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Easy Contacts

Easy Contacts is a simple Flutter application designed to help you manage your contacts effortlessly. It allows you to add, update, and delete contacts, as well as assign them to different groups for better organization.


Demo Gif

Technologies Used

  • Flutter/Dart: The framework and language used for building the mobile app.
  • Stacked (MVVM): Follows the Model-View-ViewModel architecture pattern for better code organization and separation of concerns.
  • Hive: A lightweight and fast NoSQL database used for storing contacts locally on the device.
  • GoRouter: A simple and flexible routing library used for navigation within the app.
  • GetIt: A simple and robust dependency injection (DI) container used for managing dependencies.


To get started with Easy Contacts, ensure you have Flutter installed on your development machine. Then, clone the project repository and run it using your preferred Flutter development environment.


  1. Add Contact: Easily add new contacts with their relevant information.
  2. List Contacts: View a list of all your contacts with the ability to search for specific ones.
  3. Update and Delete Contact: Modify existing contact details or remove contacts as needed.
  4. Group Management: Assign contacts to different groups for better organization and categorization.
  5. Minimal UI: The user interface is kept simple and intuitive for easy navigation and interaction.

Possible Improvements

  • UI Enhancements: Further improve the app's user interface for a more polished look and feel.
  • Additional Tests: Expand test coverage to ensure the reliability and stability of the app.

I am continuously working on improving Easy Contacts, and I welcome any suggestions or feedback you may have. Thank you for using Easy Contacts!