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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation



This repo serves as a collection of all the dotfiles I am currently using. The "" script will install all of the dotfiles and associated modules via Homebrew.


Dependencies will be installed via Homebrew during the install process. You can find a list of packages within "" file.


From terminal navigate to git repo folder. Run the following command:

    $ ./install


From terminal navigate to git repo folder. Run the following command:

    $ shellupdate


Most stuff is from [](James Tomasino), but a lot of the aliases and functions are collected from around the web. If you notice your idea in my repo somewhere and want credit, send me a note. Once I'm done rolling my eyes, I'll post a link or something.

Function List

Shortcut Functions

cdf - Change directory to current finder window
f - open current terminal directory in finder.
~ - Go home
path - Echos all executable paths     
z {Folder name} - Autocompletes path using the folder name. Learns as navigate using terminal. Type z and Doc and it will autocomplete to Document folder.
extract - automatically unzips file based on extension.
old {file name} - appends .old to the file name.
battery - Outputs battery percentage left.
flatten - Flattens files from subdirectories into current directory. If files already exist, you'll be prompted to decide if you want to overwrite or not.
update - Updates brew, ruby, gisty, and pip
zipf {folder} - Creates zip from folder
tree - Generates a tree view from the current directory
fext {extension} - Recursively searches for all files with the matching extension using the function findfilesbyextension
dext  {extension} - Recursively deletes files with the specified extension using the function deletefilesbyextension
.. - Up one directory
.2 - Up two directories
.3 - Up three directories
.4 - Up four directories
.5 - Up five directories


members - Outputs all members of admin group
confirm - Prompts confirmation message before proceeding. Useful for embedding in other functions.
systemupdate - updates the mac system, brew, and brew installed software
update - Get OS X Software Updates, and update installed Ruby gems, Homebrew, npm, and their installed packages
hibernate - Ubuntu Only
lock - locks the system when you're walking away


server - spins up simple server in the current folder on terminal and opens in default browser
phpserver - spins up simple server with php support
netserver - spins up server with .NET support using mono
cdfs - changes to current folder in finder and spins up simple server
linkapache {source path} {name} - Assumes you have MAMP installed - creates a symlink for the source path with the name in the htdocs folder in MAMP's apache folder.
imgsz {image filepath} - Returns height and width of image file.


lazygit "{Commit Message}" - My favorite shortcut for git. Adds all changes, commits it with the message you specify, and pushes to the current branch.
gs - equivilant of git status
gb - equivilant of git branch
gap - equivilant of git add -p
ga - equivilant of git add
gc - equivilant of git commit --verbose
gca - equivilant of git commit -a --verbose
gcm - equivilant of git commit -m
gcam - equivilant of git commit -a -m
gst - equivilant of git stash
gstl - equivilant of git stash list
gsta - equivilant of git stash apply
gsts - equivilant of git stash save
gls - equivilant of log --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h\\ %ad%Cred%d\\ %Creset%s%Cblue\\ [%cn]' --decorate --date=short
gremove - equivilant of find . -name '.git' -exec rm -rf {} \;
gitexport - Creates an export from git without the git files. Useful for deployment or sending to a vendor.
parse_git_branch - Return current git branch
gitstaged - Return number of staged files in folder
gitmodified - Return number of modified files in folder
gituntracked - Return number of untracked files in folder
gitpullall - Pulls all remotes



forcast - Get local weather forcast via terminal
cleanup - Deletes .DS_Store and .thumbs files from current folder
reload - reloads bash without exiting terminal
shellupdate - updates dot files to latest
emptytrash - Empties trash
lock - locks computer
ss - activates screensaver
dext {file filename} - deletefilesbyextension
fext {file extension} - findfilesbyextension
f - opens current folder in finder window
numFiles - Counts non-hidden files in folder
cpu_hogs - displays applications with high CPU usage
db - Switches to dropbox folder
dl - Switches to downloads folder
dt - Switches to desktop folder


pubkey - copies ssh key to clipboard
cpwd - copies current path to clipboard
c - Clears the clipboard of any new lines (\n)
cl - Copy output of last command to clipboard
cwd - Copies current terminal path to clipboard
pubkey - Pipe public key to my clipboard.
prikey - Pipe private key to my clipboard.


myip - Public facing IP Address
netCons - Show all open TCP/IP sockets
flushDNS - Flush out the DNS Cache
lsock - Display open sockets
lsockU - Display only open UDP sockets
lsockT - Display only open TCP sockets
ipInfo0 - Get info on connections for en0
ipInfo1 - Get info on connections for en1
openPorts - All listening connections
showBlocked - All ipfw rules inc/ blocked IPs
httpstatuscode {url} - outputs http status code for url
whois - Enhanced WHOIS lookups


usage - Grabs the disk usage in the current directory
totalusage - Gets the total disk usage on your machine
partusage - Shows the individual partition usages without the temporary memory values
most - Gives you what is using the most space. Both directories and files. Varies on current directory
show - Show hidden files in Finder
hide - Hide hidden files in Finder
hidedesktop - Hide all desktop icons (useful when presenting)
showdesktop - Show all desktop icons (useful when presenting)
cleanupLS - Clean up LaunchServices to remove duplicates in the "Open With" menu
stfu - mutes volume
pumpitup - max volume (7) when you need to drown out everything
headphone - sets volume to 4 which is my personal preference  


apacheEdit - Edit httpd.conf
apachestart - Start apache server
apachestop - Stop apache server
apacheRestart - Restart Apache
editHosts - Edit /etc/hosts file
herr - Tails HTTP error logs
apacheLogs - Shows apache error logs
httpHeaders - Grabs headers from web page
urlencode - URL-encode strings


Assumes you have the browsers installed:

ff - Opens a new instance of Firefox for development testing

chrome - Opens a new instance of Chrome for development testing

opera - Opens a new instance of opera for development testing

Pull requests welcome!

Spotted an error? Something doesn't make sense? Send me a pull request! Please avoid making stylistic changes though -- they are unlikely to be accepted. Thanks!


Apache License 2.0