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(c) 2014 Andreas Rossberg <>

==== Introduction ====

This provides a simple proof-of-concept interpreter for a small version of 1ML, an ML dialect based on first-class modules, as described in the paper

  “1ML - core and modules as one (F-ing first-class modules)”
  (submitted to ICFP 2015)

The interpreter has been written mainly for the purpose of experimenting with 1ML type checking.

A few caveats to keep in mind:

* There are some minor differences to the language described in the paper.

* The language is very basic, and misses lots of features you would expect from a real ML, especially datatypes.

* Error messages are rather basic, and types are always output in internal F-ing notation, with no attempt to abbreviate.

* It is slow and probably buggy. In particular, type checking is implemented very naively, as a direct transliteration of the rules, with no worries about efficiency. Type inference is best considered work in progress. :)

* There is no documentation other than this file, and no sample code to speak of. See prelude.1ml for some simple library code, and paper.1ml for the examples from the paper.

Nevertheless, feedback on bugs or other comments are highly welcome (

== Building ==

You need OCaml 4.02 (or higher) and Make to build 1ML. Then just invoke:


This creates an executable `1ml` in the source directory.

== Running ==

The synopsis for running the interpreter is:

  1ml [option] [file ...]

It evaluates the 1ML source files in the order they are given. If no file names are provided, or one of the arguments is `-`, you will enter an interactive prompt, in which can evaluate 1ML definitions (bindings, not expressions!) directly.

In order to have some basic types pre-defined, invoke the interpreter with the prelude:

  1ml prelude.1ml -           # interactive
  1ml prelude.1ml myfile.1ml  # batch

There are a number of command line options, which can be displayed with `-help`. Most of them are only for internal debugging purposes.

==== The Language ====

In 1ML, the traditional distinction between ML core and module layer has been completely eliminated. Every expression conceptually is a "module".

== Kernel Syntax ==

The BNF below gives the kernel syntax for 1ML. Additional syntax is defined as derived in the next section. A program consists of a sequence of bindings.

  T ::=
      E                       (projection from a value/module)
      type                    (the type/kind of small types)
      { D }                   (record/structure type)
      (X : T) -> E            (impure function/functor/constructor type)
      (X : T) => E            (pure function/functor/constructor type)
      '(X : T) => E           (implicit function/functor/constructor type)
      (= E)                   (singleton/alias type)
      T with .Xs = E          (type refinement)
      wrap T                  (impredicative wrapped type)
      _                       (type wildcard)
      T as T                  (layered type (both operands have to be equal))

  D ::=
      X : T                   (field/member declaration)
      include T               (type/signature inclusion)
      D ; D                   (sequencing)

  E ::=
      X                       (variable)
      123                     (integer literal)
      'c'                     (character literal)
      "text"                  (text literal)
      type T                  (type value)
      { B }                   (record/structure)
      E.X                     (projection)
      fun (X : T) => E        (function/functor/constructor)
      fun ‘(X : T) => E       (implicit function/functor/constructor)
      E E                     (application)
      if E then E else E : T  (conditional)
      wrap E : T              (impredicative wrapping)
      unwrap E : T            (unwrapping)
      rec (X : T) => E        (recursion)
      @T E                    (recursive type roll)
      E.@T                    (recursive type unroll)

  B ::=
      X = E                   (field/member definition)
      include E               (record/structure inclusion)
      B ; B                   (sequencing)

Comments are written in one of the following form:

      (; ... ;)
      ;; ...                  (extends to end of line)
      ;;;; ...                (extends to end of file)

== Extended Syntax ==

A number of derived forms (syntactic sugar) are defined on top of the basic syntax. Note that in many cases, their expansions are defined recursively or in terms of other derived form.

  T ::= ...
      (T1, ..., Tn)                   ~> {_1 : T1, ..., _n : Tn}
      T1 -> T2                        ~> (_ : T1) -> T2
      T1 => T2                        ~> (_ : T1) => T2
      P -> T                          ~> ($ : TP) -> let P in T  [2]
      P => T                          ~> ($ : TP) => let P in T  [2]
      T with .Xs A1 ... An = E        ~> T with .Xs = fun A1 ... An => E
      T with type .Xs A1 ... An = T'  ~> T with .Xs = fun A1 ... An => type T'
      let B in T                      ~> (let B in type T)
      rec P => T                      ~> (rec P => type T)

  A ::=
      (X : T)
      '(X : type)
      '(type X)                       ~> '(X : type)
      'X                              ~> '(X : type)
      X                               ~> (X : _)  or  (X : type)  [1]

  D ::= ...
      X A1 ... An : T                 ~> X : A1 -> ... -> An -> T
      X A1 ... An = E                 ~> X : A1 -> ... -> An -> (= E)
      type X A1 ... An                ~> X : A1 => ... => An => type
      type X A1 ... An = T            ~> X : A1 => ... => An => (= type T)
      local B in D end                ~> include (let B in {D})

  E ::= ...
      (E1, ..., En)                   ~> {_1 = E1, ..., _n = En}
      E.i                             ~> E._i
      fun P => E                      ~> fun ($ : TP) => let P in E  [2]
      fun A1 ... An => E              ~> fun A1 => ... => fun An => E
      (.X)                            ~> fun Y => Y.X
      (SYM)                           ~> SYM
      E1 SYM E2                       ~> (SYM) (E1, E2)  [3]
      if E1 then E2 else E3           ~> if E1 then E2 else E3 : _
      E1 or E2                        ~> if E1 then true else E2
      E1 and E2                       ~> if E1 then E2 else false
      E : T                           ~> (fun (X : T) => X) E
      E :> T                          ~> unwrap (wrap E : T) : T
      let B in E                      ~> {B ; X = E}.X
      rec P => E                      ~> rec (X : TP) => let P = X in E  [2]
      do E                            ~> let _ = E in ()
      (E1; ...; En)                   ~> do {do E1; ...; do En}

  P ::=
      _                               ~> (; empty ;)
      X                               ~> X = $
      {X1 = P1, ..., Xn = Pn}         ~> P1 = $.X1; ...; Pn = $.Xn
      {..., X, ...}                   ~> {..., X = X, ...}
      {..., X : T, ...}               ~> {..., X = X : T, ...}
      {..., X : T = E, ...}           ~> {..., X = E : T, ...}
      {..., type X A1 ... An, ...}    ~> {..., X : A1 => ... => An => type, ...}
      (P1, ..., Pn)                   ~> {_1 = P1, ..., _n = Pn}
      (type X A1 ... An)              ~> (X : A1 => ... => An => type)
      wrap P : T                      ~> local $ = unwrap $ : T in P = $ end
      @T P                            ~> local $ = $.@T in P = $ end
      P : T                           ~> P = $ : T
      P1 as P2                        ~> P1; P2

  B ::= ...
      X                               ~> X = X
      P = E                           ~> local $ = E in P end
      X A1 ... An = E                 ~> X = fun A1 ... An => E
      X A1 ... An : T = E             ~> X = fun A1 ... An => E : T
      X A1 ... An :> T = E            ~> X = fun A1 ... An => E :> T
      type X A1 ... An = T            ~> X = fun A1 ... An => type T
      local B1 in B2 end              ~> include (let B1 in {B2})
      do E                            ~> local _ = E in end

Note [1]: The expansion of an argument X to (X : type) is only used for the arguments to a 'type' declaration or binding, in all other places it is treated as (X : _).

Note [2]: The type TP is derived from the pattern P as follows:

      _                               ~> _
      X                               ~> _
      { X1 = P1, ..., Xn = Pn }       ~> { X1 : TP1; ...; Xn : TPn }
      wrap P : T                      ~> T as wrap TP
      @T P                            ~> T as (rec _ => type TP)
      P : T                           ~> TP as T
      P1 as P2                        ~> TP1 as TP2

Note [3]: There is currently no precedence rules for infix operators, they are all left-associative with the same precedence.

== Notes on Specific Constructs ==

Much of the syntax should hopefully is self-explanatory if you are familiar with ML. Here are a few less obvious bits.

* Evaluating Expressions and Printing

Programs consist of bindings, and the prompt expects bindings, too. To evaluate an expression for its side effect, the 'do' notation can be used:

  do Int.print (3 + 5);

Here, Int.print is defined in prelude.1ml. The prompt does not currently print results itself.

* Type Definitions

Types can be defined in a familiar style using the respective sugar:

  type t = int;             ;; t = type int
  type pair x y = (x, y);   ;; pair = fun (x : type) => fun (y : type) => (x, y)

  type MONAD (m : type => type) =
    return 'a : a -> m a;
    bind 'a 'b : m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b;

  type SIG =
    type t;                      ;; t : type
    type u a;                    ;; u : (a : type) => type
    type v = int;                ;; v : (= type int)
    type w a (c : type => type) = (u a, c t);
    ;; w : (a : type) => (c : (_ : type) => type) => (= type {_1: u a, _2: c t})

* Implicit Polymorphism

Types are generalised Damas/Milner-style at bindings:

  pair x y = {fst = x; snd = y};
  p = pair 5 "foo";

The type of pair can be declared as follows:

  pair 'a 'b : a -> b -> {fst : a; snd : b}

which is just sugar for

  pair : 'a => 'b => a -> b -> {fst : a; snd : b}

or even more explicitly,

  pair : '(a : type) => '(b : type) => a -> b -> {fst : a; snd : b}

Generalisation can also take place as part of subtyping (a.k.a. signature matching), e.g. in the following example:

  f (id : ‘a => id -> id) = (id 5, id “”)
  p = f (fun x => x)

This also shows that implicit functions naturally are first-class values.

* Recursive Types

There are no datatype definitions, recursive types have to be defined explicitly, and require explicit injection/projection.

  type stream = rec t => {hd : int; tl : () -> opt t};  ;; creates rec type
  single x = @stream{hd = x; tl = fun () => none};  ;; @(t) e rolls value into t
  @stream{hd = n} = single 5;            ;; @(t) p pattern matches on rec value
  do Int.print n;                        ;; or:
  do Int.print (single 7 .@stream .hd);  ;; e.@(t) unrolls rec value directly

* Recursive Functions

The rec expression form allows defining recursive functions:

  count = rec self => fun i =>
    if i == 0 then () else self (i - 1);

  repeat = rec self => fun x =>
    @stream{hd = x; tl = fun () => some (self x)};

Mutual recursion is also expressible:

  {even; odd} = rec (self : {even : int -> stream; odd : int -> stream}) =>
    even x = @stream{hd = x; tl = fun () => some (self.odd (x + 1))};
    odd x = @stream{hd = x; tl = fun () => some (self.even (x + 1))};

Unfortunately, there is no nicer syntax for recursive declarations yet.

* Impredicative Polymorphism

By default, polymorphism is predicative in 1ML. That is, abstract types can only be matched by "small" types (types not containing abstract types themselves). However, it is possible to inject large types into the small universe explicitly, using ‘wrap’ types. From prelude.1ml:

  type OPT =
    type opt a;
    none 'a : opt a;
    some 'a : a -> opt a;
    caseopt 'a 'b : opt a -> b -> (a -> b) -> b;
  Opt :> OPT =
    ;; Church encoding; it requires the abstract type opt a to be implemented
    ;; with a polymorphic (i.e., large) type. Thus, wrap the type.
    type opt a = wrap (b : type) => b -> (a -> b) -> b;
    none = wrap (fun (b : type) (n : b) (s : _ -> b) => n) : opt _;
    some x = wrap (fun (b : type) (n : b) (s : _ -> b) => s x) : opt _;
    caseopt xo = (unwrap xo : opt _) _;

Note how values of type ‘wrap T' have to be wrapped and unwrapped explicitly, with a type annotation.


1ML prototype interpreter







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