in a project and how did the project go?

Tell me about a time when you had to prioritize 2 tasks at once, and how did you do it?

Tell me about a time when you excelled at something you didn't enjoy?

Tell me about a time that you had to coach a team member through a difficult situation?

What was a time where you've had a frustrating situation at work and how did you handle it?

Tell me about a time where you solved a problem as part of a team?

Describe a time you had to adapt to a situation?

Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision?

Describe a time when you did not perform as well as you wanted?

Describe a time when you had to facilitate a new process/change?

Why do you want to work for Cerner? How did you hear about Cerner?

Time where you were doing something incorrect at work. How did you respond?

Technical Questions

Difference between class and object with example?

you have 5 bugs. how will you prioritize?

* Class Design *

Design an allergy class with name, symptoms and severity of patient and how would you add it to a patient class. Asked about debugging skills and parameter checking. Track history of patient with allergies. Validate any one field of allergy class. Design a medication class dealing with dosages, quantity, duration, start, end date, so on and so forth. Add frequency based on prescription Handle situations with dealing with duration or as needed meds. Technical questions on possibly bugs and how would you handle . How would you design an object to keep track of a patient's medicine schedule?

Design a Medication Notification class where the nurse is notified to give patient a medicine based on his dosage schedule, 4 times a day for a week etc. Also design a method in which if the patient had to take a medicine only when needed

Design a temperature class dealing with temperature, and how do distinguish when someone has a fever or their temperature is higher than normal. How would you design an object to send an alert if a patient has a fever, given temperature readings every few minutes? Design a Temp Class which takes input as C, F or K and also consider the part of body from which temp is measured. Give a result through a method whether the patient has fever or not. Track patients fever in every one hour and create a report based on the analysis. Construct a class for Person Demographics. What kind of data types you use? Was asked to design a Temperature class for recording Temp for every hour (Used a circular queue which the interviewer liked ) a question about log case situation having thread id and process id( glass door has the question posted can refer it if needed) , Was asked to write a scheduler method for the told class , it was a difficult question as they are expecting us to know the calender and date class

Find the distance between two points.

Write the logic for coding a calculator

Write the logic for coding a scheduler

How do you reverse a sentence?

Check if string is palindrome.

Given five numbers between 1-52 check whether you can generate 42 by using operations addition, multiplication and subtraction. Bruteforce approach? Write a program to give the number of ways to get the result 32 by performing+, - , * , / on a array of numbers. Given numbers 1 through 52, take 5 unique numbers and determine if the number 42 can be made using any combination of addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/) on those 5 numbers.

Name as many ways as you can think of to transfer a file from one computer to another.

Describe a time you had trouble getting along with a manager or professor. How did you manage the difficult relationship, and what was the end result? Tell us about a time where you had a problem with a co-worker, and what you did you resolve that problem.

Describe a time you were involved in a project where the requirements kept changing but the deadline was not extended. How did you handle the situation, and what was the end result?

Every letter is associated with a number as a-1, b-2 , .... So if the string is abcd it should give the output as 0123, if the string is with any special characters the output has to be "none". Input: abcdefgh Output: 01234567 If the input is anything other than small letters(alphabets), the output should be none

There are arrays in a JSON file and we have to print the sum of selected words.

Jolly Jumper Sequence

Couple of Data Structures questions and which one better based on given scenarios. Also, covered Algorithms and efficiency based on the solution. Try to use Map and get solution in O(1)

Given one sentence at a time, return the second last word of the sentence. 1

Given a number, reverse its digits and add to the original number. Now check whether the number formed by performing the above mentioned operations is a Palindrome or not. If not, repeat the above process again. Return the number of steps required to reach a Palindromic number.

Given one sentence at a time, reverse all words in the sentence.

Given an array of n (between 10 to 20) integers 1 through 9, return the index of the lowest unique integer (i.e. [1, 8, 2, 5, 2, 1, 6, 9, 7, 8] -> returns index 3 from value 5)

Given a string with a mix of comma separated words and numbers, print out two strings which contain only words in one and numbers in the other separated by commas.

Given two lists as input ex. 1,2,3,4;5,6,7. Print the last integer of first list and first integer of second list. If they are same only print one, if not print in ascending order ex. 5,4. Pretty simple only took about 10 min.

Given a string separated by a space like "123456 abc+efg" determine the solution by mapping integers to letters like a:1, b:2, c:3, d:4, e:5, f:6. The only operations allowed were + or -. So the calculated solution that made the tests pass was 123+456 = 579. Again took about 10 min of the 15min allowed.

Implement a stack with a push method and alternating pop method. This one was the 30min problem but only took around 20 min.

write a program that will decipher code that contains letters and symbols., if letter return the appropriate numeric value otherwise output invalid code

What is an enumeration?

How many subsets of a given array sum to zero?

Convert binary to decimal (30 minutes)

Print true if a given number is armstrong number, otherwise print false (15 minutes)

Substring repetition. Example: Given string abcabcabc, output 3

What is your favourite Data Structure ?Why? Give one example

How will you resolve a bug?

How did you automate any task?

Have you used any bug Tracking tool?

How to use loggers?

which data type you use for address

What do you know about annotations?

What is thread safe?

What is maven used for?


asked questions on testing - Regression and unit,

Prime number code in java

Some SQL queries, difference about joins.

Lets say you have a LIST of production issues, how do you prioritize them?

Had me look at a server log to determine what an error was.

agile or waterfall model ? advantages/disadvantages, which one u worked on? Which one do u prefer?

How would you fix a problem if you are unable to see the code for an application?

Your favorite data structure? Why? What is the time complexity of insert, delete, search of this data structure



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